Author's Note:

This is a one shot story inspired by the art I made (posted on deviantART) Please let me know if you want another chapter of this.

In the deep, dark, cold cave, a desk lamp was readily providing the princess the means to see the words on her reading material. Casually, she wore a jacket over her usual top and pants instead of the usuallstar spangled bottom.

Diana was reading yesterday's issue of the Gotham Gazette. She found no excitement on the news until she reached page nine, where there was a section dedicated to the shenanigans of the rich and famous. A certain playboy-billionaire was featured with an obvious bruising on the face. The caption mentioned that he got the injury while on a hike in Europe. It was a 'careless accident' as the paper said. Other info regarding the said billionaire was insinuating that he was strangely 'dateless' in several of the recent of public appearances. They have never seen the prince of Gotham attending a party without a woman in his arms.

Reading every word, Diana was amused to the fact that she knew the truth about all of it. The injury was acquired when he had to stop a muscle man, called Bane, from blowing up the whole city. The dateless status was, of course, because of her.

Her... meaning Diana herself.

She had been dating Bruce Wayne for a few months now, which coincides with the timeline of his dateless status on paper. As expected, the relationship was embedded in one of Bruce's secrets. She also kept it to herself and she was fine with that as long as she can get to see him as much as her schedule permitted. Being one of the costumed heroes, she was constantly busy. As one of the same group of heroes, his schedule was a problem as well. But they managed to make it work so far.

Diana looked at Bruce Wayne's picture on the paper and then she looked at the man across from her. He wasn't wearing the cowl yet. Bruising on his cheek was now less swollen and the megawatt smile was non-existent. Instead of the tux, he wore the usual Kevlar-padded suit. His face was focused on the batarang on his hand. He inspected it before putting it in one of the compartments on his belt. Clones of his batarangs, smoke bombs and gadgets were neatly placed on his work table. The night was young. He had to prepare to go out into city.

The Amazon princess was supposed to leave after their dinner an hour ago but she decided to stay and watch him do his thing in the cave. Fortunately, he didn't mind it. She couldn't help but watch his focused eyes, the dedication that those blue orbs conveyed, the stare that could burn a soul. For some reason, she admired his seriousness. it summed up all what she knew about him. Bruce was tough, confident, responsible...

Good looking...

...and just really, really attractive.

Touching her lips with her fingers, she audibly tittered at the fact that she was daydreaming about him again. Then, she saw those dark blue eyes look at her with curiosity.

"Something wrong, princess?" he asked.

She loved it when he called her princess.

"Nothing... I'm just finding this picture very attractive" she replied while pointing at the Gotham Gazette's picture of Bruce Wayne.

He smirked.

"They got my best angle"

"Yes. I agree. It's almost as if it's..."

Diana couldn't find the right word. She had heard it from Flash recently and somehow it was very fitting.

"A selfie" he suggested.

The princess was a little surprised that he uttered the word. But she shouldn't be surprised because the Batman would have been familiar with the term by now.

She nodded in agreement.

"Yes. a selfie"

The observation was right. The camera angle was slightly coming from above Bruce's head and, by chance, he was looking straight at it. If his arm would stretch to the corner of the picture, it would've looked like he had taken the photo with his phone.

"You should take selfies. It increases your appeal by fifty percent" she joked.

"Not my style"

Bruce made an amused face and then he was serious again. He went back to refilling his utility belt.

Diana thought about the other day when she saw Shayera took a selfie with John. They were laughing and made small dose of their PDA. She wondered if Bruce could do the same with her...


She erased the thought, but then... It wouldn't hurt to try.

"Let's have a selfie"

Stopping halfway in putting a smoke bomb in a compartment in his belt, Bruce looked at her with a raised eyebrow. He looked surprised and worried.

She spoke again.

"It'll be fun"

The man was silent for a while. His eyes were dead serious.

"No" he simply said.

Despite that, the princess pushed for the idea.

"C'mon, everybody's doing it" she said with a squeaky voice.

She grabbed her phone from her purse before approaching him. Bruce ignored her as he examine some of his smoke bombs.

"Bruce Wayne. Don't make me force you" She threatened.

Still, the Bat didn't budge. It annoyed her.

Alright, you asked for it.

With her gifted strength, she grabbed his jaw tightly and moved his head towards hers. He didn't try to squirm out of it. Both knew it was no use. Diana pushed the camera icon on the screen of her cellphone. She turned it over and raised it in front of them. She stuck her face with his. She could feel his growing stubble.


"No" Bruce grunted.

"Look at the camera at least"

she didn't wait for his response. She sighed and then smiled for the camera. With a push of her index finger, the phone made a shutter sound.

Her hand let go of his jaw. Bruce made a scowl.

"Oh don't be grumpy! I'm not gonna show this to anybody"

Bruce glared at her. It didn't work.

"And don't you tell Oracle to hack my phone and delete it"

He settled with a frown.

"Fine" he groaned.

In return she kissed him in the cheek.

"You do what you do and I'll see you later this week"

She started heading towards the dressing area. As a routine she has to put on her full Wonder Woman getup before returning to the Watchtower so she'll avoid getting questions from the League.

Diana intentionally left her cellphone on the table and walked away . Just when she got behind the door, she made a slight opening and peaked.

Without hesitation, Bruce grabbed the phone. He smirked while his thumb moved on the screen.

Diana rolled her eyes at the sight.

Of course, he'll delete it. What was I thinking?

When she returned wearing the spangled costume, the phone was returned to where she had left it. Even though she was feeling slightly down about it, she kissed him goodbye and activated the teleporter like nothing happened. Finally, the princess beamed herself from the cave and into the Watchtower.

When she got to her quarters, Diana placed her phone on her desk. She looked at it with a scowl. She shouldn't be bothered by Bruce's actions but still, it irritated her. Minutes later, she grabbed it and started to play with the icons. On the top right corner of the screen was the picture gallery icon. As a random action, she pushed it with her thumb. When it opened there was a picture file.

The picture showed Bruce frowning and herself smiling. The light from his gigantic computer behind them made a bluish glare.

Diana couldn't believe it. He didn't delete it. He really didn't! Then she remembered his face while he fiddled with a phone.

He was smiling. He was looking at the picture and he was smiling.

She smiled widely at the memory.

Alone in her room, she hugged her phone to her chest and felt more adoration towards the man that stole her heart.