This was inspired by a prompt I saw. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: The characters mentioned here belong to Disney, Pixar and/or Marvel.

He couldn't believe it...the woman was burning right on the spot...
Ty couldn't muster the strength to rise up from his knees as he just stayed there on the ground...motionless.
He was so overwhelmed by what he just witnessed that all he could do was just kneel and gape at the sight of
a burning body, with the fire dancing around her person...


He shook his fists as he tried to get up in spite of his drained form to fight the person who was responsible for...wait a minute...

What was the body doing?! was rising up again. She rose up and stood there, tall and strong with fists clenched, the fire building higher and higher! But there was no other source in sight asides from her, so how was the fire growing?!

The fire parted and standing out of the shadows of the flames and striding towards the one who tried to set her aflame...was her.
Only now...Jean Grey was wearing a different outfit than the one from before. This outfit shone of gold and green, with a giant bird shape branded on her chest. Her red hair wildly flowed over her shoulders.

Ty's gape lowered further as he watched this woman enchant him with her...resurrection. How did she do that?!

He was about to find out. She grew a glare as her eyes glowed a blank white, glancing at him for a minute to study him.
Ty blinked as she didn't say anything to him.
But she turned her eyes as the fire in them grew as powerful as the fire around her, eventually flaring and shifting into a bird of flame. The warmth of the Phoenix fire continued to enchant him.

"MY turn."
