Summary: AU. 16 year- old Harry Potter is hopeful that his fourth year at Hogwarts will be a pleasant one. However, when Dumbledore announces the reinstated Triwizard Tournament, Harry's life takes a unique and unexpected twist. New friends will be made, old enemies will be faced, and two hidden worlds will collide after a century of separation.
Parings: Harry/ Ginny, Leo/Luna, Jason/ Piper, Annabeth/Percy (past), Nico/Percy (semi-one sided), Hermione/ Ron (semi-one sided), Frank/Hazel, Hermione/Percy (one sided)
Author Note: Hello darlings, seeing as how much you liked my other hp/pjo crossover I wanted to try my hand at another one (a better one). Please keep in mind that this is an AU and things will be changed in both worlds to match the plot line (like Harry's age and time line. I know he was fourteen in GoF.) Also this takes place after BoO, therefore what I write is not actually how it ends.
Semi-one sided: implied paring were one party likes the other and may become canon further in the story.
Chapter One
"He will rise once more" hissed a cool voice. "The dark Lord will return when the boy is at his weakest."
Harry woke in a fright. His heart was pounding like a jackhammer in his chest from a very vivid nightmare. The jagged lightening scar that was engraved on top of his forehead was burning beneath his clammy hands.
The skinny boy sat up slowly, his right hand reached blindly in the dark abyss for his glasses, as his other reached for his table lamp. Once flickered on, a pale golden light encased the room, illuminating a messy, yet barren room.
Harry ran his fingers over his still burning scar. It was just a dream. He repeated to himself, hoping to find comfort in the words. Harry stayed sitting in his bed for a few more seconds before he finally scrambled out. He slowly crossed the room to his wooden hand-me-down desk where Hedwig's silver cage sat, along with a few scattered papers.
The green eyed boy carefully rummaged through the papers until his fingers finally found a rumpled piece of parchment.
Harry scanned the paper, smiling to himself as he re-read the messy ink printed words for the hundredth time.
Mum said she can't wait to see you, and Ginny's been talking non-stop about you as always.
I hope they're not treating you too badly.
Harry's heart leapt. He had been spending two months in his own personal hell with the Dursleys and he was looking forward to seeing his best friend Ron again.
Harry would be heading to the Weasley's busy household later today, where he'd be spending one week before going back to Hogwarts, his real home. He missed Hogwarts so much sometimes it physically hurt. He missed his friends, Quidditch, Hogsmeade, hell—he even missed his classes.
After last year Harry felt hopeful that he was going to enjoy a pleasant stress free year. He dropped his letter and crawled back on to his bed, silently counting the hours till he would leave.
"Harry, please tell my sister that I won fair and square!" whined Harry's best friend Ron, who pitifully lost against Ginny in a game of one on one.
Ginny snorted. "Please, stop embarrassing yourself."
Ron rolled his eyes at his sister and threw open the rustic wooden door to his house. Once inside mouth-watering smells of Mrs. Weasley's cooking filled the air.
"Dinners ready!" yelled Mrs. Weasley's voice as the trio walked into the small cozy kitchen.
Harry took his spot next to Ron at the cramped table. Mr. Weasley sat at the head of the table with the twins on his right and Percy and Ginny on his left. Mrs. Weasley puttered around the table, filling everyone's plate with heaps of great tasting food.
"Thanks," Harry told Mrs. Weasley who filled his plate with the most amount of food at the table.
Mrs. Weasley smiled warmly and rubbed Harry's back. "You're quite welcome dear. Now eat up before it gets cold."
With no further encouragement Harry dug in, trying his best to finish his plate.
The table ate in silence, occasionally throwing out praises to Mrs. Weasley who smiled fondly at her family.
"Looking forward to going back to school tomorrow?" questioned Mr. Weasley after everyone's stomachs were full and the table stripped of the plates.
