Sorry this one took a bit! I haven't had a split second of time to write! But before I have to go thank you Mac for requesting another story for this category! And thank you for requesting this story to be with my OC also. I'm glad you like her and look forward to exciting stories in the future.

Love you all! 3

"Come on! Don't you ever wonder if you can become like Superman?" Impulse pestered Connor, zipping around and adding to his irritation.

Connor really hated it when people wanted him to be like Superman; it just reminded him he was a clone and wouldn't ever be an individual.

"Shut up," He growled at Impulse, the glare harsh enough to kill if he tried.

"You have to try!" Impulse said, continuing to zip from place to place around Connor and annoying him even more. You could see the stress mark on his forehead thrum in irritation.

Connor reached out and grabbed the front of his shirt before he could disappear again. He lifted him up and glared at him even harder. "I think you need to learn when to keep your mouth shut."

"Connor!" Crystal shouted out while tackling a hug into Connor's back. She stopped and looked around Connor at Impulse who was up in the air still. "What's going on?" She looked back and forth between Connor and Impulse. She sighed and stood by them, placing her hands on her hips and raising an eyebrow at Connor. "Put. Him. Down." She told him, pointing to the floor.

Connor gave one last glare at Impulse who smiled and held up his hands. "She stopped the mode." He teased, looking at Crystal who sighed and shook her head at him. "What? You're the only one who can stop him."

"I swear sometimes you try to make him mad." Crystal told him, crossing her arms over her chest and giving him a look close to how a mother does when scolding a child. "Now stop," She told him, flicking his forehead and making his head jerk back in surprise.

"Fine," He sighed in defeat as Crystal gave him another look with her arms crossed once more.

"You really shouldn't fight with them." Crystal told Connor as she turned back around giving him a smile.

"I know, I could snap them like a twig." Connor said with a slight down casted tone. He crossed his arms and looked at the floor, knowing full well he had to be careful of his super strength; especially when he was angry.

Crystal giggled and grabbed his hand. "No, because it only eggs them on more. The angrier you get the more they want to tease you." She looked at him and tilted her head, trying to get him to look back up her. "No one is scared of you. Look," She pushed his hand up with her own so their palms were together and she looked at him carefully. "You aren't harming me and we're this close. There's no way you'd hurt one of them."

"You know I can't control it when I get angry." Connor told her brows furrowing.

Crystal smirked at him and linked her fingers with his own before jerking her hand and bending his hand backwards. He stared in surprise at her as she pushed it even more, the smile on her face turned up even more before she hooked her ankle around his and jerked, knocking him back onto the floor. She landed on top of him with a giggle and sat on his stomach, trapping him.

"I think I can handle my own." She teased, giggling even more as he laid there with wide eyes full of shock at her sudden take down. "You okay there?" She teased, poking his cheek.

"Aw, aren't you two adorable," Beastboy said, hanging upside down suddenly above them.

Crystal looked up in surprise at the smiling boy staring down at them with a goofy smile. She looked at him with a smile and reached up, pulling him down to her and hugging him as he hung upside down. "Oh~ You're just so adorable!"

"Aw come on!" He said, blushing on his cheeks and waving off the compliment in shyness. "Oh, Nightwing needs you by the way."

Before Crystal could ask for what he was changing into a monkey and swinging off towards the other rooms with a smile. Connor sat up quickly, knocking her backwards. She fumbled around in the air before grabbing onto his shirt and keeping herself upright.

"A little warning would be good before you got up," She said, looking back at him and freezing. Her cheeks turned bright red at how close they were to one another; their eyes locked, nose's touching, and their breath's brushing over one another gently. "T-t-that is…y'know, when you get up….and yeah…" She said, her mind scattered as it tried to distract itself from him being so close.

Connor put a hand on her lower back, keeping her up from falling on the floor and stared down at her intensely. He couldn't seem to control his actions lately; anytime she got close his hands needed to touch her and he had to feel her close. Maybe it was because she accepted him for who he was. He didn't understand it himself really, but he knew it was jealousy when she was always hugging on the younger males in the group because she saw them as kids.

