*E.T by Katy Perry (nightcored) playing on the background*

Nataly: *jumps from the nothing* hello people of fanfiction! I and my beautiful gang of flowers friends and of course, we're not called this, Amanda AKA Choco, Nataly Isa AKA Izzie, Viviane AKA Vivi, and Lily!

*All wave*

Lily: Belle didn't came because... she even came to class today, right?

Izzie: Yeah... but isn't the time! We're here to give you the last chapter of Turquoise Tear!

Choco: We also invite you all to read the newest story of Nataly, "Calls Me Home"; an AU made with our help, of course!

Vivi: And we were alongside her to write this story, and we became impressed in not just the people of our school like her stories but people around the world!

Nataly: I mentioned them, but I'll be doing this again. I thank my beautiful friends all behind me, and my newest friends from fanfiction, maybe you don't consider me as one, but I consider you all as a friend, Pinkie Pie luvs Ninjago, XShinkukikinX, ForeverDreamer12... love you all! *Blows kiss*

Nataly: It was really fun to write Turquoise Tear, Ruby Kiss will be coming on October being the sequel of Turquoise Tear! If it goes great just like it, I'll do Copal Road!

Vivi: Nat, we better start.

Nataly: Uh, yeah. Here goes the last chapter!

All: Act 15, Time After Time!

Izzie: Now it's going to show on the screen.

Lily: Which screen?

Izzie: You understand me.

✩Act 15✩

.::Time After Time::.


Cole's POV

That voice. It echoed in my head. When I looked behind me, there they were-

Hanako, Kai, Zero. Standing up, smiling. Full of life.

"I guess we lost the fun. I wanted to see Danilo's face when he lost against you all!" Kai crossed his arms.

"Well, at least he was defeated. But really, probably his face was like 'No!' like Jay's face when he found out that the guy from the next street don't wear male pants..." Zero let a laugh. Hana nodded. Then looked at me. I always wanted to see these beautiful blue eyes looking right at me. I went closer to her.

"When you said that you loved me... it was true?" I asked. She nodded.

"Since I met you. You was the first person that really wanted to ask me to go out. Since all of the boys liked Diana and Sabrina. And the ones who asked to hung out with me just wanted to know about my sisters. You are different. You really wanted to go out with me, even if I was a loser." She looked down then let a little smile. I touched her face.

"You're not a loser. By the way, you're way better than your sisters. These guys just don't know the nice person when they look at her." I noticed her blushing even hard than before. I was blushing also.

"This is my reply to what you said to me. I love you, Hanako Kurumi." Then our lips touched, leading us to a beautiful kiss. Finally this was happening. I finally said my true feeling for the girl who I most loved.

"Hey you two, get a room! I hate holding candles!" Kaoru said, crossing her arms. We separated and looked at everyone. Then Zero came closer to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Looks like I finally lost my charge in leading. I'm glad you're back, dude." He said.

"Now I finally can make fun of your food again!" Kaoru laughed.

"Looks like. I missed you and your jokes about my food, also." I looked at her. Okay, i hate these jokes, but I know I'm with them and they're having fun.

"And I missed someone to help me try to beat Zane and Kai's high score in Fist 2 Fist!" Jay said.

"Heh, I really beated Kai a two days ago, right?"

"Yes and I didn't liked it at all." He crossed his arms once again.

"Finally you're back, Cole." Zane smiled.

"Full and ready to cook to everyone tonight!" I smiled.

"Who wanna ask a pizza today?" Setsuna asked.

"I!" Everyone raised their hands. And we all laughed.

"Madison, thanks for helping my team. You really are welcome in the ninja group."

"It was nothing. You can all ask my help when want to."

"You have somewhere to go? Because we have a room on the bounty for you." I offered.

"Thanks, but I and Chrisie are gonna share an apartament. Not like you think, alright? We now are best friends." And Madison hugged Chrisie in the friendly style.

We all gave a big group hug.

"I'm glad in being back."

So, this is what happened. We still had to kick some snakes' butt, because it is not over yet. We all had our problems, and now we're training Lloyd as usual.

Lying in my bed

I hear the clock tick

And think of you

We all were together as a team once again. I am so glad!

Caught up in circles

Confusion is nothing new

Really isn't at all. We all have our battles.

You say

Go slow

I fall behind

The second hand


I ran in a full flower camp, in a remote place of Ninjago. We were there doing a picnic. I think it was childish, but a great way to celebrate.

If you're lost

You can look

And you will find me

Time after time

I'm still running through the flowers. They don't help me to run at all.

If you fall

I will catch you

I'll be waiting

Time after time

Time after time

Time after time

They can count on me if they wanna share something. Since from the start, when we all found each other and became together, I trusted them.


You picture me

I'm walking

Too far ahead

Okay, okay, a few times I didn't trusted.

You're calling

To me

I can't hear

Just what you've said

Many times I fell under the hypnobrai's control and almost killed my friends. Now the same, but I was possessed. Now I just wanna to forget it and ouch! Stupid flower!

You say

Go slow

I fall behind

The second hand


I take the flower out of my leg, but it still hurted. Roses aren't my type of flowers at all. But they're Hanako's favorites.

If you're lost

You can look

And you will find me

Time after time

If you fall

I will catch you

I'll be waiting

Time after time

I kept her Rose Keychain with me since... we met. It fell from her pocket, I tresaure it, but I'm giving it back.


My picture fades

And darkness

Has turned to grey

Even if she knew that I would hurt her...


Through windows

You're wondering

If I'm okay

...she really worried about me.

And you say

Go slow

I fall behind

The drum beats

Out of time

I look at the sky. Bright, clean. 4 days ago it wasn't like that.

If you're lost

You can look

And you will find me

Time after time

If you fall

I will catch you

I'll be waiting

Time after time

I finally see her with her now dyed brown hair (I prefered her violet one, but this one is great too) tied in a ponytail waving through the wind. Her pink dress with some white daisies drawed on it fits her perfectly.

If you're lost

You can look

And you will find me

Time after time

If you fall

I will catch you

I'll always be waiting

Time after time

I get closer to her and sit at her side.

"Hey Hana."

"Hey Cole. You okay?" She asked.

"Yes, my leg hurts, but it's nothing. You know, like a soft pain."

"Oh, so thanks godness." We looked at each other, and kissed once again.

When we let go of the kiss, she looked down but smiling.

"Something wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing. Just to the fact that I finally let my true feelings out..." She looked at me.

"Me also." And we hugged. When I looked at her once again, she let a tear out of her eyes. Shining with the sun, it looked like a turquoise tear.

Time after time

✩Act 15✩

.::Time After Time::.


Izzie: *Crying* I just can't believe it ended!

Lily: Yes, it was really great to write it.

Vivi: About now, Nataly?

Nataly: Made this story complete, create an oneshot, and try my best on "Calls Me Home". *lets tear out of the face*

Choco: You're really crying?

Nataly: Yes I am. The song of the chapter is "Time After Time" by Quietdrive. And... I'm so glad that many people liked it...

Izzie: You're not acting like yourself, Nat. You're just... too happy, right?

Nataly: Really, I'm so happy. *Smiles* I just want a hug!

*Group hug*

I thank everyone who liked this story and everything... okay, you saw it in the start.


Nataly, out.