Talk Clinical to Me

Zevran knows how to get what he wants. In this case it's persuading the Warden to get their awakened baby.


The cry of the disturbed baby end through the household, cutting sharply into the silence of deep night. It apparently cut just as sharply into the sleep of her parents, seen with the ensuing groans and murmurs emitting from them both as try shuffled in their sheets.

"Ugh... Maker, not again..." Neria mumbled pleadingly into the crook of Zevran's neck, body instinctively curling around his for warmth. And contact.

"As much as I love it when you do that mi amore, you do realize that one of us has to get up now don't you?" Zevran lightly chuckled into her frazzled mahogany hair.

"Mmmmhm. It's your turn.." Neria grumbled, shaking her head in denial.

"If I am not mistaken, it was my turn earlier tonight and last night. And the night before. And the night before, yes?"

The elven mage stubbornly frowned. "And tonight."

Meanwhile, the cries of the babe only grew as it realized that its parents weren't coming as they should.

Zevran smirked as he got an idea, expression cloaked by the darkness of the night. "Now that's not very fair now is it? The fruit of our loins, the child born of the our union of my seed and your egg. The child that grew in your warm womb, placed there by my hardened manhood with the spilling of my seed within you. That child is calling for you to tend to her!"

Neria's eyes abruptly widened in discomfort, suddenly aware of what exactly was going on. Oh, how much she hated him right now!

"Fine." Her discomfort and grumpy annoyance with him was defined with one short word. She brushed off the thin sheets and quietly cast a spell of a soft light to guide her.

As she carefully tiptoed through the room to the adjoining nursery, Zevran grinned, rather pleased with himself. Why hadn't he thought of this sooner? Because of her innocent chantry schooling at the Circle, Neria's knowledge of how... the world worked was rather "fluffy". Describing it in any other "colorful" way had always made her feel incredibly uncomfortable. Not that it detracted from her performance though. It was really rather adorable.

From the other room, Zevran could hear his lover's soft voice coo to the baby, reassuring her with soft whispers to go back to sleep. It worked, and the baby's cries settled back down into silence. In his old life as a Crow, he would have never thought that this could ever happened, and it left a warm sensation of love and possessiveness in his body.

A little too warm in the summer heat.

Zevran sat up in the bed, awake and quietly shrugged off his shirt, a mischievous flit of an idea surfacing in his mind.

No doubt she was awake now too, and Zevran knew more than one way to show her thank you.