~She loved him for who he was... even after he couldn't have ever fathomed anyone being open enough to try.~

Exception of Acceptance

There were few who treated him the way that she did. In fact… scratch that, there were none that treated him the way that she did.

He wasn't good with words or feelings and so voicing such feelings was nearly out of the question. It was just… she was so… accepting.

Of course, all of Fairy Tail had been accepting. He'd had his little spats and initiations with other members just as anyone from the outside did when they joined, but he'd become one of them with a relative ease that had felt so natural, he'd wondered why he hadn't been there all along.

But there were still a few… hiccups. His singing would be poked fun at. Natsu would make fun of his piercings or the way he was always scowling. Some mentioned his gruff demeanor and told him he should lighten up sometimes, learn to smile, be more personable. Of course, the teasings were all in good fun and the advice was heartfelt and not meant to be pushy, but still… it was always something.

Except with her.

Levy never once had made fun of his voice or the garish outfits he liked to dawn while scatting away to his heart's content. Instead she'd sway to the music, Lily on her lap, and absentmindedly tap her toe to the beat.

She never said anything about his unruly hair or his piercings or any of the physical flaws he had. In fact, she actually sometimes complimented him. She'd twirl a strand of his hair around her finger and note on how soft it was, and that she liked it when he pulled it back like this...

And most meaningfully, she'd never, ever said anything about his personality, or who he was. He was rough around the edges, she of anyone knew that was probably an understatement, and yet she never once complained, gave him advice, or let on that she didn't love him exactly the way he was. Even with his terribly sour demeanor and the resting scowl he typically had on his face.

Instead, she'd smile brightly enough to make him smile. Instead, she'd elbow him in the side when he said something dismal and chuckle to herself as if to say, 'well, that's our Gajeel'. Instead, she would reach out to him when he withdrew into himself and pull him closer, sending him a sort of emotional warmth that he never thought he'd feel another human being give him. The warmth of true acceptance.

He had many flaws, and few outstanding points. He had so many things that he wasn't ever truly accepted for, and so few reasons to think anyone ever would. And yet there she was, a walking contradiction as she paved the way to him, one hundred percent pure, and blindly accepting him for all that he truly was.

The Number Sequence and Lots of Prompts Challenge - #37 - acceptance

Just hopefully a sweet little thing that I also hope you enjoyed! :D
GaLe feels have been abundant for me, lately. I ain't complainin' tho. XD
