Glass Slipper
I can't believe it! This is my 3rd completed story! I couldn't have gone this far without you all! Now let's get to the royal wedding where there's gonna be a TON of fluff in my (so far) only fairy tale with a happy ending! Read on!
Chapter 10: Happily Ever After
For the first time in her life, Heather wept tears not from sadness but out of joy.
All her years of suffering and torment has finally come to an end and her mother's words have finally come true. She remained steadfast in her beliefs and she finally found happiness.
"Yes! Of course I'll marry you!"
The dusty servant girl leapt into Zane's arms and the pristine prince embraced her, not wanting to let go, not caring that the ashes marred his royal clothes nor that she was of low status.
The duke, knights, and stepsisters stared in astonishment.
It was like a classic rags to riches story come to life as the once poor girl will become princess of the entire kingdom and eventually its queen.
Kai, Cole, and Dareth stood there in astonishment but they were happy for their prince. If this was the one girl he truly loved, then they had every right to be together, even he was a prince and she a humble servant.
But not everyone was happy…
"She's lying!" Selma continued accusing her stepdaughter, "She's only using you!"
"How will I know if she's a liar or you are?" Zane responded with another question.
"I kept a roof over your head when I could've abandoned you, you ungrateful shrew, and this is how you repay me!?" The stepmother kept up her tirade against the poor servant.
Zane moved Heather behind him but she stepped up.
Never again will she be at the mercy of her cruel stepmother.
"Yes," She finally stood up against her tormenter, "And for causing so much pain."
The nasty woman can't believe it.
Heather had the nerve of defying her but she wasn't alone.
"Aria! Luna! Go set your impudent stepdaughter straight!"
The daughters were also surprised to find out that Heather was the unknown beauty at the ball but they also had enough of their mother's selfish ways.
"No, mother." Aria shook her head, "I know now why Heather would want to leave."
Much to Selma's disbelief, her own daughters also left her to join the royal party!
"Is this how you'll thank me for all I've done for you!?"
"No," Even Luna spoke against her mother, "You didn't do it for us. You did it for yourself."
Now even her own daughters were against her!
"This can't be happening!
Before she could lash out, Zane finally gave the cruel woman what's been coming for her.
"Selma, for your abuse and maltreatment to your stepdaughter, you are hereby exiled from this kingdom!" The prince decreed with the authority of a true king.
The stepmother gave an indignant yell of dismay, feeling sorry not for the way she treated her stepdaughter but for her supposed 'misfortune'.
But karma finally caught up with the wicked woman.
"Come, Heather," Zane finally took the servant girl away from her prison, "Let us take the next step together."
The ragged girl who will soon be a princess smiled graciously as she was lead to her new life…
It wasn't long before news arrived that Zane has finally chosen his future queen.
Some girls were saddened that they won't get to be a princess but everyone else was happy for the crown prince and his bride to be, even though they were surprised when they found out the lucky girl was once a dirty servant dressed in rags.
Soon enough, the entire kingdom was getting ready for the royal wedding. The palace teemed with bakers preparing an extravagant wedding cake, tailors sewed and embroidered the most elegant wedding dress the world has ever seen.
It was a week since Selma was kicked out of the kingdom. Zane could've enforced a more brutal punishment but he was of a gentle soul and decided to give the stepmother just one chance to set herself straight, just not within the confines of his kingdom.
He would've done the same for Aria and Luna but Heather begged him to spare them because they too were ruled by their vile mother. The sisters were very grateful to their stepsister who was kind enough to support their relationship with Kai and Cole, who began courting them and in return, even offered to be her bridesmaids.
Heather never felt this nervous in her whole life.
She gazed at her reflection at the full-length mirror in her brand new dressing room.
It was all like a dream come true!
She have dreamt of happiness but to actually marry Prince Zane himself?
The bride-to-be still found it so amazing that she was going to marry him. For many years, she dreamt of happiness but she never expected it to be this way. She gave an experimental twirl in front of the mirror, admiring her new wedding dress she just put on.
Like the gown she wore to the ball, this wedding gown was like a dress straight from a dream!
The full billowing skirt shimmered with glittery tulle and the train trailed behind her. An outer layer of organza was split towards her right side with a delicate sash wrapped around her waist. The bodice was adorned with elegant lace and a white rose adorned the center of the neckline like the one on her ball gown. Delicate white gloves with a pattern of flowers made of glitter on the sides went up to her forearms and a new snowflake necklace graced her slender neck.
