This came to me when I was listening to Unfaithful by Rihanna. The pairing is USDT(US and Dakota Territory) CanDT and USCSA (US and Confederate States of America). Dakota Territory= Mukwa, Amelia= CSA. BTW: DT is North Dakota's mother.

A woman holds herself as she looks out her window as snowflakes gracefully landed on the pane. She sighs quietly as she watches the man outside as he chops up wood for their fireplace. Snow covering his hair as he swings the axe. Lightly touch the window as she smiles at him. He stops chopping wood as 4 children run to him and tackle him in a dog pile in the snow. Snow fling up in a puff of cloud as they roll around playing and laughing, knowing that this will be a moment of peace from the war. She did not notice footsteps coming near as she sighs quietly.

"Mukwa," Alfred reaches to touch the woman's shoulder as he frowns at her quietness. She jumps slightly from his watches sadly as she turns to face him with her light brown eyes full of anguish as she shrugs him off. She glares at him as she frowns. "Where are you going today?"

"I'm going to Amelia's," She lies as she pushes away from Alfred. Mukwa sighs as she pulls her shawl up closer to her neck. "I need some air from you and this war."

"Even when she is also at war with me? Just go," Alfred rubs the bridge of his nose as he turns his back to the window to watch his brother play with his children. His heart hurts as he watches Mukwa turn away hurtful as she holds her necklace in her fingers as she starts to walk away. "Be careful while being in the south. I love you."

Mukwa shakes her head as she walks to her room. Her tan bags were pack already with her clothes and some books for her trip. She unties her shawl which made her shoulders naked as her thick cotton dress seems to hang onto her body loosely. She brush her dark brown hair out of her face as she sits on her bed with a soft sigh. She frowns while laying down on the soft covers, thinking about Alfred and his brother. She flinches when she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in," she order as she sat up and cover herself better with a deerskin blanket. She holds her bearclaw necklace in her hand as she waits for the door to open.

"Madam, Master William is ready for you," a servant bows low as she enters the room. Her brown hair covering her face as she looks away from her. "Would you like to be escorted there by another servant?"

"No, It's all right," Mukwa dismiss her before following to the hallway. She walks quickly as she holds her dress in her hands as she walks. She smiles as she looks into the dark blue eyes that were more of a violet color. That face that was surround by golden hair with a long curl. She runs as she flings her arms around Matthew's neck as she kisses him. He kisses her back as he holds her. Mukwa was happy with Matthew, Alfred's brother. She know she was being unfaithful, but it was Matthew whom she truly love.

Alfred watches from the hallway as they kiss in front of him. He was just going to ask Mukwa if she would reconsider about visiting Amelia to return to her home to visit her people. His heart seems to break into pieces as he watches a woman he loves truly show affection towards someone, or should he say his own brother. Turning around, he sulks away from the couple to his office. Opening the door, he was greeted by a rifle in his face. He smiles a little as he stares into the holder's gray eyes.

"Amelia, it's been too long," Alfred tilts his head to the side as the rifle was lower a bit to his chest.

"America...Alfred...I need...I want..." Amelia drops the rifle as tears rolls down her face. Sobs shake her whole body as she covers her face in her rough hands.

Alfred sighs as he gather her in his arms as he hums to her softly. He puts his chin on the top of her head as he stares at the window. Her breathing calms down, but she was still sobbing softly as she hugs him back. Her fingers digging into his clothes as Amelia cling on to Alfred.

"Amelia," Alfred tips her face to him as he looks into her gray eyes that to him seem like a dust bowl. "I love you very much. More than anyone, you are my other half."

Amelia huffs as she glares at him. "What about the other women that you have in your house? Aren't they like your wives since they are bond to you? What about Mukwa? Didn't you love her as much as you love me?"

"Amelia," Alfred kisses her softly on the lips as he smiles at her blush. "Mukwa will never return my love. Her heart is on someone."

"She's unfaithful."

"So am I," Alfred chuckles at her pout as he kiss her cheek. "That is why I will love you much more, because you will return my love."

I'm trying to finger out if I should write more on this, or leave it as an one-shot. What do you think? I have a poll on my already written stories, vote on which ones I should update more, or next. Please R&R!