A/N: So sorry for the elongated wait time, everyone! I had another collab with VP, since I was so worried about portraying her OC, Ebony. Sasha came more natural to me, but Ebony was so problematic to my writing soul that I HAD to enlist her help with this. Anywho, it's finally up and sharp to boot. Please enjoy, everyone, and thanks again, VP!

Consequences and Repercussions

Chapter 11: The Assistant

I trust her. I trust Ebony to be civil. It's the reason I had stepped out to make a call in the first place. And luckily, I had gotten in contact with her the exact moment she had pulled up to Kai's apartment complex. Ebony knows who Nya is. I had confided in her during the first year of our relationship, on a night of which I was having a particularly bad episode. And, her response to my history with Nya had been…curt.

"She sounds like an imbecilic bitch."

My heart had lurched at that, and I had felt myself rise to jump to my ex's defense. But in the end, all I could do was sit there and moan in pain after feeling yet another shard break off and wedge itself brutally into my skin. Ebony seldom curses. So when she did, it wasn't to be taken lightly.

I sigh internally. After that obviously tense handshake between the two women, I feel like a referee at a boxing match and the two combatants had just touched gloves. I can almost hear the Ding! Ding! Ding! "Let's all have a seat, huh."

"Yeah, Ebby, pwease sit! Sit!" Jayden tugs insistently on Ebony's hand and urges her to sit beside her on the sectional. Wearing a tight smile, Nya lowers herself back onto Kai's recliner.

I give a low whistle to signal my puppies and they disperse from the living room to roam at their leisure. I then return to my original seat in front of Nya, which just so happens to be beside my little family. Ebony at once takes notice of the blue folder on the table.

"So this is the woman whom you are interviewing to babysit, Jayden?"

"Yeah," I confirm as casually as possible. "Kai recommended her." Nya goes rigid and her eyes widen just a tad more. "And seeing that she's an old…friend of mine, I think she'd do a fine job." I hold her chocolate gaze. "I trust her."

A familiar look of indecision contorts her face for a moment before it dissolves and she gives me a minute nod. She appears disappointed somehow, but I will my heart not to care.

"Is that so…" Ebony's garnet iris doesn't stray from its target, her half-lidded eye reflecting nothing but apathy for the woman in front of her.

Jayden, her tiny fists still clutching Ebony's sleeve, tugs on it. "Ebby, need help. Don't know her. Need help, pwease."

Ebony, astute as always, answers without delay. "Your father has already approved of her, Jayden. Thus, we can only trust his judgment."

I hear the imperceptible emphasis on the word 'we' and know full well that my little sis doesn't approve. Eb and I are usually on the same page, as she's been with me—well longer than Nya had. But I do trust Nya. In this regard anyway. I know I'll feel more comfortable about Jayden's safety if she's with her rather than a complete stranger.

Jayden pouts, crestfallen. "Oh… Okay…"

"Aww, chin up, Moon Tart. You like me, don'tcha?"

We all turn our heads to see Kai saunter in from the hallway, a smirk on his face and his hands stuffed casually in his pockets. I arch an eyebrow at his deceptively casual appearance, discerning the designer labels he was sporting from head to toe. Gah, of course he has money—he's a lawyer! But still—oh my god is that a Mitch Craven watch?! I thought you had to be practically royalty to afford one of those!

"Uncle Kai, you differ," Jayden mumbles, and Kai shrugs, ambling over to stand (or more like present himself) by the sectional.

"Of course I am. But still, it wouldn't be right to judge someone before you got to know them. And that applies to all types of relationships…" He says this to Jayden, but his eyes had shifted over to Ebony during that last part, making my little sister arch her own eyebrow at him.

Way to be subtle, Kai… But knowing Eb's inexperience with romantic relationships, I'm sure the insinuation had flown right over her head.

Figuring further introductions were needed, I stand up along with Ebony and gesture towards my long-time friend. "Eb, this is Kai, Nya's older brother. And my best friend."