He leaned forward until their lips barely brushed against one another and Crystal closed her eyes, ready for the kiss he was about to give her. She was the same as Connor, desperate to feel his touch and to know he was close. She'd rather be around him than anyone else, but she always felt so nervous around him it was impossible to really try anything.

"Hey, are you two comi…whoops." Impulse said, speeding around the corner and catching them.

They stopped before they kissed and Crystal slipped off Connor faster than any speed before, placing her hands on her lap and looking at the floor with a bright red blush on her whole face. Impulse smiled and pointed to the other room before speeding off again. They were so close, yet got interrupted, making it an almost awkward silence between them now.

"Let's….get going…" Connor said, standing and holding out a hand to her. But he wouldn't look her in the eyes and seemed to nervously rub his neck.

She nodded and let him help her up, but their hands slipped away from one another and Crystal was left walking alone with him towards the others. Of course it was a mission hand out, deciding who went with who and where they were going for the mission; the normal for each day that kept them busy.

"Sorry I had to interrupt you and your boyfriends little scene." Impulse chuckled, whispering to her as they walked together for their mission.

"He's not my boyfriend." She sighed, knowing full well that wasn't even close to what they were.

Their relationship was an odd one. Years ago she told him how she felt, but he was dating Meghan without her knowing, so it ended in disappointment. Then when they broke up Crystal felt bad and found it hard to even be part of that little friend group they had. When Meghan pushed her and Connor together once more and they found out they both liked each other, it was as if things may have been going her way….but that was just a hope. He still wasn't over Meghan yet, and Crystal didn't want to be second in his heart or mind, so she opted for being friends once more to appease her emotions and Meghan's wishes.

So technically they were friends, both stuck in a forever friendzone. There were times it got close to being heated between them and something was about to happen, but just like before they'd get interrupted and there'd be an awkward silence between them for a bit. Crystal knew it was because he wanted Meghan back, and possibly he saw her as a substitute, yet somehow she was starting to think that'd be better than nothing.

"Hm? Well you two sure seem like a couple to me." Impulse said, trying to cheer her up with a goofy smile that seemed to play on his face so well. "Anyway, let's get going on our mission!"

"You two really should keep what you do in private times." Nightwing told Connor as they stood watching the screen. He was going to use Connor as a backup in case anything happened, so he was to stay there with him.

"What are you talking about?" Connor asked, confused as he broke his gaze from the screen to Nightwing.

"You and Crystal. Impulse told me what he stumbled upon on accident." Nightwing told him, looking from the computer to Connor with a half smile. "I don't care what you two do, just try to keep it PG around others."

Connor's ears turned red as he fumed. "There's nothing going on between us." Connor grumbled, crossing his arms defensively.

"No? Well too bad. You two seem to go together perfectly." Nightwing shrugged, putting himself into the little match making game. "You two are closer than other couples here, and you seem to get along with her better." He glanced over and saw the deep thought etch across Connor's face. "You can't dread on Meghan forever you know. If you don't act on it, someone just might take Crystal from you."

Connor opened his mouth to argue with him or agree with him; he wasn't sure, when he got interrupted by the same person they were talking about. "Nightwing?" Crystal called through the screen. "This seems to be bigger than we expected."

Bangs and crashed with faint screams were heard in the background as Crystal spoke in a hurried tone. She seemed to be speaking to him while running or exerting herself.

"What's going on?" Nightwing asked, trying to get a view on where she was at and what was going on.

"Seems this was one of the nests we missed. They initiated a self destruct, but there are so many people here that it may be impossible to get them all out!" Crystal explained quickly. "Get out through here! Be quick, but don't push!" She shouted to the people she was helping.

"Have Impulse carry people out if he needs to." Nightwing told them.

"Already on it boss man! I can only carry so much!" He argued, out of breath from probably carrying people back and forth to the outside.

"Mommy!" A child cried in the background, making Crystal gasp.

"Shit," She cursed, before the sound of running was heard. A groaning of metal was heard faintly before popping of metal was followed loudly, sounding like gun shots and causing people to scream as they ran.

