Hey there everyone. I was thinking of a story and i though why not make a story like inuyasha with fairy tail characters in it.

Well this is my second story hope you like it. Oh BTW you may find some stuff similar to the anime inuyasha in it as well, so don't

worry about that it i'll change some of it so it wouldn't looked like the anime itself.

And also i don't own Fairy tail or Inuyasha. :D

The boy who was sealed to a tree

Over a mist of clouds you could see mountains and through those mountains lays a town. Looks peaceful right well wrong causes today was the day everything has change.

"Its Natsu Dragneel!" a guard shouted. Everyone turned to the direction someone had shouted then.


There was a cloud of smoke coming from the forest; birds were flying away from the area hoping to escape. From that smoke a figure appeared. A boy with spiky pink hair and a scale patterned scarf around his neck (he'll wear his outfit from episode 1 from fairy tail but i maybe change his clothes later on.) burn through the nets that was on him. He had a smirk on his face while giving a slight laugh.

Using his magic to make him move slightly in the air and landing on a Shinto (it's that thing at the front of a Japanese shrine I don't know what's it called so meh) to jump again while others shoot him with magical blinding ropes or their magic at him.

Seeing what they were doing Natsu twisted his body to avoid the ropes and attacks that was thrown towards him. After doing that for a while he landed straight towards a building made out of wood.

Upon reaching inside the building there was candles everywhere and at the far end there was a sparking pink jewel necklace.

Covering his nose from the smell he went up to the necklace and grabbed it from its display. Just the door swang open revealed two figures at the door. The two figures attacked Natsu with their magic but he dodged them and they ended up knocking over candles.

Jumping up again to get away from the fire and watching it bursted into flames. He twisted his body to avoid the woods that was flying everywhere. He already got what he needed no reason to stay there anyways.

Natsu looked at the necklace his right hand and said "Finally I've got it. With this I'll be the strongest wizard in fiore" with that being said.

He landed on a stone bridge and then he made a leaped into the forest but not too far from where Natsu was a girl stood the opposite side of him.

She had an bow and a arrow with her and her once long white hair was now cut to her neck. She was wearing a red sleeveless dress that reaches her knee the upper part of it has white and pink on it, two pink sleeves on each hand and black boots. Her pretty blue eyes shows angry and betrayal. On one side of her shoulder was wounded.

"NATSU!" as she shouted his name she put every magic she had in that arrow and in slow motion it reaches its target.

As he was near a tree the arrow came right at him making him dropped the necklace he out stretched his hand and try to get the necklace back but was stopped mid way.

The necklace dropped to the ground and the girl's bow string shakes a little still with the same expression on her face. She didn't move where she was and with that the wind blew.

"Lisann-a!" the boy said with his voice breaking a bit.

"How could you!" with that he stretch out his hand again with a shock expression but soon fall into a deep sleep.

Walking up towards the necklace while left a trail of blood behind she bend down to pick it up.

By this everyone had already gather around her. Her big sister Mirajane asked if she was alright. While her brother Elfman stated that she is hurt

"Lisanna how did you get that wound?" Mirajane said but she didn't get an answer.

"It's my fault this happen I should have never drop my guard. And as a result this happen. All for this sacred jewel" said Lisanna as her body was shaking.

"Lisanna don't say anymore your injured." Elfman said.

"that's right we have to treat your wounds or you'll die."Mirajane said next and by this everyone was starting to cry.

"I'll die anyways but listen closely elf-nii chan and mira-nee I want you to take this sacred jewel…. And burn it with my body ok. It mustn't fall into the wrong hands" she said as she hands the jewel towards her siblings. And with her last breath she collapse.

"LISANNA!" both the Strauss sibling said as tears were falling form there eyes.

Lisanna body was now burning in fire with the sacred jewel in her hand.

"I'll take this with me to the other world where no one can find it."that was what Lisanna was thinking before collapsing.

And off into the fire the girl's body was now turned into ash and the jewel was never to be found again.

In the big city where technology was develop and everything was advance. And in a certain place a girl with blonde hair, chocolate brown coloured eyes was waiting for her friend to come.

After waiting for an hour are so the blonde girl was looking everywhere for her friend. She call, texts and even emailing her but she never picked up her phone. "Where are you Ringo your late" though the girl.

In the distanced away from the blonde girl a short brunette was running towards her.

"Lucy! Sorry to keep you waiting I was so caught up doing something for my mom" a girl with long black hair said then rest when she saw her friend.

"It's fine Ringo I forgive you. Besides I have to go to bookstore to buy new books today" the blonde said.

"I'm really sorry for making you wait lucy" Ringo said with a frown on her face but then bright up a bit after finding out where they were going too.

Anyways they spent they're day hanging out and stuff before school starts for tomorrow was the first day of going to magnolia junior high.

