Claude sat at a dining table in Nobel Michael castle; he had just finished drinking several bottles of wine. The other butlers surrounded him; they also had their fill of wine. He started to feel funny in the head. His self control faded, and Claude felt light as a feather. He stood up and his face beamed at the other butler's. Unable to control himself, Claude continued to smile. He swayed side to side as he clumsily walked over to Alberto and wrapped his arms around him. "Al... You smell nice...Hic..." Claude snuggled against Alberto. Alberto looked on in disgust and tried to push him away but was unable to due to his own drunken state. Claude continued to hold onto Alberto as he brought his head closer to his.
"Al... Let me kiss you..." Claude giggled as his face inched closer to the other butler.
"C-Claude! S-Stoooop!" Alberto tried to turn his head away. He panicked and his face scrunched up as Claude continued his advance.