Part 1: Piccolo Daimaou

Disclaimer: I don't own any anime mentioned within the reaches of this story, but oh, do I wish I did. Okay, okay, enough of that. I can't think of who all they belong to, so everyone goes with his or her respective owner. I make no money from this.

Communication. It's all DBZ for now, but just wait until later *grin* We shall see the addition of other animes later on. This whole think is one big mess of nonsense and insanity, but I would like to hope that it's amusing! Um...and I think their just a bit OOC...well, okay, a lot OOC, but it helps the storyline along!

This story was redone to comply with's new standards, because I desperately wanted to keep it around. ~Yami


Goku, Piccolo, and Vegeta were sitting in a little triangle formation, crosslegged, getting ready to start a conversation.

"All right," Goku said, "I get to start this conversation. I don't know what it's about, but I'm starting it anyway."

Piccolo sighed and shook his head. "The Great Idiot King leads us off. Daibakaou!"

Vegeta was growing impatient. "Kakarotto, pick a subject," he demanded.

" about...uh...oh, I don't know," Goku said, obviously having trouble finding a topic.

"Then I get to pick the subject," Piccolo stated. "We're gonna talk about my dad."

"Why?" Goku asked, wondering where THAT had come from.

"Cause he's here," Piccolo replied.

With that, Piccolo Daimaou magically appeared in front of them. "Hi everyone," he said, waving. "Hi Goku. I'm here to kill you."

Goku looked at him for a moment, puzzled. "Hold it," he said, suddenly realizing why it was so strange that Piccolo Daimaou was there. "I killed you. You can't be here."

"Well," Vegeta said, smirking, "I heard about him from my best friend Piccolo and went to Namek, destroyed most of the people, and wished Piccolo's father back."

Piccolo rolled his eyes. "Wonderful..." he muttered.

Piccolo Daimaou shot a glare at him. "Shut up. I'm here to stay," he said, happy about his chance to take revenge on Goku. Revenge his son SHOULD have gotten.

Goku stared at Piccolo Daimaou. "What's your power level?" he asked, wondering what kind of a battle he was in for.

"About 500," Piccolo Daimaou replied. "I'm a lot stronger." He was sure that he was much stronger than Goku.

"Oh my gosh!" Goku exclaimed, faking shock and fear. "500?! Oh, I'm terrified."

Piccolo Daimaou smirked. "You should be. I will kill you now."

Goku sighed. "Shoot," he said, kicking the ground, "I'm only about 100,000 times stronger than you."

Piccolo Daimaou looked at him in shocked disbelief. "What?" he shouted, "Impossible!"

"Heh heh's true," Piccolo said with a smirk, "And me and Vegeta aren't far behind.

Vegeta joined Piccolo in smirking. "We just wanted to kill an evil entity. By---e!" he shouted, preparing a powerful blast.

"What?! No! @#$*&! NOO!" Piccolo Daimaou shouted in pain as he was vanquished.

Piccolo grinned. "THAT was fun. Let's go with Frieza back now!" he said, obviously happy with the day's events.

"Cool! Let's go!" Vegeta shouted, ready to do it again.

"Drink Coke!" Goku yelled in...agreement?

Piccolo looked at him. "What?" he asked, glancing around warily.

Goku sweatdropped, and then said, "Oh...I mean I'm there!"

Vegeta groaned. "Kakarotto...we told you to go easy on the coke," he said in an exasperated voice.

"HE'S DRUNK!" Piccolo shouted, realizing the extent of the trouble they were in.

"ON COKE!" Vegeta added, so as not to confuse the soda with anything that was actually dangerous.

"LET'S GO! I'M PUMPED!" Goku yelled, on a very scary caffeine high.

Piccolo glanced at Vegeta. "Vegeta, we'd better get out of here...NOW!" he yelled, afraid that Goku's intoxication would bring mass suffering to them.

"I'm with you," Vegeta said, shuddering at the amount of coke Goku must have drank. "Let's FLY!" he yelled, taking to the air, with Piccolo close behind.

"See ya, coke FREAK!" they both shouted as they left Goku's line of sight.

"What was that? Huh?" Goku asked, gazing around confusedly. "Where'd everyone go?" he wondered out loud, no longer seeing Piccolo or Vegeta.

As they flew away, Piccolo spoke up, "Let's go get Gohan and ChiChi. They know what to do," remembering the previous experiences they had gone through with Goku and his coke.

"Let's rocket!" Vegeta yelled, before realizing what he had just said. "Dang, I mean, hurry up. I just can't forget my days as a power ranger..." he sighed, recalling days long past.

Gohan suddenly appeared next to them. "Hey," he said, "have you guys used your other two wishes yet?"

"Yeah," Piccolo replied, "I wished for another cape, and Vegeta wished for...umm...ya know, I don't think he wished for anything."

"Really?" Gohan asked, wondering if he would get a chance.

"No," Piccolo replied, amused.

"Oh," Gohan said, shrugging it off. "Okay."

All right. Since it takes time that I really don't have to rewrite each of the chapters, I'm going to doing them one at a time, so check back for updates! Also, it would be greatly appreciated if this is reviewed! And by the way, I don't own Coke... ~Yami