It's like looking into a mirror, Elsa decides. And the mirror is facing another mirror so it looks like you're staring off into infinity. This time however, looks are not deceiving. She really IS staring off into infinity.

She's standing on a dock, looking off into the distance. She sees people running between the lighthouses. A man and a woman, repeated a thousand thousand times. The woman is instantly recognizable by the shape of her hair. It's Elizabeth. So the man must be her father...

Then the figures change. There's only one now. Sometimes she comes close enough for Elsa to see that it's still Elizabeth, but her hair is different. Her dress is different. Her walk and her face are the most different of all. She looks cold, callous even, but more than once Elsa sees her break down and cry. She wants to reach out and hold her or call out to her, but she reminds herself that this isn't her Elizabeth. None of them are.

The figures change again. Elsa has no idea how much time is passing, or if time even can pass wherever she is. There are two of them again, but only two this time. A man and a woman, but not the same man and woman as before. These two are so much more alike: a tan suit, a tan dress, green tie, red hair (not the same shade of red as Anna's; theirs is the color of blood, dry blood, like that of Hans). Without seeming to move an inch, they are suddenly right beside her.

Elsa jumps. "Who are you?" she asks. "Where am I?"

"So many questions. Which do you expect us to answer?"

"They are related however."

"Quite. Though I don't expect she's capable of telling us why. You are at a crossroads."

"One of many."

"Not always visible..."

"But there nevertheless."

"Much the same way we are."

"Am I to assume that she brought you here?"

"Y-yes." Elsa stammers, before drawing herself up and beginning again. "Yes. If by 'she', you are referring to my wife."

"Rather forward thinking, these Arendellians."

"Arendellians? Arendellites?"

"Quite like the sound of the second one."

"She believes it to be in your best interest. And rather unusually, so do we."

"It won't be easy. Journeys of importance seldom are."

"But you may find it useful."

"You have in the past."

"And you might again."

Elsa looks in front, then turns to look behind her. They both look the same... "Which way do I go?" she asks, though she thinks she knows the kind of answer they're going to give.

"Whichever way you want."

"It really doesn't matter."

Night is setting in again. The moon and 'stars' are coming out. (She knows what the stars are, from what little Elizabeth could describe, but what is the moon?) Elsa makes her choice. She goes forward.

The doors open automatically, and she passes through worlds that hold no meaning for her. She thinks it might be different for Elizabeth.

She sees herself now, in a thousand different ways. She sees herself with men with white hair, with whom she feels stronger; men with brown hair, with whom she feels safer; or with no man at all. She sees herself with women too: sometimes ANNA! But more often than not, she sees herself alone. Sometimes she doesn't see herself at all, and her nose bleeds copiously, but she remembers mercifully little from these worlds.

Eventually she stops seeing herself at all, and after that, she stops seeing anything. A feeling at her side keeps her pressing on, like Elizabeth is there, telling her not to stop. She wishes she could feel her more tangibly, but somehow she knows that that's not meant to be.

Then the feeling is gone, and she's alone in a cave. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and fresh air, and adventure beyond her wildest dreams.

So she goes forward again.