Carol let out a breath as she walked into the store. She had no reason to worry here and Ed was gone. She had been more than ready to move away from that place and she regretted not leaving sooner. A fresh start was exactly what she needed. He knew it was what she needed when he'd tried years ago. Carol chewed her lip and pushed those thoughts from her mind and sighed.

She had wrecked that bigger than shit and wasn't even sure where he was anymore. Merle hadn't been any help the few times she had wanted to get ahold of Daryl. Merle blamed her for his brother moving but she knew Daryl had planned on moving for a long time. He would have sooner but she had refused to move. She didn't want to move away from the only place she had ever known or so she told herself. Looking back now Carol knew she was being a coward.

Daryl and her had got more and more serious for a while and when his job was going to take him out of the area he asked her to go. She didn't even give a second though before she told him no. His eyes brows had raised and he had tried to talk to her about it but she had thoroughly shut down any idea of it at all. He had left it alone after that and with time she seen as he found his new place but she never asked where. She watched him pack and she watched him leave.

She had broken up with him before he left saying she didn't think distance would be something they could over come. She was a coward. She knew that more than ever now and she knew he knew it too. She had crushed him and could see it in his eyes even if he had stiffly nodded after his pleas went unanswered. She was scared of the things she had felt for him and she pushed him away. He'd tried for a while after that even after he moved but guarding herself against what she thought was going to happen she still crushed him.

So here she was three years later after the fact and moved away. She had mistakenly fell into a relationship to feel the gap that Daryl had left but no matter how she tried Ed was never what she needed, who she needed. He had been a complete asshole and on more than one occasion showed up at her side job raising hell. Merle had stepped in those times despite his anger with her and shut Ed up and put him out. Carol had been thankful but Merle wasn't one to talk to her after he'd said his piece. She had asked after Ed as sent to jail for his stunt about Daryl but Merle's scowl had deepened in protection of his brother. He'd accused her of wanting to break his heart again and shook his head at her dismissing her.

Licking her lips Carol walked further down the aisle heading for the ice cream. She felt overwhelmed being in a new place and not knowing anyone. Her job didn't start till next Monday and she had an entire week to get her apartment straightened and settled before having to start. It was more time than she needed since her place was already furnished and all she really had was her books and clothes. A few other things but nothing that needed real attention.

"Excuse me ma'am." A very male voice excused slipping past a woman just to her right.

Carol closed her eyes against her traitorous mind. She hated thinking about Daryl on most days cause after that she felt like she heard and seen him everywhere. She felt like she was going crazy on those days. She still loved him and felt his absence like a deep ache that never went away or could be cured. Blowing out a breath Carol opened her eyes and started back down the aisle.

"Grimes." That same voice chuckled, "Lori's ass send you here for some other weird ass craving?"

"Dixon don't joke one day your ass is going to be doing the same thing." Carol's eyes went to the man she could see and he had a Sheriff's outfit on, "She wants, get this, banana pudding and fried chicken!"

A laugh she knew like her own sounded and she searched for the owner, "That right there is some nasty shit."

Carol walked further and sucked in a breath when she seen Daryl. He was standing leaning against the divider in the aisle talking to the man she had been able to see. He had on a black Henley tee-shirt and low slung jeans with boots while he smiled at the man in front of him. He had more facial hair than she remembered and his hair was slightly darker and a bit longer. All in all he looked like sin standing there and she felt her heart hammering so hard against her chest she felt sick.

The man slapped Daryl on the chest and stepped closer to him, "Lori wants your ass at the house one night for dinner." Daryl shook his head and chuckled, "She aint giving up on the godfather thing."

Daryl grimaced, "Man I aint to sure about that shit."

"Lori is."

With that the man walked away and Daryl's eyes followed him and Carol's heart was surely bruising her ribs. The last time she had talked to him had been a fight that was more her saying things and him looking at her in confusion. His head turned suddenly and those eyes that haunted her dreams landed on her. His head tilted to the side before he was walking for her. Panic set in but she kept herself in place knowing that he wasn't about to let her get away from him this time.

