The days past fast and busy for everyone getting ready for the big show. STARISH kept working long and hard, doing their best to make sure they were fully ready to perform Haruka's song. Eventually, they had to move their practicing to a bigger studio so they could work on their chorigrophy for the song as well.

Yuina usually stayed home during most of the morning each day cleaning and in the afternoon, helping to round up all the children to take to the studio so they could watch their fathers ptactics some more. She didn't mind at all though. She was just happy to be back, doing her job, even making sure to pack box lunches for all the guys everyday.

"I hope your daddy and the others like the lunches I made them today," Yuina said as she drove her, Shinako and the lunches to the studio.

"Yummy!" Shinako cheered.

"I love it how much you always seem to encourage others," Yuina said. Suddenly she could hear the song on the radio stop and the DJ speaking.

"That was HEAVENS latest single. The very same one they performed at their their Ichidia-Jieskei award show. The very same show I'm sure some of you recall where STARISH announced their amazing reunion and intention to once again performan a new song by none other than the late Haruka Nanami-Ichinose. It was also that very show that Raging Otori himself promised that if the song was a hit, he present STARISH with their own Ichidia-Jieskei award.

I can tell you this folks, I for one am all for them winning this award. If anyone deserves this award is STARISH."

"Well, good to know we have their support, huh Shinako?" Yuina said.

"Of course, there are still those who are so happy with STARISH'S return or them possibly winning the award. As evident in this recent interview with a couple of different members of HEAVENS.

Yuina shuddered as she heard the interview come on with HEAVENS.

"So Mr. Eichi Otori, how are you feeling about this upcoming STARISH?"

"Ha. I could care less about them and this concert. I doubt they'll make any kind of an impact anymore. We're the big ones now. We're all everyone's talking about and we're going to stay that way."

Cheering could be heard in the background.

"The only thing I'm not looking forward to in this whole thing is getting myself a new attractive nanny for my children. As was promised, I'm sure everyone can remember,"

"Not on your life buthead," Yuina muttered.

"Butthead!" Shinako also said.

"Don't you ever say that around your father," Yuina warned.

"So what does everyone think about this? Do you think STARISH will once again blow us away or are we going to be with an eternal HEAVENS? Only time will tell, after STARISH'S show. Coming up next, an old favorite of STARISH! Don't miss it!"

"STARISH is going to win, just you wait," said Yuina.

"STARISH wins!" Shinako also shouted.

"Yeah!" Yuina said.

When Yuina and Shinako got to the studio and headed inside, Yuina could see various people walking around with magazines or other forms of media about STARISH'S upcoming show.

'Wow, the closer the show gets, the crazier it gets huh?' Yuina thought.

She and Shinako came up to the room STARISH was supposed to be practicing and barely opened the door when she let out a small screem.

Inside, all the guys were somewhat naked, changing.

"Oh, Yuina, you're early!" Tokiya walking over to her.

"Yes, I brought your lunches," Yuina said looking away fast and making sure Shinako wasn't looking.

"Sorry, we got our new uniforms in today and we were just trying them on," Tokiya said.

"I see, I'll just wait outside with Shinako until you're done," Yuina said, quickly shutting the door.

She could hear Shinako laughing.

"Yes, that was hilarious," Yuina said with a smirk.

A little while later the door open.

"You can come in now Yuina," said Tokiya.

"Right," Yuina said sheepishly as she led Shinako in. Inside she found all the men wearing some similar yet different outfits. Nearly all of them had some sort of a dark blue blazer but had their own style of individuality.

"Oh wow, nice," Yuina said.

"Cool!" Shinako said.

"Like them?" Otoya asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure the kids will too!" Yuina said.

"So, who's ready to see STARISH'S new uniforms?" Yuina asked later that day when she brought all of the older children to the studio.

"I hope they look cool like before," Kazu said.

"I think they're cool," Natsuki said right as Yuina and the kids walked in.

"Oh they are cool!" Kazu said.

"Daddy, you look great!" Rui said.

"Thanks," Tokiya said, patting her head.

"Oh, wish theveryone show was tomorrow! I don't know how much longer I can wait!" Kazu said.

"You'll just have to be patient," Yuina said. Although, she herself was almost feeling the same way.

"Yuina, Yuina, are you getting up?" Yuina heard Tokiya whispering one morning.

Yuina moaned as she opened her.

"Why, how early is it?" She asked.

"Not too, early," Tokiya said, "it's just the day of the show," Tokiya said.

"Oh, right, right!" Yuina said as she sat up.

