As usual, I apologize for my slowness and for the similarity to the previous story. New material won't start showing up until the next chapter or so as this intermediate chapters had only a few issues. Do you all enjoy how the story is going or should I deviate a bit more?

Chapter 8: School, Madness, and Werewolves

The first real day of school had gone by like a dream for the most part. Classes were fun and informative and Snape was by far the worst teacher- McGonigall may have been tempted for House revenge but she had much more self control then the Potions master. Everything had gone well, save for Draco's problem and his depression at the moment.

"How'd you guys sleep last night?" Zambini asked as they headed to breakfast at the great hall, a hand running through his hair. He didn't look like he had gotten much sleep though with how good of friends he was with Draco they weren't too surprised.

Harry grinned brightly, "It was great! I slept the whole night straight through!"

Veritas laughed as well as the gang walked down the hall, "Yeah, it was a miracle. I guess magic takes a lot more out of you than we thought." Crabbe and Goyle nodded as they walked slightly to the side of Blaise. When Draco had been sorted into a different house, they naturally drifted to the next leader of the group. Harry and Veritas weren't exactly the commanding type, so they didn't really qualify for the role of "Witty, Snide, Pure-Bloodist Slytherin Prat with Henchman."

"Magic burns a lot of energy, especially with us growing the way we are. It's why we have the buffet. We should all eat a good portion of it to keep up our strength," said Goyle, sagely.

Harry smirked at Goyle, "Wow man, you feeling okay? That was really smart!"

They all laughed at this before Blaise quieted, sober. "In that case, I worry about Draco." Everyone quieted. "He's still sulking and depressed. He has every right to be, but he's barely eating. If what you're saying is true, then he's going to burn out. I don't think he's going to get over his disowning any time soon, but he needs to at least take care of himself."

Everyone nodded. It was sad but true. Harry vaguely wondered whether or not Draco would ever get over it. He seemed really attached to his dad, though the feelings obviously weren't returned. The blond seemed to yearn for his father's approval, and being rejected, disowned... Harry hoped that they'd be able to get Draco past this.

"Hey, has anyone even seen Draco since last night at dinner?" Veritas asked. No one had so they moved onto the Great Hall, Blaise still occasionally looking about fervently for the missing blond.

Crabbe grumbled, "Don't look now, but there's a couple very angry glares in your direction Blaise." Veritas and Blaise glanced behind them. That Weasley boy from yesterday and his own versions of Crabbe and Goyle (though they were far less intimidating) were shooting glares at the entire group. Then, a little ways down, by herself, was Ms Granger; her head was in a book but occasionally shot a glare at Blaise.

"Well, I hope they enjoy the view," the dark skinned boy said, throwing a smirk to the redhead. The boy's scowl grew deeper. Everyone laughed at this, "But seriously, what's up with that kid? Self-righteous git, he's probably just another Weasley goodie-goodie, all caught up about the Light." Everyone nodded, though Harry thought his assessment was a bit unfair- the Twins seemed far from being a "goodie-goodie".

Meanwhile, Ron darkly muttered to his friends Dean and Seamus, "Self-righteous prat, he's just another Malfoy-esq Death Eater, just waiting to get back to You-Know-Who with a brainwashed Harry in tow." His friends agreed as they ate; They weren't sur eif his was entirely fair in his assessment but they'd stick by him for now.

They gathered up their stuff after breakfast and moved to head back to the dorm and grab their stuff. Harry glanced over to a nearby alcove. He grinned. There was Draco, talking with someone else. He didn't look so down on the dumps anymore, which was great. Then Harry noticed he was talking with Theo, who seemed really relaxed instead of the nervous wreck from yesterday.

"I'll follow you guys in a moment," Harry said. The others nodded while Veritas looked at him curiously. Tell you later, Harry mouthed and Veritas nodded in understanding. Harry walked over to the two, "Hey Draco, Theo. How are you guys?"

Draco gave Harry a weary smile, "Terrible in all honesty- I'm mostly just avoiding thinking about it right now. But I'll get over it. Won't be easy, but I will- its what we Ma-," His words died in his throat as he realized what he almost said.

Harry winced but smiled at the obviously still troubled boy, ignoring the slip-up, "That's good. I'll be here for you man, don't ever forget that. We all are. Where've you been?"

Draco gestured to still relaxed boy across from him, "Just talking with Theo. He found me after dinner and we've been talking. It's been pretty helpful."

Theo gave them a brilliant smile, "Just trying to help out however I can."

Harry nodded, smiling in return, "Well thank you Theo. Draco was a mess yesterday, and then he went off and disappeared before we could talk again." He turned to Draco, "Bliase wanted to search the castle for you. Ugh, it was so obnoxious, we barely got him to stop worrying."

