Hey Guys, Recently I got into Young Justice and as you guys know I love Legion of Superheroes.
Even though I'm writing this story, LOSH Season 3 will continue they are in alternate universes. This story will be taking place in Season 1 of LOSH and the right after New Years in YJ. I also want to give a big thanks to my first ever Beta Reader Sweet Gone. Thank you so much.

This was starting to become a daily routine for Tao Sanders. Waking up to find her parents already off to work for the day, waking up both her young and older siblings, going to school. Then to have ballet class before finally heading home. Only to find another fight between her mother and father. This one definitely one of the worst.

"Can't you spend one night with your family? I come home early, just to cook dinner. And now you're telling me you already ate?! You could have at least called and told me!" She heard her mother scream, just before she could turn the knob of the door.

"Your seriously getting that upset?" Her father paused for a moment. "Since when do you come home to cook dinner?! I can honestly count, the number of times you've come home 'just' to cook dinner. Our kids would be fine… since they know how to cook dinner for themselves!" Her father yelled right back. She knew that if she interrupted, that they would force her to choose a side. And thus bringing the rest of their siblings into the argument. Which was not a good idea; they already had enough stress.

Deciding it wasn't worth it, she headed towards the comic book store right across the park. This was the only place Tao felt she could be herself, no one ever judged her or questioned why she was there. She always had a feeling, that somewhere out there, maybe not on this planet, or even in this universe, the heroes were real in the comics were real.

The owner of the shop kept the place open late, so all she really needed to do was hide there till her parents went to bed. This was something no thirteen years old should have to deal with on a weekly, correction, daily basis, not that there was much that could be done by her, or any of her siblings.

As she was in the store, she pulled out her old, beat up smart phone, a grin taking place on her lips. A selfie of her brothers took up the screen. Her older brothers, Dolan and Doyle looked identical as they grinned widely, taking up most of the photo, her younger sister, Killian, was squishing through her brothers, strands of her dark, red hair strayed across her face and seemed to blend in with Dolan and Doyle's. She saw herself tightly hugging her younger brother, Hayato. The two of them had pick up more traits from their Korean mother, while her other three siblings managed to get they're Irish father's red hair. Tao seemed to be the odd one, standing out, while all her other siblings had her mother's dark brown eyes. She gained her father's sharp, beautiful, dark green eyes.

She finally looked up and found herself alone in the park, which wasn't too unusual, what was unusually was the strange portal like thing that laid open in front of her.

She looked cautiously around before walking towards it, not really knowing what to expect. Her eyes gazed deep into the bright purple swirls, leaving an uncomfortable knot deep in the pit of her stomach. She decided she had seen enough, so, she began to back away. Oddly, or, maybe by fate, a cat had laid down behind her, and as she stepped back, she stepped on the poor thing's tail. It let out a cry, scarying Tao. She jumped forward, to get out of its way, only to be swept up by the portal.

"Perfect." Tao thought to herself as she slowly fell through and watched it close behind her.

"But for now, life's more fun with a little mystery." Said Superman to Brainy with a grin on his face. As he finished his sentence another portal opened. Superman prepared to punch whatever force came through that portal.

"Wait!" Brainy exclaimed as the others began to close in on the portal ready to pounce.

"What'd mean wait Brainy? It's Draxx's portal!" Lighting Lad yelled. Brainy held out his hand and did a quick scan of the portal.

"It may look like his portal, same temporal disturbance but it looks like it's opening up from a different dimension?" He said as he put his hand back at his side.

"Is that even possible?" Superman asked his computerized friend.

"Quite so, in fact there are multiple dimensions of earth in given worlds." Brainy tried to explain to his friends. Though most of them looked more confused than before. Saturn Girl was definitely picking up something from it.

"I'm definitely picking up something…human?" Everyone looked to her.

"Why the pause?"

"Well when I first sensed it, it was completely human but now, I'm sensing something I've never sensed before." Brainy stood in front of the portal scanning it once again.

"She's right. I'm getting something other than human from it." They heard a static come from it as they began to back away a black blob came hurdling out of the portal. Slamming into Brainy and send it and Brainy into the wall opposite the portal.

"What in the..." Was all any of them said. They looked at the small figure lying beside Brainy on the ground. The black blob now looked human, her long brown hair scattered across the ground. Her tanned skin as far as Clark could tell was the color of someone of Asian descent.

"You okay Brainy?" Lighting Lad asked as he helped the smaller Coluan up.

"I'll be fine, I'm more worried about our guest." She had begun to strew, her deep green eyes widen quickly, before any of them could blink she was on her feet and running, Superman quickly cut off her path, it was only when he realized where she was headed that he felt guilty. She had been trying to get back to the portal but thanks to his interference her way out had vanished.

When Tao saw the portal close any strength she had had left her. Her legs gave out on her forcing her to rely on Superman….wait Superman? She looked up to double check what she saw, it was true a younger version of Superman supported her weight.

Her mind quickly registered where she was, all the advance tech but a young Superman was here making this…
"The Legion of Superheroes?" Everyone in the room quickly looked to her. Brainy walked towards her.

"How do you know this?" The girl stopped looking around and looked to Brainy. Her grin widened but quickly hides itself away. The girl was obviously very shy.

"Umm well I don't think you'd believe me if I told you." Lighting Lad was starting to get irritated but before he could snap, Saturn Girl stepped in.

"What's your name?" The girl quickly looking at everyone in the room including Timber Wolf and Phantom Girl who had both been standing slight off to the side since she had come.

"My… my names Tao. Tao Sanders." Detaching herself from Superman who still stood beside her so she wouldn't collapse. "I'm from an Earth still in 21st century but an alternate universe. On my earth you all don't exist beyond the pages of books and a TV screen." Timber Wolf decide to ask the next question.

"Then who fights all the super villains?" She looked around the group with a sigh Tao answered.

"We don't have super villains. We have humans who do bad things, like terrorist and serial murders."

"Sounds like paradise compared to here" Lighting Lad sighed, earning him a smack to the back of the head by Phantom Girl.

"It does sound like it doesn't it, but it my world the balance is definitely off. But it isn't important to you guys you have your world to protect and I've got people I need to protect back on mine.." Turning to Brainy. "So if you'd be so kind as to open the portal back up so I can go home." Brainy couldn't meet Tao's eyes.

"Ummm, well see…" Lighting Lad finally answered for them.

"We can't." Tao looked at Lighting Lad and chuckled.

"Great joke Lighting Lad but seriously I need to get home." She continued to chuckle until she finally looked all the others faces, she then realized he wasn't joking. She suddenly felt the weight of what was happening came crashing down on her all at once. She was in an alternate universe with no way home. Her family would have no idea where she was or had went. That was when everything went black.

I hope this grabbed your guys attention. My plan is to update once a week sometimes twice if im lucky.

I plan to do a three arc series depending on home popular it gets

Arc 1- Based In season one of LOSH and second Year of YJ

Arc 2- Based in after season 2 of both LOSH and YJ

Arc 3- Based practically during but mostly after the movie Son of Batman.

But its all up to you guys cause if you guys don't like the story, the story can't go on.