I'm new to the Lost Girl world. I watched all 4 seasons in 2 weeks and was totally hooked. But not by Bo or that irritating love triangle. Dyson and Kenzi are the best characters and their chemistry is undeniable. I am hoping that Season 5 will bring Kenzi back and get her together with Dyson. I'm so over his whole, Wolves mate for life, crap. Anyway. Here's my take. Let me know what you think. Next chapter will be Kenzi POV. Enjoy and please review.

It was time Dyson was honest with himself. He had no idea why, but the bond was definitely waning. If he looked back at the last year, Dyson would say that it hadn't been the same for a long time. Almost ever since Kenzi had forced the Norn to return his love to him, the Wolf inside Dyson had seemed more and more indifferent towards the woman he thought was his lifelong mate. He still cared for Bo; she was strong, determined, and beautiful. But it was as if a haze had lifted and he could see things about her that he couldn't fathom.

Bo was a succubus, and therefore, monogamy was not in her nature. Dyson knew this, his head understood it, but his nature was to possess and protect what was his. Sharing wasn't something of which he was capable. So after the love he felt had been restored, his Wolf snapped and snarled every time Dyson witnessed the love between Bo and Lauren. This didn't surprise him, but his refusal to interfere (to claim what was his) shocked him. At the time, he hadn't been able to understand how he was able to stay away. It shouldn't have been physically possible. He told himself that he just wanted Bo to be happy. That real love could wait for the right timing. Perhaps that was true, but he now knew that it was more than that. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say it was less.

It was only after Bo, Lauren, and Tamsin had all disappeared that Dyson had started to get a few answers. He could still remember those scant weeks when their memories had all been altered. Without Bo in the picture it had seemed natural for him to gravitate toward the only human woman he'd ever cared about. Sure he'd slept with his fair share of women (human and Fae, alike), but he had never felt anything for a human the way he did for Kenzi. She had wormed herself under his skin with an ease that astonished and, frankly, frightened him. Caring for a human was looked down upon, but Dyson had initially felt superior, meeting Kenzi had changed his view of humankind. Still, their lifespans where terrifyingly short. It wasn't wise to get attached to someone who would be gone in the blink of an eye. But Kenzi had found a way around his defenses.

Even knowing that the life he was living with Kenzi was missing something, he was hesitant to give it up. He could have been happy if it weren't for the nagging feeling he had that something was missing. But in the end it was Kenzi who, as always, decided their fate. She needed whatever it was that they couldn't remember, and he would let her have her way even if it meant that they couldn't be together. After their memories were returned, Dyson kept finding himself reminiscing about their time together. It had been so easy, so sweet; without conflict, hurt, or anger. He couldn't help but wonder about what could have been or if Kenzi remembered it with the same fondness.

Even after they had found Bo and brought her home he didn't feel the same. Whenever he was with the two women, he felt himself drawn towards Kenzi. It seemed Dyson was constantly in a state of confusion over what was happening to him.

Then he'd slept with Bo. Like so many times before, she was hurt; she needed him and he had responded even though he knew things were different. Afterwards his feelings for her had grown stronger once again. It was this realization that forced Dyson to admit that, although he did love Bo, it was her powers that had unwittingly strengthened his bond to her. But he had Chosen her; only her. Even with the blood thrall playing its part, how could he break a bond made by The Choosing?

But the bond was all but broken when the love he had once reveled in, the love he had had to share, brought another man into their lives. Bo had chosen Rainer over everyone else in her life and Dyson had a hard time forgiving her for that.

But the world had fallen apart and Dyson didn't have time to question his feelings or motives. He fought. Just like he always had, he fought for Bo because his loyalty to her was unquestioned. He fought for Trick because he trusted the Blood King, his old friend, implicitly. He fought for Kenzi because he had to keep her safe; for Bo and for himself. And then he had to do the impossible. He had to let her go; let her walk toward her death; let her save him AGAIN; let her save the whole world. Only Kenzi could do that.

His heart swelled with pride in the small human who was stronger than any Fae he had ever met. But, in an instant, she was gone and the world was quiet once more. That's when the overwhelming grief took him. The loneliness moved into him, settling deep in his gut, and it wouldn't leave. Bo had a tombstone made for her sister, held a funeral for her. It made the anger swell up in his soul. Kenzi wasn't there, in the ground under the large black stone with her name inscribed across it. Her body and spirit were in Valhalla waiting for them, waiting for him, to bring her back.

The subsequent months were what really changed things between him and Bo. She had become so altered, so dark. Even though he could still see the good in her, without Kenzi to ground her, the succubus seemed to have fewer and fewer lines that she was unwilling to cross. They fought about it constantly. Whenever he questioned her actions she would round on him in anger.

