Author's Note: Here is that last chapter, finally. I hope you enjoyed this little story. Thanks, as always, for the reviews and follows!

Disclaimer: Austin and Ally and everything with the show belongs to Disney, it's just fun to play with them every once in a while.

Chapter 6

Austin woke up quickly, his heart pounding, the dream still swimming in his head. Ally bleeding in his arms, dead and gone. He shook himself and forced himself to turn his head and take in the sight of the live girl, woman, beside him. That dream left a bad taste in his mouth, but he knew it wasn't true.

Last night had happened, not the way his dream had gone, but in a much better way. Ally hadn't been hurt except for some scraped knees and a strained wrist. It could have been much worse. He took a deep breath and watched her sleeping in his bed, her hair spilling around her, the sheet tucked under her chin and he smiled.

He reached out and let a fingertip trace her slightly parted lips then drift over her cheek to tuck a stray strand of hair back behind her ear. Ally sighed in her sleep and rolled toward Austin.

Ally woke slowly. She was warm and as she rolled onto her side, she realized that there were some very sore parts of her body, parts that had never been sore before. She let her eyes drift open lazily and she wasn't surprised to see Austin's face filling her vision.

Ally's eyes met his and she remembered everything that had passed between them last night and she flushed. Austin was fascinated as color flooded her cheeks and she looked away self-consciously.

"Don't do that," he whispered, letting his hand drift below her chin to gently nudge it back up so he could see her face.

Ally swallowed hard and lifted her gaze to his. He was looking at her the same way he always did, everything he felt shining in his eyes. There was nothing for her to be worried about or ashamed of, he loved her.

"I guess I'm not used to waking up to you in my bed," she finally whispered.

"I think that you're in my bed," Austin said with a chuckle. "My house, my room, my bed."

Ally laughed as she looked around. "Either way, this is not how I usually wake up."

Austin reached out and pulled her snugly into his side and her bare flesh brushed up against his. "I hope not," he said softly as he just enjoyed the feeling of her body next to his. "But I could get used to this."

"Me, too," Ally responded softly, cuddling closer to Austin and lifting her face to his for a brief kiss. "Me, too."

Dez and Trish were worried. It wasn't like Ally to be so late for the meeting, it wasn't really like Austin anymore either. They were supposed to be here, in the store, in the practice room like half an hour ago.

"What do you think happened last night? Do you think they're okay," Dez worried as he paced back and forth, glancing at the clock and then at his watch to make sure of the time. They were definitely late.

"I don't know," Trish groused from her place on the couch, her arm in a sling across her chest making her uncomfortable. "I went home and crashed, but he took her home, right? She's not answering her home phone or her cell. Her dad left last night for some convention and he's not back yet either. I don't know what's going on."

Dez pulled his phone out and scrolled through several things before shaking his head at Trish. "He hasn't returned my e-mail, my texts, or my calls. He's starting to freak me out. I mean where could they be? Do you think they're together?"

Trish just shook her head at Dez, watching him as he continued to pace. "I don't know. You don't think he took her to his place, do you? Aren't his folks out of town?"

Dez stopped and cocked his head. "I think they just got here. Don't you hear that?"

Trish cocked her head as well and strained to hear what Dez had. She heard giggling and she did hear people coming up the stairs. She was going to give them such a piece of her mind for worrying her, she hated to worry about people.

She dragged herself off the couch and stood next to Dez, who had crossed his arms and put his grumpy look on, and faced the door.

The door opened and Austin held it open so Ally could enter first. "Thanks, Austin," she smiled up at him as she scooted past him.

His hand shot out and caught her waist and he spun her into his arms. "Anytime, Alls," he responded as he dipped his head to lightly brush her lips with his.

Trish an Dez's mouths fell open as they watched Austin kiss Ally and Ally didn't push him away. They looked at each other in confusion before turning as one to watch Austin's arms pull Ally closer to him.

Trish cleared her throat loudly and Austin and Ally jumped apart. "What is going on here?"

Ally smiled up at Austin before turning to her best friend. "Trish, I totally forgot about our meeting today, I'm surprised you didn't call it off."

Trish smiled and shook her head. "Ally. Ally. Ally. Don't try to change the subject. What is going on with you two?"

"Yeah, you two are acting like you're together, like together together. This is a change from yesterday, when you were only together, like not together together," Dez frowned at them.

Austin smiled at his friends, then reached out and took Ally's hand in his. "We are together," he stated emphatically. "Together together."

Trish frowned at Ally and Austin as they stood together, hands entwined. "Are you two sure about this?" she asked concerned, thinking about the last time.

"Have you ever had a moment, just a moment, where everything was clear? You knew what you wanted and what you had to do to get it? That moment came for both of us last night," Ally began.

"Life is too short to be scared to go for what you really want," Austin smiled down at Ally. "We both realized that what we want is each other."

Trish and Dez exchanged glances again and turned to look at their friends again, really look at them. They were relaxed and happy and easy and together. Trish smiled and sat back down on the couch.

"Well, then," Trish said. "Let's get this Austin and Ally meeting started."

The four friends settled in and settled down to work, knowing that everything had changed but also knowing that it would be great.