(Most characters part of the SMK universe)


Chapter 1

Lee's latest assignment was like finding a needle in a haystack.

Or more like finding one unknown spy in a park full of random people.

A blueprint of a newly developed secret weapon had been recently stolen from a government facility. The exchange of the blueprint for cash would supposedly take place at noon, somewhere on the grounds of Bartholdi Park. Lee needed to capture the culprit before the hand -off could take place.

The only problem is, no one knew what that wrongdoer looked like.

The assignment seemed almost like an impossibility with all the people here, but most of his missions seemed that way. Since it would seem odd for a lone man to be sitting by himself on a park bench, he had asked Amanda to accompany him. He made it sound very uncomplicated when he explained the mission; she would be merely used as a prop.

Of course, Amanda being Amanda, she readily agreed to help him. In fact, she looked forward to it. But, then, that was Amanda's approach to life itself. So that was how the two of them found themselves sitting on one of the benches in the middle of that park, pretending to be nonchalantly people-watching while enjoying a day at the park.

It was a beautiful, sunny day, and for Amanda, the tranquil Washingtonian park would act as a refuge from her hectic errand-running life.

An elegant fountain stood as a centerpiece of the area, and everywhere in this beautifully landscaped garden, couples, friends and family strolled back and forth, admiring the winding paths, bridges and flowery greenery. The peaceful park, complete with little niche areas to relax, seemed to be the least likely place for enemy dealings to take place.

Although seemingly casual as he sat on the bench, Lee in spy mode. He was not in the mood for any type of casual conversation.

"See anyone suspicious looking?" Lee covertly asked as he skillfully scanned the crowd, "our most obvious clue would be someone carrying any type of container that could be used to hide government documents."

Amanda looked out at the crowd, overwhelmed by the various purses, backpacks, picnic baskets, and briefcases people held in their possessions.

"It could be almost anyone hiding that blueprint," she remarked, noting a young couple pushing a stroller, a pregnant woman walking while rubbing her huge tummy, a man pushing himself in a wheelchair with possibly a fake breathing apparatus, and a nun wearing a roomy habit. Each had something capable of concealing secret plans.

"Just keep watch carefully and observe anyone or anything that looks out of place," Lee advised Amanda, taking his time as he watched what was happening left of him, and then right.

As they continued watching, Amanda saw something which caused her heart to lurch at what she just witnessed.

" Oh...My...Gosh," she murmured under her breath, sounding distressed.

Lee become alert to her reaction. He forced his body to look relax as he leaned slightly closer to her, and whispered his next words.

"What is it, Amanda? You see something unusual?"

Her voice was quiet, but certain.

"Don't be obvious, but look to your right...at the pregnant woman," she whispered back, "She's 'it'..."

Lee needed to make sure they were on the same wavelength. He could not afford any misinterpretations.

"You said the pregnant woman is 'it'? As in the game of tag?"

"Nooo, Lee..."Amanda kept her voice low, but insistent, "she's 'it'.. as in the enemy operative!"

He took a quick glance at the woman who was contently rubbing her tummy as she viewed the fountain. Nothing looked amiss.

Lee turned back to Amanda and asked very deliberately, "Amanda...are... you ...sure? We only get ONE shot at this;. we have to be SURE."

Amanda discreetly gave one nod with certainty, "Yes, Lee, I'm SURE..."

Lee knew Amanda's sixth sense was uncanny; she could reasoned with the best of them, so who was he to second- guess her now? Pushing off quickly from the bench, he strode over towards the fountain, where the pregnant lady was standing.

The pregnant woman suddenly stopped rubbing her tummy. From her peripheral view, it was obvious she sensed something wrong and turned her head to see Lee approaching her. She nervously looked about, like a trapped animal. He was still a distance away as she started to back away from him. Lee needed to make sure she would not escape.

"Wait! Lady! Stop!" Lee yelled out, needing her to remain in her spot, "I just want to talk to you!"

Instead, the woman turned and bolted, heading directly for the grassy area.

Ohhh, I hate when they do that! Lee thought to himself as broke off into a run after her.

As he continued to run, he realized Amanda was right. The woman certainly didn't run like a pregnant woman. The movement of her legs were fluid, not clumsy at all.

Lee continued the chase as the woman now shot towards the grass. With her extra weight in front, she was no match for Lee's speed and he quickly was closing the gap. They had only run a few hundred feet when he deemed it close enough and he made a flying leap, tackling her. It was no contest as the woman fell to the ground, right on her stomach, which luckily provided padding for her fall.

The situation attracted attention, and soon a small crowd gathered, with people in the park appalled that a tall man had tackled a pregnant woman.

As Lee and the woman struggled, Amanda ran up to them. By this time, the crowd was no longer upset with what they had originally perceived as a pregnant woman being attacked. Evidently Lee and the woman must have hit the grass area hard, for her tummy pack had burst opened, revealing not a pregnant stomach, but instead, the hint of a flattened rolled paper sticking out from the padded device.

