Chapter 15: Dreams, S.P.L.A.T., Hunting

A/N: Alright boys and girls, here is the one and only, Chapter 15! I hope that you all enjoy it and be sure to read the author's note at the end of this chapter, I'm sure I'll have something else to tell you then. But, without further ado, enjoy!


SuicidalRainbows: Thanks. I mean, I'm not back…just more of writing when I get the chance or feel like it.

Astral8: I guess that you'll have to do it again with this chapter dropping. xD

ZachariaArkos: I'd say that you should probably binge again because…here's more!

Last Time:

Chapter 14

Third Person Point of View

While the children of Hermes and Athena bought some time for Lee, the rest of the campers were slowly growing tired. None of them had ever seen real combat to this scale, after all at this point, real combat experience was quite scarce. So when a sudden, loud screeching noise erupted out of nowhere, everyone dropped their weapons. The birds did the same as well, mostly, and those that survived quickly raced off into the distance, not even looking back towards the beaks of their fallen brethren.

The atmosphere within the stands was that of noise and fatigue; ranging from the clattering of weapons against the stands to that of the soft thuds from the beaks of the fallen birds and the already distant beats of the survivors. However, this all soon came to an end as there was a pained cry from Tantalus as his lunch and plate lept off the back of the stands, effectively committing suicide. The campers all looked at him annoyed as he sat there and looked at the ground far below, a look of pain and hunger resting across his face. Without a word, one-by-one, the campers picked up their weapons and filed out of the stands and towards their respective cabins. After all, it was time for a nap.


Chapter 15

Percy Point of View

I remember as a child growing up and watching a multitude of things that ranged from cartoons to reality tv shows, to anime, and many things in-between. At least, whenever Gabe wasn't hogging the television. Anyway, one of the many things I watched happened to be a show called Drake and Josh. All I could remember as I stood before the entrance to the Pit of Tartarus was the one episode where they go skydiving and the diving instructor teaches them the following:

Step 1. Squat.

Step 2: Pray.

Step 3: Leap

Step 4: Ahhhh!

Step 5: Touchdown!

Of course, as I recall, Josh was quick to pick up on the fact that this spell SPLAT as an acronym. If I had to say so myself, it wasn't very reassuring. But, of course, the situation called for me to shake that episode out of my head as I swan-dived into the depths of Tartarus. My mission was so simple, a hamster could have come up with it. Find and delay Kronos' revival. Of course, there was a lot more that had to go with that plan. Such as diving into Tartarus, navigating said Pit, and finally, driving a blade through the chest of my "beloved" grandfather. Oh and survive the deepest depths of Greek Hell.

All of that aside, as I began my descent into Tartarus, I couldn't help but wonder how long it would take. Some theorized that it would take 7 days and 7 nights to fall from the surface of the earth to Tartarus. I bet that it wouldn't take as long, due to my jumping in from the Underworld. Either way, I knew that I would eventually get to my destination and that I would probably fall asleep a couple of times before I got there. And that's just what I did. Slept.

Beginning of Dreamscape

I could only watch my dreams in silence as my body fell to Tartarus; watching the chariot race or rather, the events that took place and where called a chariot race. I watched as the Hermes cabin won the race and no one even took notice due to the approaching monster-birds. But, thanks to a well-placed sonic arrow from Lee Fletcher, the birds either died or retreated from whence they came. And some scarecrow-looking dude chased some food down from beginning to end until the food committed suicide.

After the birds retreated and the area was cleaned up, the campers that didn't already go to their cabins left. Soon enough, the scene shifted to that of the Olympian throne room, currently full of the Olympian Council, Hestia, and Hades. It seems as though they were all watching some weird incorporeal television, which upon closer inspection, I found to be housing an image of my unconscious and quickly descending body. Their eyes were all glued to the weird screen-thing.

Once more the scene before me shifted, and this time, I watched Annabeth, Luke, and Grover pack their bags before storing them underneath or at the foot of their beds. It was an odd experience, truly, having an out-of-body experience whilst spying on your friends. I was just grateful that none of them had decided to undress when they finally went to bed and rested for the evening.

