(A/N: Ok, lovelies, so I have no excuse but here it is, I'll try to do better this year. But give me a break I just got accepted into nursing school and my professors actually said to say good bye to our families because we were going to be so busy XD and so far they are right! Well thank you all for your patients and I hope you like it.)

Isami' Pov:

I woke up with a pounding headache and an inability to move my limbs. I groan in pain as I tried to recall what happened.

"Isami, you're awake" I heard Kyoya's voice call and I turned my head to look at him. His hair was slightly messed up and he was a bit red in the face.

"You don't look so good" I state in a horse voice and he lets out a smirk. "I don't look so good? Do you have any idea what you look like right now?" He asks as I move to sit up and I instantly feel two pairs of hands help me up. I look to my left and see Mori staring down at me with an even more stoic face than usual.

"Be careful, don't move too fast" Mori says in concern and I nod. "Yeah yeah" I wince and hold my side as a sharp pain traveled through my body and it was then I realized just how badly I was hurt.

I rub the back of my head with a sigh "Is Honey ok?" I ask Mori as Kyoya went to tell the nurse I was awake.

Mori's Pov:

How on earth can she be considerate of Mitsukuni when she is in this state? I really can't understand her sometimes. "Well he's not hurt" I answer, and she gives me a frown as if that's not what she wanted to hear.

"Did anyone go check on him?" She asks, already moving to throw off the blankets, but I stopped her. "You're the one who's hurt right now, Mitsukuni will be fine" I said firmly pulling the blankets back on top of her.

"I'm not so sure" Isami bit her lower lip, looking down at her hands in a concerned way.

"Are you not mad with him?" I ask, genuinely confused. I just don't understand how she can be so worried about him when he almost killed her!

"Huh? Of course not, why would I be mad?" she said in surprise. "All he said was true, I should probably apologize to him". She adds biting the corner of her lip in thought.

I was frozen. D-did she really mean that? Did she think herself a 'cold-hearted monster?' I suddenly felt myself get angry and I slammed my fist on the bed frame with a loud BANG!

Isami's Pov:

I jolt in shock and look at Mori wide-eyed "M-mori?"

"Don't say that. Don't ever say that" He muttered so lowly that I almost didn't hear him.

"Say what?" What did I say? I had no idea what he was talking about.

"You think you're a monster? You think that you're unfeeling?" Mori asked through clenched teeth. I have never seen him so angry before and it was starting to worry me.

I didn't answer his question and look at my hands. He had no idea just how much of a monster I really was. All Honey said was a bitter truth that deep down I knew, but it hurt to have someone remind you.

"Well you're not!" Mori raised his voice and both the nurse and Kyoya looked our way in shock.

"Son, I'm going to have to ask you to leave" The Nurse said firmly to which Mori only responded with a glare making her pause momentarily. Mori slowly turned his gaze back to me. His eyes were so intense that I felt myself unable to look away.

"You Are Not A Monster. I don't care how many times I have to say it, but I will repeat it over and over until you believe it. Mitsukuni was angry and upset, he had no right to yell at you the way he did, but the words he spoke were lies, nothing more." He said firmly as the room had become so quiet that all you could hear was the fan on the nurse's desk.

Oh Mori, you are very sweet, and I wish I could believe that, but even though I fight everyday to defend others I know deep down there is a monster lurking, and it is just waiting for the day I crack. According to some damn book it will be the end of the world if I let it out, so sorry Mori I can't believe you.

"Thank you" I say just above a whisper and give him a slight smile. He didn't need to know what I thought of myself, it would just upset him more anyway.

Mori seemed satisfied with my response and stood up looking at the nurse. "Do I still need to go?" He asked in a much calmer voice.

"Yes, too much stress is not good for her" The Nurse said firmly and ushered him out of the room.

Kyoya's Pov:

Thank God for that nurse. While I appreciate all Mori had to say I couldn't help but feel a twinge in my heart when Isami smiled at him like that.

"So, tell me, what's the damage?" Isami asks looking at me while gently rubbing her arm.

I clear my throat and grab her chart "Well looks like a broken rib, a fractured wrist, severe bruising along your abdomen and back, possible hemorrhaging, and several lacerations on your legs and arms" As I read off the list, I knew my knuckles went white as I clutched the clip board. Honey-senpi did a real number on her and I was still furious.

"That's it?" Isami calls in surprise. I snap my head up "that's it? This is very sever Isami!" I shout at her. How can she be so relaxed about this?!

Isami laughed before clutching her side with a wince and looking at me with that smirk of hers "I was just expecting more from the famous Mitsukuni Huninozuka."

I was about to yell at her for not being angry, but then I sighed and sat on the edge of her bed. *Sigh* "I just don't understand you sometimes" I tut with a shake of the head and a light smile.

"I know, but that's why ya'll love me right?" She laughs again and I force down a blush. If only you knew…

Isami's Pov:

"So when can I get out of here?" I ask, already feeling antsy, as I rested my chin on my fist.

"You aren't leaving for a while dear" The nurse said walking in and shoving Kyoya aside. "Frankly if it wasn't for your friends I would of sent you to the hospital already" The said in a scolding voice.

