First of all, I'd like to apologize for how short this is. It's just a drabble that popped into my head one day, and I just liked it. I AM IN THE PROCESS OF WRITING AN ACTUAL STORY. So this can just serve as a filler. I hope you enjoy this even though it's really puny.
xx oHv
She nonchalantly leaned against the harsh metal of the fence, the cold stinging the exposed flesh of her legs. She had somehow blocked out the roaring crowd, and marching band from her mind. With a large intake of the stale air around her, she looked up. She hadn't realized how long she'd been looking down, until she felt a dull ache pulse at the back of her neck.
She stared straight ahead, looking at the back of his dorky head, while he filmed the rest of the 4th quarter. Typical him. Of course he wasn't ON the football team. No, he proudly displayed a uniform, but was simply filming the game. A small smile graced her lips, but quickly disappeared as soon as Eye Of the Tiger blasted out of the speakers. Girls in the stands shrieked for their boyfriends on the field, followed by the piercing tones of whistles.
She absentmindedly rubbed her legs together, noticing how they were lightly battered with the red dirt beneath her feet. She didn't want to be here, but she had nothing else to do. She'd never admit to him that she'd rather spend time with him and a bunch of neanderthals running up and down a field, than do nothing. No, no. She made up one of her Sam-Centric lies as to why she was here.
She actually didn't mind spending time with him. She liked it, in fact. But she'd never tell him that. She looked at him, his eyes trained to the video camera standing in front of him. She rolled her eyes at how working was always his first priority. She secretly admired that about him. She admired a lot of things about him. His eyes, his hair, his heart. But she'd never tell him that.
"C'mon, guys." She heard him whisper to himself. She smiled and made a mental note to make fun of him later for talking to himself.