I...have a problem with starting new fics when I shouldn't...

WARNING: This deals with their twelve year old selves, and there ARE evidences of sexual assault/abuse.

I can't say 'Enjoy' after that...





Naruto stirred, groaning as he awoke. He parted his eyes with unusually forced effort, and he looked skywards. Overhead, the end of a flock of birds flew by through the canopy of trees, earning his full, drowsy attention.

"Outside..." he croaked, willing himself to blink.

He pulled himself to a sit, momentarily overcome with a head-rush. Looking around, he saw that he wasn't alone. His team, along with Team 8, was scattered around him, lying on the ground.

None were moving.

Naruto's mind didn't piece together anything as he scanned the bodies before him; however, he soon noticed something was wrong. It was not the fact that they should not have all been passed out on the forest floor. It was not the fact that they had been on a mission prior to his awakening. It was not even the fact that every single person—even Akamaru—was incapacitated. What struck Naruto as odd was-

"Sasuke?" He sobered up, scanning again with a sense of urgency. "Sasuke?"

He wasn't there.

Naruto jumped to his feet, ignoring the blurred vision that followed and whipping his head in all directions to locate his missing teammate. His breathing became ragged, his mind spinning.

"Wake up!" he yelled. "Kakashi-sensei! Sakura! Everyone, wake up!"

He continued to yell, soon resorting to shaking the people closest to him until, one by one, everyone began to emerge from their curious slumber.

Sakura groaned, flinging a heavy hand over her face. "What is it, Naruto?"

"Where's Hinata?" Kiba looked around, rubbing his eyes.





Bodies tore through the forest, urgently racing to wherever they were. Teams 7 and 8 chased after the pack of dogs Kakashi had summoned.

"I smell blood!" Pakkun yelled over the frantic cries of the other dogs. Kiba and Naruto picked up speed, both blinded by panic.







"Oh my god." Sakura fell to her knees, holding on to the sides of her head as tears fell freely from her wide, green eyes. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god..."

"What the hell happened?" Kurenai said aloud, kneeling next to her recovered student. "Kakashi, how...? How did we let this happen?"

Kakashi didn't know how to respond. He stood next to his own student, staring in a state he couldn't determine as either numbness or horror. "I... I don't..."

Naruto and Kiba were hunched over their respective, unconscious teammate, unable to stop their pleas and demands for answers.

Both were overwrought with despair.

Both had jackets draped over the bloodied, naked bodies.





Hinata gasped, flinging herself upwards, hyperventilating, eyes watering. Her eyes shot around the room, trying to get a hold of her surroundings. Nothing she looked at was coming into focus, but she remembered everything.


"N-n-no!" she screeched, sobs soon taking over. "No!"

"-kay! It's okay! Hinata, it's okay!"

Someone was pushing down on her shoulders, trying to keep her from flinging herself or flailing about. She became more panicked, more desperate, but soon two more sets of hands were trying to subdue her. Hinata's mind went rampant, refusing to go through it all again. She grabbed on to someone, trying to understand what was going on, when her eyes started to register a familiar face.

She gasped for air, wet eyelids blinking at her teammate's face. "K-Ki...?" She blinked rapidly, taking note of her remaining team. It was Kiba who had been pushing on her shoulders; Kurenai and Shino turned out to be the other pairs of hands.

It was just her team.

But... How...?

"It's okay now," Kurenai soothed, taking a seat next to her. "We're back in the village."

"We... We are...?" This still didn't calm her—the shaking wouldn't stop. She looked around and saw she was in a hospital room. She wore a white, sterile gown, and, for a brief second, she had the bliss of not knowing why she was not in her normal clothes.

Her eyes began to water again, but they stopped when she saw Team 7 gathered around a bed to her right. Sakura was crying, her face buried in her hands while Naruto stood gravely in a corner of the room, staring with wide eyes that saw nothing. Kakashi stood to the side of the bed, looking down at it. He glanced her way.

"Welcome back," he greeted, smiling wearily beneath his mask. "We've-" He turned, revealing the battered boy lying there.

