A/N: Okay, so, this is something that originally was just a one shot on my tumblr. I got many asks to make another part of it, so I just decided to turn it into a chapter story since I really liked the idea of the whole thing.

This first chapter will actually be part of what's on my tumblr, but, of course with more added since it's so short. Here we go!

Disclaimer; I don't own HTTYD.

How To Train Your Teacher

Chapter One

Astrid knows this is wrong.

Straddling her teachers lap, his face buried in her neck has to be wrong, but it feels so right.

"Okay. Okay. We need to slow down." Astrid mumbled, pushing herself away from him "I don't feel like getting you in trouble today, Mr. Haddock."

He gave her a smile, moving his hands away from her "I get it." he waved a hand around "Now off, Miss Hofferson."

Astrid walked around his desk, and started going through her books "I do have a lot of homework to do." she sighed, looking over her shoulder "So.. What are you doing tonight?"

Hiccup narrowed his eyes at her "No."

Astrid rolled her eyes, jumping onto the desk "What? I want to hang out with you tonight."

Hiccup stood up and walked to the front of his desk, leaning against it "I'm actually busy tonight?"

"Oh?" Astrid raised an eyebrow "Hot date with your other girlfriend?"

Hiccup laughed, rolling his eyes "Yes, Astrid. Definitely my other girlfriend. Because I can get more."

Astrid chuckled. Something she loved more than anything was picking on Hiccup. They have the same sense of humor, and he just makes it so easy.

"No, but, in all seriousness, I'm taking a trip to see my family."

Astrid frowned "Oh. Is Fish going to be at your apartment? Ruff is driving me insane with Eret, and I need a get away. Do you mind?"

He shook his head "Of course I don't. I gave you a key for a reason. I'm sure Fish wouldn't mind either."

Astrid smiled. Half of her stuff is already at his place, it's like she already lives there. Her dog stays at his apartment.

Stormfly and Toothless. She had never felt so thankful for dogs in her life.

They wouldn't have met if it weren't for those dogs. She was out on a run with Stormfly, and he was out walking Toothless. Hiccup was sitting on a bench when they ran by and Toothless decided he wanted to go for a run, and ended up knocking Astrid off her feet.

Hiccup ran up to them, pulling Toothless away from her, and helping her up. He apologized a million times, and ended with her number by the end of the night.

"I need to see my dog."

"You are welcome to take her back anytime. Toothless will miss her, but I'll be glad to have my bed back."

Astrid smiled "Until you come home and I'm there. You still have to share with me."

Hiccup reached forward using her waist to pull her to him "That I'm okay with." he quickly pecked her lips "We really have to go though. I may or may not see you later."

Astrid nodded, pulling her books to her chest "Hopefully. Text me when you're leaving, or when you want me over."

He nodded, a hand on her lower back as they walked to the door "Will do. I will be back later tonight, so you and the dogs better keep that bed warm."


Exhausted. Astrid was really exhausted. She had been so bored of waiting for Hiccup's text, that she threw on some tennis shoes, a pair of shorts, and a sports bra, tying her hair up in a ponytail, and went for a run.

She was now standing outside of Hiccup's apartment, pulling the key that Hiccup gave her out. Astrid figured he had just forgotten to text her, so she decided to just go.

Astrid pushed the door open, shoving the key back into her pocket "Hey Fish, Hiccup said-"


Hiccup was walking out of the kitchen, two cups in his hands. He almost looked surprised and worried that she was there.

She glanced at the cups "So.. Is your other girlfriend here, or..?" she knows she was meaning it as a joke, but a part of her sad convinced it was true. Why else would he be carrying two cups?


A girl around sixteen came out of the living room, snatching one of the cups from his hand "Why are you just standing there? Introduce us!"

Astrid frowned. Her arms were now crossed over her chest, and a glare was set on the girl "A little young there, Hiccup?"

He rolled his eyes, pushing the girl back into the living room "And you aren't?"

"I'm not sixteen."

"Shut up, Astrid." he mumbled, looking her over before frowning "That was my sister. My family decided to surprise me by visiting. It slipped my mind to text you."

"Oh." Astrid felt silly. She was a few seconds away from killing his sister. She was almost jealous of his sister "I can leave-"

"No." he leaned out, taking her arm "Charlotte has already seen you and probably announced it to them. There's no turning back now."

"I didn't even know your sisters name."

Hiccup chuckled, his hand going to her back. "Go put an actual shirt on. I'm sure you have one here, and if not, take one of mine."

"I may take one of yours just to wear it." she said with a smile.

"Be my guest."


Astrid has never been so nervous to ever meet a boyfriends family before. Why is Hiccup's making her so nervous?

Is it because her and Hiccup are actually serious? He is her longest relationship. Astrid stared at herself in the mirror a few seconds longer before nodding. Yeah, that was definitely it. It just means so much if his parents like her or not.

She walked out of Hiccup's room. He was waiting for her by the door, which made her feel a little better. He gave her a smile before motioning to follow him out to the living room.

He could tell that she was nervous. He couldn't see why though. His parents are... Okay.

Hiccup didn't take his hand off her as they walked out to the living room. He grabbed her hand once they were sitting in the chair across from his parents "Mom, dad... This is Astrid."

His mom broke into a grin, leaning forward "So you're the mysterious girlfriend?" Astrid's face felt warm, and she knew it was red. She nodded, holding out a hand "I'm his mother, Val."

Hiccup's father took in her appearance. Maybe it wasn't the best thing to be wearing your boyfriend's clothes the day you're meeting his parents for the first time? His father gave her a smile "I'm Stoick."

"And I'm the sister, Charlotte. I'm sure Hiccup's told you about me."

Astrid nodded, smiling at all of them "Of course! I've heard great things about all of you."

His mother, Val, gave her another smile "Astrid," she started, looking her over in her sons clothes before looking back at her face "if you don't mind the asking, how did you two meet?"