In the morning, each of the four began to start their day by making their way to the Dining Pavilion and eating breakfast. Each one scarfed down their meal of eggs, bacon, pancakes, and many other assortments of breakfast foods. Before long, Tantalus, probably growing tired of chasing down an egg sandwich, spoke.

"Thanks to yesterday's chariot race and the fiasco that followed shortly thereafter, we were all able to catch a glimpse of just how magnificent our quest leader truly is! We watched them race spectacularly, never letting go of hope as they raced from start to finish and keeping their chin held high!"

By this point, there were a lot of murmurs…whispers even, as the crowd of gathered campers discussed amongst themselves as to why Tantalus was singing such praises about Luke. This continued for several more minutes as the voice of Tantalus droned on and on about heroism and how the victor had portrayed the qualities of an outstanding leader. However, soon Tantalus began to realize what was going on, not taking even a second to reign in the now roaring sounds of conversation among the campers.

"SILENCE!" roared the mad-man.

"I have had enough of your insolence, you impudent lot." continued Tantalus.

At this point, the entirety of the Dining Pavilion was still, no one daring to make a noise as the man that had taken Chiron's place steamed in silence for several moments before saying.

"Good. Now, as I was trying to say before I was so rudely interrupted. The winner of the chariot race, I would ask that you please stand up and take your place by my side…"

As he said this, every head turned towards Luke, who had already begun to stand up as the voice of Tantalus rang loudly enough for all to hear.


It took only a few seconds for the name to sink in as the Dining Pavilion, once more, erupted into an outroar. However, this time it was all directed at a certain replacement Activities' Director, Tantalus. More specifically, a man whose patience had already run out mere moments ago.

"I. SAID. SILENCE!" bellowed Tantalus, now red with anger as he seethed and glared at any who disobeyed until the Pavilion was quiet once more.

Once it was silent again, he spoke, "Maybe you would all listen better if I told you all a story. Now, in this story, there was once a mortal king who was beloved of the gods! And this king, this glorious king, was so loved by the gods that he was even allowed to feast on Mount Olympus. But, when he tried to take some ambrosia and nectar back to Earth to figure out the recipe – just one little doggie bag, mind you – the gods punished him."

Here Tantalus' face grew darker with each passing word as he took a deep breath and continued his ghost story.

"You know what they did? The gods punished him by banning him from their hallowed halls forever! His people mocked him, the very ones he ruled benevolently. His children scolded him as if their places as parent and child were reversed! And, oh yes, campers, he had such horrible children indeed. They were children-just-like-you!"

At this last exclamation, Tantalus pointed his crooked fingers at several different campers, including Luke and Annabeth.

"Do you all want to know what he did to his ungrateful children?" Tantalus asked softly, making sure to make eye contact with any who dared to look him in the eye.

No one dared to answer, their gazes averted to the ground beneath their feet and the columns that surrounded them.

Not getting an answer though, seemed to egg Tantalus on as he said, "Do you know how the king paid back the gods for their cruel punishment? He invited every one of the Olympians to a glorious feast at his palace, held in their honor. All of which was just to show them that there were no hard feelings. However, no one seemed to notice that his children were missing, not even his wife. And when he served the gods their dinner, my dearest campers, can you guess what was in the stew?"

At this point in the story, several campers began to gag, and those that were unfortunate enough to be covering the younger campers' ears, but not their own, could only turn sickly shades of green in horror. Once again, no one in the Dining Pavilion dared to speak out, the only sounds heard were those of crickets and soft retching noises from all around.

"Oh, do know that the gods punished him in the afterlife," Tantalus whispered out, still being heard despite this as he continued on, "They did punish the king indeed. But he'd had his moment of satisfaction, did he not? After all, his children never again spoke back to him or questioned his authority. And do you know what the best part is? Rumor has it that the king's spirit now resides at this very camp, waiting for a chance to take revenge on ungrateful, rebellious children. Now…do we have any more complaints before we send Clarisse off on her quest?"

The campers remained still, not a single peep escaping them.

"Good. Clarisse, dear, if you could make your way to the Oracle."

Clarisse shifted awkwardly out from her place at the Ares table, looking very much like even she didn't want this glory at the price of being a pet. But one look towards Tantalus and she quickly scurried off toward the Big House, not even once looking back towards the Dining Pavilion and the crooked king that sat within it.