Carol gave him a small smile causing the side of his mouth to lift, "Merle said you moved..." His voice was the same rough cadence that she craved. The second he was close enough to her he pulled her to him in a hug. His mouth brushed her ear, "Breathe Carol you look like you're gonna be sick."

Sucking in a breath his scent enveloped her and she wanted to cry. She had forgotten how soothing his scent was and how much she missed it. Fisting her hands in the back of his shirt she hugged him tighter. He pulled back and looked down at her buggy, "I'm guessing this is an ice cream run."

Carol nodded a slight laugh leaving her, "Yeah, yeah it is."

Daryl stepped back from her putting distance between them. Distance that she wished to close so desperately. He wasn't looking at her like he had last time but instead he had a slight smile.

"You look good." His voice was deeper and his eyes were bright.

Carol's smile widened, "You do too, I didn't know you lived here."

Daryl's eyes went around them and he moved for someone as they slipped past him. He glanced at her and at her empty buggy,"Where you staying Carol?"

"Over on Maple at the apartments there." Her voice was softer and she met his eyes, "I've been here for all of five minutes it feels."

Daryl nodded, "Get something to eat with me?"

Carol shook her head, "I'm not in the mood to set in somewhere and eat."

Daryl shrugged, "All the same I'll get us take out then."

Nodding along, "I can do that."

Daryl turned her with a firm hand on her shoulder and she started towards the front of the store with him. She seen more than a few heads turn and look at the them and she had to wonder if it was weird seeing him with someone. She knew he was a private person or maybe he was dating someone and seeing him walking with another woman was hot gossip. She couldn't say she would be surprised about it. He was an amazing person with a huge heart that just so happened to be gorgeous.

Stepping outside she watched as the pulled his cigarettes out and lit one as he pulled his sun glasses down. "What are you hungry for besides ice cream?"

Carol grinned, "I don't even know what all is here. I've not got out and explored. I got into town last night."

Daryl looked down at her and she wished she could see his eyes. "You riding with me or you following?"

He was already walking and she seen him heading straight for the motorcycle in the parking lot. Her mind raced as she remembered all the times she had clung to him racing down the roads. Sucking in a breath she followed him just as he swung his leg over the bike. He looked up at her and shrugged out of his leather jacket handing it to her. Carol shook her head and he nodded at her not taking no for an answer.

"Its fall woman. Your ass is going to freeze without it."

"And you?"

Daryl smiled but was starting the bike, "I run hot."

Carol grinned at him and shrugged the jacket on his scent thick and hot around her. Carol balanced herself on his shoulder and straddled the bike sliding up next to him. She tried to keep a little space between them but his hands came down gripping at her knees and jerked her forward and up against him tightly.

She didn't even watch where they were going as he took off but instead just enjoyed the feeling of being close to him again. It was a stroke of luck that she seen him today. This was a much larger city and chances were she might never have run into him. Her fingers laced together over his lower stomach and she pressed her face into his back as his body leaned with the curves.

Carol frowned when they pulled into small road a distance from the town from what she could tell. Carol noticed the mail box and felt her heart start to beat heavily again and her arms tightened around him and she felt his stomach move with silent laughter.

He came to a stop on the last of the drive way and security lights shined down on them catching their motion. Just as Daryl stood up a long baying howl washed over them and Daryl whistled. Carol watched as a large dog trotted towards them his entire body shaking from side to side as he made his way for Daryl.

"He wont bite." He chuckled his hands hitting on the dogs side and causing his entire body to move.

"What kind is he?"

Daryl kneeled and looked up at her as the dog's head went over his shoulder, "Bloodhound, names Fitz."

Carol smiled and took a step forward getting the dogs attention as she ran her hand down his back feeling his skin move with her. Daryl laughed at her face and shook his head and stood back up whistling again and Fitz took off for the porch.

"This is your place?" Carol questioned her eyes trying to see as much as she could despite the dark. It figured he would have a place that was further away from town and surrounded by the woods.

