Ok so I'm still new at this writing thing but here goes...

"" talking

'' thoughts

"Oi fucking chib- I mean Sena"

'Oh what fresh hell is this?!' The brunette internally screamed as he came timidly towards the blond devil. The few times Hiruma actually said his name was either with highest praise or with some very evil intent. He was not liking the odds.

"You're going to recruit these people to join us for the Youth World Cup." As saying this he pulls out a list and gives it to the boy. "Oh and I prepared something special so they can't refuse." A quick flash of sharp teeth as the blond smiled. This only made Sena even more suspicious. "S-special?" "Just put these on when you go there it would give 100% guarantee of the others accepting the offer." Out of nowhere a large brown bag was pulled out (seriously how does he do that?!) and shoved onto poor unsuspecting Sena. 'Well it's probably not that bad.' The small boy reassured himself 'If I get injured I wouldn't be able to participate in the tournament and I'm pretty sure that Hiruma san will make sure of that not happening.' Feeling a bit better he allowed himself to then open the bag. "Hieeeeeeeeeee!" Hiruma watched amused as he saw the running back's reaction of shock and then embarrassment. "I-I c-cant where this!" Sena practically screeched. He was going to continue but the close proximity of a gun to his face stopped him. "Quit yer bitching fucking chibi. You want the most talented people to join team Japan right?" The brunette nodded "Then just fucking do as I say" "BU~UT..." "DO IT"


'First person to join must be Shin san! But I can't go out wearing this! It's too embarrassing... Why did Hiruma even ask me to wear this? I am pretty sure the only reason he did this was to make me look like a fool. How would this even guarantee anyone joining if anything it would scare them away... Or even make them lose all respect for me... Maybe I shouldn't do this- I mean a few bullets won't kill me righ-' "Eyeshield?" Sena's thoughts immediately came to a standstill as his eyes met with Shin's widening ones.

For the first time Shin noticed Eyeshiel- no- Sena and what he was wearing. The shy yet strong runningback who he always saw as his greatest rival was now before him blushing several shades of red wearing a silver and blue short low cut metallic dress that looked a lot like knight armour adorned with a silver sequin design that had been (ahem) strategically placed with the look being completed by matching silver boots and wrist gauntlets.

A moment of hormone filled silence between the two as Sena shifting his gaze to his feet then to Shin only to blush hotly and look at his feet again while Shin openly staring his rivals appearance soaking it in while fighting this strange unfamiliar urge to ask Sena if he wanted to try out this new tackle he had been working on. Unable to take the silence anymore Sena decided that before it gets even more awkward he will ask Shin now. "Ano Shin san?" Upon hearing his name the linebacker snapped back in reality frowning, trying to ignore the hot feeling inside of him. 'I must need to train myself harder but just in case I'll ask Sakuraba later' he concluded. "Yes Eyes- Sena ?" "I-I ..."

Shin frowned again. For some reason his heart has been beating rapidly even though he hasn't started his daily jogging yet. 'Maybe I could ask Sena what this strange feeling is... As well as ask to try that tackle out...' Realizing Sena still needed to say something to him he came back to attention.

"I want you to join the Japan Team for the Youth World Cup!" The runningback squeaked. Blushing he looked up at Shin with those big honey brown eyes. The linebacker twitched using almost all of his self control to hold himself back from tackling the boy to the ground though he still had no clue to what this feeling was. "Of course I will join you Sena" the small brunette beamed in excitement 'Maybe Hiruma san was right in these clothes- even if they are seriously embarrassing.'

In his delight at his first successful recruit the small boy ran to Shin and hugged the Oujo knight. Unknowing what to do the knight began to awkwardly hug back secretly relishing the soft touch of his rival. He began to feel that hot feeling boil inside him again as well as a tightness in his pants area. Sena not noticing waved goodbye and ran off at light speed to change back to more 'decent' clothing.

Shin looked down at himself puzzled and began to start his jog feeling hot and bothered. 'Maybe I should have asked Sena if he could fix this problem' the linebacker didn't know why but he knew only Sena could help him.