"Kai," Eb greets softly, offering her hand. And like a total snuskhummer, he takes it and kisses the back of her knuckles. Geez, I would kill for him to be more subtle right now. If only for my sake at least! But it's just as well. After all, it's not like I was all that subtle about my feelings for…

I stop and frown deeply, dispelling the thought. Stick clear of dangerous territory, Jay… Kai's smirk segues into a genuine smile as he releases Eb's hand. "Feels nice to finally put the name with the face, right?" The smirk reappears. "The voice too, I might add."

That seems to get the reaction he wants as a tinge of pink touches my assistant's lightly bronzed cheeks. But like the trained professional she is, it lasts only for a millisecond before her features are schooled into attentive neutrality once more.

"Seeing as this is your abode, will you be joining us?"

"Yeah, might as well. But don't worry, I won't get in the way. If anything, I'll keep the lil' squirt occupied." He looks down with a grin at Jayden, and like a moth to a flame she's taken hold of Kai's wrist, fixated on the shiny gold watch encircling it.

My senses suddenly prod at me and I turn my head towards the screen door that connects to the balcony. The sky was steadily darkening to a charcoal grey. A thunderstorm was brewing. A strong one. My Element stabs a warning at me and I stifle a wince. A discharge… I know… Just wait a bit…please…

"We'll probably be marooned together for awhile—at least until the storm blows over," I hear Nya say. I shrug with my good shoulder and gingerly lower myself back down onto the soft cushions of the sectional. Kai and Ebony follow suit.

"Then let's use the time productively. Do you have any other questions, Nya?"

"Just a few, I think," She interlaces her fingers on her lap and looks straight at me. "How long will you all be staying?"

Easy enough question to answer. "Only for about a month. My parents would like us back in Wellbridge before August, so that Jayden can meet some of our other cousins and such."

A small crease slips through her brow. "Why August?"

"Jayden's birthday."

She stares expectantly at me, like she's waiting for me to say more, but I don't. I mean, why would I? Getting the picture, she mumbles a soft "Oh" and clears her throat. She takes a glimpse over at Ebony and says, "Because I may have to engage with her from time to time, can I ask about Ebony and how you two met?"

Though those words seemed almost forced, she does have a point. I nod. "Yeah, you'll probably be talking more with her than me while we're here." I nudge Eb lightly and she finally averts her circumspective glare from my ex. Though her expression is unreadable as always, I can tell she's concerned about me.

I'm fine, Eb… Let's just get through this, okay…?

I take a breath. "Well—"

"Daddy, I thirsty," Jayden interupts, still looking very pouty. Her freckled cheeks are puffed now, the expression a more melancholic variant from her prized thinking one. "And you go. Tingle getting itchy."

Dammit, I was hoping to be done with the interview and on my way before Jayden started feeling my charge through our link. I don't have a choice now. I have to go. I promised myself I would never put my little girl through any unnecessary pain. The first time it happened… Never again.

"I'll get you something to drink, Jayden," Kai volunteers, getting to his feet. "Anyone else want something?"

"Nothing for me, thanks," I say, getting up as well. "I need to go."

Kai stops, giving me a bemused look. "Huh?"

While Ebony frowns, Nya eyes me worriedly. "What do you mean, Jay?"

I stride towards the door leading out unto the balcony. "Don't worry about it."


"Daddy goes and be bootyful," Jayden chirps up and I feel a smile cross my lips. "He be back. Daddy—Daddy come back all da time."

That's right, Moon Pie… Always…

"Jay, hold up, bro."

I grasp the handle. "Don't make a fuss, Spiky," I quip lightly and he hesitates, hand outstretched. "I'll be back shortly."

Without waiting for a reply, I slide open the door and am immediately swathed by the humidity in the air in opposed to Kai's air-conditioned condo. I look out towards the skyline, at the darkening city, preparing for the downpour to come. Tumultuous winds whip at my hair and clothes and I crane my neck heavenward, letting my vision alter and allow me to see into the gathering cumulous clouds.

