Hey, guys. I know i said this was going to be just a one shot but let's face it, i couldn't leave the story there. So, it's going to be more of a drabble series than anything else. Anyways, here's chapter 2 and i hope you guys like it x P.s. I changed it to third person and I'm not going to be switching from Elejah to Kennett. I'm going to do it so that this chapter is Elejah and the next chapter will be Kennett.

Elena was sat on the couch at home watching really bad reality tv while stuffing her face with junk food. What happened with Elijah made her confused about everything. She began to question her morals and everything that was going on around her. She always thought the people they had been fighting were the bad guys. She thought it had all been black and white, but it was all actually one big grey area and now she believed that they were all bad guys. It all had an effect on her sleeping too, she woke up this morning with dark circles under her eyes. So, school was the last thing on her mind.

She'd also been avoiding everyone's calls, and by everyone she means Bonnie and Caroline. She had yet to hear from Stefan and Damon, thank god.

Her phone buzzed again beside her and she glanced at the screen, it was unknown. She frowned and answered the phone, pulling it up to her ear.

"Hello?" Elena greeted.

"Hello, Elena." The voice made her whole body freeze. It was Elijah. How did he get her number? What should she say? Does he remember what happened the night before?

"Oh, Elijah, hi." She replied dumbly, making her cringe a little. "What can I do for you?"

"Well, I seemed to awake this morning and could not remember anything that may have happened after the ball. When I asked Niklaus about this he seemed a little smug and told me to ask you." He explained.

Elena quietly cursed to herself and made a split decision. "Okay, well... you showed up at my house drunk, blacked out and layed out on my sofa until your brothers picked you up. So, if that's all I really have to go now, bye." Elena hung up the phone and sighed in relief. She didn't know why this 'almost kiss' was such a big deal. Maybe because she was going to kiss him back.

The front door knocked, breaking Elena out of her reverie. She cursed when she realized the state of her clothes and the state of her living room were not at its best.

"Hold on!" She shouted while trying to tidy up a little. She brushed the crums off her pajama shirt and wiped the food off her mouth. She opened the front door with a fake smile on her face which fell as soon as she saw who it was.

"Elijah." Elena could swear she was having deja vu.

"Elena." He replied casually. Why did he always have to be so casual about everything, it made her feel like she had ADHD. "I apologise for showing up so unannounced but I could not help feel that you sounded agitated on the phone." He explained.

"Who me?" She nervously laughed while trying to act just as casual but instead making it worse. "That's ridiculous, I'm totally...cool."

Elijah assessed her, amused by her suspicious behaviour. "Yes, I can see that now. Oh, I would also like to apologise for my behaviour last night. After the ball it seemed I had too much to drink."Elena swallowed nervously at the mention of last night.

"That's fine, we all...faint after having something to drink." She frowned as she realised that was a complete lie, that made no sense.

"That was not the behaviour of which I speak. I remember everything, Elena." He stated making Elena's throat close up. "I remember that we shared a...moment. I only asked you this morning to see of you would tell the truth, and you didn't. Which wasn't very surprising."

Elena suddenly annoyed and kind of embarrassed. "What are you doing here, Elijah. And don't give me that crap that 'you wanted to apologise.'"Elijah was surprised by her sudden hostility. But he had to admit that he had an ulterior motive for being there.

"What I said last night was the truth: that you're one of the most respected people in my life. Now I only wish you tell me the truth too."

"What do you want me to say, Elijah? Because as soon as I say the truth, that's it, everything changes."

Elijah crossed over the threshold which was separating them. Elena didn't move, courage keeping her in her place. He raised his hand and moved a stray hair behind her ear. He let is hand linger by her cheek.

Elena was very aware of the hand lingering on her cheek, but couldn't help getting lost in his hazel-brown eyes.

"Elijah, I would be a liar if I told you I didn't feel anything-"

"So would I." He interrupted, making her smile a little.

"But now isn't the greatest of times for me to get into anything. What with your family just awakening and my relationship with Damon and Stefan on the rocks, throwing...whatever this is into the mix would just make things more complicated " She explained, regrettably. She hated that she couldn't be like other teenagers and just jump into relationships. But unfortunately her life had become very complicated within the last year and she couldn't do anything without thinking it through.

"I know." Elijah agreed. " I'm patient, I can wait."

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, knowing they wouldn't get another chance like this for a while. Elijah left after leaving Elena to rest her back against her door pondering over how everything is going too change.

So, there you go, guys. I hope you liked that little moment between Elijah and Elena because I'm totally winging this. Anyway, the next chapter will be with Bonnie and Kol, hopefully. I'm sorry i had to redo everything i just didn't like where that other one was going. P.S. the Kennett chapter will be set during the same time and i have a little surprise for you!