Chapter Five
Unable to see anything, Rick's other senses sharpen. The gentle rasp of the scarves knotted at his wrists hold him firmly in place. The feel of the soft sheets under his naked body caress him, warm underneath him, cool beside him.
The smell of cinnamon and vanilla permeate the room, the candles she lit conjuring memories of apple pie and fall days. But behind it all, his ears strain, trying to pick out the sound of Kate moving in the bedroom.
When she said payback's a bitch, he had no idea the lengths she could go through to provide him with a slow, sensual tease.
After diving under the covers and coaxing him into a remarkably quick recovery, she took her time learning the shape and feel of him with her hands and mouth. When it became too much, he reached for her, determined to put an end to her torture and move on to the main event. That's when she put her combat training to use.
He never expected her to be able to immobilize him and tie him up so quickly. And once she had him immobilized, she simply took her time exploring him. There's not an inch of his body that hasn't been touched by her. Her slender fingers are curious, and skilled. Her mouth sensual and diabolical. Everything about her intrigues him. Never has he been with a woman so confident in her own skills, or so comfortable in giving and receiving pleasure.
They've always been in sync, but he never could have imagined how easily she controls his body, or how in tune they truly are. During her sensual play, she delighted in causing his stomach muscles to jump uncontrollably. She left trails of goose bumps in her wake as she explored him.
But never was she more delighted and teasing than when she discovered the magnetic effect she had on his cock. He blushed furiously when he realized that his erection strained towards her whenever she came within a few inches of him. Delighted with the discovery, she demonstrated her power over him again and again, playing sensual games with him while he lay helpless to do anything but watch her devilish play.
Just when he thought she'd teased him as much as he could stand, she repurposed his tie into a blindfold. And left him, fully erect and spread eagle on the bed, while she went off into another area of her apartment.
Curious, he mentally tracked her progress, hearing cupboards and drawers open and close, the soft patter of her footsteps arriving and retreating. The sound of water running, the rasp of a match being lit, and the whisper of cloth all caused him to imagine so many different things that she could be doing. Some sounds were so faint or unusual he couldn't begin to guess what she was doing. It all has him so wound up and ready for something more that he almost can't stand it. But he trusts her, so he'll continues to wait and imagine what she might have in mind.
The cold drip of something hitting his abdomen is his first clue that she's returned. Giving out an involuntary shriek, he feels his body tensing, uncertain what to expect next. Next he feels the warm tickle of her tongue rasping against the warm skin of his abdomen, taking extra care to follow the trail he could feel sliding across his stomach. She follows the trail with dedication, occasionally pausing to such at a particularly sensitive spot. He can feel the light brush of her hair against his skin, the ends tickling his groin erotically as she takes extra time with his belly button. Nearly coming from the feel of it all, he begs.
"Kate, please."
She immediately stops touching him. After a few moments of silence, she speaks.
"Open up," she purrs, teasing his lips with a spoon.
Reflexively opening up, he's surprised to taste vanilla and caramel. Ice cream! Opening up for another bite, he savors the cold slide of it down his parched throat. After a few more bites, he hears the distinct sound of a whipped cream can being shaken. Feeling her kneeling on the bed next to him, he opens his mouth, anticipating her spray of the cool whipped cream in his mouth. He startles when he feels it being sprayed on his nipples into a trail south, a little dollop on his penis causing him to jump.
With a sexy giggle, he hears the sound of a photo being taken on a cell phone.
"Please don't send that to anyone." He pleads, thinking he must look ridiculous.
"Relax, Rick. I won't do anything you don't want me to do." She promises. No sooner does she finish speaking than he feels her slowly, deliberately cleaning it off of him. When her lips close over his aching member, he can't help but thrust into her mouth, his manners completely forgotten with the need to come. Swallowing, she takes him deeper. He's never been with someone who could take so much of him at once, or who was so skilled at bringing him to the edge without taking him over.
