Adam Strange sighed as he woke up in his bed on Earth. He would be able to catch a Zeta-beam to Rann in two months' time, but until then, he would have to separated from her. It was getting hard to go on with his life on Earth without her.

He jerked out of bed and made the way to his dingy breakfast table still in his pajamas. Pouring himself some cereal, he dejectedly picked up the newspaper to read.

"DEAR ABBY: I am a 13-year-old girl in junior high. I'm being harassed at school by three boys. I'm not popular, attractive or fashionable. I am athletic, quiet and a straight-A student.

These boys are jocks, so they have everyone wrapped around their little fingers. They call me terrible names, take things from me and treat me like dirt. It has gotten to the point where I come home crying. I have tried everything - ignoring them and just walking away. My few friends won't help me because they like these boys.

When I told my parents, they said I should just ignore them, and repeated it when I told them it wasn't working. Abby, it's impossible to ignore them because they get louder and meaner until they are hitting me or poking me, trying to get me to respond. I am at my breaking point and I don't think I can take it any longer. I don't know who to turn to. Please help me. - HURT IN OHIO

DEAR HURT: No one has the right to touch you without your permission. Doing so could be considered a form of assault. Many schools have a zero-tolerance policy for this kind of behavior.

I'm sorry to say that no one can prevent bullies from name-calling if it's done out of earshot from adults. However, because their behavior has escalated to hitting and poking, bring it to the attention of a school counselor or your principal. Your parents should accompany you when you do it because the bullying won't stop without intervention. Please tell them I said so."

Adam couldn't help but feel bad for this little girl. What kind of parents ignored their daughter to the point that she had to turn to some old lady writing a newspaper column? Even the advice seemed slightly lacking of gusto in his opinion. His advice would be short and sweet: punch the little brats in the nuts.

Of course these thoughts could just be a result of spending too much time with the Justice League, who had a tendency to use force to resolve their problems. He wondered what Alanna would say. She was so kind and gentle. Before he met her, he wouldn't have thought anything after reading the newspaper column, but now she had him in a loop over this poor little girl in Ohio.

He could give much better advice than this. He wanted to help people. He had to stay on the down-low, though, now that he was affiliated with the Justice League.

And that's when it struck him, the greatest idea of all time resolving the issue of what he would do in his free time on Earth.

DING-DONG, the doorbell to the cave rang. Artemis threw a pillow at Wally.

"You should get it, Baywatch," she told him, as she was currently lazing on the couch, far too comfortable to get the door.

"Why should I have to get it? You're closer," Wally retorted.

"I shall answer it, my friends," Kalderon interjected before a full-blown war could break out. The tall, dark man of the sea stood and opened the front door to the cave. He picked up a parcel of paper and returned to the living quarters where the rest of the team lay on the couch watching the static on the TV Connor insisted on watching.

"It is the League's weekly newspaper for heroes. And it appears they have added in a new column "Dear Adam," which is coincidentally written by our friend, Adam Strange," Kalder said.

"Read it out," Robin suggested. Aqualad nodded and sat on the couch with the others.

"DEAR ADAM: I feel like I have to constantly compete with the other Green Lanterns to get attention, and I don't know what to do anymore. Does anyone really care which one I am anymore? -FEELING GREEN

DEAR FEELING GREEN: you are an individual and you are not expendable. Try making some friends outside of the League; they'll recognize you for you, and not one of the many green-clad heroes. Also, don't be afraid to let your unique traits show throughout your work. Bond with the other superheroes one on one, so that they can learn to value your personality. Warmest Regards ~ ADAM."

Everyone sat in silence for a moment, and then they all burst out laughing.

"We shouldn't be laughing at this; this is terrible! We're terrible people," Artemis managed through tears from laughing so hard.

"I know, but, I mean seriously?! 'The other heroes won't play with me,'" Robin mocked shamelessly. He had a bad habit of laughing at others' misery. Zatanna elbowed in the side to discipline him.

"Which Green lantern do you think asked the question?" Wally chuckled.

"Kyle," They all replied in unison. They all looked around and laughed again. Poor Green Lantern.

"How do you submit questions?" Megan asked.

"It says, 'send your submissions to .strange ,'" Kalder said. Everyone went quiet. Each of them secretly memorized the email address to use, but they didn't want the others to know.

"Well," Robin said, "With the entire League having access to this paper, I'm sure Adam will be very successful in his column." The team nodded and giggled.

"Isn't Spider-man also on the mailing list?" Wally asked. They all blinked in confusion.

"Spider-man isn't a part of the League," Conner stated plainly.

"Well duh, but Uncle Barr- uh, The Flash, ahem, told me that the newspaper is technically open to all heroes and even some of the villains in Bel Rev. The latest word on the street is that Spider-man bought a 2 years subscription," Wally told the group.

"I wonder what other heroes read the newspaper outside of the League," Megan said.

"Well I sure hope Wolverine writes to 'Dear Adam,' he has some serious issues that need to be worked out," Artemis said.

"Don't we all?" Zatanna asked. Everyone gave a half laugh, since it was funny, but incredibly true.

"Oh, Kalder, can you please read out Red Tornado's cooking section? I'm looking for a new cookie recipe," Megan asked. The team all laughed again as Kalder read out how to make "The World's Best Shrapnel Cookies."

AN/ Hi guys! So here's the deal. That email address that Kalder read out, .strange , is a real email address where you can send Adam your questions. When you ask a question, please leave either your own original superhero name, or you can write it from the point of view of any superhero or villain. Of course I'll still make their name anonymous because that's how Dear Adam works. Plus, I'll be much more inclined to write if I get a review or two... :) Just sayin', they make my day. Also, the "Dear Abby" above was a real Dear Abby post that was sent in 2007. I did not write it. So yeah. Please send in your questions! Love you guys!