A/N: Astrid's age is confirmed in this chapter, but I don't think Hiccup's will ever get mentioned. So, I'm making him twenty-six. Therefore, the age gap is only four years, and it's not too creepy. I read somewhere that college professors can be 24 and up, so.

Chapter Two

Astrid can't remember how she ended p in the floor, her boyfriends head in her lap. She was running her fingers through his hair, while his sister, Charlotte was braiding hers.

She had gotten nervous when Val started questioning her about her relationship with Hiccup. Neither of them lied to her, per say. They just left out the tiny fact that Astrid is one of his students.

"You look pretty young, Astrid." Val had said when Hiccup and Stoick left the room "You are Hiccup's age, yes?"

Val's suspicious, and Astrid doesn't blame her one bit "Kind of?" Val raised an eyebrow at her, and Astrid finally realized which of his parents he must have gotten his sass from "I'm actually... Well, a senior in college. Hiccup and I met over the summer. I'm twenty-two."

Val's eyes widened "You are a young one." before she could say anything about the age difference between Hiccup and Astrid, Charlotte spoke up.

"You're like... Really pretty though. Why are you with Hiccup?"

Astrid chuckled and shrugged "He's a good to me. He treats me like I should be."

A smile came to Val's face again as she looked at Astrid. She took in her face as she talked about Hiccup. The smile that would find its way to her lips, the way her eyes sparkled anytime someone said his name. Astrid loves her son, whether she knows it yet or not. Val can see it.

"Why can't he be that good of a brother?"

Hiccup walked back into the room, an eyebrow raised. He sat by Astrid, handing her a drink before looking over at his sister "Because, you're my sister. I don't have to be good to you. Astrid is the girlfriend. I'm not good to her and she could ruin my life."

Astrid snorted. No one in the room knew how true that was. Dating your teacher, no matter how old you are, or what they teach, has to be illegal right? If dating your college professor isn't illegal, then she could only get him fired. That's still pretty bad though, he loves teaching.

"So." Charlotte started, ignoring what Hiccup had said, turning to her parents "How about we go out for a family dinner? It's been a while since we've all been together." Hiccup nodded in agreement, looking over at his parents.

Astrid looked between the family, reaching across Hiccup and setting her cup on the table. Family dinner? She's not family. That definitely wouldn't include her. She looked over at Hiccup, who was turned and talking to his sister. She was staying at Hiccup's apartment, and he has plenty of food. It would be nice to be alone and relaxed for a bit. She'd get to be with her dog!

"Astrid can come, right?"

It was Charlotte who asked, much to Astrid's surprise. She would have thought that Hiccup would be the one to, but Charlotte spoke up first.

"Why couldn't she?" Hiccup asked.

Astrid gave him a smile and laughed "I'm not family, Hiccup. But that's fine. I've missed Stormfly, and I can stay here with her."

"Nonsense, Astrid!" Stoick said, startling Astrid with his booming voice. That was something that would take getting use to "You're more than welcome to come to dinner with us!"

"No, no, that's fine. Really! I don't have any money with me." Hiccup shot Astrid a look that she knew too well. Hiccup was always, and she means always, offering to pay for things. She honestly has no idea where he gets the money, but she hates that he's always paying for everything "Also, I don't exactly look decent enough to go anywhere. I wasn't expecting to go anywhere."

Hiccup looked Astrid over. Neither of them were really sure how Astrid didn't have any clothes at his place. She was there often enough, she practically lived there. He then turned his attention to his sister before looking back at Astrid "You and Charlotte look about the same size. I'm sure she wouldn't mind lending you something."

Charlotte nodded, standing up and reaching for Astrid's hand "Yeah, I don't mind at all. All I really have are dresses, and they may be a little long on you."

Astrid frowned, using Charlotte's hand to pull herself up "Is that a short joke?"

Hiccup snorted, looking up at his sister and girlfriend. Charlotte was pretty tall for her age, but for a twenty-two year old, Astrid was pretty short. If there was one thing Astrid hated most, it was being called short. Hiccup does it all the time, only because he knows he can get away with it. He's not so sure about how she'd react to Charlotte doing it though.

Charlotte almost looked scared. She remembers when she called Hiccup once to talk to him, he had told her all about Astrid and how she has a violent streak. Say the wrong thing, and you'll get punched.

Astrid motioned for Hiccup to stand. He didn't know why, but that look on her face told him that she was debating on hitting his sister or not for the short joke. When he was standing, Astrid turned to him, and punched him in the arm.

Charlotte let out a loud laugh, thanking the Gods that it wasn't her under Astrid's fist.

Hiccup rubbed at his arm "What was that for?!"

"Well I'm not going to hit your sister!"

Val looked at the couple before smiling. She could see right through that violence. The girl is tough, but she'll drop it once she's around Hiccup. Her son has an effect on Astrid.

Charlotte pulled Astrid towards the bedroom to get her changed, and Hiccup turned to face his parents "What?"

"She's a keeper, son." Stoick said, with a nod of agreement from Val.