"No I brought you to a strangers house." He snorted. His keys jingled as he unlocked the door. She stepped through and at her look he smiled, "You got that look Carol. I aint up to anything but you didn't want to eat in somewhere and said take out."

"I know. Just surreal seeing you." Her voice was soft again.

He nodded tossing his keys onto the table by the door. Fitz barreled past her knocking her forward and she shrieked causing the dog to bark. Daryl started through the house and returned with the phone jerking his head towards a room off to the side. Carol shrugged out of his jacket and followed him into the living room.

The fireplace commanded attention and she walked over her eyes taking in the work. "You and Merle built this place didn't you?"

Daryl looked over at her and nodded, "Yeah, started soon after I moved. I bought the property before I moved."

His face changed and he looked off and she knew what he was saying not needing more. He had bought this place in hopes to build a home for them. Instead he'd built a home and what she could tell was by himself. There were a few things around but for the most part the house was predominately male without a woman's touch anywhere.

"What do you want to eat?" His voice was back to normal.

She looked over her shoulder and seen his eyes locked on to her in the same way they done when they had dated. He was reading her better than she could him. He was leaned back but his face was closed off, he wasn't showing his emotions. He was happy to see her that much was clear but she knew there was more. Daryl was a man of few words but many emotions.

"What is good?" She turned and set on the floor against the table in front of him.

Daryl sighed, "Can't you ever just say one thing or the other?" At her look he smiled, "I suppose not. I should have known as much."

Carol grinned and listened as he called their food in and closed her mouth at his sharp look when she offered to pay for her food. It felt good to be back around him and she was enjoying it for as long as it lasted. He was going to remember here soon just how she had done him when she was more of a coward than a woman. She didn't eve trust her own emotions and left the one man she would love for the rest of her life.

They fell into easy conversation like they'd never been apart and Carol found herself laughing at the things she had missed. She told him about how things were after he left and he listened to her every word as if it wasn't painful. She was shocked to find out he knew she had started dating Ed but he didn't say anything rude to her about it.

He grabbed up the dishes from eating and started through the house and Carol moved to follow him. Fitz was trailing him as well and Carol could imagine what his nights consisted of watching him and his dog. Daryl walked straight for a large bowl and raked her left overs straight into the plate since his was clean.

Daryl excused himself and disappeared down the hall saying he needed the restroom and Carol shook her head. It was a little overwhelming being around him again. She didn't think in a million years that when she seen him again he'd even speak to her again but she should have known better.

Moving to the sink she started washing the few dishes and setting them up to dry.

"You don't need to do that." His voice was low.

Carol looked at him, "I know."

She studied him and couldn't shake the feeling he was holding back from saying something. He looked off before she could get a good read on him and he started chewing his thumb nail. He was nervous. It was the only thing she could get a read on.

"You know I didn't think you'd ever speak to me again." His voice had a slight pain in it.

Carol walked towards him till she was right there, "I think that was a mutual though. I was sure you'd walk the other way when I seen you."

He chuckled, "You know better than that. I was never able to walk away." Carol frowned and he shook his head, "Wasn't my choice woman."

She sighed, "I'm not blaming you Daryl. Hell I don't even hold you responsible for any of it. You tried and...I...I was a complete bitch to you about it."

He snorted, "Carol I aint ever seen a day where you were a bitch."

"Merle would disagree."

Daryl shrugged, "Merle has always been of a different mind about things."

Carol smiled, "Your brother is a jackass."

He barked out a laugh and nodded, "My brother is but then that is his best quality." He made a face, "At least that don't catch like the clap."

Daryl grabbed her hand and pulled her through the house and she swallowed not sure where he was going. The sound of thunder in the distance made her panic at the thought of riding in the rain on the bike. Daryl looked at her and smirked as he pushed his back door open and stepped out on to his porch.

Carol sucked in a breath and stood next to him watching the lightning in the distance. With each flash she got a glimpse of the back yard and with each look her heart ached. She had told him things she wanted when they had been together and it looked like it had all manifested in and around his place some how.

