(Moments before, in the altar room)
"My love you must wake up!"
As soon as Twilight and her friends ran out of the altar room, Cadance immediately started desperately to wake her soon to be husband up, but it seemed as if nothing would wake him from the Queen's powers.
Spike shifted awkwardly watching the distressed mare's display, feeling useless in the dire situation he and his friends were in.
But suddenly he thought of something!
"Princess Cadance! What if you tried to um… restart his brain! With a spark of your magic!"
Cadance, momentarily distracted by her despair just signed and responded half-heartedly:
"Spike, the brain of a pony does not work like that. It's not like I can just-" She suddenly widened her eyes. "OF COURSE! Your a genius Spike! I can use the power of my love to try to separate Chrysalis's magic from Shining's head!"
Spike just rubbed the back of his head.
"Well I do have my moments."
Cadance brought her horn upon her fiance's head, creating a spark of energy from it, while also showing stress from doing it. Soon a heart shaped ball of energy popped into existence, that soon landed on Shining's head, making a popping sound. Cadance backed away nervously hoping it had worked.
After a few seconds, the stallion himself closed his eyes and shook his head as if recovering from a headache, "Wha where? Is the wedding over?"
Cadance was gleaming with happiness as she charged the confused stallion in a strong hug.
"Urk! I take it, it went well"
Shining said,trying to chuckle while being choked by the ecstatic mare, this put a sudden grim expression on her face from hearing this.
"Shining, I have no time to explain, the changelings have invaded….. Twilight was right"
Shocked by this news, the stallion walked up to one of the windows and saw nothing but griffon and royal guard soldiers patrolling damaged streets, "It seems as if the invasion has been taken care of honey"
"No, it still is going on my love, but the fight is being fought by Twilight and her friends, and a…. strange ally Twilight mentioned"
This information dump did not help the still mentally messed-up pony hearing this for the first time, but then put on a stoic face as a soldier would in even the most dire of situations.
"I guess then duty calls, but how can we help? I have barely enough magic for a single spark"
"With the power of our love, we can surely take down this menace!" Candace declared while putting a supportive hoof on Shining's shoulder.
A slight gagging sound could be heard and something about "girly magic", which caused the couple to turn around with a raised brow at the dragon whistling with clear nervousness.
Candace just ignored this and turned back to Shining, "Now let's go! We don't have much ti-" BOOM
An earth shattering explosion vibrated throughout the altar, with a flash of green emitting from the sky, and everyone could only stare in awe at the oddly colored sky, until the sound wore off.
"This can't be good. Let's go!" Shining yelled which Cadance gladly answered by doing so.
This left only a shuttering dragon in the corner, rubbing his eyes in irritation.
(Ground Zero)
Despite the massive flash of tremendous energy, all who witnessed it could only stare at it in fear, sadness, and amazement all at once. But now all that they are staring at was a massive crater in the ground filled with rising smoke and dust.
A griffon was left paralyzed by the possibility of her greatest friend being vaporized into nothing. A distorted laugh broke the silence soon enough.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA! What an arrogant fool! I don't think there is any of him left to suck any emotion out of him! But it seems as if there is a sliver left"
This instantly turned the griffon's expression into a furious glare as she rushed to the taunting queen, dual-blade armed.
"YOU BITCH! I'm going to rip you apart!"
She was stopped, unfortunately for her, by the night-ruling Alicron landing in front of her, sad expression on her face
"You're not stopping me this time 'Princess'!" Eleanor pointed her sword at the Alicorn.
Despite this grave disrespect, Luna's expression could only lower more, "You have to listen to me Eleanor! You have to-"
"No you listen to me! I will not let one of my comrade- no - MY friend die for a land he is not even loyal for!"
"That's is what exactly what I want you to do Eleanor!"
"I don't ca- wait, what?"
"Go to Gamagori, I can tell that he possesses a power that even the power of princess would have trouble snuffing with such a blast"
Before Eleanor could mutter a thanks, the princess spoke again turning around to the mouth-gaping crowd, "Elements of Harmony! You must assist Eleanor with Gamagori! It's the least we can do to help such great allies, I will take care of the Queen!"
Twilight was able to close her mouth again, and responded back, "You got it princess, come on girls! We have to help Gamagori!"
The rest of ponies did not say a word as they did not hesitate to immediately do what they were told.
Everyone rushed inside the clearing dust to see something horrifying: The Queen of the Changelings was currently absorbing some sort of green energy from an unconscious Gamagori. What was even worse was the state of Gamagori himself, having his armor in tatters showing off the many open lacerations, burns, and other wounds covering the entirety of his body.
Something snapped inside Fluttershy, as if all of her fears were shut down and replaced by her maternal instincts, and she flew with blinding speeds directly at the smug changeling, "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
Stopping the remark from the queen, her smug look was wiped out by two yellow hooves, somehow knocking her across the street into a building. The yellow pegasus just glared at said building and snorted aggressively, and kicked up dust with her front hoof.
Everyone behind her could only stare blankly, again, at what just happened. And as if nothing happened, Fluttershy changed from furious to caring instantly and walked to Gamagori's body, looking over his wounded body and whispering comforting words, assuming he could hear her.
Rainbow Dash was the first to speak up, "Did Fluttershy just-"
"Kick the Queen of Changelings into a building like small rock?"