"Crystal! Watch out!" Impulse shouted, making Nightwing tense up with Connor in fear.

A kid shouted in surprise before a huge eruption of crashing was heard. The kid began to cry, but that was the only sound being heard in the comm. Cast between them.

"What's going on?" Nightwing asked, slamming his hands on the sides of the virtual keyboard.

"Shit!" Impulse cursed himself as the crying stopped. "It's Crystal! The beams fell from above and I lost sight of her! I don't know where she's at! Possibly underneath it all! This is bad! Even the kid has stopped crying! I can't tell if they're alright!"

Nightwing looked over at Connor who was staring with horror struck eyes at the screen, imagining the scene of Crystal and the child being crushed by metal beams and hurting from the weight. She didn't have super human strength like him, and her body was already small. She'd snap like a twig underneath them.

"Go! Use Sphere to reach them!" Nightwing commanded, snapping him out of his thoughts and making him act fast. "Help is on the way, just trying and find her quickly!"

Connor crashed through, looking around hectically for where the accident was and saw Impulse desperately zooming around all over to look if she were in there. His eyes widened suddenly and Impulse began tugging on one of the beams, trying to get it to budge somehow.

"Did you find her?" Connor shouted loudly.

The ceiling above groaned as the count down was reaching for the end. He ran towards the beams and jerked the one Impulse was trying to pull, throwing it off the pile quickly.

"She right there!" Impulse pointed, making him spot the golden hair that was so noticeable among it all.

Connor nodded and pushed his shoulder. "You need to get out of here now!" Connor shouted, commanding him as he pointed towards the exit.

"I'm not leaving….!" Impulse argued, but saw the deathly look in Connor's eyes and nodded instead. He raced out of the building, leaving him there with Crystal.

Connor quickly threw beam after beam away, trying desperately to get her out while at the same time being careful so the beams didn't slip and fall on top of her more. Crystal groaned as he got the last one off finally, opening up a space for him to gather them out. The child looked at him with tears in his eyes while the child clung to Crystal desperately.

The alarm sprang off at the count down stopped, and Connor had a split second to grab them and jump, letting Sphere wrap around them protectively and shield them from the powerful blast that erupted and blew up the whole secret building.

Slowly Sphere unwound and left an opening for Connor to get through, holding Crystal in his arms with the child still clinging to her front with tears in his eyes. Impulse zoomed over to him with wide eyes, looking around them in shock, trying to find out if she were badly injured.

"Mommy!" The kid shouted as a woman ran up with tears in her eyes too.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you!" She cried, carrying her child over to the group of people once more.

"She'll be fine," Nightwing reassured as he placed a hand on Connor's shoulder. "Just a bump on the head. She protected herself quickly with a barrier to stop the beams."

"That would explain why it looked like a dome shape. They just stayed there until she wasn't in danger anymore." Impulse agreed, nodding his head.

Connor was sitting worriedly in the living room, waiting for Crystal to wake up. He couldn't stay in her room because he knew he'd become too flustered and would end up being too loud, so instead he paced around in the living room and kitchen waiting.

"She'll be fine Connor," Meghan reassured, giving him a comforting smile. "She'll wake up soon."

For once, Connor didn't even know Meghan was there until she spoke. His whole mind was focused on Crystal that he completely forgot about everyone else. Maybe he was getting over her finally. Meghan patted his shoulder and gave another smile before walking off quietly.

For about an hour Connor sat there on the couch, passing time to see if she was okay. Wolf lifted his head and looked at the doorway, his tail wagging in joy as he jumped up and padded over.

"Am I back at the cave?" Crystal asked groggily, standing there in the doorway with half closed eyes and her hand scratching at her head.

Connor stood up quickly and walked over to her. His hands were placed on her shoulders carefully as if she would break if he touched her any more firmly. Quickly he looked around her, seeing if it was alright for her to stand and if she were truly okay.

"Connor?" She asked, putting a hand on his arm to grab his attention. "You okay?" She asked confused as to why he was looking so panicked.