As if on cue, the two could suddenly hear Kazu shouting, "WAKE UP! EVERYONE WAKE UP! WE GOT A SHOW TO GET TO!"

"Sounds like someone's extra eager," Tokiya said. Kazu suddenly raced into the room and jumped ontothe bed.

"Come on Dad, you got to get up! You got your show today!"

"I know Kazu, I know," Tokiya said as he climbed out of bed. "Yuina and I are getting up."

"Well hurry up! I mean heck, Shinako's still in her crib! Someone needs to get her out!" Kazu insisted.

"Did you get your homework done last night?" Yuina asked.

"What?" Kazu asked.

"If it's not done," starting tomorrow you're in for a tone of Nanny-work," Yuina warned.

"I better get back to my room and make sure I have everything ready," Kazu said as he hurried out.

"That worked," Tokiya said as he and Yuina finally climbed out of bed.

"You feeling ready for today?" Yuina asked.

"In every way," Tokiya said. "I just know Haruka'sready as well."

"Me too," Yuina said, hugging him from behind.

When the Ichinose family and Yuina showed up at the at the arena along with the other STARISH members, Yuina was led to a separate room with the children and spent the whole day watching after and entering them while STARISH rehearsed and prepared for the show.

"How much longer do we have?" Kazu asked.

"Kazu, you've been asking me that all day," Yuina pointed out.

"But it should be right?" Kazu asked.

Yuina sighed and looked at her watch.

"I think so," she said.

Just then the door opened and in walked a stagehand.

"Excuse me, Miss Kyouou, your family's here,"

"Oh good, send them in," Yuina said.

As soon as she said that, her sister ran into the room and hugged her.

"Oh Yuina!" She shouted, "this is so exciting! We just saw where our seats are! I could never imagine getting such great seats in my lifetime!"

"Glad you approve," Yuina said, "did you happen to see STARISH'S new uniforms?"

"No, not yet!" Chiho said,

"Come on, let's go. I'm sure they won't mind letting you have a quick sneak peak," Yuina said, "why don't we all go?"

Chiho squealed as everyone headed out to the dressing room.

"Everybody decent in here?" Yuina asked as she opened the door.

"Come on in," Tokiya allowed.

"Sorry, my family's here and they wanted to see you," Yuina said as she everyone else entered.

"That's just fine," Tokiya assured her.

"Oh my god!" Yuina shrieked, "they look amazing! I might faint!"

"No, please don't!" Her husband begged, preparing to catch her.

"Yuina, can I have a tissue?" Rui suddenly asked, tugging at her hand.

"Sure, I'll be right back," Yuina said.

"Make it quick, we're almost going on," Tokiya said.

"I'll be back soon," Yuina promised as she hurried out.

As she headed back towards the dressing room with some tissues in hand, Yuina suddenly felt a draft.

"Oh, purple underwear," said a small voice.

"What the hell?!" Yuina shouted as she twirled around to find nearly a sea of evil lookingchildren behind her.

"I brought my children with me today so you can get started on your new job as my nanny right away," Eichi Otori said as he came up behind them smirking.

"And what makes you even think I am going to work for you?" Yuina snapped at him.

"STARISH is too old and too out of the times to compete with us on a scale like this," Eichi said, "we're not loosing to them again."

"Oh yes you are!" Yuina declared, "evenafter everything'ssaid and done, STARISH will always come out on top!"

"We'll see," said Eichi, "I'm just looking forward to seeing you work for me."

"You know what's funny about that? You never said how long I have to work for you. I could just work for you and an hour and have it count!" Yuina said, right as one of the kids started to sniffle a little. She pulled out a tissue and wiped his nose with it. She then dropped it into Eichi's hand. "You can consider that my resignation, if I even was going to work with you!"

She turned away and headed back towardsthe changing room, only to see all of STARISH and her family standing in the hallway watching her.

"Nice job," Syo said with a smirk.

"You saw all that huh?" Yuina said.

"Yep," Chiho said proudly, "that's my sister!"

"That's my girlfriend," Tokiya said. Chiho giggled at him.

"Anyway, isn't it time you guys got on stage?" Yuina asked.

"Yeah, let's get to our seats," Chiho urged.

"Good luck men," said Wacui.

"You three ready to go?" Yuina asked the Ichinose kids.

"I was kind of hoping we could watch from the wings, like we used to with Mom," said Kazu.

Yuina looked at Tokiya who nodded.

"Us too!" The Hijirikawa Twins pleaded.

"Please," Amarante begged her dad.

"How could we say no to our precious ones?" Ren asked patting her head.