Hinata's eyes widened.

"Konoha genin, huh?"

She didn't remember any more of that hospital day, but she was told her screams echoed throughout the building.

"Say 'Ahh', Sasuke-kun."

"C'mon, Sakura, he can feed himself."

"Shut it, Naruto," she snapped. "You should be helping out, too."

Naruto looked away, pouting. "Well, I'm not gonna feed 'im."

Sakura ignored Naruto, returning her attention to the vacant eyed Uchiha. "Come on, Sasuke-kun." She presented the chopsticks with the small portion of rice between them. "'Ahh'. Say-"

"Ahhhh! Stop! Please, stop!"

"For a mousy looking girl, she sure can scream."

Sasuke's heart rate picked up. He blinked slowly, turning his head to Sakura.

She froze, staring back at him with anticipation. "Sasuke? Is everything alright?"


Naruto and Sakura looked at each other—too confused to ask for an explanation and too stunned to take notice of the boy's pained expression.

Kiba and Shino walked with Hinata; Hinata walked with Akamaru huddled to her chest, her eyes never leaving the ground. After being moved to the Hyuuga compound for safety reasons, she was finally able to leave. She had been confined to her home only for a few days, but it felt like Team 8 was meeting her for the first time.

Kiba and Shino occasionally exchanged glances.

They wanted to know what went wrong that day—why she and Sasuke were taken—why the two of them were targeted—why they refused to talk about it. Sasuke wouldn't crack, and Hinata went into a frantic mess whenever they tried to coax an answer out of her. Kiba and Shino would soon drop the subject all together—a secret between Teams 7 and 8, and a torturous memory for Sasuke and Hinata.

The four were turning into the entrance to the Training Grounds when they encountered Team 7 exiting. Hinata looked up, freezing; Sasuke caught her gaze.

"No..." Her voice was weak. She took a step back, her breathing erratic. Everyone saw the change, but no one knew what caused it.

Except for two.

Hinata hastily handed Akamaru to Kiba, stumbling off the path, and fell to her hands and knees. She began to vomit due to sheer fear.

"Listen to me!"

"Leave me alone!"

"I said listen!" Sasuke slammed Hinata against a tree. He had run into her by chance, and she had tried to get away from him.

But not this time.

He had things to say, and he wasn't going to let her screw anything up.

"I don't want to be near you," Hinata wheezed, unable to look at him. "I don't... I don't want anything to do with you."

"Are you going to try and blame me now?" he hissed. "We did what we had to to stay alive, and you want to turn it all on me?"

"It was all you!" she screeched, tears seeping through shut eyes. "You're strong, aren't you?! You could have beaten them! Your clan was powerful-"

"And what about you, huh?!" he fired back. "I didn't see you putting that Hyuuga blood to any use, so explain that!"

"Get away!" Her hand shot forward, sending a surge of chakra through his abdomen.

Sasuke stumbled back, clutching the throbbing area. She hadn't used much on him—she was too disoriented to do that much—but it shocked him that she had tried. Out of all the people she could lash out at, she was lashing out at him?

Hinata slid down the trunk of the tree, covering her face as pained hiccups quivered from her. "You're...st-strong... I-I've heard abo-out you... You could've-"

"No, I couldn't," Sasuke muttered loud enough for her to hear. He fell back into a sit and let his head hang, squeezing his arm tighter around him. "Don't give me so much credit..."

She wasn't going to tell.

He wasn't going to tell.

So, Sasuke let it go.

He was done trying to talk to Hinata because, every time he tried, it only ended in yelling, tears, and regret that never really went away. In retrospect, she was being illogical. As a ninja, she should expect situations that were beyond their levels of training and realize he only did what was right for both of them.

He's sure he picked the right choice...

There was no way he could take on five grown men on his own, right? It was beyond his current skill level...wasn't it? Why else would he have...put them through all that? He didn't give a damn about Hinata's life—he didn't even know her—so he did what was best for him...

But...was living best for her?