Theo started fidgeting again; Draco grinned a bit weakly, "Sorry. I wasn't in the best state of mind. But don't worry," Draco's eyes burned with fire, "I'll prove Father wrong. I'll be the best, most Slytherin like Ravenclaw around and then he'll have to recognize my sorting was right." Draco nodded to himself, off in his own world for a moment.

Disownment like this couldn't be undone with a wave of a wand. It was like getting blasted off the tree- You would need the Head of House to do some extremly complex magic to get you back in. It was designed so that people wouldn't do it recklessly, though Lord Malfoy obviously didn't give a crap.

Theo leaned in a bit to Harry, "That's what I've been trying to stop. He just can't let go." Theo's eyes turned a bit pleading, "Keep an eye on him when he's with you. Please?"

Harry nodded, "What are friends for?" He paused, and the boy started to walk away, "And Theo?" The boy turned back and looked at Harry. "Remember our invitation is still open. And as your friend, I'm always here to talk to you if you need it. Got it?"

The boy smiled again, "You got it Harry."

The Boy-Who-Lived nodded and turned back to Draco, "Come on, let's get you to class."

The alarm went off. I sighed, turning over in my bed, pulling the covers over my head. The damn ringing continued blaring- I guess I should just get up then, if only to get the clock turned off. Pulling myself up, I sat on the edge of my bed and stretched, groggily looking about. I cracked my neck, curious; where would we be today? A few feet away, red blood defied gravity and floated up in a stream, boxes flew past, eyes staring from random spots.

I grumbled to myself, though I expected such a thing to have happened. Next to me, Ashe was asleep, where he had laid down last night. He was worn out from the party we had attended and fell right to sleep. I had stayed up a bit longer and then slid into bed next to him.

I sighed sadly when he turned over. His face was burned, missing in some places, hair half gone, looking like a ghoul. Why did it always have to be like this, I mentally mumble, waving my hand, using some of Darkness's energy to push the illusions away. As I do, my mind comes back to reality, floor reconstructing, Ashe's beautiful face back. I sigh, pulling myself to the bathroom, where I grab my toothbrush. I brush my teeth as numbers float by, 4,5,6,9,8,7, buzzing around like bees. I rinse out my mouth, gurgling a bit for fun and look in the mirror. He stares back with a toothy grin.

I wish He'd be gone.

He laughs at me, slashing His wrist, drawing blood. Some falls to the counter, on my side of reality, as madness stares me in the face, sadistic pleasure at my misery. Numbers flew about us, letters too, His eye rolling about like a pinball. I sigh, stripping down to take a shower, Him laughing as He peeled His own clothes, a straightjacket, off. We step onto our respective showers, Him laughing maniacally in a shower of blood, daring to make my own water red. I don't know, maybe it's just for a laugh.

I dress, and He steps out of the mirror, following me as I go throughout the house. He knows where we're going, we go there every time this happens. A potted plant nearby floats upside down, the world suddenly shifting into monotone. Ashe is up, I can hear the shower running again. I go into a room, bare, and lock myself in. I step in the middle of the circles and spells in the middle of the room. He isn't happy of course. He never is. He hates being locked up, but it is necessary. I cough up some blood as He fights a bit. But it's not enough to stop me.

I sit down, activate the circles and absorb their energy. I manipulate it, coughing up more blood, into the wards again, strengthening them. He disappears into my mental prison again with a shriek, and my world is back to normal. The plant from earlier is normal, color is normal, and I walk back to my room. Ashe is there, waiting for me, nearly ready to cry. He buries himself into my arms, begging me to stop hurting myself like this.

I don't really. It's all Him. But that's not true either. Ashe tries to help fix me like I helped him, but I don't know what to do. He is just too strong and Ashe can't do much. My boyfriend mentioned many options, all ineffective save one. Just one. And I haven't been willing to use it. At least, I wasn't until something bad happened.

Like what had happened a couple nights ago.

I have to… I'm sorry... L-...

Alek jolted up, awakening from his memory, shaking. Ashe, next to him, woke up as well, concerned, embraced him, "It was those dreams again, wasn't it?"

Alek sighed, absentmindedly playing with Ashe's hair, "I had Him in my head for decades upon decades. It's hard to forget."

Ashe pulled Alek tighter, as much to comfort himself as it was to comfort Alek. "He isn't part of you anymore! He is gone, part of someone else. Remember that Alek, remember! Don't let him get to you!"

Alek took a shaky breath, "I know but... Every time I think He's gone, He comes back to haunt me in my dreams, my nightmares." They were quiet as they laid together, thinking about Him, the bastard that had tortured Alek's mind for decades. The Darkness had tried to help Alek, and it had helped, but how do you protect against your own mind?