Thunder rumbles in the distance, and within me.

When the first drops of rain hit my face, I close my eyes and relax into my concentration. The beat of my heart, the thrum of my Element pulse as one, and I can feel the power within me stir and flicker into existence. It takes only a moment for a cluster of coils to ensnare me. But before I succumb to the whims of my True Potential…I think I hear Nya anxiously call out to me.


You best know what you're doing, Jay…

I watch passively as the woman in front of me leaps to her feet and calls out to Jay as he disappears in a flash of blue light, with flickering veins of sapphire being left in his wake. Kai had stood silently by the screen door, a crease of worry etched into his brow. I turn to regard my charge.

"What would you like to drink, Jayden? I bought all of your favorites."

She pulls her patent thinking expression, cheeks inflated and lips puckered. "Um…can—can I have gwape juice?" I wait patiently. "Pwease?"

I nod. "Very well." I turn back to our host. He's still in the same spot. "Kai, are you still getting the drinks or are you too preoccupied over there? Staring at nothing."

He startles and turns to blink at me, wide-eyed. "Uh, no! I mean, yeah, I'll get 'em. What was it she said? Grape juice? Okay." He ambles back over to his kitchen. "Anything for you, Ebony?"

"Just a bottle of water, thank you."


The woman clenches her fists and whirls on her brother. "No, I don't want anything to drink! I want to know what just happened! How can you be so passive when Jay just disappeared like that? Do you know why?"

Kai opens the refrigerator door, thus showing his back to us. "No. But Jayden just said he'll be back, and I think she of all people would know more about the Jay of the present than what we know about the Jay of the past."

I regard Kai curiously as he closes the refrigerator door, aforementioned drinks in his hands. He lied so easily. Jay had told me that he had relinquished the information about his condition to him. So why didn't he pass on the knowledge to his sister? Does he not trust her on the matter? Or did Jay swear him to secrecy? Regardless, his counter-argument was flawless. Despite Jayden's young age, she would indeed know her father's mannerisms best in opposed to any past knowledge they may've had pertaining to Jay.

The woman is fortunately easy to read. A myriad of emotions flit across her face: confliction, frustration, concern. After a few moments, though, she does settle back down in her seat. Her gaze skirts over mine in obvious avoidance and affixes on Jayden. "Jayden, what exactly does your daddy do out there while he's…being…beautiful?"

Jayden shrugs, hugging her Pegasus plushie to her chest. "I dunno."

The woman falters, confused, but then tries again. "Then how do you know he's being beautiful?"Jayden shrugs again. "I dunno. Just feel it." She crosses her heart with a finger and grins proudly. "In here. Daddy say Chi."

Thunder sounds from outside and the rain starts to fall with a vengeance. The storm has begun.

"So parents who're Elemental Masters share an elemental bond with their children?" Kai speculates, coming over with a tray in his hands. "Huh…so I guess it wouldn't be too far-fetched to assume that Jayden could inherit Jay's lightning ability." He sets the tray down on the table and hands me Jayden's small glass of grape juice and I pass it on to her. Releasing her plushie to let it slump in her lap, she cradles it in both hands and takes a sip.

"Hn. It's still conjecture at this point, though, as she has yet to exhibit any power of her own."

I'm just about to reach over and grasp my bottle of water when Kai impedes me and takes hold of it instead. My brow furrows some when he unscrews the top and begins to pour it into a clear glass half-filled with ice.

It's a polite gesture.

"Aw, she's barely gotten her feet wet," he says, handing me the glass. "After all," he's smirking again, "it wasn't until I was seventeen when I learned to do…this."

Kai makes a grandiose display of snapping his fingers. And in an instant, at his whim, a single flame sparks into existence and hovers above his hand. He turns his hand over, the palm facing up and the flame happily gathers there. Enthralled, I openly ogle the supernatural. The flame is more red than a normal flame should be, and little embers of gold burst from it arbitrarily as it slithers into a dance across his palm and around his hand.