Harry joined the table as they eagerly nodded their heads. Harry's heart started fluttering with excitement. Tomorrow he would finally be going home.
"I hear Dumbledore has cooked up a big surprise for the year." Mr. Weasley said leaning back in his chair.
Harry raised an eyebrow at this. A surprise? What did that mean? His fluttering excitement quickly turned to fear.
In his life—a surprise was never a good thing.
"What's the surprise?" The twins asked excitedly.
"You'll find out tomorrow. Now it's time for bed." said Mrs. Weasley, ushering everyone up and out of the dining room.
"What kind of surprise do you think dad was talking about?" Ron questioned, as he and Harry got ready for bed.
"No idea, hopefully it's something good."
The taller boy laughed and climbed into bed, "with our luck? No bloody way it's something good."
Harry couldn't agree more.
"Go on Ron! You're going to miss the train!" cried Mrs. Weasley to her youngest son.
Ron pushed through the crowd with Harry on his tail, "I'm going! I'm going!"
The two best friends elbowed and shoved their way through the crowd of prideful parents finally making their way onto the Hogwarts express.
Just as they scooted on the whistle sounded and the train launched into motion.
"Well, that was a close one." Harry sighed, slowing making his way with Ron to an open compartment.
So much for stress free, Harry thought.
"You're telling me. I thought mum was going to bite my head off." Ron grumbled, casting his eyes at every busy compartment they passed.
The two wondered down the train until their eyes finally rested on a familiar crop of bushy brown hair.
"Harry! It's so good to see you!" Hermione yelped as she crashed her petite body into his skinny one.
Hermione had grown taller over the summer, now reaching up to Harry's shoulder. Her hair was still as wild has ever and her teeth seemed smaller and whiter.
She looked—Harry thought suddenly—rather pretty.
"It's great to see you too! I missed you!" Harry said, tightening his hug on his friend.
The two broke apart as Ron lumbered into the compartment. He looked down at Hermione, his face showing that he too recognized the changes in her.
"Hey Ron." Hermione said, pulling the red hair boy into a quick hug.
"Hey 'monie. How was your summer?" Ron asked as they broke away and moved to sit down.
"Great, yours?" the bushy hair witch asked taking a spot next to Harry.
Ron shrugged "alright. Percy was a real grit, but other than that it was fine. Harry stayed with us for the last week."
Hermione smiled brightly at that. Harry always found comfort in how happy his friends got when they found out he got a break from the Dursleys. It was what got him through most nights.
The trio sat making small talk for a bit, getting joined by the twins and Ginny throughout their conversation.
"Dad said Dumbledore cooked up a surprise for us this year, wouldn't tell us what of course." Ginny said after a bit.
Hermione raised an eyebrow at the new information. "I heard a few of the other students saying something like that to. I wonder what it could be."
The train came to a halt as students now clad in their robes started moving out of their compartments.
"Dad said we'll find out tonight." Ron said, opening the door.
"Welcome to another magical year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I trust you all had a good summer." The elderly Headmaster spoke after the first year sorting was over. Gryffindor got four guys and six girls, who all looked eager to please.
"Now this year Hogwarts will be doing things a little differently." Dumbledore spoke thoughtfully, moving around the podium. In the middle of the hall sat a cover square case that had most of the students whispering about it already.
A murmur broke out among the tables, making Dumbledore stop and wait for it to quiet down. When it finally did the old wizard smiled and continued talking.
"Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event call the Triwizard Tournament" said Dumbledore.
Harry felt that he was the only one who didn't know what the Triwizard Tournament was, as most of the students broke out into excited conversations.
Almost like Dumbledore read Harry's mind he opened his mouth and started to explain, "Now, the Triwizard Tournament usually brings together three schools to compete in a series of dangerous competitions. However, this year Hogwarts will be hosting a fourth school in the competition—but we will get to that later."
Most of the students seemed even more surprised by this news; even Harry himself seemed taken aback by the news. Three schools at Hogwarts? It seemed impossible.
