Chapter 2

Note: I only own Claudia. The other characters and the songs she will sing belong to their respectfully owners. Also forgive me if Bilbo is a little ooc. This is my first time writing him in one of my fanfictions.

Bilbo looked at the human who had suddenly appeared in his home. The boy's breeches were a dark blue color and faded slightly at the knees. His hair was dark brown and grown down to his neck. His skin was light. But what caught Bilbo's attention were the boy's eyes. They were three different colors. They were light brown, blue, and green.

It was quiet for a while until Gandalf spoke up.

"May we help you?"

"Oh…um…some help would be nice. You see I followed a light here…" the boy began.

"A light?" Gandalf asked.

The boy nodded "About this big." He said, indicating a small circle with his hands. Bilbo noticed the boy's nails were a dark shade of purple.

"Where are you from? You're certainly not a hobbit." Gandalf said to the boy. "Why is a human in the Shire?"

Claudia licked her lips. She knew the questions would be coming sooner or later. She just wished it would've been later. Now she had to come up with answers.

"I'm from Kentucky" she said

"Kentucky?" Gandalf said "I know every inch of middle earth and I have not heard of Kentucky"

"I don't think Kentucky is in middle earth." She said

"Where is it?" one dwarf piped up. In her excitement she had forgotten their names

"In the USA."

"USA?" Bilbo asked, pronouncing it "Uh-sah"

She watched as the group looked at Gandalf.

"I've never heard of such a place."

"I should've known you've never heard of the United States of America." She said sighing.

She walked up to Bilbo, surprised she had to get on her knees, and held her arm out.

"Could you-?" she indicated for him to pinch it

Bilbo looked at her, confused "Could I what?"

"Um-pinch me." She said

"And why would I want to do that?"

"I need to see if I'm dreaming or not." She said "If it hurts, I'm not dreaming"

Bilbo looked at the others before compiling

"Ow!" Claudia yelped, jerking her arm back.

After she said that a knock came.

"He has arrived" Gandalf said

This is getting strange. Claudia thought

Phew two chapters in one weekend. It won't always be like this.

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