I sweat-drop and look at her "Really mam, I'm fine" I insisted and moved to get up, holding onto Kyoya's shoulder to steady myself.

"NO no no no, you sit back down right now little Missy, I still need to know how this happened!' The nurse shouts at me. As annoying as this was I can't really blame her, this must be the first time there was actual blood in her office.

"Sorry mam, I reserve my right to remain silent" I smile brightly at her and Kyoya looked at me with one eyebrow lifted. I guess he thought I would rat Honey out, yeah right! He would likely get expelled for something like this and that wasn't fair to him.

"Sweet heart you can talk to me you know" The nurse said with slightly concerned eye. Ohhhhh she though I was abused? Yep, no just an angry little cinnamon roll caught me off guard.

I chuckled and with a wince I lifted my arm to pat her shoulder. "Believe me mam, I can take care of myself, you don't have to worry. This was just an accident" I say and glanced at Kyoya. "Right, Kyoya?"

He didn't answer for a second but then sighed and looked at the nurse. "Yes, an accident" He said and I smiled. Thank you Kyoya!

"So now that is all settled I'd like to go home" I saw, trying to step forward only to wince from the broken rib and have Kyoya rush to my side. The nurse looked like she was about to protest me leaving but Kyoya quickly cut her off. "I'll make sure she is taken care of." Seemingly satisfied with that the nurse nodded and let us go.

"Thanks Kyoya" I say as soon as we got outside the door and Kyoya looked at me holding my rib in pain and quickly scooped me up bridal style.

"What the hell are you doing!" I shout in shock and immediately start to struggle, really just hurting myself more as I did so.

"Consider this payment for lying for you back there" He smirked and only held me tighter. I lifted one eyebrow up. "Why is this 'payment', how does caring me benefit you?" I ask in genuine confusion.

He chuckled and glanced at me as he walked to the front of the school. "It's a payment because you would never let me do this otherwise and it stops you from over exerting yourself…again" He gives me a pointed look and I sigh. "Fine whatever. Can we at least go back to the club? I want to check on Honey" I say, biting my lower lip in worry.

"No" he said plainly as he kept walking.

"What? Why?" I ask in exasperation, really close to just jumping out of his arms and running to the room.

"You need to rest. You are already pushing it by being out of bed so soon. Honey-senpi will be fine. You can talk to him tomorrow" Kyoya said seriously, the smirk in his voice gone.

"but-"I started to protest

"No, you need to take care of yourself first this time, Isami" Kyoya border-line shouts at me, looking into my eyes with a fierce glare.

Kyoya's Pov:

Isami allowed me to place her into my limo and take her home without another word. Maybe I was a bit too sharp with her. She's been through a lot today, but I really didn't want her running back to Honey-senpi in this state. She needed to take care of herself for once.

I glanced at the red-head on my left. She was just glancing out the window with a far away look in her eyes. I wonder what she is thinking about.

I release an inaudible sigh and turn my head back forward. I admit, I have it bad for this girl and it doesn't help that Tamaki is thinking of a master plan to get her to return my feelings. Things have been so hectic that I don't think these next few days will be the best time for him to act out his "plan". Although, I couldn't help but feel that time was running out. I guess the only good thing is that I don't think Mori-senpi has admitted to himself that he too likes Isami.

I helped Isami back to her apartment and Haruhi took over almost instantly, acting rather motherly and I took my leave for today.

I don't know how things will be at the club for the next few days, no doubt there will be tension in the air from the other host members and Honey-senpi. Perhaps I should close the club activities for a few days.

Mori-senpi pov:

Kyoya texted everyone that Isami was alright and back home safely. I sigh in relief as I headed inside my own home. Mitsukuni disappeared after what had happened but I thought he should know Isami was ok.

"Mitsukuni" I call from outside his room, knocking quietly. I didn't receive an answer so I just sighed and kept talking. "Isami, is alright and back at her apartment. I just thought you might want to know" I say and walk away, leaving him to his thoughts. Hopefully things will be better in the morning.

Honey's Pov:

I'm glad Isami is ok, but the aching in my hears doesn't feel any better. I was curled up on the floor with my knees pressed against my chest. I felt so awful and I didn't even know how I could face Isami or the host club ever again.

I felt a tear drip down my face as I glanced around my room. There were plates of cake lined up on my desk and candy in my bed side drawer.

Sweets, cake, all of this was the stupid reason I hurt Isami and I felt disgusted with myself.

I stood up and grabbed the trash can, I marched around the room throwing away every slice of cake and every candy I had. From this day forward, I will NEVER eat cake again! I think that's a good enough punishment for what I had done, and it would keep me from ever doing anything like that again.

I settled into bed, satisfied with what I had done, and hopefully things will be better tomorrow.

Isami's Pov:

After Haruhi had finally gone home I laid in my bed and looked up at the ceiling. I had a very bad feeling that Honey was not ok, but some how I don't think a simple text will fix this. So first thing tomorrow morning I will go talk to him, hopefully I can convince him and the others that I'm fine and make everything go back to normal.

I sigh and roll over in my bed, careful not to hurt my rib, and I feel into a deep sleep. Hopefully everything will be better in the morning.