Hoping that this time she'll end the sensual torture, he moans in satisfaction, feeling his balls tighten in preparation for the coming explosion. He feels her delicate fingers gently squeezing his balls, before one departs to rim him gently, pushing him further towards the edge. Feeling his body flush in anticipation, he tries to grunt out a warning, knowing she wants him to come in her mouth but feeling like he should still warn her.
"Not yet, Rick." She warns, pulling back just in time.
Another shake of the can and he feels her fingers at his mouth, urging him to open up as she leans over him. He does, again anticipating the taste of whipped cream. She pours a little in his mouth, which he eagerly laps up, only to discover that she's covered her breast with it as well. Eagerly trying to posture up, he surges towards her, his tongue and lips quickly closing over her nipple and giving it a sharp tug as he cleans it off.
Having been a passive recipient of her teasing for the past hour, he wants to reciprocate and become more involved. Feeling her moan of satisfaction, he can tell she's weakening. Feeling her shift, he greedily accepts the other breast into his mouth, giving it equal attention, the sticky sweet taste of the whipped cream a cool counterpoint to her flushed skin.
She abruptly pulls away, leaving him alone again.
The sound of her retreating from the room causes him to fall back again, frustrated. After what feels like an eternity, she returns, the soft pad of her bare feet on the floor revealing her position. A warm wash cloth bathes his skin, carefully cleaning up the sticky trail left behind.
"I want to touch you, Kate." He pleads, the sensuous feel of the cloth heightening the tension he feels as she carefully, thoroughly bathes him.
Goose bumps break out on his skin as she gently blows on him, her warm breath causing the water to cool and tease him. Stepping back from the bed, he hears her rustle around for a moment before her hands tease the blindfold he's wearing.
"I'm going to take this off, Rick, and if you're really good, I'll untie you, okay?"
"Okay." He agrees.
Standing slightly behind him, she quickly removes the blindfold. The dim light of the room obscures his vision, the flickering flame of the candles the only source of light. Slowly, surely, she moves into his field of vision.
His jaw drops and he takes a deep breath. Standing before him is a vision the likes of which he never could have imagined. Kate stands before him in a merry widow, the deep blue silk caressing her curves, pushing her breasts up. Looking her over slowly from head to toe, he takes in her swollen lips, desire filled eyes and tousled hair. Scanning her body, he realizes she's wearing an itty bitty scrap of lace below the peek a boo lingerie, along with a garter belt and stockings, her long legs lovingly showcased by the sheer material, which disappears into ice pick thin heels. Looking at the vision before him, his cock jerks towards her and he lets out another groan.
"Anything you want, Kate. Anything." He manages to stutter out.
Moving in front of him, she begins toying with her breasts, taking their weight in her hands, pinching the nipples and pulling at them, showing him how she likes to be touched. He's already figured out how sensitive her breasts are, but watching her fondle herself takes the experience to a different level for him.
Slowly letting her hands trail down her torso, she widens her stance and begins masturbating in front of him.
"I want to feel you here, Rick. When you're deep inside me, I can't get enough. I love the way you feel."
The squelch of her arousal and the sight of the juices dripping down her thighs is almost his undoing.
"Come here, Kate. I'll give you what you want." he promises, his voice deep with arousal.
Moving onto the bed, she quickly straddles him, the soft lace adding another layer of sensation. Moving the lace to the side, she slowly impales herself on him, the stretch and pull of her muscles giving him slick passage as she drives him deep inside of her.
"What I want, Rick, is for you to promise that you'll let me set the pace. If you do that, I'll untie you."
Swallowing quickly, he nods his head, desperate to get his hands on her again after so long.
Leaning forward, she slowly slides up across his stomach, his cock almost completely leaving the warm cocoon of her body, the rasp of her breasts on his chest increasing his pleasure. Pulling at the scarves, the knots unravel, as if they'd never been, her trick knot showing him that he could have easily escaped with a simple pull in the right place.
Giving him a wet kiss, she lingers at his mouth. The sensual slide of her tongue as she moves to take him back deep inside of her pulls another moan from him. Unable to resist, he frames her face with his hands, holding her in place as he thoroughly explores her mouth, sucking at her lips and tongue, addicted to the taste and feel of her.
