The blasts had ceased. The gunfire had stopped, the body count was endless, but war had ended. Two soldiers were still on the battlefield, looking for survivors. Their names were Colonel Lucan Petil and 2nd Lieutenant Marissa Barnes. They were searching for any survivors of their platoon that may or may not have been injured.

"Lieutenant, there are no survivors here. We need to retreat." the Colonel said, looking at the soldier.

"With all due respect, Colonel, we need to make sure, and plus, the ship won't leave without your say. Wait... did you hear that?" the Lieutenant asked, for she heard a baby's cry.

"Is that an infant?" Col. Petil asked. But Lt. Barnes was already running toward the crying. She stopped running to see an injured mother holding her unharmed infant son. She was bleeding from her gut, she performed a C-section on herself to save her child. The Lieutenant was amazed, for a mother to do this for her own son, she really must have wanted his son to be born.

"Don't worry, ma'am, we'll get you some medical treatment!" Lt. Barnes said with concern, getting ready to call it in, but the woman's hand going up stopped her in her tracks.

"Please... There's no hope for me... But please, save my baby... He is very important to the future of this world... He will save us all..." the mother uttered, looking at the Lieutenant with glassy eyes. Just then, the Colonel came to the Lieutenant's side, and saw the heroic scene this mother committed. The mother looked at the two soldiers, smiled, and raised her baby toward them.

"I have a request... I want you two to raise my boy... No one else... Promise me that you will not let him go... until he's old enough..." the mother humbly requested.

"Wait... take care of your child? But... we aren't..." the Colonel stammered.

"We will... Just a question... When will we know that he's old enough?" the Lieutenant asked.

"When... the time comes... y...ou... will... k...n...o...w..." the mother said, drawing her final breath, as the Lieutenant took the baby before the mother's eyes grew dark and empty. A silent burial.

On the ship, the two soldiers were in the Colonel's office, the Lieutenant was taking care of the baby, as if her own. The Colonel was sitting down, watching her care for the baby.

"How can we raise that child? I mean we aren't parents." the Colonel doubted the task at hand.

"Even so, I promised her that I would take care of him, you don't have to help me if you don't want to, but I am taking care of him." Lt. Barnes said, holding the baby.

"I will help you with the baby too. But i need to ask you a question." Col. Petil said, as he got down on one knee, and held out a black box, opening it to show a ring that he had found on the battlefield, he didn't know why he wanted to pick it up, it was like fate. "Will you marry me?"

Six years later, after those 4 words were spoken, Jason Petil was having his sixth Birthday Party, everyone from the neighborhood was invited. He blew out the candles on his cake, and smiled as the people cheered.

"That's my boy!" Lucan said, picking up his son and putting him on top of his shoulders.

"Yay! Our little boy is 6 years old!" Marissa said, smiling at her son playing with his father.

"Yes, your little boy is extraordinary." someone said. The parents looked back, it was their old boss, Nick Fury, he walked up to the couple with a smile on his face, although the eye patch still made him look scary.

"Mr. Fury." Lucan said, setting his son down.

"Go on sweetie, go and play with your friends." Marissa said, shooing him off to go play with kids his age.

"I mean it, your little boy is very special." Nick Fury said again.

"What do want, Mr. Fury?" Lucan asked, cutting to the chase.

"Ah, cutting to the chase I see, Colonel Petil. Alright, it's your son, he has an extraordinary power, something that my team would benefit with." Mr. Fury said, smirking.

"I see..." Lucan started, only to be interrupted by Marissa.

"We're not giving him to you, he is too young." Marissa said quickly, standing her ground.

"With all due respect, Mrs. Petil, I must say that the desicion you are making is not a wise one." Mr. Fury said, his smirk dropping.

"And with all due respect, Mr. Fury, I am not letting him go yet. He is still too young." Marissa retorted sternly, steadfast to her desicion.

"... I understand, perhaps I shall ask at a later time... maybe when the whole world is in danger, perhaps." Mr. Fury said, smiling sarcastically, as he left the backyard.

"I swear, that guy really scares me, Lucan," Marissa said, with a fearful anger. "It's like he is planning something."

"I'm sure he has plans Jason, but he's going to have to wait, because I'm sure that his team would not want to be stuck baby-sitting for the next 11 years." Lucan said, holding his wife securely.

All the while, there was a stir in the winds. And it would be in those 11 years, that the soon to be 17-year-old would rise up and defend the world... But for now, life was easy.