Shifting once more, I found myself in another environment, this time it was the attic of the Big House. I seemingly arrived just as a trapdoor opened, revealing the nervous face of Clarisse. Tentatively, I watched as the Daughter of Ares made her way to the center of the attic, being rather careful to avoid touching anything unnecessarily. That is until she finished the 360 turn she had begun and found herself face to face with a mummified hippie corpse. Or rather, what I imagined one would look like. It had a peace-sign bandana tied around its head as if to keep the dried, withered mess of hair on its scalp out of its sunken face. The skin looked almost translucent and paper-like, much better looking than the tie-dyed shirt and bell-bottom jeans it wore. Both of which were horribly tattered, frayed, and in some places, singed.

Scaring the both of us, the mummified Oracle's mouth dropped from its previously closed position and began to spew out a sickly green smoke that began to envelop the room. And as it did, the Oracle seemed to speak, her voice coming from every corner of the room.

"Approach Seeker, and ask."

Clarisse throughout this process had taken a step back towards the trapdoor that she had entered the room from and grown paler as the seconds ticked by. For the first time since I had met Clarisse, she actually looked…vulnerable. It seemed to me at this point in time, that the Daughter of Ares, underneath her proud exterior, was still only a child who was still only around my age.

"W-what is m-my destiny?" Clarisse asked, stuttering as she did, already wanting very badly to get out of this room. But, she had a feeling that if she were to try to open the trapdoor, she wouldn't be able to.

The smoke began to gather in one central spot, barely five feet in front of her. At first, the green gas was formless, writhing into a shapeless form that began to slowly take the form of a buff man that appeared to be in his mid-to-late 30's. He had on sunglasses and had a military buzzcut. It was Ares. Or at least, was supposed to be the God of War. And as Clarisse took in the fact that the smoke had taken the form of her father, it began to speak, sounding exactly like the God of War.

"You shall sail the iron ship with warriors of bone,

You shall find what you seek and make it your own,

But despair for your life entombed within stone,

And fail without friends, to fly home alone."

And just like that, as the last syllable was sounded out, the green smoke dissipated and reentered the mouth of the long-past Oracle. Clarisse was once more left alone in silence, still trying to comprehend what she was just told. As she made her way to the trapdoor, it was almost like she was on autopilot. I could see that her eyes were distant, almost glazed over as she closed the door and made her way down the steps, and as the sounds of her footsteps faded into the distance, the world around me grew dark and I began to awake.

End of Dreamscape

Line Break

To be honest, I wasn't sure how long I had slept for that dream, nor did I know how long or far I had already fallen. But, what I did know was that the atmosphere all around me had grown darker and hotter. The very air around me seemed to be glowing a dull red as I continued my descent for what seemed to be another eternity. And just as I was about to drift off once more, I saw it. I saw the walls I had already grown accustomed to disappear and give way to the barren landscape below me. Fast approaching, I saw the pitch-black landscape below me, glistening with what looked like broken glass. Off to my left, I saw a slowly flowing river of water so dark that it almost looked like tar. The river was filled with weird-looking objects of all shapes and sizes, each object growing weirder as they floated by. Off to my right, I caught a glimpse of what could only be described as a flowing river of fire. The river, even from this distance, was giving off such extreme heat that I was surprised any rock could remain solid down here. And lastly, the very thing I noticed last is what could potentially save me. A lake. Somehow, a lake was formed down here, in the very depths of Tartarus.

I would notice later that the lake actually was more like a creek or a pond only in this particular section, as the rest of it was actually the third river altogether. But, as I said, I wouldn't notice this particular detail until later. And even if I had, I still would have done what I'm about to do now.

After waiting until what I thought would be the perfect moment, I willed for the water from the lake to rise up and catch me. However, I soon found it to be rather difficult, almost as if someone was fighting me for control. This little moment, this little slip-up is what caused me to miss my chance and I plummeted headfirst into the lake, the water barely breaking my speed. In seconds, my face smacked into the bottom of the lake and I was left seeing stars as my entire body erupted into pain, nearly blacking out several times throughout this process.

