My name is Misaki Takashi. I am 22 years of age and work at Marukawa Publishing Firm. Five years ago, I started living with my brother's best friend, the infamous Usami Akihiko otherwise known as The Great Lord Usagi, a writer of many novels and BL books and the youngest author to win the Naomori Award. In the five years we've lived together I some how became the target of Usagi's "passion" one would say. Only a few months ago I was admitted into the hospital due to my fragile heart. Apparently I had slipped into a coma for five months. When I woke I was told that I would be in bed rest for another month. I have become restless in that time so now that the one month bed rest period is complete I will most definitely get back to my normal routine.
I thought this, however not every thing I thought came to pass.
I felt my temper rising as I starred at the legion of nurses and doctors lined up in front of the house. I felt my temple throb as I quickly shut the door before marching to Usagi's office.
"Excuse me Lord Usagi...but why in hell is there a line of doctors and nurses outside the house?"
The silver haired novelist was slumped across his computer. apparently he had been asleep, and to let me know of this he gave me one of his "I was just woken up glares"
'Shit' I thought to myself, Usagi doesn't take to kindly to being woken up. I backed out of the room "Gomen! I didn't me to disturb you!"
I tried to run but Usagi was too quick for me and he grabbed my wrist.
"Let go of me!" I shouted angrily.
Not listening to what I said Usagi only gripped me tighter before crushing his lips to mine.
I tried to resists but soon melted every where he touched
"OI where do you think you..." Suddenly I gasped out loud and clutched my chest as a searing pain went threw it.
"Misaki!" Usagi called as I slowly slid to the floor, the pain in my chest increasing.
"" I cried
Quickly Usagi rushed to the bathroom and grabbed my bottle of pills and rushed back to my side. He took out two blue and red colored pills and passed them to me.
As soon as I swallowed them my chest relaxed. Tiredly I leaned back against the wall and tried to calm my shaking body.
"It's okay Misaki I'm here" Usagi kept whispering to me while stroking my head.
Even though I was allowed to continue my regular tasks,it didn't mean that I would never have problems. Because of my disease, I would get periodic attacks to my chest that where agonizingly painful. The doctor's knew this would happen, so they gave me a heart medication too calm down these attacks...sort of how a asthma patient takes a rescue inhaler when they have an attack. ( I know this very well due to the fact that I have chronic asthma)
When I was released from the hospital, Usagi never left my side. Due to that he has been with me through every attack I have had so far.
"Gomen Usagi-san" I whispered to him
"What are you apologizing for?" he asked me softly...caringly.
"I don't know" I whispered back.
But the truth was I do know. I apologized for being a burden to him. He will say that I'm not but I know that I am.
While I was in my coma he had neglected all of his work and when I woke up he dedicated all his time toward me.
Today he decided to do some work at last, but knowing him, because of today's episode he was going to only look after matter what I said.
I felt so guilty. I looked away , sadness etched into my eyes.
"What's wrong?" Usagi asked concerned
"N...Nothing" I stuttered this. Damn it I'm being a burden to him...again!
"Misaki look at me"
Usagi commanded me to do this but I just stared at the ground unresponsive, until I felt a hand Usagi's cool bear sized hand, seize my face and pulled it to his...forcing me to look directly into his violet eyes.
"Misaki remember you are not and will never be a burden to me so if something is troubling you please tell me"
Once again Usagi knew exactly what I was thinking and told me what I needed to hear.
"Promise me?" Usagi pleaded.
"A..alright...Usagi-san if that is what you want" I sighed and admitted defeat.
"By the way why is there a line of doctors and nurses out front?"
Usagi stood suddenly, startling me, "There here already? That was quick."
"Why are they here?" I was starting to get pissed that my question still had not been answered.
"There here for an interview."
"Oh is one of your new books staring in a movie and they wan't you to pick the lead characters?" I asked sure of my self when Usagi told me something that mad me want to cry.
"No...I realized that I won't be able to stay next to you 24/7 even though I would prefer It were like that...No I'm hiring a personal doctor who will fallow you when ever your not with me. Encase you have another attack or something of the sort."
Usagi was too kind but the thought of having some one following me creep-ed me out so I stood and said, "I don't need some doctor following me around. I am quite capable on my own."
I then tried to walk forward but I stumbled, and nearly fell but Usagi caught me.
"What where you saying?" I saw him look at me with a serious look.
I looked away blushing as I gave up, "Fine"
He then patted my head and helped me walk to the living room.
"Misaki, I planned to interview them and then pick the one I prefer for you so if you want to stay and see who you prefer then you can"
"A...alright..I will"
Usagi is too kind to me...will I ever be able to pay him back?
"Oh and Misaki if you pick someone I don't like then I won't hire him"
"Oi but isn't that up to me, what if I don't Like the person you pick out huh?!"
"Then I will hire him regardless of what you say."
WHAT THE FUCK?! Whatever I said about him being kind I take it back!
Usagi's POV
2 Hours Later
I sat with my Misaki as the 42nd doctor came in. He was a young male doctor with bright green eye's and short brown hair. I guess one could say he was handsome.
The questioning then began.
"Ono Kanda"
"Any disability's?"
"None that I know of"
"Work experience?"
"Five year's working at Domino Hospital and then two years as a personal in home doctor.
And that's how the normal part of the interview went...but then I came to the second part of the interview where it gets personal
"Baking, reading, drawing, and studying medicine"
"Relationship status?"
"which way do you swing then?
"Usagi! Why does that even matter? "Do you really think you have the right to ask such a personal question?" Misaki asked me irritated.
