Title: Crash Bang Pow
Author: Evil_Little_Dog
Rating: Teen
Disclaimer: This is a derivative work, and, as such, I make absolutely no money writing this. Darn the luck.
Summary: They make Eliot happy.
Notes: Prompt from Comment_Fic on LJ.
"Eliot! Our Eliot!" Parker launched herself from the ceiling, crashing into him. Eliot thanked the gods she announced herself this time, he had a chance to prepare his stance to catch her, rather than get tumbled across the floor in a heap.
Not that that was such a bad thing in and of itself, she'd usually follow it with a kiss or a dozen, and then drag Hardison in, and they'd wind up in some writhing, tangled, giggly (on Parker's part, and sometimes Hardison's, too - who knew he was ticklish?) mass.
The sex was fantastic. Better than fantastic. Eliot couldn't remember when he'd had so much...fun.
"Hey, bro," Hardison called from the couch. "Why don't you bring that over here," he waved at Parker, and the way she'd monkeyed herself all around Eliot's torso, "and let us show you how much we missed you?"
"Yeah!" Parker agreed, peppering kisses all over his face.
Eliot grabbed her butt to keep her from sliding - yeah, right - and carried her over to the couch. Smirking, he threw himself and Parker on top of Hardison, laughing.
Crash, bang, pow.
The best.
~ end ~