Eventually, as I tried desperately to swim towards the surface, the pain became too much and I cried out. Expecting to breathe, like I normally am able to do underwater, I found my lungs filled with water rather than air. And for the first time since I found out I was a Son of Poseidon, I began to drown. As if the pain throughout my face and body wasn't enough, my lungs and all of my other organs began to scream out in pain, desperately needing air to survive.

Just as I began to weaken and my vision began to grow darker, my arms broke through the surface of the lake soon followed by my head. And I began to cough up the water from my lungs and greedily inhale the surrounding sulfuric air. The pain from my lungs and face had subsided, however, the pain throughout my body still lingered. In fact, the only pain I felt was from the neck down, the only part of my body that didn't feel pain was not touching or submerged in the lake.

"That would be because you are in the River Acheron. The Underworld River many know as the River of Woe and Pain." Came a soft voice, that seemed to relish in the pain that I was currently experiencing.

Looking over as I began to swim towards the shore, I saw a man with skin so pale that it seemed to be translucent. He was wearing a simple, yet elegant low-cut black dress-shirt and was barefoot as he stood upon the surface of the water near the very shore that I swam to.

Once I reached the shore, I quickly climbed out and looked towards the strange man once more before saying, " Who are you? And where exactly am I?"

"You can call me Acheron and you, my friend, are in Tartarus," Acheron said, flashing me a smile as his pale white eyes danced with mirth.

"I know that," I began, "What I meant to ask is, where specifically in Tartarus am I?"

Already, I got the sense that Acheron liked me more when I was within his lake and experiencing the worst pain I had ever felt within my short lifetime thus far. But, what got to me more was the feeling that this guy didn't want to help me in the slightest, only hinder me for the momentary joy that it would bring him.

"You are in Tartarus. A place with no other purpose to trap people and torture them in the most horrific ways imaginable for all of time. And you, my dear friend, are trapped with me here. So, you might as well get comfortable."

Time Skip

After spending two days with Acheron, eventually cracking through his cold, depressing exterior, I learned that he was actually a pretty cool guy. Within those two days, I made sure to rest and recover what energy I could from my dip in the Lake of Pain. Acheron eventually even apologized for fighting for control over the water from his lake with me, apologizing to him for causing him so much trouble. Meanwhile, I had also done my best to explore the surrounding area for at least 3 miles in every direction, trying to figure out the best direction to head from here. When I had asked the male river nymph, he had only shrugged nonchalantly and stated that any direction would do.

And then, on the third day or what I guessed to be the third day, I left Acheron to head West. Or that's what I had hoped. Along the way, as seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned into hours, I found very few monsters. Something that unsettled me greatly. That is until I came across a small roving band of monsters, most of which were armed. The ensuing fight that took place when I was noticed was quick and ruthless. I left only the ones that could speak alive, making for three survivors out of the ten initial monsters.

It took some time to extract what little information and rumors that they had heard, but in the end, only one of them had to die before one of the remaining two spilled the beans. And as soon as they had done so, I set them free and continued on my way, my course altered slightly to the north. Continuing to keep an eye out for monsters and checking carefully to see if I was being followed, several more hours passed before I came across a chasm. The chasm itself was at least four to five hundred feet across, massive precarious columns of stone were dotted throughout it, spaced just well enough for me to jump from each one. However, the issue at hand was that I would probably have to race at full speed, not wasting any time in order for me to make it to the other side. The consequences of failing to do so would more than likely be me plummeting to my death far below into what looked to be the same river of magma from earlier on.

Finally deciding to waste no more time, I retraced my steps back for about ten yards or so before I turned back around and faced the chasm once more. Steeling myself for what I was about to do, I started jogging towards the chasm, picking up speed as I went until I was sprinting. And just as I reached the edge, on my final bound, I leaped into the air with all of my might, aiming for one of the pillars. However, rather than landing on the top of the first column as I had planned, I ended up crashing into the side of it. The momentum that I had only a few seconds ago, according to some law made up by a guy named…what was it again? Fig Newton. Anyway, thanks to Fig Newton's law or whatever, the momentum I had only a few seconds ago was transferred to a precarious column of rock that was now beginning to topple over.