Alek turned his head to look at Ashe, "Do you ever feel guilty about what we did? I mean, it's a terrible fate..."

The other immortal shook his head, "Sometimes. But not often. Lucius enjoys the insanity, he revels in it, loves it. He was already going down that road. If he doesn't mind having Him then I don't let it worry my mind."

Alek sighed, "I guess that's true. It's been nice. I can interact with everyone better now." Allek sighed, "I might as well take a shower." Ashe nodded and stayed in bed, at bit sad that Alek was already getting up. Ever since they had got together, he loved snuggling in bed with Alek. Oh well, they did have work to do after all, Ashe grumbled in his head.

Alek walked into the bathroom, pulling off his black boxers before getting into the shower. He sighed, letting the hot water wash away the memories of Him from his mind. As he finished, grabbing the suddenly blood red towel, a couple drops of scarlet coming off it, heard a voice, saw a grinning face, a maniacal laugh, freezing him.

"You'll never make me leave."

Ashe found him fifteen minutes later, still shaking. The immortal sighed bitterly. How much longer would these relapses happen and plaque Alek?

Harry and Draco had made it to class shortly before the first period started, much to Veritas's and Blaise's surprise and relief. They chewed Draco out a bit for disappearing like that, but they were all very happy that Draco had turned up at all.

Harry had sat next to his brother and quietly whispered to him. "So what was up earlier?" Veritas quietly said as the Professor talked.

Harry answered in a whisper, "I found Draco talking with Theo. Theo was helping Draco cope- which you can see was pretty successful. Except Draco still wants to prove himself to his father."

Veritas frowned a bit at that, "I didn't expect anything else really, but it's a bit troubling in any case. And Theo? How's he?" Harry was quiet for a moment musing. Veritas waited; his little brother would sometimes get that vacant look in his eyes, and that was when the kid was connecting the dots. Best to leave him undisturbed while he's in the middle of doing so.

Suddenly, he started talking again, "I think Theo has a crush on Draco." Veritas's eyes widened. He figured his brother was clueless about these types of things, as it seemed like he hadn't noticed a couple other crushes…

"The only time I've even seen him for more than a couple seconds is classes and just now. And unlike every other time I've seen him, Theo was totally relaxed, so much more than at other points. And no one's really seen him except at Draco's, right?" Harry frowned a bit, "Though he did get a bit fidgety when I mentioned Blaise. Why do you think that is?"

Veritas's eyes got really wide at that, "Of course! Why didn't I realize it?" He shook his head as he mentally reprimanded himself for his poor thinking. "Stupid, stupid, stupid."

Harry was bewildered, "What are you talking about bro?" Veritas smirked; so Harry really hadn't noticed. He was as clueless as his older brother had thought.

"Weeeeell, you see... Blaise has a major crush on Draco also." Veritas barely stifled his laughter at his little brother's reaction to that information. It was priceless! "You didn't realize that? Seemed pretty obvious to me," Harry just shook his head, bewildered as his bro sniggered. The Professor shot them a look and they quieted down.

"Haven't you noticed how protective Blaise is? Or the subtle contact he makes sure and gets? You should pay more attention."

Harry shook his head again, still a bit surprised, "What dos that have to do with Theo?"

Veritas rolled his eyes, "Think about it. You want to hang out with your crush, get to know he better, get closer. But another guy that he hangs about with also has a crush on your crush and will probably not like that one bit. Blaise might be confident enough to rise to the challenge, but from what we've seen of Theo, I think he's a different story."

Harry nodded, understanding dawning in his brain, "And that explains his nervousness whenever the group or Blaise is around or mentioned. He doesn't want Blaise finding out and forcing Theo to stop trying to win Draco over"

Veritas nodded, "This could be very, very, bad if they, or Draco, isn't careful." They turned their attention back to the Professor, but not before Harry heard Veritas mutter, "Because in Love Triangles, someone always gets hurt."

Harry glanced at him. He wasn't sure it was that bad yet- they were only eleven after all. But it was a fair point… perhaps he should try and get Theo to hang out with them more so that the kid got used to blaise's presence around Draco.

Meanwhile, across the Channel, in a small nightclub hidden away in Paris, a jet black hawk carrying a message arrived to the heavy beats and flashing lights. The bouncer recognized it and brought it to the back, The V.I.P. where the owner and his pack stayed.

Buy it, use it, break it, fix it, Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it,

Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it, Snap it, work it, quick - erase it,

The music pounded from the DJ booth were a lycanthope wearing a black trench coat, metal gloves, and a robot-like mask, was playing the music, blasting Daft Punk across the room. Another one was running at him from across the room, shouting something over the din.

