
            It was 9:30 that night when the police took in Pegasus's assassins and had questioned everyone.  Yami had receded back into the puzzle so as not to arouse suspicion.

            "Well," an old cop said to Yugi and Goku, "I called the West City Police Department, but they said all but one of the people in that warehouse survived.  They're going to press charges on Industrial Illusions for illegal weapons production."

            "Thank you, officer," Yugi said as the officer went about his business.

            "Looks like he got what he deserved," Goku said.

            "If he had just used his second chance in life in good intensions, this wouldn't have happened."

            Joey came out of the hospital at that moment.

            "Joey, how's your sister?" Yugi asked.

            "The same, Yug'.  The cops are convinced in not telling her what almost happened.  I don't want her getin' traumatized by this thing you know."

            "That's true.  So how did they know who you were so soon?"

            "My dad was kind enough to put out a missing person report on me.  He's coming here to pick me up."

            "That's good.  I guess you won't need a walking partner then."


            "Then, I'll see you later, but don't disappear on us." 

            "You got it," Joey replied with a thumbs-up sign.

            "I better go, Yugi," Goku said while walking with him.

            "Well, it's an abrupt way to say goodbye.  You did help me save Joey and his sister."

            "Aww, don't mention it.  I do this kind of thing all the time."

            "Still, I want to thank you somehow."

            Yugi thought for a moment.

            "Why don't you come to my place for dinner?" he suggested, "I'm sure Yami wouldn't mind cooking."

            "Well, I didn't finish dinner at Capsule Corp, and I am kind of hungry."

            "Then it's settled."

            After coming home and explaining to Grandpa about the "tournament being cancelled," he introduced Goku.

            "Well, you helped my grandson get home after his bus broke down?  Then you're always welcomed here."


            Yami came out just then.

            "So I assume we get started with dinner," he said.


            Yugi, Yami, and Grandpa had wide eyes fixed on Goku as he was eating plate after plate after plate of food.  Yami continued to give him more as Goku asked for it.  Finally, Goku ate his last morsel of food before he put his chopsticks down. 

            "Ahhh.  That was good."

            "He just ate our week's supply of food," Grandpa said in shock.

            "I'm glad I don't eat,' Yami said with the same tone.

            "Speak for yourself, Yami," Yugi said.

            "I guess I should get going now," Goku replied.

            As he went out the shop doors, Yugi came to him.

            "Wait, Goku," Yugi said as Goku got on his Flying Nimbus, "Here."

            Yugi gave him a duel monsters card.

            "What's this?"

            "It's a card we use in Duel Monsters.  It's called Kuriboh."

            "But, don't you need this card for your game?"

            "No.  I've got five copies of it, and I can only have three in my deck, so I can spare one.  I want you to have it because it's helped me in even in the toughest duels, which is what you did today."

            "Thanks.  I'll always keep this safe."

            "Goodbye, Goku.  Thank you for helping Joey and me."

            "Bye, Yugi.  Till' we meet again," Goku shouted as the Flying Nimbus soared into the night sky.

            Yami came out with Yugi.

            "I said it before.  That is one exceptional boy."

            "He sure is, Yami."

            "Yes, exceptional for leaving dirty dishes behind."

            "Huh, what do you mean?"

            "I'm not doing them alone."

            "Come on, Yami."

            "Into the kitchen, Yugi, and get the water started."

            He knew this would take a while. 

The End

Whew!  I thought I'd never get done.  First, I get diverted, and then I come down with Influenza.  Thank goodness Fall Semester is almost over.  Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the fic, and thanks for the reviews.  Ciao.