Doing my best to not fall off of the rock as it plummeted towards the river below, I raced towards the end of it and launched myself towards another column. I effectively repeated this process, having no choice but to improvise in the heat of the moment, until I launched myself at the cliff on the other side. Now, due to having to do this roughly thirty to forty times, at this point, I was exhausted. Sweat was running down my face as I struggled to haul my body even a foot closer to the ledge, my arms, and legs aching from all of the work they had to do. And it took everything in my power to close the gap, drawing whatever energy I could from what little water I could conjure from the moisture in the air.

Once I pulled myself safely onto the cliffside, roughly five football fields away from where I began, I rolled onto my back and took in a deep breath. The poisonous air of Tartarus and the broken glass-like ground beneath my back working their magic and making my existence painful with each inhalation of air. For a few minutes, I laid there in silence, nearly drifting off into the realm of Morpheus until the sharp howl of a monster in the distance reminded me of my current surroundings. Getting to my feet, I began to realize that it had probably been a bad idea to cause so much noise in a place filled with all sorts of creatures and beings that fed mainly on demigods.

Why was this you ask?

Well when I stood up and took a moment to brush myself off, it dawned on me that I could hear the sounds of approaching footsteps. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and I whirled around, only to be met with nothing in sight. In fact, as I quickly scanned the area all around me, I still could not find the source or sources of all of those footsteps. And that bothered me. It continued to bother me until I decided to check down in the chasm and what I saw down there did little to raise my mood. What I saw down in the chasm was an entire battalion of monsters, each fully equipped for battle. And it became quickly apparent that they were looking for whomever or whatever caused all of those columns to topple over. So, I decided that it would be in my best interest for me to crush them here and now before I continued down my path.

Without making a sound, I tapped my watch and summoned my mace, Molopas. Taking note of my enemy combatants, there were roughly one hundred hellhounds, two hundred empousa, one-hundred-fifty dracaena, two-hundred-fifty cyclopes, and one hundred harpies. Fully grasping their numbers, I decided it would be best to tap my watch once more to summon Riptide.

"After all, nothing wrong with keeping in shape. These monsters won't be missed on the surface." I thought, taking a few steps back from the ledge of the chasm before I bolted towards it once more and leaping off of it into a swan dive.

The variety of monsters far below me, roughly three hundred feet and closing, were still oblivious to the situation. At least they were up until I decided to break my fall by landing on a harpy as I sliced and bludgeoned another two harpies respectively. Within the few seconds of confusion that killing three harpies allowed me, I was able to cut down another ten monsters before any of them could shake their stupor. And as soon as they shook from it, all Hades broke loose as all sorts of weapons and shields were shifted to be held between the wielder and the guy that just slaughtered thirteen comrades. There were a couple of attempts on their side to communicate with me, however, it was fruitless on their part because my only response was to cut down another five of them.

Given the fact that I cut down another five of them, the monsters all around me quickly closed ranks, effectively surrounding me. I had no choice but to force my way through them in any direction in order to escape. Luckily for me, I had no plans on escaping. There were a couple of silent, tense moments, as both sides studied the other. Each side was looking for weakness, openings in defenses, but none would find any in the Son of Poseidon's stance. And as if on cue, Percy leaped into action as the monsters closed the circle, they had placed around him.

Olympian Throne Room

Third Person Point of View

The mighty Olympian Council, in all of its glory, sat upon their thrones as they watched an Iris Message in the center of the council chambers. For the first time in the past five months since Percy jumped into Tartarus, the entirety of the Olympian Council was there to watch his exploits. By now, Athena had deduced and made the rest of the council aware that for every day spent in Tartarus, one month passed on the surface world. The outcries of a couple of the council members were briefly heard before they died out and everyone watched the show before them.

Ares and Athena in particular were scrutinizing Perseus' every move, each finding it disturbing that even they could not find a hole in his defense. Then, there was the issue of his fighting style, which was unorthodox. Compared to the fighting style of other Greek campers, Percy's fighting style was all his own, there was no pattern to be found. Ares and Athena, nearly simultaneously came to the conclusion that if an Olympian were to fight Percy seriously, they would have to be prepared to lose their life. While they had reached this conclusion, Percy had slaughtered roughly seventy-two monsters from the battalion that surrounded him. Realizing this, Ares and Athena determined that it would be better for everyone involved if the Olympian Council did not cross Perseus Theodore Jackson.