Slamming my hand on the label I said with a lot of confidence "I do, is there a problem with having the confidence to ask?"
I watch my Misaki go silent and looked away before saying, " it's still rude!"
I shrugged him off and continued the interview looking at Ono Kanda who was fidgeting in his seat.
"Answer the question what is your preference?"
"I...i guess I swing either way..."
"Leave...this interview is done."
"Usagi! don't just say no because he's bi!" Misaki started to yell at me.
"I won't tolerate a single, bi, doctor staying alone with you and that's final!"
"Next!" I shouted as I watched the dejected doctor leave.
Misaki huffed at me before going to the kitchen.
The next person to enter was a female doctor who I rejected instantly due to her apparent lack of medical experience.
I rubbed my temples, how is it that we still haven't found the right doctor?
Grudgingly I called out, "Next!"
The next person who entered shocked me.
There stood Kusama Nowaki, the doctor who treated Misaki while he was in the hospital.
"Dr. Nowaki, what are you doing here?" I asked curiously since I knew he was a children's doctor originally.
"Well, when I heard that you were hiring a doctor to stay around Misaki, I thought that I should do it since you and Hiro are friends. It was his idea originally and also we could use the extra money since we are trying to prepare for a trip to America, for"
I saw Nowaki blush lightly at the last part and knew it was more then just a business trip.
"Well since you have already treated Misaki so you know the most of his medical condition, but also since you are not single your hired!" I watch Nowaki grin as he thanked me.
"Misaki I've finally hired someone for you and you won't believe who it is."
I watch Misaki shuffle around from the kitchen and when he saw Nowaki he grinned saying, "Dr. Nowaki so you're going to be my personal doctor! That's nice since I already know you."
As the two shared pleasantries, I walked out the door and called out to the rest of the doctors and nurses saying that the interviews are over with and a doctor has been hired. The remaining doctors and nurses groaned as they left.
I went back in to find Nowaki sitting on the couch and heard sounds in the kitchen notifying me to where Misaki was.
"Usagi would you like a cup of tea as well?" I heard my lover call out.
"That's fine" I replied.
While Misaki made tea, Nowaki and me talked about the details involved with Nowaki's new part time job. It was quite simple whenever I was away he would be here to assist Misaki in any way as well as whenever he goes to school.
We kept talking for a little bit afterwards about nothing in particular when a crash and shattered glass came from the kitchen.
Jumping up in surprise, I bolted toward's the kitchen to find Misaki slumped onto the floor holding is chest while visibly shaking, the mug that was going to be used for tea was shattered around him.
"Misaki!" I shouted running to him.
"Where are his pills?!" I heard Nowaki ask quickly.
"Upstairs in the bathroom on the counter" I heard the doctor run as I told him of the medicines location while I tried to pick up Misaki which proved to be difficult seeing as he was still shaking.
As soon as Nowaki came back, pills in hand, he pushed me to the side and unscrewed the lid taking to pills out and puting them in the boys mouth. He then forced Misaki's mouth close and I watched him start blowing on his face fiercely.
"What are you doing?!" I asked agitated
"Trying to force him to swallow his pills"
After a few more intense seconds, to my relief, Misaki swallowed the pills and was calmed.
Nowaki then moved out of the way so I could hold my love.
Looking into his face I saw that he was unconscious, so I gently picked him up and carried him to our room where I gently laid him in the bed.
I heard Nowaki behind me before he asked seriously, "How many times has this happened?"
"Well in the beginning it only happened a few times but as the days continued he started to get the frequently. In fact today is the second time he had it in one day and the first time he's gone unconscious like this."
I saw Nowaki's brows furrow in confusion.
"This is unusual, I understand a few attacks every few months but not periodically. I need to do a cat scan on him and find out what's wrong."
"Should I bring him to the hospital in my car or..." I started, worry starting to cloud my mind.
"No, I think ambulance in case of something happens" With that I saw him open his phone as he called the hospital to send an ambulance.
"Okay they agreed to send an ambulance, since it's not a dire emergency they will be traveling at regular speed and wont be hear for some 20 minutes or so."
"Alright then" I agreed.
Nowaki's POV
I stood quietly as I watched Usagi kiss Miksaki on the head. I was confused though when he replaced his lips with his hand. I was about to ask what was wrong when Misaki started to shake violently, he was going into a seizure!
Quickly I pulled out my phone and redialed the hospital number,
"Nowaki we said we would send the ambulance at nor..."
"No the patient is having a seizure send that ambulance at full speed!" I hung up and looked at Misaki and to my horror I saw him coughing up blood.
What the Hell is going on?
AngstyYaoiFangirl- I know yall didn't think there was not going to be angst in this but dont worry no body will die in this fan fic I am just really twisted and love hurting my Uke's. FWI I have a posting issue going on read what it's about and how I will now be posting chapters in my profile page. So I'm not really sure where I'm going with this so if any one has an idea please pm me if not then I think I'll turn this into my own version of the Uke Flew...what do yall think for those of yall who have read it.
Misaki- Why do I have to suffer? Why not Usagi Once in a while?
Usagi- Yeah why not me I hate it when you pick on my Uke!
AngstyYaoiFangirl- Don't complain or I wont do any lemons
Usagi- Fine
AngstyYaoiFangirl- like I stated i my profile page and earlier I won't be posting as often as I used to but when I do have the second chapter unless I have at least five reviews I won't post, if I get five reviews and don't post that will be due to school and internet issues. Any way review please.
Btw Im in the middel of my AP Chem class i feel soo bad