Daryl set on the swing that was there his boot rocking him steady as he looked over the yard watching the storm. "Whenever you're ready to leave let me know."

Carol didn't want to leave. She never wanted to be apart from him. Seeing him again and falling back into every thing so easily let her see how empty her life had been without him. The hole that was her heart after he left had ached and she had fooled herself the entire time until now.

Carol set down next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder as his fingers drummed the back of the swing. "I'm sorry for what it is worth."

Daryl looked down at her and frowned, "What are you apologizing for? Carol the rain aint your damn fault."

She laughed, "I'm talking about how I ended things without explaining anything to you and just pushing you away."

He sighed, "That aint just on you Carol." He blew out a breath, "I could have kept trying. I could have done a lot of things but I let you get your way."

Carol leaned into him more as the wind picked up, "So you don't hate me?"

Daryl glared down at her, "Hate you? Fuck no. I missed the fuck out of you but never hated you."

Carol set up and looked at him her eyes shining, "I missed you too Daryl."

Carol was chewing her lip as they drove towards her place. They had changed topics after she apologized and he had talked to her about his job and she found out he hadn't done much other than work. He did mention the man from the store and she discovered it was his friend Rick. He had bitched about Lori wanting to put some kind of trust in him with their kid if something was ever to happen to her and Rick. All she really knew was that Lori and Rick were having a little boy.

He hadn't mentioned any women in his life and she was secretly glad. Sure she had dated Ed but in truth she never felt any real connection to the man. How could she when her heart had picked up and moved without her? So she let a spark of hope burn heavy through her blood that she could repair what was done and that he would want the same thing. Carol looked over at him and he shifted gears cracking his window and bitching about the rain.

"Did they who you would be working with?"

Carol nodded, "Andrea Harris."

Daryl nodded, "Think you'll like her."

Carol frowned as they neared her apartment and looked at him, "Daryl." She waited till he parked to speak, "Do you want to do something or get out some time?"

He smirked drumming his fingers on his steering wheel, "You asking me out Carol?"

Blushing she licked her lips, "Yes."

He looked over at her unsnapping his seat belt and opening the door. She watched him walk around the truck as he pulled his leather jacket it off again. By the time he was to her door he was soaked. Pulling her door open he handed her the jacket and she covered herself with it and he pulled her from the truck and walked her to her door. Carol swallowed feeling her nerves picking up like the first time he had ever done this same thing.

Looking up at him she blushed again and pushed her door open. The rain was still hitting him as he looked up and brushed his hair back from his face, "Where do you want to go if we get out? Or do?" His voice was smooth in the thunder and storm.

Carol smiled, "Well you are the local...what do you suggest?"

His face changed but she couldn't read it before it was gone, "You letting me pick?" Nodding her head he smirked, "What day?"

Carol wanted to say in the morning but held back and shrugged, "The next day your off." SHe grabbed his hand pulling him out of the rain and into her house, "You're going to get sick."

He shrugged, "I'll be out in this shit likely tomorrow too."

Carol scribbled her number down and thrust it at him, "Call me on your next day off and we'll do something. Whatever it is you got in mind."

He chuckled, "I'll see ya Carol." She backed away but he caught her wrist jerking her forward and slamming into his soaked chest. She hissed at the wet material but his body was warm despite the water. His face buried in her hair and she felt him breathe deeply. "I gotta go, got work in the morning."

Carol nodded and watched him go. She felt better about her move the more she thought about it and her chest swelled. It wasn't just luck that she had stumbled up on him. She felt like something had really intervened and guided them back to each other. Carol walked through the house and shrugged his leather jacket off forgetting that she had it on. She couldn't wait to hear from him and find out what he had planned for them. She looked around her quiet apartment and sighed, at least he was going home to Fitz.

Daryl was her home and she felt like for once things were working out and she could finally face the day. She was stubborn and had made all the mistakes one life could take before taking the long road home too him. Daryl she suspected had waited her out knowing her better than she even knew herself. But now that she was here she was going to hold for everything she was worth. She loved Daryl Dixon more than she would ever be able to fully explain to the man himself.