"Are you okay?" He asked instead, looking her in the eye.

"I'm fine. Why are you…." The mission flashed back into her mind and she smacked her forehead with her other hand before regretting it and wincing from the bump she still received. "The beams fell." She gave a small airy chuckle. "Thanks for saving me."

Connor let out a deep breath before moving his arms around her and pulling her in for a deep hug. One arm was around her slim shoulders, while the other wrapped round her small waist, keeping her pressed against him. Relief flooded over him in waves that seemed to drown out everything else.

"Oh! Crystal's awake!...whoops!" Impulse said, barging in once again with beast boy right behind him. The two younger boys froze and stared sheepishly at Crystal who was looking at them with confused looks back, and Connor made no move to let her go.

"Hey, you're going to strangle her if you hug her any tighter." Beast boy joked, patting Connor on his back.

Crystal waved her hand in front of her face behind Connor's back, telling Beast boy to let it go for now. The two boys stared at her, talking in secret communication before nodding their heads and walking out of the room, leaving them alone again.

"Let's….sit down, okay?" She said, patting him on the back to try and get him to listen.

Slowly she was able to usher him towards the couch, getting him to sit down. He looked up at her with intense eyes and she felt like she was frozen in her spot. She couldn't understand why he was being so serious now of all times, it was sending her mind and body into a chaotic frenzy.

"I'm…..i'm going to get a drink…..of water…." She said, fumbling for something to get her out of the frozen hold.

She wanted to stay, but she knew if she didn't distract herself she wouldn't be able to tell herself to stop. She would end up doing something that would act upon her emotions and less about what she knew was wrong.

Connor reached out and grabbed her wrist, giving a quick tug and making her stumble backwards. She fell onto his lap and instantly she froze, mind hectic as she looked around for any form of rescue out of this situation. His arms went around her waist, gripping at her hips as he put his head to her shoulder, breathing her in obviously.

"u-um….C-c-connor?" She asked, glancing back at him with bright red across her face.

"Just a little longer," He mumbled, squeezing her tighter to him.

She felt like her body was burning where he was touching her, and she couldn't concentrate on anything but Connor. He moved his legs ever so slightly and she slipped to the couch, giving him space to curl around her and rest his chin on her shoulder. She felt like her heart was about to explode out of her chest; there was no way he didn't hear her heart.

"C-connor!" She interrupted, hardly able to breathe with how fast her heart was.

He moved his head and pushed a small kiss to her bare neck, making her tense up even more and let out a small squeak. One after the other he planted tiny kisses on her neck and shoulder, and it made her feel like lava was running over her skin.

"Wait," She breathed, patting his hand and leaning sideways from his lips. She felt like she was having a heart attack with how fast it was going and how she couldn't breathe.

"Not anymore." He told her roughly, grabbing her chin with one hand so she could back away.

He was tired of arguing with himself against his feelings; he was too blind to see that his feelings for Meghan were already tampering down, while those for Crystal were growing stronger. His lips pushed against hers, and it was surprisingly soft and gentle compared to what she expected with his personality. He wasn't giving an inch as she tried to breathe and push him at bay, but he'd push into her even more while holding her around her waist.

Finally she pulled her head back a bit and breathed in. "I need… breathe….." She whispered, her fingers on his lips to stop him for a moment.

He grabbed her wrist again and kissed her palm, making her squeak again. He kissed down her wrist before looking at her again and his blue eyes pierced into her even more. This kiss was fierce as he attacked her lips, hardly able to control himself anymore. She was hardly able to keep up with his kissing, and was hardly able to breathe at that.

"Is it all good now?...whoops."

Crystal dropped her head to Connor's shoulder as she desperately tried to hide her face that was blushing red. Connor groaned which made her laugh as Impulse once more interrupted them like he somehow always did.

"You have the worst timing ever," Connor grumbled to him, lifting his hand to his forehead while his other staid on her waist to keep her there so she couldn't run away from him in this moment.

"I just have this sixth sense y'know?" Impulse chuckled, raising his hands up in a shrug.