Write it, cut it, paste it, save it, Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it,

Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it, Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it,

The bouncer calmly walked past the two lycanthopes fighting over the sound player, the other wearing a simple sleeveless black shirt and blood red leather pants as some other people shot them annoyed looks.

Lock it, fill it, call it, find it, View it, code it, jam - unlock it,

Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it, Cross it, crack it, switch - update it,

The bouncer gave the bird to the owner's second in command and went back to his position at the door. The second gave the message to their pack's leader, who accepted it gratefully. The second was a formal young man, jet black hair combed smartly to the side, thin glasses, shined black shoes, meticulously ironed white-button down shirt and black pants.

Name it, rate it, tune it, print it, Scan it, send it, fax - rename it,

Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it, Turn it, leave it, start - format it.

Technologic, Technologic, Technologic, Technol-

"FINALLY!" The red clad lycanthope said as he managed to turn off the music that his fellow lycathope had turned on. A collective sigh filled the air of the club. The rest of the pack (about six others) didn't really mind Chrome's music tastes (and none of them knew how to DJ so there wasn't much they could do anyways), but they did not like listening to Xeno's arguments with the helmet-wearing werewolf about it.

"Would you two not argue, we seem to have to listen to you bicker everyday." The second said irritably as his boss read the message he had been handed.

Xeno rolled his eyes as he descended the stage and flippantly replied, "Whateves Daichi."

Daichi sighed again irritably, pushing his glasses up before turning to his boss, "Well, Ryker, what seems to be the issue?" The laid back werewolf had finished reading the message and had leaned his head back against the back of his comfortable chair, eyes half closed.

"It says that Alek is getting the Council back together again and since I'm the most influential werewolf in Europe at the moment, he needs me to go represent us."

Daichi was shocked, "The Dark Council! I can't believe that he's putting it back together again!" It was rare for it to be formed- the last time they had formed was during WWII from what he had read. The timing of the reinstating was weird in Daichi's opinion

Ryker stood up, barefoot, baggy black jeans held up by his white belt, black tee-shirt hanging loosely on him, shining cross hanging from a chain on his neck. "Most likely the increasing amount of anti-"Dark" creature legislation and persecution, especially in Britain is the cause. It's been bad ever since Voldemort but even Pure-Blood filled ministries seem to be joining the anti-dark bandwagon."

He raised his voice above the crowd, "Form up boys!" Everyone stopped what they were doing, Chrome turned down the music, and the all gathered in front of Ryker and Daichi. The boss nodded to his second, who (a bit surprised) did a roll-call.

"#10, Benjamin-Christophe." "Present!" said the youngest of the pack, a young boy werewolf they had found and basically adopted.

"#9, Jacques." "Yo!" The always cheerful Jacques said with a mile-wide grin.

"#8, Anastasie." "Here!" the sweet voice carried over from the brunette.

"#7, Sébastien-Timothée." "Present," Said the always graceful ladies' man.

"#6, Samuel." "Present!" Said the blonde-haired American immigrant said with a grin.

"#5, Rin." "Hiya! Right Here!" The energetic, martial-artist cousin of Daichi replied with a thumbs-up.

"#4, Xeno." "Here... obviously." A deadly glare was shot at him by the second.

"#3, Chrome." "Here." Daichi then turned to Ryker with a nod, "Everyone's here boss."

The werewolf nodded and turned to his pack who wanted in anticipation of his announcement, "Here's the deal."

Dumbledore sighed as he read the latest report. So much Darkness, he thought tiredly. He sometimes wished he was back in a simpler time, a time when it was just him and Grindelwad, set to take the world by storm. But those days were long past.

Now the plotting man had much more difficult problems to take care of. Namely the enigma that was Harry Potter. Or Harry Potter-Sharp as it were, he thought bitterly, stroking Faukes. How they had managed to adopt the boy without them being alerted was still beyond Albus. But it did not bode well for his plans.

Every plan he had come up with so far had Harry as his loyal and willing pawn to rally the Light to Dumbledore's side. But that option was currently out the window as the boy was part of a large and protective family. What was worse was that that Veritas kid was here as well, in addition to Ms. Sharp as a Groundskeeper!

Hagrid loved the help, but it grated on the Headmaster's nerves that he, of all people, was pressured into putting a possible enemy into his staff! ANd that he hadn't even realized it was a possible enemy until the idea had built up enough support that he couldn't stop it! It angered him to no end.

Focus Albus, he reprimanded himself. One target at a time. First of all, to gain the young boy's trust and hopefully get in Harry's good graces before his family started giving him... advanced training. He had heard rumors that the Sharps were slightly dark.

He had even heard a rumor that the were the Dark family, the embodiment of Darkness itself. An absolutely ridiculous rumor- he knew for a fact that family had died out centuries ago- the mere fact that such a rumor could exist was worrying. Albus needed to move, and move fast.