The dress wasn't the only thing that changed about Heather. Her light brown tresses were held up in an extravagant updo with a crystal tiara that had the royal snowflake in the center, which was fitting with her future title as princess. Trailing behind her was a delicate veil that sparkled with glitter and had a faint snowflake pattern like Zane's cape at the ball.
But to Heather, the best thing of all were the glass slippers she'll also wear at the wedding.
"It looks like you have finally found true happiness." A monotonous yet kindly voice echoed.
Heather turned around and saw none other than…
The new bride couldn't be more happy to see the person who helped make it all possible. The mage stood behind her, giving the soon-to-be princess a knowing smile.
"I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for you."
"No, Heather. You are the one who made the decision to grasp happiness. I only took you one step closer and you alone decided if you were going to take it."
"But I still want to say thank you for all you have done for me."
"I truly appreciate your gratitude and I am also happy for you. Now there is one final thing for you to do."
"What's that?"
"Live happily. You now have your happily ever after."
"Pixal… thank you…"
Heather embraced her one last time before she was finally married…
Zane stood at the altar wearing his princely attire and snowflake circlet, waiting for his bride.
Kai and Cole were his best men while Aria and Luna were the bridesmaids. The two knights and the stepsisters were quite taken with each other to the point Zane wouldn't be too surprised if they also marry each other soon.
Cole often talked about the cake he was looking forward to having some since it was his all-time favorite food. Of course the prince promised to let him have a big slice at the reception, much to the raven-haired knight's delight.
King Adam also couldn't be more thrilled that his son was finally getting married. No longer did he have to worry about the bloodline dying out.
Next to Kai and Cole were Aria and Luna in their bridesmaid dresses. The former's dress was in a cream-colored hue and the latter's in powder blue. They both wore a pearl necklace and tiny flowers in their hair as they blushed next to their knights.
Zane was also happy for his friends and who knows?
Maybe they'll end up marrying each other soon.
But all thoughts were interrupted when the wedding ceremony began.
The attendees fell silent once the classic wedding march played.
After the flower girls tossed white petals from their little baskets, the future princess arrived.
The prince could feel his heart skip a beat once he finally saw his bride.
Heather looked more beautiful than ever in her wedding gown as she approached him, her veil trailing behind her. Zane couldn't stop smiling at his bride as she walked down the aisle with a bouquet of pure white flowers in her hands.
Now he knew was the maiden he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
Once she finally stood next to him, they will finally be bound as one.
"Ladies and gentlemen," King Adam began, "We are here today to observe the union between my son, Prince Zane Julien, and his chosen princess, Heather Stuart."
The newlyweds can't stop smiling at each other but let the ceremony continue.
Finally, the moment they have been waiting for arrived…
"Prince Zane, my son, will you take this humble maiden as your wife?"
"I do." Zane answered with pure honesty.
"And will you, Heather, have the great honor of taking Crown Prince Zane as your husband?"
"I do." The soon-to-be princess smiled back.
Once they were announced husband and wife and the rings were finally exchanged, the prince and the rags-to-riches girl at last shared their first kiss they would've had at the ball.
Heather's lips were cooled by frosty mint and the fragrance of white roses and gardenia never smelled so sweet to Zane.
Now that they have finally found each other, they can begin their new lives together.
Just like they have done at the ball, Zane and Heather shared their first dance as husband and wife at the center of the dance floor. Everyone gazed in awe at the newlyweds as they danced the night away, gently swaying to the melody.
"This is very much like that time at the ball." Heather confessed.
"Yes," Zane nodded, "But this time, it's better."
"How so?"
"Because I know we'll never leave each other's side." The prince smiled kindly at his new bride as they continued to dance.
The reception was just as dazzling in the ballroom decorated with white and light blue décor to look like a winter wonderland. Even the wedding cake looked gorgeous covered in snow white frosting and decorated with snowflakes made from icing and shimmering glass candy details. Of course Cole got a big slice, which he was very happy with.
After everyone had their fill of dancing and cake, it was time for the new couple to head off to their honeymoon.
A luxurious carriage like the one Pixal crafted from a pumpkin awaited the prince and princess. As the carriage strolled off, the couple waved at the admiring crowds until they were finally out of the town.
"It's so amazing that you're here by my side." Zane whispered to his new bride once they were all alone, holding her hand which he never let go of since they got in the carriage.
"I still can't believe that my dreams have finally come true." Heather too smiled at her husband.
"I finally found you." They said at the same time as they shared another kiss as a couple.
And all that's left to say is that Heather and Zane have finally found their happily ever after with each other.
Awwww! Hopefully I delivered in the fluff department!
Anyway, I wanna thank you all again for sticking with this story to the very end! All the reviews I got for this story means a lot to me! Thank you!