A/N i own nothing, ok so I tried my best to make sure that this didn't sound like Frozen and hopefully it doesn't. I'll let you get to it then and see you at the end *runs off*

Eyes So Blue

Once upon a time, though not so long ago, there lived a king and a queen in the kingdom of Gothamia. The king, King Bruce, ruled the kingdom justly with firm but reasonable rules to protect his citizens. His queen, Queen Selina, ruled with her heart, and understood that while it was wrong to break the rules, some rules were bendable. Between the two the kingdom flourished… but there was one thing missing. The pitter patter of tiny feet upon the castle floor. An heir to the throne. A child.

Though the queen didn't see this as a problem the king understood that he was not going to last forever.

Two years after coming to this realisation the queen fell pregnant. While the kingdom over joyed at the news Queen Selina was hesitant about the prospect of motherhood. Unlike her husband Selina was not of royal birth. She had never known her mother and was concern that she would mess it up.

However her fears and hesitations left her the moment she held her new born son in her arms. When she looked down to the smiling face of her child Selina felt nothing but love. The child, Richard named after her father, did not cry like most newborns. Instead the first sound to escape the baby's lips was a laugh. His laugh proved to be contagious for soon Bruce and Selina, even in her exhausted state, were laughing along with their son.

When Selina passed the newborn to Bruce she watched as the man she loved became a father. In his father's arms the little prince opened his eyes. The sight drew duo gasps from the new parents in the room. Never before had the pair seen eyes so blue! The orbs were the colour of the sun's rays in the deepest part of the ocean. They were truly beautiful.

Twelve weeks later the king and queen thought it time to introduce their precious bundle to the kingdom, who had been anxiously awaiting the opportunity to meet their new prince.

A great ball was to be held in the castle courtyard. Food stalls were put up, there were games to entertain the children and a platform with two thrones was assembled. The king and queen sat, watching over their citizens, laughing and dancing, as one by one people stepped forward to meet the prince.

Word of the baby's blue eyes quickly spread throughout the ball and soon everyone was trying to catch a glimpse of the prince's eyes. The king and queen laughed at their people's enthusiasm. "Though I agree they are beautiful I am sure the colour will dull with age." King Bruce said.

Queen Selina chastised her husband gently, "Not at all! Little Dickie's eyes will never dull, his spirit would not allow it." as if to agree with his mother the little prince began to laugh, his eyes seemed to shine when the people around him chuckled at the sound.

Bruce smiled gently. His people were safe, his family were happy and his kingdom was flourishing. Life was perfect… for the moment.

Nine years passed and young Richard continued to grow. The boy seemed to be eternally happy and was always laughing. He detested any form of violence but with some persuasion King Bruce as able to talk his son into learning self-defence from his personal knight and butler Alfred. Alfred was only a few years older than Bruce and was knowledgeable in many fields and was Richard's main teacher. Alfred had one other pupil, a boy only a year younger than Richard he had rescued off the streets, Jason Todd. Together Jason and Richard trained and over the years the two had grown very close, Queen Selina would often say that she had two sons, for in her heart she did.

One day, whilst Jason and Richard were taking a break from their training, a dark cloud moved to block out the sun. The two boys looked up in confusion; it was the middle of spring and had been sunny for the last week. "Well well what do we have here?" a sultry voice caught the boy's attention. Slowly walking towards them was a woman with red hair and green tinged skin. She didn't appear to be wearing anything and was instead covered by leafy vines.

Richard recognised the woman instantly, "Ivy the Woodland Witch!" he gasped before turning to Jason, "Go get Alfred and my father! Now!" the instructor had left them momentarily to speak with the king, thinking the two would be safe…

"But Dick-" Jason began to protest, not wanting to leave the boy alone with the woman.

"Go Jay!" Richard ordered. The younger reluctantly obeyed. Once he was safely inside the castle Richard turned back to the witch, squaring his shoulders to look more regal. "Now Ivy, I presume you are here for a reason."

The woman laughed, "Yes. I have heard stories about you, princeling, about you… and your eyes…" Ivy was suddenly directly before him, her hand holding his chin in a tight grasp forcing the boy to look her in the eye. Ivy's own eyes narrowed, "You know… it was once said that my eyes were the jewels of the woodlands… before you came along I had the most beautiful eyes in all the lands. Men were willing to venture deep into the Dark Woods just to catch a glimpse of my eyes… but that was before you came along… now no one dares enter the Dark Woods for why should they when the most beautiful eyes are owned by a mere child, here, in the palace?"

Richard raised his eye brows in surprise at her words. He pulled back out of her grasp, "You mean, no one visits just because they think my eyes are nicer than yours? Well that's not nice! Tell you what, how about I come visit you instead?" he offered with a smile.