As Lee helped the reluctant woman up, a policeman arrived. Lee flashed his identity, grabbed the stolen plans and explained the reason for the commotion. The policeman handcuffed the suspect and led her away, with promises to contact The Agency.

After the Officer escorted the woman away, Lee satisfactorily turned to Amanda, "You were right about that one, Amanda."

She did the familiar jerk with her head, "Wellll...I'm just glad it all worked out. I would have been mortified had you tackled a real pregnant woman, especially that one. Her pregnancy would have turned YOU into a Pregosaurus."

"A pregosaurus?" Lee questioned.

Amanda nodded, "If she had really been pregnant when you had wrestled her down in front of all those people, you'd be extinct by now."

Her eyes sparkled with merriment and when she laughed, he happily joined in.

It felt really good to not be so serious all the time.


They were now in Billy's office.

"Congratulations on a job well done!" Billy looked pleased, "And especially to you, Amanda, for cleverly spotting an enemy spy out of all the hordes of people at a park!"

"Well, Sir, as always...it was a team effort." She modestly gestured towards Lee.

"By the way, Amanda," Lee questioned, "how did you know the pregnant woman was the guilty one selling the blueprint?"

"Because of the center of gravity," she responded sensibly, as if that explained everything.

Which, of course, clarified NOTHING as Billy and Lee could not have looked more confused.

"What?" Lee scowled.

"During a pregnancy, a woman's weight is distributed up front, which throws off her center of gravity," Amanda explained, "and I noticed the pregnant lady in the park had walked straight and didn't waddle. And let me tell you, ALL pregnant women waddle. I know I certainly did with both with Philip and Jamie," she then lifted her index finger to make her next point, " ALSO when she picked up her purse from the bench, I noticed she'd bent at the waist. Not possible to do either of those movements if the woman was actually pregnant."

Somehow the core of her rambling made sense, Lee thought to himself as he looked at her with admiration. In addition to her talent of being sensible, Amanda was great at noticing the smallest of details. That would always work in her favor as a spy. A trainee spy, he reminded himself, wanting to believe that she was really more a suburban housewife than a spy.

"Smart thinking, Amanda!" Billy beamed.

"Thank you, and now, if you don't mind, Sir, I'd like to be excused so that I can go back to my desk to type up the report while it's still fresh in my head."

"Excellent idea, Amanda!" Billy told her, "and again, congratulations on a well done job!"

Standing, Lee opened the door and gallantly allowed Amanda to exit first. But just as Lee was also about to leave, Billy called him back.

"Not you, Scarecrow," Billy told him, "Stay. I'd like a word with you..."

Now what? Lee thought. He knew the second Billy called him "Scarecrow" it was spy business. Closing the door to allow some privacy, he sat down once again.

"What's up, Billy?"

"I'm sending you off on another mission," Billy informed him, "black ops, this time. Utmost secrecy is required. And the best part is that I think you'll actually enjoy this one."

Lee was intrigued. He straightened his suit jacket, "Oh yeah?"

Billy nodded.

"I'll be sending you off to Paris, France. First class. We'll be using Pierre as your contact again. Further instructions will be given by him when you arrive there." Billy then shoved the plane tickets across his desk.

Lee looked pleased and excited as he grabbed the tickets and placed them inside his jacket pocket.

"Paris, France, eh?"

Billy nodded, "I hope you can pack fast. You'll be leaving in two hours."

But Lee's elated expression faded somewhat when he looked out the office window towards the direction of Amanda, who sat busily typing.

Lee then turned back to Billy, "I'm going on a mission alone, right?"

But too late, Billy's eyes had followed Lee's vision line and he realized that Lee had been staring at Amanda.

"Yes, alone...you still know how to do that, don't you, Scarecrow?" Billy challenged him.

Lee looked embarrassed that he had been caught gazing out at Amanda and his demeanor changed immediately.

He recovered by looking adamant, "Of course I know how to work alone, Billy! In fact I relish it!"

Billy looked relieved.

"Good! That's what I like to hear from my number one agent!"

"I guess I better go, then," Lee said, as he now got up. He paused a bit before asking, "and just to be sure I understand this assignment correctly, I will be working entirely alone over there, the whole time...while you keep Amanda here, is that right?"

"Most certainly!" Billy's face relaxed as a smile appeared, "And by keeping her busy here, I'll actually be doing the country of France a favor!"

Lee grinned, "You're right about that! Because if Amanda were to go to France, I'd probably end up dangling from the Eiffel Tower or some other such nonsense!"

Billy smiled.

"Another international crisis averted!" he joked back.

Lee also smiled, He turned to leave, but turned back around.

"One more thing, Billy. Do you think you can handle Amanda by yourself, without me?"

Billy shrugged, "You can rest your mind on that point. Amanda will be diligently typing and filing reports the entire time you're away on your mission. What could possibly go wrong?"

"You want a list?" Lee quickly shot back.

Billy chuckled.

Both knew from experience that keeping Amanda away from trouble was like keeping the sun away from the sky.




Hellooo...I'm soooo glad to be back with a multi-chapter story!

Hope you enjoy it!

Please review