"I do like her more than I did Heather." Val added.

Hiccup smiled at that. Heather was his girlfriend before Astrid. The two had broken up over a year ago, but she still came around. Hiccup wasn't too happy about it. Neither was Astrid. When Astrid found out who Heather was, she would go off anytime Heather came near him. She's basically his personal guard dog when it comes to Heather.

Hiccup is almost certain that he would still be with Heather to this day, but he had found out, she had actually openly admitted to him, that she was only using him for his money. Right, his family is loaded. And because he was such a nice person, anything Heather wanted, she got.

One thing Astrid did not know about him is that his family is rich. He didn't have to be a teacher, but it's what he wanted. He could be living in some big house somewhere, but preferred an apartment. He was almost scared to tell Astrid because he doesn't want what happened to Heather to happen with her.

He's positive that he cares more about Astrid than he did Heather.

Astrid came walking out of the bedroom a few minutes later, tugging at the bottom of the dress "I feel like such a girl." she spat out the word like it was something evil.

Heaven forbid Astrid Hofferson wear a dress.

"I've got news for you, Astrid." Hiccup said, walking over to her "You are a girl."

Astrid glared at him, taking her ponytail down and braiding it "Thanks for that information, I had no idea."

Charlotte came walking into the room a smile on her face "So! Where are we going?"


Hiccup and Astrid told them about a local restaurant that they went to often. It had about anything you could ask for. Hamburgers, chicken, steak. The two loved it.

They also loved it because they found out that none of the students usually went there, and they'd be able to have dates without people getting suspicious.

The family was sitting at a table looking at a menu. Astrid and Hiccup already knew what they wanted, but the rest of the family needed time to choose. Hiccup looked around, his eyes landing on someone before looking at Astrid "Thorston is here."

"Ruff or Tuff?"

"Ruff." he looked back over at Ruff before shaking his head "With Tuff, and Lout."

Astrid frowned. She could handle the twins. She had put up with those two her whole life. It's Lout that she has a problem with. The guy was constantly hitting on her, driving her up the wall. He even knows that she's dating Hiccup, and it bothers him because his cousin managed to get to her first. Astrid always liked rubbing it in his face.

She kept her eyes on them as they walked over. Charlotte smiled, getting out of her seat and walking over to Lout "I haven't seen you in forever!"

Lout looked around the table. A family get together plus Astrid, and he wasn't invited?! He'd make sure to get in on the next one "Yeah, been awhile. Aunt Val, Uncle Stoick. Hiccup." his eyes landed on Astrid and he smiled "Astrid."

Ruff walked around the table, greeting and introducing herself to Hiccup's family before stopping in-between Astrid and Hiccup. She shot Astrid a smile before running her fingers over Hiccup's shoulder "Mr. Hotcup."

Hiccup groaned, putting his face in his hands "Thorston."

"Ruff, what are you doing here?"

Ruff moved away from Hiccup, turning her attention to Astrid "We were actually just leaving. Lout saw Hiccup and had to come see his Aunt, Uncle, and cousin. We're leaving now. Will I be graced with your presence later?"

Astrid shook her head, reaching for her drink "No, no, I don't think you will be."

"Awesome. I'll have the apartment to myself. See you later, Hofferson, Hotcup."

Hiccup let out another groan, waving Ruff away. Astrid let out a laugh, rolling her eyes. One thing Ruff loved was making Hiccup uncomfortable. Ruff was one of the first people to know about Astrid and Hiccup, only because the couple wasn't careful and Ruff caught them together in Astrid's living room.

Fortunately, Ruff and Hiccup get along.

Ruff quickly found out that saying and doing certain things make Hiccup uncomfortable. She came up with the name Hotcup once, and she hasn't stopped using it. Hiccup hates it which is the only reason Ruff uses it.

Astrid is waiting for the day that Ruff slips up and calls him it in the middle of class.

"Who is that girl?" Val asked, watching Ruff walk away.

"A friend of Astrid's." Hiccup said with a shrug "She sure is something."

Astrid nodded in agreement "You can say that again."

It was the middle of the dinner when Hiccup noticed her. He had leaned forward hoping that she didn't look over at him, but of course, he wasn't that lucky.

Astrid had noticed the way he was acting and glanced around trying to see whatever it was he was trying to hide from. That's when she noticed her, staring at her boyfriend. Heather. Heather would show up on the night that was supposed to turn out good. If she knew what was good for her, she wouldn't come talk to them.

Val and Stoick didn't look too thrilled about Heather being here either. Hiccup could tell by the way his parents were acting that they approved of Astrid, and he didn't want Heather to come around and ruin that.

Heather looked like she was about to walk over and talk to Hiccup, probably try and get back with him like every other time, but when she made eye contact with Astrid she must have decided it was safer to keep her distance. Astrid wasn't scared to make a scene in public, and one wrong word out of Heather's mouth would cause that.

Astrid tore her eyes away from Heather and turned her focus back on Hiccup "Will you help me study tonight?"