"It ain't gonna happen man."

"You don't know that!"

"I'm pretty sure I do."

"Isn't a friend's job to support the goals of their friends."

"I don't support impossible goals Ken."

"It's very possible Jin!"

Before the aforementioned two could argue anymore a third individual popped in between them separating them both.

"Guys guys calm down. What the hell are you at each others throats for," The young man said.

"Shinji thank god you're here. Ken's at it again, help me talk some sense into him."

The young man known as Shinji let out a deep sigh and tiredly pinched his nose, knowing full well what "it" was. Turning towards Ken, he began to fumble around in his back pocket.

"Dude don't bring out the-" was all Ken managed to say as Shinji covered his mouth before he could finish.

Seconds later Shinji pulled out a rolled-up sheet paper that was way to big to fit in a back pocket. Still maintaining a hand on Ken's mouth, he rolled the paper out to its full length, it landing on the full with a soft plop. After clearing his throat in dramatic fashion, he read its contents out loud.

"Ten reasons why Ken Yamada will never have Ryuko Matoi as a girlfriend."

Reason 1. She is so way out of your league it's even funny

Reason 2. Every guy in the school wants her

Reason 3 . No one does love letters anymore

Reason 4,5,6,7,8,9,10. YOUR HEIGHT!

Shinji proceeded to shove the bottom part of the paper in Ken's face. The very bottom of the page showcased a picture of him and Ryuko next to each other with a line to the right of them measuring height. Ken didn't think it needed 7 whole points to itself, but he knew it indeed was an issue. Ken was pretty short for fourteen, the very top of his shaggy brown hair reaching just below Ryuko's nose.

"It wouldn't be so bad if you were one of those shota types, but you've average, just so average," Jin chimed in.

Another solid point

Average was indeed the best way to describe Ken, he had an average build, average hair, and his face was shaped and contoured in the most average way. His height was his only unnatural characteristic, but it did nothing in helping him stand out no matter how much his friends harped on it.

He was the epitome of "that guy".

Noticing his expression lowering, Jin placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"We're not trying to make you feel bad, we just don't want you shooting for the stars, the sky is hard enough as it is. When you fall, you fall hard, so we can't have you being so high up when you do."

"All the great people in the world didn't settle for the sky," Ken said

Jin responded with a sigh. He then gave Ken a small pat on the head

"Lunch is almost over, me and Shin gotta go so we make it to class, try not to get absorbed with yourself, chipper up man. Come on Shin." Jin said as he began to walk away.

Shinji gave a small wave as he followed Jin to their shared class.

There was still a good fifteen left for lunch, enough time to do exactly what Jin told him not to do. Making an about-face, he began to walk to his usual spot. A bench graced only by his presence. No one else seemed to notice it as far as he knew. As he sat down he became lost in his thoughts, each noteworthy one spoken out loud to no one in particular.

"Love letters are still relevant, right?"

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind my height."

"How does one even define a league."




"All the guys want her, but I want to be with her."

Unknown to Ken, a certain bowl-cutted individual had witnessed the entire exchange with his friends. Her interest significantly peaked, she decided to secretly follow him until the time was right to make her presence known, and that time was now.

"SO WHAT'S THIS ABOUT WANTING TO BE WITH RYUKO!" The girl screamed as she collided with Ken who, as you guess, let out a scream of pure terror at the sudden and loud introduction.

After regaining his composure he was able to notice that the girl currently observing him like a painting was Mako Mankanshoku, the best friend of the women of his dreams. Mako was pretty much a direct line straight to Ryuko. If he played his cards right, he would be able to get his foot in the door with his crush.


Oh yeah, Mako doesn't play cards. She opts to throw them like frisbees. Might as well be direct.

"First off, please stop yelling. Second off...we-well..yeah...I l-like Ryuko a-a-a lot and want to...want to...b-be with her." Ken stammered out.

Mako stroked an imaginary beard as she processed his words, and then suddenly went on the attack with a barrage of questions.

"A bunch of other guys want her too what makes you so special you don't look special do ya got some secret do ya do ya do ya do ya do ya what do you like about her why do you like when did you start liking her have you liked anyone else Ryuko's a very high-class lady do you have class you very small what do you gotta say about that is it genetic or was something you did to anger god do like her cause of her rack or her legs or her butt stomach hips lips armpits huh huh huh huh?"

Mako watched Ken for his answer while still stroking her imaginary beard at a blinding pace. By some incredible feat he was able to catch every question.

"I'm nothing special, I'm just Ken Yamada average fourteen-year old. I've liked Ryuko for a couple of weeks now, and why I like her...hehe...well-"

"Let me guess, you saw her in her kamui and lost it with wild fantasies and now you can't get her out of your head," Mako said with a smirk

"No no not at all! I didn't see her like that until three days ago. It's not like that all.

"Really? Huh...well then why do you like her so much?" Mako asked as sat down on the bench.

"I wanna tell but you think I'm we-"


Ken, this girl is the embodiment of wierd

"I'll tell you," Ken flatly responded

Taking a seat next to Mako, Ken started the tale of how Ryuko Matoi became the single thought on his mind.

"I remember every detail about that day."