As Yuina's family took their seats, they could hear the whole audience chanting STARISH over and over again.

"Who, this is going to be epic!" Chiho shouted happily.

"Let's hope so," Sagako said.

Suddenly the area started to fill a huge booming laugh.

"Oh my god, it must be!" Sagako started to say right as a huge explosion appeared from the roof. Everyone looked up as a hot-air balloon lowered into the area and on top was none other than Shining.


From backstage, STARISH could hear the shouts grow louder and louder.

"You better hurry up and get out there!" Yuina said.

"Alright let's do this!" Otoya shouted.

"Go get them guys!" Yuina cheered. She even held up one of her hands that wasn't hold Shinako to give each guy a high-five. Each member gave her one as the ran past.

Tokiya was the last one to pass her.

"See you after we're done," he said.

"Good Luck Tokiya!" Yuina cheered.

"Yes, good luck Tokiya!"

"Huh?" Tokiya as he heard another voice wish him good luck. He looked around real fast, only to catch a quick glimpse of what he thought was someone with red hair waving to him.

"Was that?" Tokiya tried to say.

"Come on Tokiya!" Otoya called back to him.

Tokiya decided to forget about it and hurried along after his friends towards the stage.

Each member took their spots on stage as their bright lights, and explosions filled the satge.

"Welcome everyone!" Tokiya shouted.

"Let's get this party started!" Cecil shouted too.

Everyone in the audience started screaming as STARISH started singing the sing finally, in its full glory.

"Oh god, this is amazing!" Wacui said.

"And Yuina actually helped to write this?!" Sagako said.

"I know, she's come such a long way," said Asahi.

"FILL THE VOICE EVERYWHERE!" They heard Chiho singing along with STARISH.

The other three also started to sing along and even dancing to it as STARISH sang and moved around the satge.

From the wings of the stage, Yuina and the children also started singing and moving to the song.

"It's better than I could have imagined!" Yuina said happily.

"And it's all thanks to you," Rui said.

"Well, your mother was still the orginal insperation," Yuina said.

"Thank you for your help,"

"Huh, who said that?" Yuina asked looking around.

"Who said what?" Rui asked.

"Eh, never mind," Yuina said. She turned her attention back towards the stage and STARISH right as the sing came to an end.

Yuina wasn't sure if she was going to lose her hearing due to the all the cheering and shouting coming from the audience.

"They loved it!" Kazu shouted as well.

"SILENCE!" a loud booming voice suddenly shouted.

From the other side of the stage, Yuina could see Raging Otori and Eichi Otori walking on, along with Eichi's offsprings. Neither one looked too happy as Raging walked up to Tokiya with something in his hand.

"A deal's a deal," he said, sounding really bitter about the whole thing, "I hear by award this Ichidia-Jieskei award to you STARISH for a job well done."

"Thank you," Tokiya said accepting the award, "but it's not just us who deserves that." He looked towards Yuina and the kids, motioning them to come out. Yuina led the kids out.

"These kids and my girlfriend, who was once my nanny, helped us in a lot of ways to make this song happen. I think they deserve regontion for their part too!"

Everyone in the audience applauded.

Yuina blushed before gently taking Tokiya's microphone.

"Thank you but, there's someone else who couldn't be here tonight who also deserves regontion," she said.

"You're right," Tokiya said taking the mic back, "there is someone else we should honor."







"My wife and mother of my children. If it wasn't for her, we might not even been here today,"

"So," Otoya joined in, "it's time we gave her a real proper tribute."

"I think everyone here's knows what we're talking about!" Cecil said.

Yuina and the kids all backed up.

"What are you going on about"?" Eichi asked annoyed.

"ARE YOU READY?!" Cecil shouted, right as another explosion erupted, causing Raging, Eichi and his kids to fall off the stage into a pile.

"They're not hurt are they?" Yuina asked.

"No, but who cares!" Kazu said, "STARISH is singing their signature song again!"

"1000% LOVE!" Chiho shouted from the audience as the group started their count down. Everyone in the audience started singingalong with them.

"I've always wanted to hear this song live!" Yuina shouted as she and kids sang along as well.

"The only way to really appreciate it!" Kazu shouted.

"Check It Out!" Shinako said happily, still being held by Yuina. She looked over the woman's shoulder suddenly and waved.

"Bye-bye Mommy," she said softly.

"I'll keep watching you from heaven, I love you,"

"Did you say something Shinako?" Yuina asked.

Shinkao looked at her and smiled. "Yuina Mommy!" She said

Yuina smiled, "thanks sweetie. I like the end sound of that!"


The End