"Now from every school a victor will be chosen to compete." Dumbledore walked closer to the square covered thing in the middle. He raised his hand and the red covering flew off, revealing a beautiful blue crested cup.
"Any wizard of the age of sixteen or older will only place their name into the cup and it will choose who is worthy to compete." Dumbledore's voice dropped down in a low dangerous one "be warned. If you are chosen—you stand alone. There will be no backing out. The winner of the Triwizard cup will earn eternal glory for the price of surviving three incredibly dangerous tasks."
Harry smiled a bit to himself, happy that this Tournament was optional.
Dumbledore walked back to the podium, "I feel I must warn you. You will not only be competing against yourselves and other wizards, but also another type of magical beings that you'll meet tomorrow."
The headmaster finished on a dreamy note and motioned for everyone to enjoy the feast.
"Another type of magical being?" Ron echoed Dumbledore's words, "what the bloody hell do you think they are?"
"I don't know, I guess we'll find out tomorrow." Harry said, scooping food onto his plate.
"Eternal glory," Ron said in a dreamy voice, "can you imagine that?"
Harry stayed silent, and tried not to think about what other kinds of magical beings would be staying in Hogwarts this year.
"Look around you son of Poseidon, you have already lost!" Gaea's voice crackled. "The gods have left you! Just give up! There is no way out!"
Percy bolted up in a flash. His heart rate was sky high and sweat trickled down his spine. He ran a shaky hand through his hair and hoped to calm down. His nightmares/memories had been driving him crazy over the last few weeks, making it hard for him to get any kind of sleep.
The son of Poseidon dragged his baggy sweat pant covered legs over his bed and pulled on a blue zip up sweater. He felt good being back home and living with his mother after everything, and soon the sea god's son would have to face another challenge all together—senior year.
"Percy?" his mother's soft voice called from outside his room.
Percy awkwardly pulled himself up and made his way to the door, "yeah?"
His bedroom door opened up a crack and his mother's kind face peeked through, "Chiron IMed me, he wants to speak with you right away."
Percy let out a loud angry groan. Three week ago, after the giants war was over, Percy had announced that he wanted a break from the demigod world. He wanted to live amongst mortals and go to high school. He even planned a surfing vacation with some of his friends next week.
"What did he want?" Percy tried to keep the bitterness out of his voice.
His mother, hearing the tone of his voice, opened the door wider and walked inside. She wrapped her arms around him a crushed him in an unwarranted but not unwelcome hug.
He had been getting a lot of those lately.
"I'm not sure sweetie, but I think he wants you for a…"her voice trailed off sadly.
A quest Percy thought. Chiron wanted him to come back and join a quest.
The tall boy sighed and gently pulled away from his mom, "well, I better IM him. It could be important."
His mother ruffled his hair like he was still a short skinny 12 year old and turned to walk out of his room. Percy sprayed some water in front of his light and threw a drachma into the appearing rainbow.
"Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering and show me Chiron at Camp Half-Blood."
The rainbow shimmered and flickered in till it focused in on the half white stallion, half hero trainer, who was shuffling some papers in the big house.
"This had better be good, Chiron." Percy knew he was being cruel, but they knew he was staying out of the demigod world after….
Well, after everything went to Hades.
Chiron's face shot up and peered at Percy with clouded sadness, "I'm sorry to bother you Percy, but we need you to come back to camp."
"And why is that?" Percy challenged, he had been a lot more on edge from the lack of sleep. He really didn't want things to come out as harsh as they were.
Chiron sighed. "We need your help. I know you wanted and deserve a break but you need help and we need your help."
Percy felt a pull of guilt in his stomach. Sure he'd had a couple of rough months but so did every other demigod around, he shouldn't have left, and he shouldn't be so harsh to Chiron.
"Okay, I'll help." Percy said shortly.
