Here is my start of the Superhero One-shots! Haven't decided yet if I want it to be just Young Justice, or maybe all superhero's in the League too.

Oh well! Please enjoy and feel free to message me for a request!

"Recognized Angel B00." The cave said, letting in a girl with long light blonde hair, and bright blue eyes.

"Roy? What's the emergency?" She asked.

"In here!" Roy shouted from the living room. She walked into the living room, spotting his reddish brown head peeking barely over the couch. "Thanks for coming Crystal,"

"Y'know I was in the middle of…!" She stopped her nagging as a small boy with orange hair, green eyes, and freckles stood up on the couch and looked at her expectantly. "What?"

"Up! Up!" The little boy shouted, stretching out his arm towards Crystal.

Crystal's cheeks pinked as she stared at him with sparkling eyes. "So cute!" She said excitedly, picking him up and holding him in her arms. "Aren't you just the most adorable thing? What's your name?"

"Wally!" The boy said enthusiastically. He stared at her chest with drilling eyes and his hands gripped her shirt just above her chest. "Big…."

"Eh? Wally?!" She said, lifting him up higher so she could look him in the face. "No way! How?"

"That's why it's an emergency," Roy said with a sigh. "I walked in a all of them are children!"

"Who do you have?" She asked, walking around the couch to look who he was holding. "Robin?"

The little baby looked up at her with tears in his eyes. His lower lip quivered as he looked at her with his blue eyes. "Papa," he cried, hiccupping from crying so much.

"Papa?" Crystal asked, looking at Roy who shrugged his shoulders. "Does he mean Batman?" She looked at Robin, then around the room, stopping her in her tracks. "Wait, where are the others?"

"That's the problem," He said, rubbing his neck with his other hand. "I don't know where they are."

Crystal sighed, setting Wally down on the couch gently. He tried to get up instantly, but she pushed him down so he was facing the TV. "If you sit and watch TV without a fuss, I'll give you ice cream."

"Ice cweam!" Wally said excitedly, setting his hands in his lap peacefully and watching the TV she turned on next.

Crystal walked over to Roy, holding her hands out for the baby Robin. "There, there," She said, bouncing up and down with him laying his head on her chest and her hand patting his back. She cooed and shushed him, dying down his crying until he had fallen asleep.

"Wally, make sure Robin doesn't roll off the couch, okay?" She asked, setting baby Robin down on the couch next to Wally. She took off her jacket and rolled it up next to him so he would roll hardly.

"Now what?" Roy asked, looking over her shoulder at the two kids who were giving him hell, but had obeyed her.

"Look for wolf," She said, remembering the loyal pet. "If you find him, you'll probably find Connor. I'm going to look for Meghan and Aqualad."

"So that leaves Artemis to me?" He asked, furrowing his brows in irritation.

"You have some things to resolve with her. Better now when she's a small kid than when she can kick your ass." Crystal told him with a shrug, seeing it as a good option.

"But…" He said, clenching his jaw, knowing Crystal was right. He had made a mistake judging her the way he did.

Crystal rose an eyebrow at him, daring him to argue against her. She smiled at him and grabbed his uniform. She kissed his lips gently before pulling away and giving him a reassuring smile. "You'll be fine."

"Hold up," He said, cupping her elbow and stopping her from walking away. "I think I need more persuading."

Crystal smirked and stood on her toes, wrapping her arms around his neck so her body was pressing against his. He placed a hand on her lower back and the other on her cheek, running his thumb just below her eye. Their lips pressed together as they sweetly tasted one another's lips, taking in the warmth the other gave off.

"Ew! They're kissing." Wally said, scrunching up his nose and putting on a disgusted face.

They pulled away from one another and Crystal laughed, leaning down to the small boy with a smile. She kissed his forehead, watching as he scrunched up his nose and tried to rub away the blush he had climbing over his cheeks.

"Go on," She told Roy, flicking her hands at him to make him hurry up. "If you get them all, I'll treat you again."

She shook her head at her boyfriend, being as stubborn as normal. He was actually pretty affectionate for a guy who was so thick headed and tried to act cool all the time. She never hated it though, if anything it made her feel as if she was special. She didn't take long to find Meghan since she was in the kitchen trying to bake cookies. Her eyes were lit up as she saw Crystal walk in, instantly flying over to her.

"You want to try?" Meghan asked, holding out a plate of cookies to her.

"Sure!" Crystal said with a smile, grabbing the girl in the air and holding her to her side. She took a cookie off the plate, biting into the soft sweetness.

