NOTE: Hey, all! In my last Gilligan's Island fic, Bad Luck, I made a goof. It's a sequel to 6 Shoulders to Cry On, and in 6 Shoulders to Cry On, I had Kinkaid killed, but in Bad Luck, I had him locked away. So, my bad! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this next story. :) I've been on a Gilligan's Island fanfiction kick lately.
Dear Diary,
Me and Skipper are stuck on a deserted island with five passengers. A terrible storm is what shipwrecked us, and one of the passengers, Professor, thinks there might be headhunters on this island. Now, there's good news. All the passengers are nice, luckily. There's the Professor, who is very smart, and always says word I can't understand. There's Ginger Grant, a famous movie star.
I've seen all of her movies, and I can't believe I'm stuck on and island with an actress! There's Thurston Howell III, a millionaire, and his wife. Then there's Mary Ann, a farm girl from Kansas. I sure hope we get off this island soon.
Dear Diary,
We heard on the radio that the search has been called off for all of us. If that wasn't bad enough, a big storm came and we all had to build a hut. We lived through the storm, and ended up building our own huts. Me and the Skipper's hut was finished last because I kept handing out all our tools.
Dear Diary,
Skipper says the island has voodoo. I don't really know if I believe in it or not. Skipper sure does, though. He thought that the island turned me into a monkey because a monkey took my clothes while I was washing off in the lagoon. I felt like the others liked me best as a monkey. They all laughed and told me that they liked me just the way I am which made me feel good.
I sure hope my brother, Mark, doesn't kill me when we get off the island. I took his favorite shirt.
Dear Diary,
Skipper started sleepwalking and was able to turn the radio into a transmitter, but couldn't remember what to do when he was awake. I ended up breaking the radio. Not on purpose, though. A woman named Alice flew over us, but she didn't find us. Skipper was pretty mad.
After I said I was sorry, Skipper said it was over, and that we would get home eventually, and he would buy me a big juicy steak. I sure hope we get rescued soon.
Dear Diary,
Wrongway Feldman was stuck on this island, too! His plane crashed, and he couldn't fix it. Professor was able to help fix it, but Wrongway was too nervous about flying, so I told him to teach me how to do it.
He ended up changing his mind and knocked me out when I tried to stop him from going. He made it home, but sadly, no one believed him about us.
It sure was neat, though, meeting the Wrongway Feldman.
Dear Diary,
We had an election to see who should run the island. I ended up winning! I tried really hard, but nobody cared what I had to say, and nobody cared that I was the one who found the well water. They didn't even try to help me build a tower so that someone might see us! I bet if Professor or Skipper had that idea, they would all help. What is it about me, Diary? Why did I win if no one even cares what I have to say?
Dear Diary,
The others felt bad about the way they treated me so they said we should just drop the whole president thing. Good, I'm glad. They said they were sorry, and Skipper gave me two days off from doing chores.
Dear Diary,
We found a duck. Skipper wanted to eat her, but I wouldn't let him. I know he's hungry and tired of fish and coconuts. So am I, but Emily is such a sweet duck, that I just couldn't eat her or let anyone else eat her.
We were going to tie a note to her leg and send her flying, hoping that somebody would find her. She flew, but I forgot to put the note on her. Goofed again. I'm starting to think we're never going to get off this island.
Dear Diary,
The Minnow fell apart completely! I found a tree sap that turned out to be glue, and seemed permanent. We used it to fix the Minnow, but it wasn't permanent. Only for a little while, but not very long. I feel bad. I thought I actually did something right for a change. I've also been doing some thinking about Mary Ann.
She was helping me look for the sap and we were tasting the trees. I think she might like me. She's okay for a girl, but I'm kind of scared of girls.
Dear Diary,
I can't believe it! For once, I didn't do anything wrong. It was the others. We found a gold mine, as well as a raft that we fixed up, and we thought that this was going to be our ticket off the island. It would have been if the others hadn't been greedy, and tried to put gold in the raft. I'm the only one who didn't. The raft sunk.
I'm happy that I didn't goof up, but I'm still sad that we're stuck here still.
Dear Diary,
The Skipper has had a rough few days. He found a statue of a Tiki God and thought that he was cursed. We tried to cheer him up by throwing him a party, but Ginger and Mary Ann didn't know that he was scared of the statue and gave it to him as a present. I've seen Skipper scared before, but never that scared! Not even during the storm where we got shipwrecked. Skipper ran into a tree and hurt his head really bad. I dressed up as someone named Watubi, the only one who could get rid of the curse. Skipper believed that I was really Watubi, and that I got rid of the curse.
I should be an actor.