Chiron smiled widely, Percy guessed he expected a no.
"I've been stupid lately, perhaps even selfish. Everything that happened with Annabeth really messed with me and I think your right."
Chiron's whole face softened, "It'll be really great to see you again Percy. Nico has offered to shadow you to camp. He should be there in an hour."
Percy nodded and raised his hand to swipe through the rainbow, but just before he did he had to ask, "How long will this quest take? How much should I pack?"
Chiron smiled wavered, "It'll be a long one Percy."
And with that the hero trainer left Percy to pack.
Nico's hand stayed firmly planted in Percy's as dark shadows swirled pass them. After a few more moments of darkness Percy's feet finally found solid ground.
"Gods I don't think I'll ever get use to shadow traveling." Percy said stumbling a bit.
Nico laughed and walked beside Percy, "You do it all the time with Mrs. O'Leary."
"Yes well, at least I can sit on Mrs. O'Leary, with you it's just flopping around in darkness."
Nico laughed once more. Percy noticed how better the son of Hades looked. He wasn't skeleton skinny anymore, his hair was freshly cut, and some of his colour had returned. Percy knew Nico was having just as hard of a time as he was.
"But seriously, how are you holding up?" Nico asked as they walked through the camp.
Percy waved him off, "neither of us wants to have a heart to heart right now. Like you, I'm dealing with it, maybe not the best I could be, but I'm getting through it."
Nico stopped in his track and looked at the older boy, "I'm glad you came back Percy. I hope you come on the quest."
That statement took Percy by surprised. His and Nico's relationship was strained at best. The son of Hades was no longer the angry hateful boy Percy found in the labyrinth. Instead he was a sad distant boy who seemed to be wondering through life unsure of where his place was in the world.
"Well let's just see what kind of quest Chiron has in mind."
Percy and Nico pushed their way to the big house where they were greeted by crushing hugs from Hazel and Piper.
"Gods I've been gone for three weeks, not three months." Percy joked, pealing Pipers arms from around him.
He suddenly received a hit in the back of his head, "You could get killed by standing still, Percy. Three weeks without a word from you doesn't really scream 'I'm still alive and well.'"
Percy flashed a sheepish look at the cross looking daughter of Aphrodite, "Sorry, I guess I messed up."
"You're darn right you messed up." scolded Hazel as she too crushed Percy in a tighter hug.
"Okay, okay, don't kill the boy" said the semi-stern voice of Jason Grace.
"Wait who are we killing?" Leo's voice asked as the Latino entered the room.
"Percy, I think." Franks voice followed as the pair entered.
Leo laughed, not noticing Percy standing in the room, "yeah right. I get the guy hasn't called in a bit, but I don't think murder is a good first option."
"It's nice to know how you guys deal with your problems when I'm not around." Percy said turning to look at his two friends.
"Percy you're back!" Frank said in a surprised voice.
"Dude! Piper thought you died." Leo yelp, pushing past both Jason and Frank.
Percy laughed and plopped himself on one of the free chairs, "So I hear."
Just then Chiron trotted in looking pleased with every demigod in front of him.
"Good to see you all again," the centaur smiled warmly, "please sit."
All the demigods in the room did as asked and crowded around the Ping-Pong table.
"All of you already know why I have called you here," Chiron's eyes met Percy's, "expect you."
Every head turned to look at Percy, who seemed more than content with straying and the grey wash walls.
"Percy we need your help."
Percy shifted a bit in his seat and raised his eyes to meet the centaur's, "with what? You still haven't told me."
"I want to tell you Percy, but I need your promise first." Chiron said slowly.
Percy felt his heart drop and his anger rise. They didn't trust him anymore. They thought he would bolt at whatever news Chiron wanted to tell him.
An eerie silence filled the room as Percy gazed intently on his hands resting on the table.
They don't trust you anymore.
"Percy, it's not like that, it's just, we need to be sure…" Piper trailed off, trying her best to ease the son of Poseidon's anger.