The cookies chocolate instantly covered her tongue, making the crunchy outside and gooey inside be in perfect harmony. Her eyes closed as she savored the cookie, finishing it off and finally opening her eyes to see Meghan watching her expectantly.

"Was it good?" She asked excitedly, her eyes shining in worry.

"It was amazing!" She said, smiling at the small martian who was all but bouncy in her hold. "You have to let the others try some too! They'll love it."

She nodded happily and began to sing about the cookies as Crystal walked her back to the couch and sat her at the end, letting the cookies go between her and Wally. Wally looked at the cookies as if they were heaven in his eyes.

"Don't let him eat them all okay? I have to find the others so they can try some." Crystal told Meghan, putting a finger up in front of them. She looked down at the cookies one more time, her mouth watering at the sight of them again. "Just one more." She said, snatching a cookie away from the plate.

She gave the small green girl a thumbs up which she received in return before running off to try and find Aqualad who would be by water if she was thinking right; but where is the actual question. Roy on the other had realized the shorter stick of the deal after the fact. Wolf growled at Roy as he tried to get near Connor who was swinging around a wrench like a toy.

"Come on," Roy groaned, figuring he had to go all out just to get the small boy.

He ran at the mutant wolf, jumping into the air as it lunged for him. He placed his hand on the top of its head, flipping in the air so he landed in front of Connor safely. He stopped the wrench Connor was waving around mid swing, making the boy stare back in irritation and confusion.

"You're going to hurt yourself." Roy told him sternly, furrowing his brows as the boy growled loudly at him in anger. "You can shout all you want. You're coming with me."

"No!" He shouted, pulling the wrench, and in the process Roy over his head and to the ground in front of him.

Roy groaned in pain as Connor laughed at his splayed body. Wolf stopped growling as the small boy laughed, seeing Roy was no threat to his small master. Connor stood up and jumped on Roy, bouncing on his stomach like a trampoline. The bad thing was that he couldn't control his super strength yet, so he was nearly crushing Roy as he jumped.

"Okay! How about watching cartoons with the others." Roy said, sitting up and catching Connor in the air.

"Cartoons?" He asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"Yeah, you'll love it!" Roy said, standing up and starting to walk towards the living room.

"Can wolf come?" He asked, looking at the pet sadly.

Roy glanced over his shoulder, letting out a deep sigh and shrugging his shoulders. "Sure, why not. Come on Wolf." He said, patting his leg for the pet to come.

It didn't seem to need to be told twice as it padded behind him all the way to the living room, plopping down on the ground as he set Connor next to Meghan who was kicking her feet excitedly.

"Want a cookie?" She asked happily to Connor who looked at it with a frown.

He took one nonetheless and lit up slightly as he tasted it, finding it not so bad to be next to the noisy little girl who had different skin.

"Do you know where Artemis is?" Roy asked, hoping one of the kids knew.

"She's in the training room!" Meghan said with a smile, pointing towards the way he need to go.

"Thanks," He said, running off towards said room.

"Kaldur….Kaldur!" Crystal called around, looking in every room, but not seeing a single trace of Kaldur.

Just as she was passing the bathroom she heard splashing, making her stop and stare at the door. She opened the door hesitantly, looking around the bathroom until she saw the water in the bathtub.

"Kaldur?" She asked, looking into the tub.

She crouched down, just as Kaldur peeked his eyes above the water, looking at her with unsatisfied eyes. He seemed to be pouting in the water with the toys floating around.

"What's wrong?" She asked him, putting her arms on the side of the tub crossed.

"It's too dry here," He said, glaring at the room around her like it was a poison and peeking his head the rest of the way out. "I want to go back home!"

Crystal opened her eyes in surprise, not expecting Kaldur of all people to throw a tantrum, but then she remembered he was a kid, and he was from Atlantis.

"I want Aquaman to take me home! I don't want to be here! I hate it here! I hate you! Take me home!" He shouted, glaring at her like she was part of the poison.

"Do you really hate it here?" She asked, stopping his rampage instantly. "Do you really hate me?"

Kaldur sunk back under the water, diverting his eyes away from her, but not answering her. Crystal let out a small sigh, and gave him a small smile, not blaming him for being homesick.

"How about I get Aquaman to come here and see if he'll take you home?" She asked, seeing his interest perk. "And maybe if you come with me you can help me convince Wally not to eat ice cream for dinner."

"ice cream?" He asked, sitting up in excitement.