Stop thinking about it.

She had to stop thinking about it...but there was no way she could do that. There was no way she would choose to have that day constantly rammed around her head, so why couldn't she forget? Why was it the first thing she thought about, the last thing she remembered, the only thing that plagued her dreams? Why-

Hinata lurched forward, her face in the toilet bowl, and began to vomit again. She sobbed between each heave, wanting nothing more than to not think.

In the bathroom entrance, unbeknownst to the heiress, Neji stood there, scrutinizing her. Hinata had been this way ever since she returned from her mission, and he had been annoyed by it all. He didn't know any details, but he knew her mission had ended badly.

It was pathetic of her.

So she faced the real struggles of their lifestyle—so what? Danger came with being a ninja, and she needed to realize that.

But...something wasn't right.

She was crying too much, which sometimes ended with her vomiting. Yes, at first, he was aggravated with the weak, pampered heiress grieving over a little bodily damage, but this... There was something wrong with all of this. Even for her, this wasn't normal.

He watched for a moment longer before turning out the door. "I'm getting the medical ninja."

Hinata whipped around, startled by the voice, staring into the empty doorway. "Don't..." She became panicked when his footsteps got farther away. "Neji, don't!"

"Sir? Are you..." The medical ninja looked down, noticing the man had clenched his fists so hard his knuckles were turning white.

Hiashi exhaled until no more air would come out. "Are you sure?"

She nodded, not wanting to verbally confirm it.

"I'm sorry..." Hinata whispered, sobbing from the clinical bed. "Father-"

"Who?" he demanded.

Hinata shook her head, crying harder. "I don't want to do thi-"

"Hinata," he threatened. "Give me a name."


"Alright," Kakashi sighed as he and his students sat around Ichiraku. "Today's mission is another D-rank assignment, so-"

"Give me a break!" Naruto complained. "How come, ever since we came back from that mission with Kiba's team, we've done nothing but the baby stuff?"

Kakashi scratched the back of his head. "You all just...could use some more training..."

Naruto laughed, rolling his eyes. "Meaning Sasuke has to learn not to get kidnapped."

The Uchiha shot him a heated glare. Naruto was the only one who would bring up the subject so freely, and for once, he hated how unbiased he was.

Kakashi cleared his throat. "That's not the point, Naruto."

"Yeah? Then what-"

The flaps of the ramen stand were pushed aside. Two men stood in the entrance; they appeared to be Hyuugas. Their white eyes scanned the faces before landing on Sasuke.

"Come with us."

Sasuke frowned, glaring. "Come again?"

"Lord Hiashi wishes to see you."


Hiashi paced around the room, his face grim and his mood furious. Hinata continued to cry; she was scared. She didn't want to go through this.


"Quiet," he warned. "I'll deal with you later."

The doors opened, and Sasuke was ushered inside. The two servants had a hold of his arms and brought him straight to Hiashi before roughly releasing him.

Sasuke didn't want to be here. He should have known Hinata wouldn't be able to keep it a secret. What kind of kunoichi was she?

"I didn't say anything," she said, trembling into her hands. "I didn't say a-anythi-"

"I SAID TO BE QUIET!" Hiashi bellowed. Hinata cried harder but tried her hardest to keep her voice down. Hiashi set his enraged glare on Sasuke. "You had better start explaining."

Sasuke stared at him, convinced this man had gone mad. If Hinata told him everything, then what was there to explain? Shouldn't he be glad his daughter was alive?

Sasuke's silence didn't sit well with the Hyuuga man. He grabbed the Uchiha by the hair, forcing him to look around the room.

"Piece it together, Uchiha genius! Where are we?! What is this room?!" He dragged Sasuke to Hinata, forcing his head in her direction. "How can you possibly be linked to her?"

Sasuke winced, his head beginning to throb, but he made himself come to a conclusion. He stared at Hinata, who was in a bed...

A bed...located in...

Sasuke's eyes widened, his heart wild with fear. "You can't be..."

Hinata cried harder, hoping to collapse into herself.