I thought this could be cute to do. I have a massive weakness for hot, badass characters with fears of normal things and so this happened. The chapters in this story are really separate oneshots, but I thought I'd group them together as they're all holiday related. Enjoy!
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Once Upon A Time.
As the plane roared to life, Regina gripped the cushioned chair arms either side of her, nails digging into the material, leaving small, crescent-shaped marks. The plane raced along the run away, shaking violently, and the Mayor unconsciously clenched her teeth so hard it began to hurt.
"Hey, Regina, you ok there?" Emma asked from the seat beside her, an eyebrow raised as she glanced down at the Mayor's iron grip on the arms.
"Just fine, Ms Swan," the older woman growled, eyes staring straight ahead. Of course Emma would pick this moment to apparently be concerned about her.
Henry had heard of his friends' adventures in other countries, and, upon hearing the stories, had realised he had yet to go on holiday. Regina was somewhat tied up in Mayoral business most of the time, and would not trust anyone else with the tough job of keeping the town in order. Emma's arrival to Storybrooke had changed things, however, and so Henry had suggested Emma take him somewhere if his adoptive mother could not.
Regina's fear of losing Henry to his biological mother greatly over-powered her fear of losing the town - she could live without control over Storybrooke, but could not live without Henry - and so she had eventually and reluctantly suggested they go as a family. This pleased their son even more, as he believed it would bring his mothers closer. Both women doubted it, though they agreed to try, for Henry's sake. A small part of Regina was a little attracted to the Sheriff, though she would never admit it, especially because her past relationships had ended so badly.
"You sure? I think the abused chair arms say otherwise," the blonde quipped, and the Mayor scowled, loosening her strong grip and laying her hands flat on her knees in an attempt to prove just how fine she was.
"Ms Swan, I don't care much what you think. Have you quite forgotten who is paying for this vacation?" Regina said, trying to keep the fear out of her voice, instead replacing it with sharp annoyance. "I am fi-" her declaration of courage was cut short by a frightened yelp as the plane jerkily lifted off the ground, flying at an alarming angle. Regina's hands flew back to grasp the arms of the chair even tighter than before.
"Just fine, huh?" Emma asked. She figured she could get away with teasing the woman just a bit more, and this was an opportunity too good to pass up. She saw a mix of irritation and fear flash in Regina's eyes when they flicked to her before staring straight ahead once again. Sighing as she realised she'd gone too far, Emma held out a hand and murmured the woman's name.
Regina only stared bitterly ahead, clawing at the arms, doing her best to ignore the Sheriff's soft voice uttering her name.
"Regina? 'Gina, I'm sorry," she breathed apologetically, her eyebrows raised in worry.
Huffing, the Mayor gave in, turning to face the Sheriff, ready to give her hell, but instead pausing when she saw the worry on Emma's face and her outstretched hand.
"Regina? I am sorry," she apologised again, raising her outstretched hand, silently offering the woman some comfort. She hadn't meant to genuinely hurt Regina, only ignite some playful bickering.
The dark-haired woman sighed, a silent warning in her eyes as she reached out and took the blonde's hand, gripping it tightly as some particularly bad turbulence rocked the plane. "Just this once," she swore, both to herself and to Emma, as the Sheriff smoothed her thumb over the back of Regina's hand, not even complaining when the woman dug manicured nails into her soft flesh.
It wasn't just that once.