Jayden has leaned in close to me, her now empty hands braced on my shoulder as she undoubtedly stares transfixed at the fire Kai has conjured just as I am. The crimson flame gathers in his palm once more, and shockingly begins to transform: four long legs, a long, broad neck, a flowing mane and tail, and wings.

"P-Pegasus!" Jayden squeals happily, and the flaming apparition bucks and prances all across Kai's palm before leaping into the air to take flight. Little wisps of smoke trails after it as it glides in a smooth circle in front of us. Jayden is practically giddy with excitement and bounces up and down in her seat.

"Hold out your hands, Jayden," Kai suddenly instructs. "Palms up."

Jayden stills her bouncing, and giggling, does as she's told. I become a little wary as the small conflagration flutters in close to my charge. It is live fire after all. "Relax, Ebony. Just watch."

Wait. How did he know I was preparing to shield Jayden if need be? I don't think my posture or expression changed. Surely not. I dispel the thought, however, and focus on the happening. A fluffy, dark cloud of smoke quickly gathers in Jayden's palms (no doubt at Kai's behest) and the fiery Pegasus lights down on top of it. Jayden's mouth forms a perfect "O", her eyes as wide as saucers.

Goodness, are they twinkling too…?

Kai chuckles. "Now listen close, okay? I want you to close your eyes, think about your favorite color, count to ten and then open them. Think you can do that?"

Pursing her lips determinedly, Jayden nods. "Yep!"


Jayden closes her eyes and begins to count to ten aloud. Kai goes to kneel down in front of her, his face a mask of concentration. I observe closely.


The change is gradual and starts from the legs going upward. Crimson transcends into cerulean, snaking up until the flaming entity is entirely engulfed in sapphire. The golden embers dissolve and are readily replaced by sparkling silver. The Pegasus spreads its wings wide.


Jayden snaps her eyes open and—as expected—screams with unhinged glee. I've honestly never seen her this uncontrollably joyous, since her last birthday party when Jay had paid to have a horse painted blue with wings attached to it to give her a ride around on his parents' front lawn. She had literally stayed on her makeshift Pegasus for most of the day, and had thrown a terrible tantrum when we had to pry her off at the end of it.

Jayden continues to laugh and squeal while bouncing on her knees, the flaming blue Pegasus securely balanced in her palms. I smile at my charge and peer at the one who created this moment from my periphery. Kai's golden-amber eyes are alight with fondness for Jayden, his lips curved into a genuine smile, in lieu of a cocky smirk.

I take this moment to get a better look at him, to try to delve beyond what I can see and into the soul. What are behind those shining orbs of topaz? Does he have some kind of ulterior motive? Some secret agenda? Does he plan to use Jayden to hurt Jay somehow? I search for the darkness I've detected in others so many times in the past, but I don't find anything of the sort. There isn't any malicious intent within him. If anything, his soul contains—radiates the exact opposite. His soul burns bright with…with the resolve to protect his best friend's child.


Alas, the spell is broken, and the fiery blue Pegasus dissipates in a wisp of silver. I wait, prepared for the backlash of child disappointment of having their toy taken away, but am delightfully surprised once more when Jayden does nothing of the sort. Still squealing, she launches herself off the couch and into Kai, causing the man to fall backwards with a laugh.

"Oh, Uncle Kai! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Kai steadies himself with an arm and wraps the other loosely around her back. "Oi, easy there, squirt. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself. But I'm glad you enjoyed the show."

A thunderous clap of lightning suddenly permeates throughout the apartment and deafens us with its cacophonic sound. I turn my attention towards the screen door just in time to see rapid flashes of stark bluish white light. Thor and Loki have also taken up position on either side of it.

