A/N: Reposting, editing, and completing this fic for Dramatic-ADD-Having-Ass-Writer (with her permission of course).
Stef's POV
I arrive at work today and I feel completely exhausted. Gavin had a nightmare last night and slept in mine and Lena's bed.
Her idea.
Definitely not mine.
I keep telling her that he's going to get accustomed to coming into our room and sleeping in our bed, but she doesn't listen.
I know that she believes me, and that she knows better. But she always gives into his puppy-dog eyes, and it's because of this that he sees me as the mean mommy.
And now I'm here, barely able to function, because Gavin kept digging his feet into my back all night, every time I finally passed out.
Not to mention, he literally kicked me off of the bed at 3am, so I just started my morning from there.
"Morning, Stef," Captain Robert's says as I grab my cup of coffee.
"Morning, ma'am," I respond, but I can tell that she has something on her mind by the way she's avoiding making direct eye contact with me at all costs while she grabs her apple. The fact that she doesn't even eat red apples is also a clear indication that something's wrong. "What's up?" I ask as my eyes move toward the round fruit in her hand.
She notices my movement and looks at the piece of fruit again before sighing and dropping it into the basket, "Okay, so it seems that Martinez has been transferred over to another unit."
I nod silently and try to hide the slight smile that formed on my face, "Wow…I thought he'd last a little longer," I say sarcastically. She knew that I despised the man. Or should I say kid. Martinez was only 23 years old, and I hardly felt like he had my back half of the time. He was an arrogant, prejudice, wannabe detective, who constantly undermined me. Putting up with that for two years was far from easy and I couldn't say I wasn't glad he was gone.
Hell, he was probably glad he was gone.
I was screaming with excitement in my head, when I heard her words and it seemed as if she knew it, because she was giving me a Yeah-right-I-know-you're-happy-as-hell look.
"So, I'm finally getting a new partner?" I ask excitedly but also nervously. I can't help but wonder, What if he's Martinez x100? It wasn't a secret that Roberts never asked my permission when it came to who I was partnered up with. Secretly, I always wondered if she got a kick out of seeing me miserable, but never dared to ask.
"Yes, that's what I wanted to talk to you about actually," she starts.
I try to sound cool about it. "So what's he like?"
"She," Roberts corrects.
"A woman?" I ask in surprise. I've only ever had male partners, and it would definitely be a first for me. Now, I'm thinking that this lady has to be super bossy if Roberts still wants to make me miserable…
"Yes," she nods her head and looks down at the floor.
"Is she here?" I ask while glancing around the room for another female. A take another sip of my coffee. It's way too hot though, and I end up burning my tongue immediately.
"She's right behind you," Roberts says as she points in back of me.
I raise my eyebrows and whirl around slowly, so that I don't appear to be staring at the woman.
The moment I see her, I drop my mug on the floor, causing the glass to shatter and the coffee to splash all over my shoes.