"Don't you want to get Kenzi back? Isn't it worth it? Whatever we have to do, right?" She would yell at him. Her eyes would turn blue, and he would think that she was losing herself a little bit more each day. But he didn't leave her side, because if Bo couldn't bring Kenzi back, then no one could, and in the end that was all that really mattered.

It was the voodoo priestess who had put the idea into his mind. He hadn't even considered it at first, but she had challenged his love for Bo, "When are you gonna realize that is a prison all of your own making?" It made him wonder. Could he break free of her? Did he want to? But then Kenzi had walked toward her imminent death, with her head held high and not an ounce of fear in here eyes. And Bo was all he had left.

They were having another argument (something that had become more and more common as the months since Kenzi's death had passed) when it happened. The clubhouse was filled with a blinding white light. There was a high-pitched noise that reminded Dyson of Hale, and they were left sightless and deaf for a few moments. Dyson felt heat on his face and smelled burning flesh. Before he had time to wonder what had happened, he heard Bo's cry. "Kenzi!"

He turned and there she was lying on the floor, naked, and shining with an internal light. Both he and Bo seemed mesmerized by the sight of her, locked in place, staring at the person they had thought they might never see again. Kenzi moved, a shuddering, halting progress as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. Her movement seemed to bring them back to reality. Rushing towards the small woman they fell on either side of her, grasping her in their arms.

"Woah, woah, woah, peeps!" She threw her arms up and then seemed to realize that she was unclothed. "I know everyone wants a piece of the Kenz, but anybody got a blanket or a shirt or anything?" Dyson ripped his shirt off, popping some of the buttons as it went and draped it around her shoulders. "My man, D!" She looked at him and their faces lit up with matching ear to ear smiles. "Thanks" she added as she slipped her arms into the sleeves and wrapped the large shirt around her body.

He drug her into a tight hug, tucking his head into the crook of her neck and inhaling her sent. Sunflowers, just like Hale had always said, and the vodka that she loved so much. But something else, something new. Fae? How could that be? He decided to wait before announcing that bit of news. But his eyes never left her as she and Bo hugged and cried and laughed. They banished him to the couch when he tried to go upstairs with them.

After Kenzi had showered and dressed, they returned and the three friends sat down to discuss what had just happened. "Where were you Kenzi?" Bo asked.

"Dude, Tamsin took me to Valhalla." Kenzi waved her arms around as she spoke. "It was freaking awesome! I met a ton of really cool mofos. Did you know that Joan of Ark likes to crochet? She made me a wicked scarf? So how long was I out for?" Typical Kenzi, talking a mile a minute. Dyson couldn't contain the laugh he barked out.

"What?" Eyes wide with innocence, Kenzi smiled knowingly.

"Almost a year." It was Bo who answered her most critical question. Bo's face was hard, ready to defend herself and her decisions if Kenzi questioned her. To her credit, the younger woman seemed to take it all in stride.

"Time must move very differently upstairs." She mused. "It wasn't like there was a clock or anything, but it only felt like a few days."

"What was it like?" The warrior in Dyson had heard tales of Valhalla all his life. It was the place heroes went after death; a place of ultimate honor. "Did you see him?" He didn't have to clarify. Kenzi would know who he meant.

Her eyes watered, but the smile on her face was true. "Yeah, I did." She almost whispered. "He told me I had to come back. My job wasn't done."

In the days that passed after Kenzi's return, Dyson's world became a rollercoaster. One moment he was overjoyed to be reunited with the human for which he cared so much and the next he was being driven crazy by the mixed emotions he had rolling through his mind and body.

After her death, Dyson had finally admitted to himself how much Kenzi had meant to him. He had wished that he hadn't been so stupid or hard headed; that he hadn't pushed her into Hale's waiting arms out of a belief in his bond with Bo; something he had later decided was the last remnants of the sexual attraction he still held for the succubus.

He didn't know how or why, but all he could see was Kenzi.

He wanted to grab her, crush her small body to his; his body yearned to kiss and hold her and tell her that he was hers no matter what. He wanted to lay claim to her, body and soul.

It had been a year since Hale had died. Dyson had mourned his friend, but he had moved forward with his life. Dyson wanted to hope that perhaps Kenzi would be ready to do that too, but she had said that time moved differently in the heavens. He had seen how her eyes welled with tears when she spoke about the man she would have married if their lives weren't in constant peril.

Dyson was old; a thousand years or more had passed since his birth. He knew how to be patient and he knew how to woo a woman. Once he had set his mind to it, Dyson was sure that, given time, he could make Kenzi his.