"Daddy! I wanna see!" Jayden scrambles out of Kai's hold, grabs her Pegasus plushie and pitter patters towards the screen door. Setting down my glass, I'm on my feet in an instant. And so is the woman. I ignore her and focus solely on my charge.

"Careful, Jayden. Remember to observe calmly. You don't want to alarm your father while he's out there."

"Watch calm. D-Don't scarwe Daddy. I know!" She hollers back, her hand splayed against the surface of the door. Sighing, I bend down and scoop her up and we both look out to observe Jay's display of raw power. The woman soon joins us, standing at a respectable distance, and Kai does as well, settling betwixt us.

We all watch silently for a few moments, listening to the slaps of rain against the glass and concrete as the strong gusts of wind coaxes its trajectory. The growls of thunder are constantly accompanied by fervent streaks of sapphire veins of lightning. Jayden's attention is as rapt as usual, her eyes seemingly unblinking. I've studied that children her age are usually averse to thunderstorms, but I suppose being the Master of Lightning's daughter has granted her not only resilience but also affection towards the powerful element.

She hums happily and relaxes against me, her head tucked under my chin. Her soft curls tickle my cheek and I smile. "Is Jay…doing…all of this…?" The woman's voice deludes my tranquility and my smile fades.

Kai hums thoughtfully. "I can sense him easily. There's no mistaking that," he says. His tone is free of the mischievousness from before and is now replaced by a more reserved timbre. "Nature may be giving a helping hand, but Jay's at the crux of it all. It's a little…disturbing, if I'm being honest. He's so different… He's so much stronger now… Maybe even too strong…"

I frown. Those last statements were mumbles—afterthoughts. He understands then. He understands the gravity of the situation and that Jay's life teeters on the precipice. And all because of who…? That ignorant woman… Jay shouldn't have to go through this. He's a great man, so why is he being forced to suffer like this? It's simply not fair.

"Ebby…you frowny again."

"My apologies, Jayden," I say reflexively, recovering quickly from my inner lamentation. "I was merely pondering."

"About?" Kai asks, looking my way. I'm glad he had chosen to stand where he is. I'm glad he's blocking my view of the woman. Out of sight. Out of mind, as they say.

I return my gaze to Jay's mighty display. "About Jay," I confess softly. "Whenever I witness a thunderstorm, I'm constantly reminded of how we first met."

"Mind sharing?"

Kai's voice is soothingly low and I relish in its effects, letting both it and the storm cajole my inner peace to return. "Not at all. Jay was going to anyway." I take a moment to collect my thought and then recount my first meeting with the man I now consider as the older brother I never had.

"It was during the summer in Twilight City two years ago. I had recently graduated from Twilight University and was on my way home after a grueling meeting with my superiors at Amp Tech."

"Amp Tech? You mean the same one Jay works at?"

I dip my head slightly in a nod. "Yes, though I worked in a different division and had only heard of Jay at the time. While trying to balance both work and school, I was only able to secure a part-time position as the administrative assistant to the head of the astrophysicist department, Dr. Alvin Banks."

"What'd you major in?"

"I had a double-major: Psychology and Chemistry."

"Damn—I mean, whoa," Kai quickly catches himself and clears his throat, wincing a bit as he peeks at Jayden who was thankfully still blissfully unaware as she watches her father's storm. Nonetheless, I glare at him for his blunder.

I detest profanity in general and seldom use it myself, which goes hand-in-hand with my displeasure of hearing it used around children. "Yeah, um…that's impressive."

"If not weird, considering the two sciences are on opposite sides of the spectrum," the woman mutters.

"True, but I have a passion for both, and thus studied both. Besides, obtaining a degree in two great fields of study will only attribute to my overall success career-wise, not hinder it."

"And how is being Jay's assistant helping your career?"

Unaffected by her patronizing tone, I rebuttal with, "If you would let me continue, you'd soon find out."