Ivy chuckled… however the sound was somehow dark. "Or I can simply make it so that no one would want to see your eyes again."

"What-?" Richards question was cut off by his cries of pain. His eyes… they felt like they were burning and freezing simultaneously. He clawed desperately at them in a vain attempt to make the pain stop. Suddenly someone was beside him, pulling at his hands, in his pain fogged mind Richard couldn't make out the voices that were talking to him, it was all white noise drowned out by his pain. Finally, finally, the merciful darkness of unconsciousness took hold.

When Richard awoke, after what felt like hours, he heard the soft footsteps of one of the maids. Groaning he slowly sat up. His eyes hurt and felt strangely cold. The area around them however throbbed. Raising a hand he felt small cuts. Slowly, hesitantly, he opened his eyes.

The maid, Lily, turned to face him, a pleasant smile on her face. "Oh good, you're awake my Prince! Everyone was so worried."

Richard looked up at her to respond… but when their eyes met… she suddenly gasped. Before Richard could understand what was happening Lily was frozen solid. Mouth agape Richard numbly walked forward, placing a gentle hand on the woman's frozen cheek. "What…?"

Walking to the mirror Richard looked up to meet his gazes' reflection. His eyes suddenly shined a bright piercing blue and ice began to form on the mirrors surface. Within minutes the mirror was covered in a sheet of ice.

"Mother! Father! Help me!" Richard screamed at the top of his lungs, running back to his bed and squeezing his eyes shut.

Within seconds the door burst open. The King and Queen gasped at the sight of the frozen maid, Alfred hurried to the woman side to see if he could help her. Selina and Bruce went straight to their son's side, Selina scooping her baby into her arms as Bruce asked frantically, "What's happened? Richard are you hurt?"

After a few moments the trembling boy said, so softly Bruce had to strain to hear him, "S-She cursed me. Ivy cursed me. S-She said she w-would make it so no one would ever want to see m-my eyes again and now if anyone does… they turn to ice."

For months King Bruce searched for the witch that had cursed his child but the woman had seemingly disappeared. No matter what the healers tried they were never able to unfreeze Lily. Selina tried to convince Richard that it wasn't his fault but despite her best efforts Richard was convinced that he was a monster.

On the rare occasion that he would leave his room Richard made sure to bandage his eyes tightly. Jason, who rarely left his side, would carefully guild his brother through the streets of the kingdom. Richard had made his parents promise to keep the curse a secret. The citizens didn't understand why the boy kept his eyes covered. Many became angry, thinking that the boy thought his eye's too good for the public.

Once on one of his outings a man ripped away Richard's bandages. This resulted on ten people being frozen solid before Jason was able to get the poor prince back to the safety of the castle. That night the citizens gave the King and Queen a choice: Get rid of the ice demon or step down from the throne. Queen Selina was horrified, King Bruce was furious how dare they propose such a thing?!

However, Prince Richard, having heard the ultimatum insisted that he leave. "The kingdom needs its leaders… I am nothing more than monster. It would be safer, for everyone if I leave." Queen Selina tried to talk her child out of his decision but his guilt and determination was stronger than her reasoning.

And so, determined not to lose his son, King Bruce took the young prince to the old tower. The tower was a great distance from the towns but was still visible from the castle. Wrapping his son in a tight hug the king told him sadly, "Alfred and Jason will say with you, they will protect you until I find a way to break this curse. I swear to you my son that I will find a way to free you, and we can be together as a family again."

"I'd like that." Was Richard's quiet response.

But as time went on King Bruce still hadn't found the witch, nor a way to free his son. The rumours of the ice demon began to spread to the surrounding kingdoms and many a young knight had taken up the quest to kill the monster… but none did. For none found the young prince turned into a beast. Some say that any knight that was close to finding the demon was killed by a shadow warrior, simply known as Red Hood.

The citizens of Gothamia were never quite the same; they had not forgiven the king and queen for harbouring the demon. This led to many crimes being committed to spite the royal family. The once flourishing kingdom became dark with crime and misery and the King and Queen remained in their castle. No celebrations were held. No great feasts to unite the kingdom. And no gowned balls in the courtyard. The royal family had cut themselves away from their people.

And soon enough the young prince with eyes so blue became nothing more than a myth…

A/N *clears throat* so umm hi *waves* this is kind of an intro to the main story, hopefully you guys are interested in the rest. If so feel free to follow and all that jazz, can't say that updates will be regular, just wanna say that right off the bat, but yeah hopefully you guys liked the first bit :) feel free to PM me or Review