Everyone turned to see the shocked looks of the newlyweds. The one who spoke was Shining, " Well anyway, Princess Luna we have to take down the queen before she recovers"
Ignoring the previous actions of the small yellow pegasus, Luna walked up to the captain, "Yes, that should be our number one priority, but it seems as if Chrysalis has gained enough emotional energy to overpower any of us, she has gained power from Celestia, you two, and even the newcomer from the Griffon Nation, who unfortunately suffered more than any of us"
Cadenza looked behind Luna and cringed at the sight of the burned up gain biped, and them shuttered at the knowledge that Chrysalis overpowered it. While everyone else, besides Fluttershy and Gilda trying with futility to tried Gamagori's wounds, looked down taking in the doom they are facing.
Cadenza then stood up with more confidence, "But there is something we can use, something Chrysalis has no chance to overpower: our love"
"That is an idea Cadenza, but didn't she already absorb most of your and Shining's power?"
"Yes, but those were emotions, no matter how much she absorbs she cannot use the concept of true love, it is nothing like desire or lust"
Luna looked skeptical, but saw the value in Cadenza's words, "[b]sigh[/b] Very well, but we must be swift as Chrysalis would not just wait for us too- GAH!"
Luna's words were interrupted by a chitin covered creature ramming her directly to the ground, above her aching body stood a pissed off and dust covered queen.
Everyone's attention was turned at the furious queen, fear on their faces.
"Shining! We must use our love!"
"You got it honey."
Before they could create a single spark with their horns, a screeching voice interrupted them, "DON'T YOU DARE! I know what you plan to do! I am no fool! Do you think I was would not be listening to your battle plans a few feet away!?"
The queen aimed a green glowing orb from her horn at the aching Princess of the Night, and turned back to the hesitating couple.
"If you make one more spark this Princess will become dust instantly!"
They responded by silently separating their horns and took a step away from each other, and the queen just laughed at this.
"HAHAHAHA! You truly are pathetic weaklings if you think I would spare any of you" She then aimed her continuing glowing horn directly at Shining and Cadenza's direction.
"Goodbye, and enjoy your love in the afterlife"
An enormous green beam fired from the queen's horn.
Everyone could only stare at the blinding green light.
"Brother! Cadence! NOOOOO!" cried Twilight outloud in grief.
"Hey! Where's Gamagori!?" cried a shocked Griffon behind the Mane Six. Everyone besides Twilight and Luna, turned to see the placement of their wounded ally now empty except for his indents into the ground.
Eleanor looked around the area in a frenzy, "How can we lose such a big lumax!?"
As the bright light dimmed down, Applejack was the first to see something unusual about the queen, "Maybe that big lumax got his arms wrapped around that bug feller"
"What!? How can anything take that much damage and still be awake for action?" Twilight said, distracted from her perceived tragedy to address the illogical circumstance brought up.
"You gotta be kidding me. I never should have doubted your "resolve" Ira!" Eleanor said, gaining her brashness back instead of grief, seeing her friend still fighting.
"H-how?" A shivering Captain emitted, in the hooves of his fiance, and shivering from being in the grasp of death merely moments before.
"Let me go! I knew one of us should have pierced each other sooner, and I would not mind either way" A struggling, yet still teasing, queen shouted, being gripped from behind, horn pointing just inches from aiming at the couple in front of her.
"ENOUGH! I'VE HEARD YOUR PLAN TOO PRINCESS! DO IT!" As the man himself was struggling to hold down an overpowered queen, with the pain of his wounds still stinging.
"Gamagori, I appreciate this, but you must not do this, while this blast will only affect the changelings you do have one in your arms, and that could be catastrophic is I use me and my loves bond blasts her!"
"Listen to her Gamagori! Or I will have to drag you back to Sigmar myself!"
This back and forth arguing continued until one bug had enough, "I WILL NOT BE IGNORED!"
A sickening crack could be heard as said bug kicked with all her might with one hoof at the right knee of Gamagori, as it shattered. While everyone else cringed, Gamagori just grunted in pain and held on tighter, despite his inevitable slipping grasp and loss of one movable leg.
and then turned to the angry griffon and just stared stoically, "Eleanor, trust me, I will not let an insubordinate soldier like you escape from the rules, no matter what obstacle I face"
"Don't talk like that Ira! Just let GO!"
Before she could scold him more, a bright pink light shined from the Princess and Captain, "What are you doing!?"
Cadence briefly turned Ellen, "We must honor his request, and this is our only chance"
"No no NO! I'm not letting anything take him away from me!" She proceeded to charge at the Princess until six ponies at once held her down.
"Let me go! I don't care about your damn kingdom anymore! You're going to kill him!"
The ponies struggling with her could only close their eyes to hide their sadness, but Cadence said one more thing with a single tear as a sphere of pink energy emitted from her horn, "I'm sorry"
As the sphere was closing to Chrysalis and Gamagori, the queen could only cry in futile protest to the now silent human gripping her, as they and the many unconscious changelings were flinged away from Canterlot.
The queen cried out a single, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" as she and Gamagori were being flung away at speeds too fast for any griffon or pegasus could catch up to.
Eleanor finally was able to fling all the ponies holding her down as she flew in the direction of Gamagori, and watched as her partner was flung away, but swore she saw the giant in question smile at the sight of her before he and the queen were nothing but a twinkle in the sky.
With no words, Ellen floated down to the broken street, put her head on it, and silently cried, while the ponies around her could only imagine the pain she was going through, with saddened looks on their faces despite the massive victory accomplished.
Truly, the defeat of the changelings was something not to be celebrated.
I'm back, now the only excuse I have now is laziness, and my writer's block is gone!
So Gamagori please stop looking at me disapprovingly please!