Kai looks bemusedly between us before turning towards his sister and saying something in which I can only interpret as a form of dialect in Mandarin. I can easily discern his questioning nuance, though, as well her curt and clipped retort. When nothing else is forthcoming from the siblings, I take it as my cue to continue.

"Anyway, since I had finished school, Alvin was talking about bringing me on full-time. That way I could work on my internship and attend grad school if I wanted in order to obtain my master's. It was a lot for me to think about. I didn't want to dedicate myself to a single field until I was sure the other wouldn't suffice. But then the building was suddenly engulfed in a blackout. "

A sharp clap of lightning sounds and the lights of the condo flicker, but stay on. A light whine comes from Loki, the more sensitive of the two canines, before he quiets down and I continue.

"Twilight had been plagued with thunderstorms at the time, some accompanied with rain, some not. Speculations were being made, of course, pertaining to the bizarre weather pattern. Religious radicals were taking the storms as the coming of the Apocalypse, while others were dreading a repeat of that dreaded Blackout of the North. Then, Jay's name came up and talk started of his involvement in the blackout and how he succeeded Dr. Lagunov.

I was a little disgusted, frankly. The man they spoke of was inside the same building as them and yet they still entertained childish gossip." I let loose a huff. "Having heard enough of the mindless slander, I made my exodus when I was sure no one would miss me and decided to wander the darkened halls, unafraid since I knew the building well and could navigate just fine in the dark.

And that's when I saw him. He was coming up the stairs at the end of the hallway in a strange quiet—I couldn't hear his footsteps. Recalling it now, it was all so surreal. His eyes were illuminated a deep blue, and matched the veins of electricity that sparked from his body. I was frozen to the spot. I was both terrified and intrigued by the man making his way up to me. And when he reached the top of the stairs and stopped before me, the lights came back on and perhaps ironically, he returned to normal, his intimidating aura dissolved, his eyes the sapphire we see now."

I close my eyes briefly, beguiled by the memory. Thunder rumbles. "I remember his smile. It was beautiful, if not a bit melancholy. He greeted me. It took me a moment to get out of my shock. It must've shown on my face how alarmed I was by his presence, because he laughed." I chortle lightly. "I wasn't sure what I had seen was true, and something in his eyes told me not to question it, so…I felt compelled not to. Anyway, we exchanged pleasantries and he confirmed that it was he who had brought the power back. Blew a fuse, he said. Again, I adhered to his silent request, but in lieu changed the topic.

Remembering Dr. Lagunov's press conference after the rectification of The Blackout of the North, I asked if it were true that he had lived as a recluse during his involvement in creating Odininium. He answered, yes. To make a long story short, I found myself enthralled by his character as we continued to talk, but it wasn't until a week had past when I had a chance to speak with him again. He had a sent an email out to the board that he was in need of an assistant and I caught wind of it through the network. I immediately applied for the job and he—shockingly—immediately accepted me into the position after a brief interview. I've been with Jay for nearly three years now, and I love both him and Jayden. They are…they are the family I never had."

But the end of it, Kai is staring at me with an odd expression on his face.

"I still don't see how being Jay's assistant coincides with your psychology major," the woman pipes up.

I withhold a grimace. She really has an annoying voice. "Yes, well, which brings me back to his character. Jay is my first psychological case study. Like I said before, I was intrigued and he is a very interesting man."

"You've created a psychological profile about him?!" Her tone was incredulous and accusatorial. "Does he know about that?"

"Of course he does," I snap back angrily. "I would never do something so invasive without his consent. Jay trusts me, and I am loyal." Unlike you…

Kai glances back at his sister before shifting his gaze back to me. His smirk is small and somehow beleaguered. "I…take it you won't share what you've written?"

I eye him squarely. "No, because I don't trust either of you with the information." Despite Kai's friendly demeanor and wholesome albeit fiery spirit, my notes on Jay are not something I'm willing to divulge. Not to him and definitely not to his sister.

He cocks his head to the side, his smirk spreading with a now wry edge. "Ouch. Well maybe someday you will."