The soft undulations of her body gain strength, building him up again. Skimming his hands down her sides, he feels her arch like a kitten in response to his touch. Seeing the warning in her eyes, he anchors his hands at her hips, his large hands dwarfing her waist.
After a few moments, she grabs his hands, bringing them back to her breasts, encouraging him to feel her. Lightly tracing circles around her nipples, he quickly postures up and takes her breast in his mouth, the movement driving him deeper inside of her. The hitch in her breathing tells him he's found her g spot again. Giving each breast its due, he blows across their wet surface, the air causing them to tighten further. Her body clamps down on his, drawing a moan from him that matches hers.
Pushing him to lie back, she links her fingers with his and leans back a little, her eyes locked on his as she adjusts her position slightly, the head of his cock hitting the rougher patch inside of her that he knows is her g spot. Feeling her clench against him as he stimulates it, he pushes up into her slightly, letting her control the pace but adding a quick stab to enhance both of their pleasure.
"I'm not going to last, Kate" he warns her, his body overly sensitive from the long drawn out foreplay.
"Neither am I." The little mewling sound that escapes from her as he feels her muscles begin to contract against him is the sexiest thing he's ever heard. Wanting to hear it again, he redoubles his efforts to push up into her g spot, rewarded by another little noise. Her movements sloppy and rushed now, she gives in, her body convulsing in ecstasy, triggering his own release.
Taking over, forgetting his promise, he watches her in awe as he continues to buck up into her, prolonging their pleasure, the feel of him sliding through her wetness drawing out her orgasm and making him feel like he'll never get enough of her. He's never seen her look more beautiful than she does while coming apart in his arms. She's ruined him for anyone else. Now that he knows what it's like to make love with her, he'll never want another woman.
Exhausted, sated, she collapses on top of him, snuggling into his body with a contended sigh. Satisfied in a way he's never been, he pulls her in tight, hugging her. Content, sleepy, they drift together, relaxed yet awake for what feels like hours but is probably only minutes. Feeling the air cool around them, he let's his hands drift, touching her unconsciously, just because he can.
"I'm going to have to push back my deadline." He says, the husky rumble of his voice breaking the silence.
'Mmm. Why's that?" she asks him, not really paying much attention to what he's saying.
"I'm going to have to re-write all the love scenes. I haven't been doing you justice."
With a quick laugh, she postures up so she can see his face. Seeing the mischievous look in his eyes, she plays along.
"Oh, really?"
"I'll make you a deal."
"You will?"
"Yeah. You don't write about us like this, and I'll show you all the ways that the real Nikki Heat puts the fictional one to shame."
Thinking about what that means, and that it implies there will be more sexy times ahead, he quickly swallows, wondering if he'll survive whatever else she may have in store for him.
"Hm. That sounds like a pretty good deal." he agrees, giving her a little kiss.
"Yeah. And I'll make sure that picture I took earlier never surfaces."
"Okay. Yeah. That'd be good." He agrees, having forgotten for a moment that she'd taken a picture.
"Do you want to see it?" she asks him.
Not sure he does, he decides he'd better know what leverage she has.
Reaching across from him, she retrieves her phone and quickly scrolls through the pictures, skipping over the ones she took of him earlier in the evening and stopping on one she took just for him. Holding it out so he can see, he stares, transfixed.
Instead of a picture of him covered in whipped cream, he sees her posing provocatively in the lingerie she's still wearing.
"Oh my God. Send that to me. You have to send that to me." He begs.
"I don't know, Rick. I'm not so sure you can handle having this."
"I can. I swear I can." He begs, reaching for her phone, determined to wrest it away from her and send it to his phone.
Holding it out of reach, she continues to tease him, her eyes dancing with fun.
"Tell you what. If you can undress me with just your mouth, I'll think about sending you the picture."
Tackling her, he begins untying the strings holding the merry widow together with his teeth, the sound of her laughter echoing in the room as he proves to her just how talented his mouth really is.