Poseidon couldn't be prouder of his only demigod son. Especially one that leaped into the Pit without hesitation to slow down the return of the Lord of Time. The God of the Sea decided that this particular son of his, who had leapt into the darkest place in the world alone, would one day grow up to be an invaluable part of the world they both lived in. Something deep down told Poseidon that Percy would one day become irreplaceable within the mythological world.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Council could only watch on, gauging, and consulting within themselves to determine their opinion on the demigod they now watched. There were those, such as Dionysus, Demeter, Hera, and Hephaestus that cared little either way. Then there were those that were wary of Perseus, each for their own reasons, such as Zeus and Artemis. Finally, this left Hades, Hestia, Hermes, Apollo, and Aphrodite, each coming to the conclusion that Perseus was something that would provide hope for all demigods throughout the world.

Private, self-discovered conclusions aside, the Greek Gods couldn't help but admire the grace that Percy wielded so easily within the midst of combat. If none of them knew any better, they would believe that the demigod before them was actually the God of War. He cut through the ranks of the monsters before him as if it were as easy as walking down the street on a Sunday afternoon. Perseus wasted no movements; he made no mistakes as he thrust his blade forward and ducked underneath a sword meant to remove his head.

By this point, Perseus was roughly halfway through his current endeavor of wiping out a battalion of monsters single-handedly. The sweat on his brow only starting to now appear as he continued to fight on effortlessly. Spinning in a circle, Percy extended Molopas and Riptide respectively, moving throughout the crowd around him as if he were a spinning top. Monsters were reduced to fine golden dust, left and right, none being spared within the Son of Poseidon's reach. Most had no time to react as their faces contorted into silent, pained screams as they disintegrated.

The battle raged on for several more minutes as the gods continued to watch on in silence, powerless to do anything to aid Percy. And even if they could, none of them would feel the need to. After all, he didn't even need their help, not in the slightest bit. The demigod was more or less a one-man-army, something that few had seen since the heroes of old, such as Hercules, the original Perseus, or even Achilles. And just as Perseus drove his blade through one of the last remaining monsters, a mighty roar could be heard off in the distance causing the Son of Poseidon to drop into a defensive stance. Now, of course, the gods recognized the monster that gave off that roar after recalling many past battles with it and its brethren. Perseus, on the other hand, did not recognize it. So, when a creature with no legs appeared atop of the cliff-face that he had leapt off of earlier, Percy's eyes widened almost comically. The creature slither-crawled off of the cliff, nearly going out its full length of roughly two hundred feet before gravity took its hold upon it and the drakon began to plummet.

Seeing the incoming creature, Percy could only sprint out of the way of its trajectory, only barely escaping out from underneath the drakon as it landed. However, the Lover of Chaos still found himself in the radius of the shockwave that emanated from the impact, thus launching him roughly ten feet further where he landed in an indignant heap. Before the Primordial Champion could pick himself back up, the drakon was on him, going in for the kill with a massive bite. There was a loud crack as dirt and debris erupted into the air, causing the Iris Message to lose sight of the ongoing battle between drakon and demigod. A few seconds passed as the sounds of fighting stopped and were replaced with an eerie silence that caused the gods to hold their breath. And as the dust began to settle, the gods were met with the sight of a drakon still very much alive, licking its lips. (A/N: I was really tempted to end it here. xD)

Line Break

Percy Point of View

I could officially say that if being swallowed whole by a drakon was ever going to make it onto my bucket list, I could scratch it off now. My immediate surroundings were surprisingly soft and wet, nothing similar to the titanium-like exterior that the drakon's hide was made of. I had to say though, that taking this massive creature down from the inside would be much easier to do than it would be from the outside. All I needed to do was let loose a little. And so I began to swing my mace and sword around with reckless abandon, slicing and bludgeoning anything that I could possibly come into contact with.

To add upon the damage I was already causing, I even began to withdraw moisture from the soft, wet organic tissue from all around me. From what little I could see, I watched as dry spots began to form and the organic matter began to crack and bleed from the sudden loss of water. It wasn't long before the drakon began to cough and hack, retching from the heartburn it was experiencing from a single demigod snack. But I continued further from the maw of the drakon trying desperately to throw me up, causing more damage and internal bleeding with every step I took. Soon enough, I reached its stomach or what I assumed was its stomach, the acrid smell in the still air giving me all the clues I needed.

