One Piece does nott belong to me... If only though.


BRAIN TEASE : What are the seven words? Toy, slave, monster, unforgiving, sin, demon blood, killer, and Adrian! Thx all who answered correctly!

I have finally decided my dreadful answer to some of my most faithful viewers. As of today, this chapter Dramatic Changes is completed! Hurray! Please do not send hate mail until after you continue to read my end AN. Thx!

Viewers Discretion Is Advised!

Chapter 6 ending

They Are going to come for her.

Maybe not now.

Maybe not later.

But, they will.

And she'll be waiting for them.

With a smile.

The smile that makes them run.

But fuck she could use some rice crackers and red wine right now. Her snacks are just screaming, 'Lukya, eat me. Luffy what are you waiting for? Eat me.'

So, for now she waits.

Chapter 7: Epilouge

As it was Sabo and Ace got sidetracked on their mission because of some rookie pirates. They didn't end up back home on the Moby Dick for about a week, which by that time, Lukya was completely healed save the scars that formed over Adrians name. The rest of her body was saved from scars- none of those blasted words stayed, they disappeared along with a bunch of the other marks she was given the day she returned to Marineford for the last time.

Lukya had gotten around to making everyone special drinks and snacks, while having a little fun here and there by making games out of her snacks. (Like what she did before with Marco and Thatch)

Ben was picked up a few days ago to rejoin with his childish captain and Mihawk had to leave for a Shickibukai meeting that was called soon after she 'ran away' from her duties as a hidden Vice-Admiral.

He wasn't very happy to leave at the moment but everyone knew it was for the best so that the World Government didn't start to become suspicious of the greatest swordsman in the world.

Luffy allowed Izo to make her new clothes so long as she had places to keep her dimension pockets so that she always had her 'work' with her. Though now it was just as a precaution so that nobody else snuck it from under her nose than the fact that shes always prepared to leave.

She would never do that to her Pops and her brothers and sisters. She cared for then too much to just run off and leave them behind. Though she does want to start taking missions with some of her fellow crewmates to get off the ship for a little while.

For now, she was just satisfied in basking in the love she's been so deprived off since her capture. For the first time in years she can say she's truely happy and it wouldn't have happened from all the help she recieved from the people around her.

Shanks and his crew, Mihawk, her brothers and their crew- The Whitebeards, and the fleet admiral, because believe it or not without his help keeping Marco, Ben, and Mihawk in his office hidden fron sight, they all very well have been killed and she would have been tortured to the brink of death only because Adrian wouldn't kill her.

Monkey D. Lukya (Luffy) was very thankful for them to have saved her from the fate she was beginning to think she'd never get rid of.

And God, did she love them with her everything. She'd do anything to keep all of her family safe.


Miles away Adrian was thinking of all the wonderful times he spent with his strongest slave- Luffy. Now all he need was the right moment to make his move and she'd be his forever. With no way to get away from him ever again.

He laughed as he looked at the setting sun, soon. Very soon, she'd be his once more.

Oh. Shit, did that really just happen? Of course it did! This story is of now completed! However with a little bit of time, I am planning on making a sequel! CHEERS! HIP HIP HORRAY! Do not expect the sequel to start posting for a few more weeks maybe ecen months, just know that I will get to it at some point. I made this chapter super short because, I figured it would give me more leeway for my sequel when I start it. This way I don't have to start right away with her being recaptured in some anticlimatic way.