Lucy was very excited for the day to come. I mean who wouldn't. she can make new friends, getting a rival or maybe fall love with someone there like in those romance novels she keeps reading about.

It was 6:00 p.m when they decided to part ways . Bidding farewell to her friend at a cross section. Her friend took the left while lucy was walking to the right.

After walking for a good while she finally reached home safely. Walking up the flight of stairs to get to the top.

Yes lucy lived in a shrine and her house was not really that far from the shrine either. It was just located near her house. It just that her family had been caretakers for this shrine for years now so yeah she lived here.

Finally at her door step she walked inside not forgetting to say a little 'I'm home' to not one. Her mother was at work and her little brother was at a sleepover with some friends and her grandpa was probably at the shrine again. so it was just her and her grandpa well until her mother gets back at least.

It was now night time and the heartfilias were having dinner.

A woman with bright blonde hair that was tied up into a bun with some hair loose. She look exactly like lucy but her eyes where a more lighter shade of brown eyes was severing a dish.

An old man eating away at his pickle plums while sharing an old story to his granddaughter about the origins of it.

And then there was lucy eating peacefully at her dinner not even paying attention to what her grandpa was saying.

lucy POV

I sigh out loud my grandpa was going on about the origins of pickle plums seriously PICKLE PLUMS! For pete sake.

I knew every story that comes out of my grandpa's mouth since I was little and in those days I used to believed in them but now not so much.

I knew about the story of the thousand year old sacred tree.

Also the legend of the hidden well that was located near the shrine. I knew them all and i even heard the countless times, I was beginning to get bored of them. Besides there are not even real.

Until today the day when school starts.

It was now morning the birds were chirping and over all the wind blew nicely. It was bright and sunny out and I was thinking it was going to be a good day.

I did my morning routines and tied my hair into a ponytail with a blue ribbon while brushing the rest of hair that was left down.

Already had breakfast I walked out the door but not before saying 'I'm off to school' over my shoulder and headed out.

But just when I'm almost to the long flight of stairs I heard something coming from the well. I was curious to see what could be making that noise. I walked over there and open the door.

Checking to see anything was in there I saw something in the shadows. Feeling a little scared when it jump towards me I let out a scream. Feeling something soft and fury I saw a little black cat rubbing on my leg.

I picked it up and said " hey what are you doing here.?"

Unknown to me a hand stretched out from behind me and grabbed me pulling me into the well. The cat was no longer in my hands as I saw it ran away in fear leaving me behind.

Surrounded by a dark space like area lucy could see the light from above fating away. She felt a hand touch her on her face. The pale looking hand turned her face so she can get a good at her. Everything around her moved in slow motion.

With an shock expression lucy saw who pulled her in. there a woman with black hair and brown eyes with weird looking orb like thing flouting around them.

Lucy couldn't believed what she was seeing. She could do anything caused of the shock.

"So you're the one with the jewel don't you. Give it to me" the woman said still holding onto lucy's head.

"Jewel… what jewel?"Lucy questioned.

" Doesn't matter if you don't know I'll get it anyways. Even if I have to kill you to get" the woman said as she used her right hand and moved the orb thing to lucy.

"Let go of me!"lucy said as she closed her eyes and stretched out her hand to pushed the woman away from her but was shock to see bright lights coming from her hand. The light caused damage to the lady and she disappear.

"AHHHH! You'll pay for this girl. I'll be back to take that scared jewel from you." Her voice could be hear in the space like place and suddenly everything was going back to normal specared jewel?" lucy said while flipping right side up and landing on her feet.

taking in deep breath in and out to calm her racing heart while inside her mind she freaked out.

Thinking it was a dream. After that lucy sat up straight and said "I must be seeing thing." and looked up to see light from outside and though

"I must have falling into the well" with an idea she shouted out for help.

After shouting for a good while now she looked around. While in her search she found green vines behind her. Walking toward it and checking if its strong enough to climb.

After doing all that she started climbing up. While reaching mid way see saw a butterfly flying around her she looked at it before going back climbing. Finally she reached the top and she pulled herself up.

Lucy was surprise to see lots of trees and grass instead of the shrine or her house for that matter. Sitting on the edged of the well she got out and now was looking around the place.

"where am I? I know I fell into the well at the shrine but where is this place" she though.

"Mom? Grandpa! Where is everyone!" she shouted but no one was there.

After walking into the unknown forest still calling out for someone if they ever find her. After doing that for a while now she felt like giving up that is until she saw a big tree. Now with hope in her eyes she ran towards it.

"That tree! I must be close to home" lucy said. Pushing some brush out of her way she saw something in the distanced.

Her smiling face was now a confused one as she saw a boy sleeping peacefully with an arrow pierced throw his shoulder and his body was wrap up with some vines. But what lucy was confused about is that he had pink spiky hair.

"A boy?" she said out loud as the wind was blowing softly.

Plz Review my story and tell me what you think about it.