She smiled bigger this time. "come on, let's dry you off." She pulled a towel from the cabinet and wrapped it around Kaldur, drying him off carefully. "They have cookies there too while you wait. Sound good?"

Kaldur nodded and put a hand on her shoulder as she carried him to the others, placing him between Wally and Connor who was glaring at the villain in the TV like he was real.

"Papa!" Robin cried loudly, making her look over and see him crying into Wally's side while the red head patted his back like a loving older brother.

"It's okay," Crystal soothed, picking up the baby again and patting his back. He cried into her shoulder, gripping her shirt like it was a safety blanket. "Your papa is coming soon."

Kaldur watched Crystal with calculating eyes, watching as she bounced and sway to sooth the small baby and get his crying to stop once more.

"Artemis!" He shouted, opening the door to the training room.

An arrow shot right by his head and lodged into the wall next to him. Roy looked at the small Artemis who was holding a miniature bow, her foot forward as she aimed another arrow at him.

"Enough," He said, grabbing the bow from her and snapping it shut. "This is not a game."

"Give it back!" She shouted, glaring at him as he held her bow way above her. "It shouldn't matter to you! You hate me! Your mean!"

Roy jerked back in surprise, looking at the small girl who had her fists clenched on her sides and was near to the point of crying. "I don't hate you."

"Yes you do! You said it the first time I met you!" She shouted angrily, glaring at him for being mean to her.

"That's a misunderstanding. I was jealous they replaced me so easily. I don't hate you. I promise." He said, watching as her shoulders relaxed.

"Really?" She asked softly.

"Really." He said with a smile.

"Then…can I get a piggy back ride?" She asked excitedly, putting her arms up to him.

He shrugged his shoulders, bending down so she could hop onto his back and wrap her arms around his neck. She laughed and giggled the whole way to the living room, at least in a better mood now. He stopped in the doorway, seeing Crystal sitting on the couch with Robin in one arm fast asleep, Wally leaning on her right side, Meghan in her lap with a smile, Kaldur leaning on her left side, and Connor by her feet where Wolf was.

"Cookies!" Artemis shouted, spotting the plate of cookies on the couch. She jumped off of his back and ran over, taking a cookie off the plate and sitting by wolf on the floor with Connor.

"Well aren't you the favorite?" He teased, looking at her with a smirk.

"You should go change." Artemis told him with a smile. "You look stupid being the only one."

He looked at Crystal for help, he received a shrug and a smile from her, making him sigh and walk away to go change.

"Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream!" Roy heard the kids chanting as he came back.

Crystal was holding Robin in her left arm as she brought out the gallon tub of ice cream, the bowls, and the chocolate to go on top. She grabbed the scoop and started to try and scoop the ice cream out, but the tub kept sliding around on her.

He smirked at the sight, watching her struggle as a group of small kids waited for the ice cream excitedly, along with having a small baby in her arm. The sight of her with children sent an odd spark through him, making his heart flutter in excitement.

"Let me," He said, reaching around her and grabbing the ice cream scoop.

"Thanks," She said, patting Robin who was slobbering on her shoulder. "Let's get you some milk." She told Robin warmly, instantly setting off to do that.

Roy had gotten all the ice cream into the bowls and was putting the chocolate on finally before putting the ice cream away. Crystal had just finished the bottle that she had to look for, and had set it on the counter briefly to test the temperature. She looked over at him and smile, grabbing the bottle and walking over to him.

"Seems you got them all." She said with a laugh, seeing the proud smirk appear on his face. Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened as she pointed behind the kids. "Whats that!" She shouted.

Roy tensed up as the kids turned and he was about to check out what she was shouting about. She grabbed his face and brought it to her, letting her lips crash on his in a passionate kiss. She pulled away just as the kids turned back, leaving him in a stunned state of confusion.

"What?" Wally asked in confusion.

"It flew off already! I could have sworn I saw a Giant robot!" she said with a hand over her heart.

The kids whined about not seeing it, making Crystal smirk. She looked over at the stunned Roy and jabbed her elbow into him, snapping him out of it quickly.

"When you're done, we'll put in a movie!" She told them excitedly, watching as all the kids quickly at their ice cream so they could watch a movie. "Hold up!" She told them as they were about to take off. "Hands and faces! Here hold him for a moment." She told Roy, handing Robin over to him, who narrowed his eyes at the new face and pouted.