By now, the drakon's attempts to throw me up had weakened considerably and I knew that it was nearing death's door. It was only a matter of time before it dissolved into golden dust along with all of the other monsters I squashed today. What really drove it over the edge, was what I proceeded to do next. In seconds, I took the moisture I had been collecting up until now and froze it as I walked mere inches above the pool of stomach acid, slicing open the drakon's stomach as I walked in a massive circle. The entire time, the drakon roared out in pain, causing its entire body to vibrate as it did. And just as I finished my circle, the stomach acid spilled out and the drakon's roars died out just as its body began to dissolve into golden dust. Needless to say, this was an experience that no other living demigod would be able to say they had.

Soon after the body of the drakon dissolved, leaving behind only a skeleton, I decided it would be best to leave the area before anything else showed up. So, I began to climb the cliff that I had leapt off of and after some precarious moments with loose hand and footholds, I found myself back on top. Leaving the dust behind me, I began to walk once more in the direction I had been heading, despite the fact that I had no idea where Kronos was reforming exactly. And despite my lack of information down here in Tartarus, I knew one thing for sure. The world around me was fading into darkness, a strong blow to the back of my head made sure of that as I fell unconscious knowing very well that when I woke up, it wouldn't be very pretty.

A/N: Quite a chapter if I do say so myself. Percy got to see how things are holding up without him and I'm sure he'll get to see a little more next chapter. Not only that, but he got to warm up a bit before he got eaten. Then, to top it all off, someone or something pulled a sneaky on him and hit him on the head. Anyway, see you all in the next chapter! Ciao.

What's gained from each Primordial blessing (suggestions should be put in your review, I read them all):

Moros - Primordial God of Doom, Destiny, Destruction

In General:

The blessing loosens the Fates and Ananke's ability to influence Percy's Fate. Not only that, but increased agility, strength (physical and mental), speed and stamina.


Killing Intent - This ability is exactly as it says. The people/monsters/gods/goddesses that feel this will usually feel fear, hopelessness, attraction/arousal (the masochists anyway) and their impending doom.

Accepted Truth - This ability causes the person it is aimed at to feel that inescapable feeling some feel in the face of death. That immovable feeling of peace and acceptance. This feeling of acceptance is enough to render the receiver immobile, unmoving. Giving the user enough time to finish him/her off.

Ananke - Primordial Goddess of Destiny, Fate, Inevitability

In General:

The blessing loosens the Fates and her own ability to influence Percy's Fate. Like Moros' blessing, Ananke's increases Percy's speed, agility, strength (physically and mentally), and stamina.


Blunt Truth - This ability allows Percy to see the Fate of someone or something like he's watching a movie. He may use this at times to give a person or creature spoilers on their Fate. Like, how they'll die or who they'll end up with, etc.

Altered Fate - This ability can only be used once per person. It allows Percy to change one thing in a person's life, not including when they die. What he could change would include how they die, who they end up with, whether they were born male or female, etc. without consequences involved.

Nyx – Primordial Goddess of Night

In General:

The blessing, like that of the others, loosens the ability of the Fates to influence his fate. Percy is also capable of seeing at night as if he were looking through night-vision goggles. His eyes adjust to this form of vision automatically.


Night Call – This ability allows for Percy to know what night creatures and how many are around him within a three-mile radius.

Erebus – Primordial God of Darkness, Shadow

In General:

The blessing adds another layer of protection from the Fates ability to influence Percy's fate.


Shadow Travel – This ability is exactly like that of the form of travel Nico uses in the canon series.

Dark Intrusion – Allows Percy to literally become a shadow and penetrate through the barriers of his enemy's mind, effectively reading their mind and leeching out any sensitive information he may need.

Physis – Primordial Goddess of Nature

In General:

The blessing adds another layer of protection from the Fates ability to influence Percy's fate.


Tree Travel – Allows for Percy to do walk through trees, traveling through plants to get to his destination.

Plant-Aids – Percy can use plants to fight his opponents, like the magic Grover uses within the series. It can also be willed to bring him medical herbs or edible plants.