I've helped twins helped set the table and lay out plates with cutlery and then I called the rest of the family for dinner. Everyone cheerfully took their seats, taking up a food. Younger siblings as always had a loud conversation, can't sit on their chairs calmly, but in some way through by their energy atmosphere was extremely positive and gentle.

"I'm so glad that mother can finally eat with us." said Fuyuka moved, very excited by the presence of women.

"You're right. I can't remember the last time we were at home together." I nodded happy, looking with affection at family in the set.

"For some time, my condition had improved, so the doctor decided that he may momentarily release me from the hospital." Said merrily adult, also happy because of that.

"How good that mom is finally getting better..." younger sister sighed with relief "Maybe she'll even recover soon..."

"Let us be of good cheer." Smiled the woman.

"Yeah..." I nodded thoughtfully playing with rice on a plate.

"Sis, why are you not eating?" Asked worried Fuyuka.

"Ah...n-no, I just..." distracted I picked up lively eyes that landed on the anxious looks of the other members of the family "...was thinking about something."

"Are you sure?..." Inquired restless girl. "You look sad..."

"Maybe is that time, when your sister has someone in mind?..." Chuckled mother.

"M-Mom!..." outraged I blushed hearing her comments.

"So I'm right?" she looked at me sincerely amused.

"...M-Maybe." I murmured shyly, looking away.

"Really?!" bridled the sister.

So I will probably have to tell them about Isuke...especially now, when mom is at home. I don't want her to met Isuke in a hospital bed...

"And...what is he like?..." she stared at me with her bright eyes, full of admiration.

"He? Erm...well..." embarrassed I scratched my head, looking for the right answer "In fact..."

"Where did you meet him? Is he handsome? And...what about his personality?" Fuyuka impatiently demanded the answer.

"Calm down, let her get a word in." Mom laughed.

"H...His name is Isuke." I Finally I mumbled sheepishly.

Damn, I chickened out...but I couldn't tell them...

"What a nice name." Commended the woman "Such...mens." She said, chuckling.

"Surely it must be a great guy." Fuyuka sighed with delight.

"Mama!" Suddenly exclaimed one of the twins "Misaki spilled the compote!"

"Oh, I'll take care..." older sister shaking out of a daze stood nervously.

"Wait, let me help you." I offered and went with her to the kitchen.

Thoughtfully I lay on the bed, fidgeting anxiously. Every now and then I sighed with resignation and with the corner of my eye checked if the rest of the siblings are already asleep. I turned on back, staring at the ceiling, furrowing eyebrows sadly.

I can't sleep...after tonight's dinner with my mom it still stays in my head...it's like, how am I supposed to introduce Isuke to them?...

After all, her parents know me...but my family still has no idea that I meet her ...

Devastated I bit my lip, then turned onto my left side.

Mom may react badly, and I...I don't want that. The doctor said that stress will only worsen her current state. Despite assurances doctors, I can see that mom's state is not good. They're lying.

But the worst thing is that...we don't have the money. I can't earn more, even if I get bonuses and raises. A treatment costs a fortune...plus more spending on my family and home. I can't reconcile it all. As this goes on, it's...

I don't want to think about what might happen.

With a deep sigh I rubbed my stinging eyes and after a short time, finally drifted off to sleep.

I was fidgeting impatiently in front of the cafe, all the while glancing at my watch. The weather was sunny, so a lot of passers-by were walking on the street.

Isuke Is late...

I sighed amused. I looked ahead and saw a well-known pink hair, waiting for the green light on the other side of the intersection. I waved to her, smiling gently.

Although, with Isuke I can forget about all the problems...I love spending time with her. I love her.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." I giggled, kissing Inukai on the cheek.

"It's your fault that you told me to come here at such a ridiculously early hour. Isuke needs a lot of sleep, to be more and more beautiful.3 " she responded happily.

Maybe she says so, but I see that she isn't even a bit tired. Besides, I'm sure she got up much earlier to get ready.

"I don't think you need sleep." I announced proudly "You are so beautiful that it's impossible that you'll be even more beautiful."

"You're right. Isuke is already perfect.3 " she giggled, going with me to the cafeteria "But I need sleep, stupid. I'm not going to tolerate bags under the eyes."

We've taken a seat at an table for two. The place was fairly empty, that's good. The girl yawned with boredom and began to check out the menu, while I...was checking out her.

"What are you staring at?" She murmured, curiously examining the list of beverages.

"At the most beautiful princess I've ever seen." I grinned up "From which fairy tale did you escape?"

I grabbed her hand subtly and brushed against my lips.

"I hope your knight won't be offended if I replace him."