When Sena got to the brown bag to put back the humiliating knight outfit he found another bundle of clothes inside. 'This is turning out to be the worst day' he sighed and took out the clothes to have a look. As he recognized the dark purple and gold design of his new outfit the boy paled realizing that it was going to be a hell of a lot worse.

Shinryuji Nagas

At Shinryuji's school gym Ikkyu and the other footballers with the exception of Unsui were looking on at Agon with pure undeniable jealousy as once again the lucky bastard brought another one of his hot chicks to training.

"AAH? World Cup?" Agon scowled. "Well it's just a rumour .." Ikkyu tried to reassure. "Ah nice timing it's on TV" Yumabushi senpai commented as he watched the small tv in the gym. As the ad went on and so did the apparent benefits of being top player in this tournament Agons eyes slowly glittered and when the advert ended he turned to his teammates and showed a smile of almost childlike glee to which everyone shuddered (except the girls who all fangirled).

Agon picked up his phone to invite himself into the Japan team but stopped mid type to glance up at the trash who had walked in. Only to take a double take with his Godspeed impulse to behold the not that much of trash running back who had beaten him. Of course it wasn't just the running back that got his head turning it was the clothes said running back was wearing.

Everyone else turned to see what Agon was gaping at only to see the timid brunette blushing while tugging his black leather miniskirt with golden scale motif in a vain attempt to try and cover his exposed shapely legs. The miniskirt beautifully matched the deep purple and gold corset shaped to highlight the thin body. You could see also tiny purple dragon wings attached to the back of the corset which allowed a cute appeal to go with the overwhelming sexiness.

The shocked silence was broken by Ikkyu. "O-oni cute!" He blabbed blushing from the tips of his toes to his ears. Unsui dropped the weight he was carrying too busy trying to keeping his impure thoughts safely under wraps before he does something he might regret. Yumabushi pretty much did the same as Ikkyu and so did most of the other teammates as well.

And Agon? He broke his phone in two.

Sena watched the whole scene unfold wishing that a hole would just appear underneath him so he could escape the madness of his life. But he already had to endure the weird gazes of the students of this all boys school as he made his way to the gym and he definitely didn't go through this embarrassing ordeal for nothing so he took a big breath and went up as boldly and as confidently as he could to Agon.

Or well that was the plan.

"Agon I have something I need to ask yo- AHHH" the clumsy running back squeaked as he tripped over his leather boots and fell on top of Agon. Though Agon had Godspeed impulse for some reason he reacted far to slow (possibly because of a certain visual blow that caused some damage to his sexuality) and failed to move out of the way fast enough when Sena tripped. This resulted in Agon lying on the gym floor and Sena laying on top of almost I might say straddling the deadheaded boy. "Hieeee! I am so sorry Agon san!" The naive boy unaware of the situation he was in leaned closer to Agon's face looking worriedly for any sort of injuries the lightweight could have possibly made.

Looking deep into the smaller kid's honey brown eyes and soft pink lips in such a close proximity the first thing that crossed the foul mouthed teen was 'dammmn that trash has some good qualities after all' and without quite knowing why himself he bit the smaller boy's neck. "Hieeee!" The sport genius frowned confused and a little pissed that the trash didn't moan in pleasure. He pulled himself away (though it took more willpower than expected) and announced haughtily "Yo shrimp trash" the trash responded by looking up a bit dazed "I'll do it. The Workd Cup Japan thing and if we don't defeat America because of a mistake you trashes did I'll annihilate you got it?!" Sena nodded quickly and ran off like a deer. Agon noticed the alluring way Sena's legs moved as he ran hips shaking as the mini skirt limits his movement. When the boy with the golden legs left the gym Agon continued on with his weights till he turned to see his teammates gaping at him. "Agon did you just b-bite.." Unsui began but the fiery dreaded teen silenced them all with a glare and a scowl till they all continued on with training grumbling unsatisfied.

Only Unsui noticed the slight tinge of pink on his twins face.