Crystal grabbed a warm wet rag, walking over to them and cleaning off their hands, and wiping their faces before sending them off to the couch in the living room. She grabbed the bottle and looked at Roy who was still holding Robin out and away from him like he was a foreign object.

"Way to go superhero, you defeated the glaring baby!" She laughed, taking Robin from him and laying him back in the crook of her arm.

Roy slipped an animated movie for them as he sat back on against the couch and pulled Crystal into his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist so he could put his chin on her shoulder. He looked down and saw Robin glaring up at him as she fed him the bottle, and the oblivious Crystal watched the movie like nothing was going on.

Suddenly the kids slipped off the couch, crowding around Crystal and laying against her or on her somehow so they were all part of the small cuddle group. Wolf padded over and flopped next to Crystal, providing a soft pillow for some of the kids, and a nice arm rest for her tired elbow that was holding Robin. Roy huffed as they clutched onto her, taking her attention away from him.

"Gotta get used to them." She told him in a whisper, seeing his glare from the corner of her eye. "Kids will come sooner or later in your future."

Roy sighed and put his forehead on her shoulder, letting the scent of flowers waft off of her to calm him down. He kissed her exposed shoulder and up her neck, sending a shiver down her spine. "Only if it's you." He said with a smirk against her skin.

It didn't take long for the kids to fall asleep during the movie, but at the same time Roy and Crystal felt sleep taking over them from the busy day they had with finding the kids and trying to get them to stay calm and obedient; which is a nearly impossible feat. Roy felt Crystal fall asleep against him as her body slumped slightly, and her breathing evened out.

He tried to fight the sleep that was overcoming him, but instead he grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, letting it pull him into his dreams.

"Roy!" Crystal groaned out as something pushed against his arms.

He opened his eyes with a groan of his own, realizing Crystal was trying to get out of his iron hold on her. He let go, sending her forward from the sudden let go.

"What?" He asked confused, watching her stand up and dust herself off.

"The kids are gone!" She said in a panic, looking around in worry.

He instantly woke up and stood up with her, about to go on a search for them again before Wally raced out in a flash. He was grown up once again and smiled at them with his normal goofy smile.

"We figured we'd let you sleep." Meghan said, flying into the room.

Crystal deflated as she let out the breath she was holding in, her panic slipping away quickly. "Thank god. I almost freaked seeing little Robin gone."

"Let's not speak of this to Bat." Said boy said as he walked into the room with his shades on.

"Aw! But your eyes were so pretty!" She said, trying to grab his shades, but pouting as he dodged and stopped her hands. "So all of you are back to normal?"

Robin nodded, nudging his head to Connor, Artemis, and Kaldur who walked into the room. Connor gave a small smile, nodded an apology to Roy for the rough treatment. Kaldur however had his head hung low as he walked in, avoiding her eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asked, walking over to him worriedly, thinking something went wrong when he returned back to himself.

"I'm sorry for what I said. It was very rude and childish of me to say." Kaldur apologized, looking at her with sadness. "I don't hate being here, or you. I consider you a great friend."

Crystal stared at him blankly for a moment before letting out a puff of a laugh, covering her mouth as she let out the laugh greatly. "you were a child Kaldur. A small tantrum like that won't affect me."

Kaldur let out a pent up sigh, a smile returning to his face. "So that didn't ruin anything between us?"

Crystal shook her head, patting his arm in reassurance. "I could tell from the look on her face then that you didn't mean it. You were homesick and lonely, that was all. But y'know, being in your kids selves showed how a lot of you really are." She smirked, watching as most of them looked away in embarrassment or guilt.

"Good, they're back to normal," Roy sighed, a delayed reaction making Crystal almost fall over. "That means I can do this freely."

He grabbed her chin and pulled her face to him, engulfing her bottom lip and sucking on it as he kissed her fiercely, hating he had to wait since the kids were around. She tried to push against him, but he grabbed her wrist and held it away, kissing her until they both could no longer wait for air. They pulled back with gasps as they both sucked in much needed air.

Roy grabbed her around her waist and pulled her to his body. "Don't touch anymore." He said possessively. "I could accept kids, especially Wally's little fondle, but not when you are like this."

The girls glared at Wally, not being there for that moment and nearly beating him up as he tried to race away with a guilty smile that tried to say he was innocent.

"You really need to get used to children." Crystal breathed heavily, patting his chest as she tried to concentrate. "Or maybe….I like it this way…nevermind, don't change." She smirked coyly at him and gave a small wink which made him chuckle and smile right back.