"...Idiot. Isuke doesn't need a knight, she's self-sufficient.3 " she gave me a cheerful look, amused by my compliment. "But another princess would be handy...for company." she flicked me in the nose, smiling.

A waiter came and we gave him our order.

"You do like sweet things, huh?" bored Inukai played with lock of her hair, fingernails tapping impatiently on the table surface.

"Yes. That's probably why I'm so in love with you, Isuke. My mother often tells me that despite my age, still I eat like a child." I grinned up.

"Very funny." she sighed ruefully, clearly distressed.

Something is wrong...she usually likes, when I compliment her...even she pretends that it annoys her...

"What happened?" I grabbed her gently by the hand "I can see that something's bothering you..."

"No, I was just thinking about something." She waved her hand dismissively, glancing sideways at the empty table next to us "Haruki...are you going to introduce me to your mom?"

I looked at her confused when she established eye contact with me, demanding an answer.

What am I supposed to tell her?...

"W-Well...of course..." I murmured uneasily "I just...I don't know how to tell her about it. Your parents are different...you know..."

"Yes, yes." She muttered resignedly "I just hope that you won't tell her after the wedding."

"W-What?" I moaned scared.

"Just kidding." Isuke again gave my nose a flick "I'd have to seriously think about whether I want to spend the rest of my life with such an idiot.3 I was only checking if you listen to me. All the time you're so absent..."

"It's nothing..." I forced a smile "It must be your imagination."

Our conversation was interrupted momentarily by a man who has served us two pieces of cake and coffee. Hurriedly I took for food.

"Walk outside with you is such a shame..." amused pink-haired nodded, taking into the mouth a little bit.

"Why?" I asked with cheeks like a hamster.

"That's why." She giggled "First eat, then tell me. You're hopeless..." Isuke took a napkin and wiped my face "You really are like a child...I thought I'm your partner, not a nanny.3" she laughed.

The rest of the date passed in a relaxed, romantic atmosphere. We were talking the entire time and sipping coffee, nothing else mattered.

I can't remember the last time I felt such joy and peace...finally I could throw everything aside. It's because of Isuke...if not for her, I would have gone mad long time ago. With her I can be myself, I can be happy. It's probably the best day I ever experienced.

I was staring out the window of the bus, behind which the sun was setting already. Dipped crimson sky looked beautiful, but Isuke was a lot better.

Maybe today I won't be a coward and finally I'll tell my mom...It's time... sooner or later the truth will out ...

I smiled grimly, thinking about my relationship. However, my thoughts were interrupted by a ringing phone. Sighing, I glanced at the display - Fuyuka.

She may be worried...after all, I said I was going out only for an hour...But so it is, when dating Isuke. Then time passes different pace.

I giggled and picked up, smiling.

"What happened, Fuyuka? I'm already on the bus going home." I told her, being in a good mood.

"Sis..." I heard on the other side with the quiet sobs.

That one word spoken in such a specific way ruined my whole great day.

"Y-Yes?..." I swallowed saliva nervously, worried.

It's about mom...because what else?...

"Mom...she..." sobbed the girl into the phone, unable to cobble together a sentence "Suddenly she felt bad...they took her back to the hospital..."

"I understand." I said calmly, though my heart was pounding like mad "I'm going to her. You stay at home and watch siblings, right?"

"Okay..." she sniffed.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine...after all we are a family, right? Sister will surely think of something..." I sighed with tears in my eyes, forcing a smile.

I ran to the hospital stressed. Despite the late hour queue at the reception was great as always.

Damn...I don't have time to wait...

I pushed my way through complaining and unhappy people.

"Hey! The queue! What are you doing?!" they were shouting, outraged "What kind of manners! This is today's youth!"

"Excuse me, I'm looking for my mother, name is Sagae. Apparently, she felt worse and brought her here..." I gasped to the receptionist, not paying attention to the unpleasant comments.

"Oh yes. She was taken to the treatment room, down the corridor and the last turn to the right."

"Thank you..." I muttered as quickly as possible going in the direction indicated.

When I reached the end, I could see the room behind the glass and the doctors. Mom was lying on the bed unconscious, breathing with difficulty, and the machinery, for which she was hooked up, were going crazy. Nervous doctors was shouting, but because of glass I hardly heard them.

"We're losing her!..." Shouted one of them.

When my ears reached these words, as if on cue, I lively clung to the window and watched in horror the situation on the other side.

Mom, you have to endure it! You can't do this to us!

I could feel the sweat running down my face. Still I didn't believe what had just happened.

It's impossible...it must be a nightmare...!

