Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing my stories! So this story is like the sequel to After the Storm, my last story. It's going to have the continued storyline of Amy getting better around horses, but with Caleb and Ashley added in. You may notice some things happen sort of like they do in the show, but most don't. I hope you like it, and please review! :) (Also: do you like me updating everyday or is that too soon?)

Chapter One: A New Day

Caleb O'dell rolled over in bed and glanced over at the clock. No, that couldn't be right. He rubbed his eyes groggily and squinted at the lit-up numbers.

Yes, that was right. "Crap!" He said loudly, hopping out of bed and grabbing his jeans. He shoved him on, raked a hand through his hair, and ran down the loft ladder.

For a while he had been staying up in the Heartland loft. He didn't really have a place to stay now that Ty was living in his trailer. Besides, he could use the extra money that came with helping out at the Ranch.

Although, he wouldn't be there long if he kept waking up this late. It was already nine thirty; everyone had been up for hours. He went to the supplies closet to grab a pitchfork to find Amy standing in the tack room.

She looked at him knowingly. "Don't worry about it, Caleb." She said. "I've already mucked them out." He grimaced a little, sorry that he had overslept so much. "Well what do you need me to do?" He asked.

"Well, a new client horse is coming today." Amy said, adjusting a few of the bridles. "You could clean up a stall for him." "Sure thing."

Amy walked back to the house, and Caleb grabbed a bag of wood chips. Going to an empty stall he cleaned it out and then began pouring the fresh chips in, making it all nice and new for the new horse that was coming.

Off in the distance he heard a car pull up, but he thought nothing of it. He started to hum as he worked-an old country tune they were always playing at rodeos. Suddenly he heard, "Hey, cowboy!"

That voice. That familiar voice that used to make his head spin-in a good way, that is. He turned around slowly to face his ex-wife, Ashley O'dell. Or maybe now it was Ashley Stanton again. He had no clue.

Swallowing, he said, "What do you want?"


"This is Foxtrot." A tall woman dressed in breeches and a polo helped Amy lead the beautiful dappled gray Arabian out of the trailer. "He's gorgeous." Amy breathed, patting his muscular neck.

The woman smiled proudly. "He'll be a champion, that one." She said. "If only he wasn't so spooky." Amy tilted her head, curious. "What does he spook at?" She asked, leading the horse to the barn.

"Only stuff in the jumping ring. He's pretty much bombproof otherwise. But jumps with flowers on them or water underneath them or bright colors-he goes crazy." She said. Amy nodded. "I see."

She put Foxtrot in his stall. "I'll call you with updates, okay? And if you ever want to come see him, you're welcome to." She said, smiling in a friendly manner at her client.

"Thank you." The woman said goodbye to her horse and left. Amy turned to Foxtrot and petted his muzzle. "Good boy." She said softly. "We're going to do this together, okay? Starting tomorrow, once you get settled in." She fed him a treat from her pocket and left him to get settled into the new place.