I shake my head and resume my focus beyond the glass door. "We're only here for a month."

"A lot can happen in a month."

"Nothing worthwhile."

"You'd be surprised."

I don't know what he means by that, or why he sounds so sure, but I don't question it. Getting in an argument (especially a needless one) with a lawyer sounds tiring. "I don't need or want your findings on Jay," I hear the woman sneer in that contemptible voice of hers. "I'll learn about Jay from Jay. Just like I did back then."

I let her say what she wants. Her chances of succeeding in that particular endeavor are slim. But by some godforsaken miracle she does, I will do everything in my power to ensure that she will not be given the opportunity to hurt Jay again.


Thor and Loki bark loudly and I perk up and take notice of the small glimmers of blue before lightning strikes the balcony, creating a brilliant white flash. I wince and shield my eyes against the glare. And there is Jay, soaked and sparking with residual elemental energy. His eyes are closed and his brow is furrowed, his lips etched into a straight, grim line. However, when he opens his eyes the orbs within shine a rejuvenated blue and he smiles. But his countenance is pale like always after a discharge.

He's fatigued and needs to rest.

We all step back to allow him entry when he opens the door, steps through and closes it quickly behind him. Regardless of Jay's sodden state, Jayden reaches for him. And chuckling, Jay plucks her out of my arms and hugs her close. I smile. It's necessary. The bond between father and daughter must be strong and unwavering. It needs to be strong enough to replace the stagnant love that infests Jay's heart now.

A love for that ungrateful, inconsiderate, ignorant, stupid—

"Hold on, Jay," Kay says. "I'll grab you some towels," and he leaves.

"Jay? Are you alright?"

I cross my arms, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. I still cannot fathom the audacity of her claim to care. Why do so now, when she didn't back then? What's her motive? To get in good graces with him again? To be frank, I don't even think Jay should be cordial with her, and given his reluctance to interact with her, I believe he would agree.

He regards the woman. "I'm fine, Nya, don't worry," he exhales, "but I don't think I'm up for anymore questions. Sorry." He gives a sidelong glance towards the lingering storm. "The weather will clear up in another half hour, so you'll be able to take your leave soon enough."

Kai returns and extends two large towels towards Jay. It's my turn to intercept. I take the towels myself and attend to Jay, draping one carefully over his shoulders and directing Jayden to rest her head on it in lieu of her father's damp clothes. I then take the other and begin to wring out his long hair and pat his face dry. His gaze goes warm and his smile is the beautiful one I adore.

"Go rest," I direct with a nod towards Kai's guest room. "I will finish the interview myself."

"Thanks, Eb." He gives a polite nod to the woman. "See you tomorrow morning at seven, Nya. Stay safe."

Without further preamble, Jay leaves with Jayden tucked in his arm, looking just as lethargic as her father now. A sharp whistle from Jay and Thor and Loki are at his heels. Once it's just the three of us, I regard the woman squarely.

"Any and all further inquiries and concerns from now on until our departure, unless Jay says otherwise will be directed solely to me." She frowns, but doesn't retort. "In which I will relay to Jay if deemed necessary. We appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule—" of ruining peoples' lives—"and caring for Jayden in our absence. I hope to bring our stay to a swift end, so that we do not interrupt your life further." Manners above all else, I bow my head. "Now, do you have any other questions regarding Jayden's care?"


So rushed and clipped. It was amusing if nothing else. Kai stands betwixt us and slowly and deliberately crosses his arms, while, again, looking between us. "Very well. Then do as you wish until you are able to depart." I give her a pointed look of finality. "While minding your boundaries, of course."

A/N: As some of you have already guessed, this fic isn't necessarily a happy one, so I apologize if that's not your thing. But I do hope some of you are still intrigued and keep reading as there are going to be some happy and fun moments amidst the drama (that Jay doesn't want, but obviously inevitable ;P). Thanks and I hope you all enjoyed! See you soon, I hope!