I shook my head, closing my eyes.

No... the doctors will save her. Medicine is now at such a high level...not even a question about it, my mom is going to be alright! For sure they will save her, and then she'll come back to us, to our home! And Fuyuka will again be happy! Everyone will be happy!...

Without a word, I walked into the house. The clock was ticking loudly in the kitchen, pointing at two a.m.

Nothing. Nothing went my way. My promises, efforts...all in vain. Everything.

Youngest siblings were already asleep, but the older were watching me intently, waiting for me to say somtehing. It doesn't matter what, just something. But I ignored them. With impassive face I took off my shoes and sat down at the kitchen table, remaining in silence. I pulled out of the drawer jewelry box, opening it.

Damn...I didn't expect it would be this so little...and so I was saving conscientiously...it was supposed to be for a rainy day...

With disbelief I collected money, frowning in deep disappointment.

"Sis?" Fuyuka came up to me confused and then took her place opposite "What happened? You're all pale...W-What about mom?..."

I licked my lips, but still wasn't saying anything. I couldn't. I forgot how to do it.

I have no right to speak to them or look them in the face.

"Sis?..." Repeated younger, putting her warm hand on my, that was cold and sweaty.

"...Mom, she..." I bit my lip, thrusting my empty gaze at the counter.

I can't tell her straight in the face...I don't want...Why it even came to this?... It's all nonsense ...

"Yes?" sister asked, increasingly concerned and impatient - What about her?...

Corner of my eye I noticed how the remainder of the siblings, which was on their feet, and stood in the doorway was waiting in silence for the answer. I sighed heavily, pushing cold hand on a wet face.

"...She's dead. Mom died today, an hour ago."

That night was really hard. Nobody has narrowed his eye. Until dawn. Long I thought about whether my decision certainly is right. I feared that I act too hastily, but at the moment I didn't see any other way out.

It was nearly seven a.m. Siblings finally fell asleep from exhaustion, which was caused by constant crying. Only I didn't shed a single tear. My despair was too deep to express it by just cry.

I sat silently in the kitchen, listening to the ticking of the clock. The money was carelessly strewn beside the casket on the table. I glanced at it with corner of my eye, full of melancholy.

These savings were supposed to be on a rainy day...but I never thought that I might dedicate it to the funeral ...

I laughed quietly and somberly, biting my lip in expression of helplessness.

Mom, why did you do that? After all, you knew well that we need you...and yet...

I sighed heavily, again converting the money. I tried to busy my thoughts because all the time I was troubled by my idiotic idea.

I am aware that this can have bad consequences...but...I don't know what to do...

Clock was ticking like crazy, reminding me of flowing minutes. It took a little bit before I made the final decision.

I have to do it. At least for now...

With trembling hands, I pulled out a cell, and then chose the contact I least wanted to talk. In general, I didn't act involuntarily. This hopeless situation forced me to do so. I confirmed the call and put my phone to the ear. After three signals finally he finally spoke up.

"Hello? Who is this?" I heard a harsh, unpleasant voice.

"It's me, Haruki. You remember me, right?" I clenched my fists, fighting with emotions uncontrollably.

I hate him...and now I'm begging him for help...it's pathetic...

"Haruki?!" Man became lively "Is it really you?! You have no idea how I missed you!"

"I'll get right to the point." I interrupted him dryly, feeling disgust of his voice "I need your help."

On the other side for a moment there was silence. In the background I could hear some noise, but I didn't pay attention to it. It always accompaning him when I called him.

"...What is it?" he gasped finally, clearly interested.

"My mother is dead." I muttered coldly "You know that I'm not an adult, and...I do not want us to end up in a child care home or something like that..." I hissed through my teeth desperately "I need you...you have to live with us..."

Again there was silence. In my heart I felt that this situation amuses him.

He feels a fucking satisfaction. Now he can finally do whatever he wants. It isn't possible to reject such a request...

"I agree." He said after some thought. "I'll be your guardian."

According to my predictions. Even I can see that crooked smile on his face...

"Then I'll wait for you."

"I can't wait for our reunion, sweetheart." he laughed excitedly.

He knows that I told him to not talk to me like that...but he's still the same...I hate him...

I took a deep breath and replied with resignation:

"Goodbye. Father."

A.N./Hello there! Well, I admit that I had a hard time on this one. It's like - I knew what will happen in this chapter, but I didn't know how to write it. And here it is...this. Hope you enjoyed...okay, in this case, enjoy is a bad word. But don't worry, Miss Isuke will surely do something about it! Or at least she'll try...wait, no more spoilers for ya! So, see you next time~!