She was hurrying about, trying to think of anything that she may have forgotten.

There…the necklace Loki had bought for her in Paris…

"I don't need a necklace, Loki."

"Nonsense. It's just a trinket…"

It had been lovely. And then St. Lucia…they had spent the entire week naked, for the most part.

And when they arrived in New Mexico, Jane set about to the task of building her gadgets and accumulating computers.

Loki would go back to New York on occasion to see to the remaining three sorcerers and sending them to Asgard. This occupied him for a few months.

And before she knew it, she was pregnant.

"Will this hurt?" she asked the night before they left for their honeymoon.

"Not at all…" replied Eir. "But we need to make certain that you will be able to receive Loki's seed…"

Jane blushed. She had received his seed, numerous times. "You mean, conceive?"

"Exactly…the Prince indicated that you wished for a child."

"I do…"

"Then we need to examine you."

And she did.

When she told Loki that she was pregnant, she expected him to be protective and concerned.

He wasn't not these things, but he was much more flippant than she would've imagined…

Loki had just cleaned the kitchen.

He had put away all of the children's bowels and such. They really needed to get a hold on this…

And he thought back to when Jane was entering her third trimester…she was huge, and very uncomfortable.

"Jane…I think we should go early to Eir…I don't think that you'll be able to make the trip in a couple of months…"

And she agreed.

And the day arrived, and she was in misery.

Just how big was this baby?

"Loki…" began Eir as Jane was thrashing about in pain in the infirmary.

"What?" as he wrung his hands and furrowed his brow observing her.

"You need to leave…I'll take care of this."

"No. I'm not leaving her…I did this to her, and I'm staying."

"Leave," she insisted…and looked at Thor.

"Come, brother. Jane is in able hands."

He punched Thor's face, and reared back, as though to summon a bolt.

But the Thunderer caught his arm and pinned him against the wall. "Steady, Loki…come…"

And he was led into the hall.

"Fuck you, Thor."

"Very nice…"

They heard her scream.

And Loki went to the door, but Thor quickly stepped in front of him. "Do not go in there."

"Stand aside."

"No, I shall do no such thing."

She screamed again.

"Jane!" he moved away. "I'll blow that fucking door down," and he pointed at the offending obstruction.


"No! I promised her…I promised to be everything for her, and she's screaming and I'm here…"

"Eir needs to tend to her."

"Eir needs to fuck herself."

"Since when do you use such vulgarity?"

"Since my oaf of a brother won't let me go to my wife who is in there screaming in pain. So help me Thor, if anything happens to her…"

"Nothing will happen," Thor assured him.

"How?" he quaked. "How can you know? We are different species…perhaps my vile seed will kill her."

"Stop it Loki. She isn't going to die."

And Loki rubbed his face with his hands. "She will, and it will be my fault…and then what? I destroy everything."

Thor went to his little brother, and held him tight as Loki wept into his shoulder.

Three hours later Eir emerged.

"Prince Loki?"

He looked up, slumped with Thor on the floor just outside of the infirmary.

"Your babies are well, your wife sleeps…she lost much of her life blood, and will be weak for a while."

Loki jumped up, then paused. "Babies? Plural?"

"Twins. A boy and a girl."

"Twins…" he breathed.

And he went into the infirmary.

And there she was, exhausted.

"It was difficult, Loki…she will need time to recover. Her body, though Aesir, had a time with your…makeup…but she is well, as are the little ones," and Eir smiled and hugged him.

"Jane! I'm getting Darcy now!" he called into her.

Jane emerged from their bedroom. "Alright. Where are they?"

"Outside…are you ready?" and he smiled.

Jane nodded, and he disappeared.

They were leaving for Asgard…people would begin to notice how the children didn't really age, how Jane looked the same…

Time to go.

"Sadie! Baldur! Come into the house!"

And the ten year old twins, who honestly looked more like they were five, came running.

"Are we leaving?" Baldur asked.

"In a few minutes," replied Jane.

She had been happy to comply with Loki's request that they name their son after his deceased brother.

"And Aunt Darcy is coming," observed Sadie. "This is gonna be great."

Jane nodded.

"Please, Jane…Earth sucks…and really, my family are mostly dead…can't I come?"

"I dunno, Darcy…" Jane honestly didn't want to ask Loki to bring her. It had been one thing to visit…but to stay…at least for a few years? "Are you hoping to, you know, win Thor over?"

"No. Well," she paused. "I mean, it wouldn't hurt."

"I'll ask," and Jane smiled.

And Loki complied.

Though he wasn't exactly happy about it…but Jane knew that he liked Darcy, and he loved how she was with the children.

And the two materialized in the living room.

"Daddy!" screamed Baldur.

"Aunt Darcy!" yelled Sadie.

Jane smiled at her family.

"Are you gonna marry Uncle Thor, Aunt Darcy…because then we will really be family…?" Sadie asked.

"Ummm…we're just friends, kiddo."

"Naw…boys and girls can't really be friends," said Baldur.

"Is that true, Daddy?" Sadie seemed hurt by this statement.

And Loki looked at his wife.

How his heart swelled each time he did…

She was his best friend.

"Absolutely not. Men and women can definitely be friends…" and he winked at his smiling soul. "Ready?"

He gathered them around him…held them all close…

…and POOF.

….they were gone.

A/N: And...that's it! I can't believe it. This has been such a journey. And by far, the longest story I've ever penned.

Thank you so much for following, favoriting, and reviewing, especially! I love to read your thoughts, and so many of you have said such wonderful things! I don't, as I said, normally respond to reviews...but please don't think that I don't love them. I am simply usually reading them on my phone, and for some reason, I always need to log back in...blah blah blah. So, I'll take this opportunity to tell you that I love them, and I honestly do appreciate the time you take to offer me your thoughts.

A very special thank you to JaninaM8. This story is also hers, and in the travels I took, I earned a friend here, and I am so very grateful. She was the one who said "Yes! DO When Harry Met Sally! It'll be great!" And I thought, shit. Can I even be that consistently funny?

I'm not Nora Ephron.

And so the answer is, No. I cannot be that constantly funny...but I have my moments, and I hope that you laughed. I think that Miss M8 did, at least a bit.

It was a winding road with a few detours, but the destination was made, and our lovers returned to their palace in the sky, happy, free, and in love.

And I wish the same for you.