"No, I get it. I haven't really been myself after what happened." Percy took a deep breath, "I swear that no matter what, I will help you."
Chiron and everyone else seemed relieved by the statement.
"Well, seeing as how that's out of the way." Chiron smiled a bit and folded his fingers together in front of him.
"As all of you know, expect for Percy, is that Camp Half-Blood had been invited to partake in the Triwizard Tournament."
Percy's brows knitted together in confusion. Triwizard Tournament?
"Wait, what's the Triwizard Tournament?" He asked, doing his best to keep his annoyance out of his voice. Was this payback for leaving camp after the war?
"It's a three part magical competition that usually involves wizards only, however—" Chiron started to explain.
"Wait, wait, wait. Wizards? Like broomsticks, pointy hats, double trouble and all that jazz?" Percy questioned. He wasn't shocked by the fact that wizards existed, Hades, he had once been punch in the face by magic itself, literally. He just wanted to make sure he was on the same page as everyone else—no need to feel even more stupid.
Leo laughed, "See? Told you it was a common question"
Piper kicked Leo under the table, "ow, stop that," the Latino whined.
"Will you shut up," she hissed back as Hazel, Jason, and Frank snickered quietly.
"Yes, however they don't take too kindly to the stereo types. "Chiron smiled warmly, "Now the wizards have invited us to join in the event as a sort of peace offering."
"Peace offering?" Percy repeated back in a confused voice. "Why would they need to make a peace offering?"
"Our two communities have suffered through years of rivalry. Generations ago wizards and demigods use to battle over who was the superior race. When the fighting started getting out of hand, we decided to cut ties with our worlds to help prevent war." Chiron explained.
"But, if the rivalry was based on who's stronger than whom, then why compete in a tournament with them? Wont old hatred rise?" Percy inquired.
"Ah, good question. However, the wizards are already on a brink of war with each other. They would like to form some connections within the demi-god world in case they need help in the future, and this Tournament is set aside to do just that." Chiron stated clearly.
"Now, seeing as this is a wizards Tournament, only demigods with special powers can compete, no weapons will be allowed."
Things started clicking into place for Percy. He could see why Chiron had asked him to help.
"Also, you have to be of the age of sixteen or older, which means Hazel, Nico, and Leo cannot enter. Piper's powers are useful, but are not powerful enough for her to survive the tasks. Which only leaves you three left" Chiron indicated to Frank, Jason, and Percy.
"Frank cannot leave his position at New Rome and since you, Percy, decided you needed a break from camp; Jason has to help look after things throughout the year here. Meaning…" Chiron trailed off.
"Meaning I am the only one who can compete." Percy finished. He didn't really know how he was meant to feel. Should he be angry that he was being forced into something, yet again? Or should he feel honored to be able to compete in such a tournament?
"Ideally, yes." Chiron nodded.
Percy opened his mouth, but quickly closed it. He was at a loss of words.
"But you won't be going alone." Piper said quickly.
"Yeah! Piper, Leo, Nico, and I are all coming along." Hazel said smiling. It was hard for Percy to still be angry when Hazel smiled. She just looked so small and innocent.
"Plus you don't have to do math at that school!" Leo chimed in.
Percy couldn't help but smile. At least his friends didn't hate him after everything.
"So you're telling me that I have to go to some wizard's school, which I don't even know where it is by the way…"
"London." Frank said suddenly.
Percy raised and eye brow and grinned a bit, "what?"
Franks face started to flare up with red as everyone turned to look at him. "The school…it's in London…"
"Right. So you want me to go to a wizard school in London, compete in a few competitions, and make nice with the wizards so they have some powerful allies?" Percy questioned.
Chiron nodded, "basically."
Percy knew he didn't have a choice in the matter. He had already promised to help and he didn't feel like letting his friends down even more.
"Well, when do we leave?"
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