The DC Takeover

This is a fun story based on my own vacation experience in Washington DC.

I own no characters!

All the Transformers characters belong to Hasbro!

Darkstorm, Skybreak, and Emusa belong to Dream's Realm!

Skye belongs to Blondie-moyashi!

I hope you guys enjoy it!

Day 1: Arrival

"Why did I ever agree to this?" Knockout looked over at his sparkmate.

Emusa just sighed, "Your former apprentice is sure persuasive. I never thought you would agree to something like this."

"So," Skybreak entered the room, "You two are joining us as well?"

"Thanks to your sister, it seems so."

The doors opened again; Bumblebee, Darkstorm, Dreadwing, Moonracer, Predaking, Flareup, Darksteel, Skylynx, Elita, and Optimus, who carried his infant son, Rodimus, in his arms.

"So, are we going or not?" Flareup huffed.

Darkstorm flipped the lever, activating the spacebridge. "Let's go!"

They went through, arriving in at a military base, back on earth. "Welcome back!"

"I was wondering where you guys were." Arcee, Jack, Raf, Bulkhead, Wheeljack, Miko, Agent Fowler, Colonel Lennox, Smokescreen, and his sparkmate, Skye awaited them.

"So what's the plan?"

Colonel Lennox smiled, "We decided to let you guys have a vacation here on earth. Since you guys are rebuilding your world, we decided to treat you to guys to a 6 day stay in our nation's capital, Washington DC."

"Let me guess," Emusa vented, "we're going to spend six days in our holoforms, and basically live as humans for six days?"


Darkstorm giggled, "It's going to be so much fun!" As always, Darkstorm was super excited, and her enthusiasm rubbed off on everyone else.

"Come on! Let's get started! The Autobots activated their holoforms. Emusa pulled at the human clothing before brushing a strand of strawberry red hair behind her ear.

"Now," Agent Fowler turned to the other humans, "most of your names wouldn't work for humans, so the kids have thought up some human names for you guys to use."

Darksteel bounded forward, excited, "What name did you give me? Is it cool?"

"I picked yours and Slylynx's. The name I picked was Dustin; what do you think?" Raf spoke with nearly the same excitement as the Predacon youngling.

"Dustin… I love it!" He turned around. "Carrier! What do you think?"

Flareup rolled her eyes before chuckling, "It fits you."

The youngling dragged his brother forward, much to his annoyance. "What name did you give Skylynx?"

"Sloan… that's the name I picked."

Skylynx cocked his head. "Sloan's a cool name."

"Now, that they younglings are satisfied, what are our names?"

Skye smiled at them. "Emusa, we picked the name Emma for you, so we can still call you Em at times. Doc Knock, we chose Kurt."

"Kurt and Emma… I guess that'll do…"

"What about us," Moonracer asked, "I mean, Dreads and I."

"We chose the name Melody for you, and for Dreads we picked Daniel.

Jack looked over at the others. "Predaking, we picked out the name Pierce for you, and we chose Fina for Flareup." The two nodded in approval. "We chose Scott for Skybreak and Jarrett for Wheeljack."

"Scott... like Scott Summers?" Skybreak asked with a nod.


"How about us?" Elita stepped forward, holding Rodimus, who squirmed as he tried to get used to the strange feeling of his holoform.

"Since Optimus uses his former name, Orion, for his holoform, we decided to use your former name, Ariel, as well." Skye smiled before coming over and ruffling Rodimus's brown hair. "For the little guy here, we picked an easy name: Ray." The baby giggled at her touch.

Bumblebee felt his sparkmate's joy and nervousness through their bond. He looked at her holoform, which had changed to compensate for her being sparked. He sent his love back through the bond as Darkstorm's hand went to her slightly swollen abdomen. Every time she saw Rodimus, she thought of their unborn daughter and what she would be like.

"The others already have alias's. Arcee is Amy, Bulkhead is Bane, Bee is Brian, and Darkstorm is Dawn."

"Sounds good!"

"If you don't mind me saying," Flareup cut in, "why are we starting the vacation when it's nearly five in the evening? Why wouldn't we start it in the morning?"

Lennox smiled. "We did that on purpose, to give you guys a taste of normal human life in DC. We're going to take the subway to the hotel… during rush hour." All the bot's with Automobile alt modes groaned slightly; they all knew of rush hour.

"This'll be fun…"

"Don't worry," Jack chuckled, "it won't be any longer than usual, the train will just have a lot more people in it."

Arcee nodded, "Ok… that's a little better."

Miko went about, handing everyone a card. "This will get you into the subway; don't lose it."

"Now," Fowler said, "The hotel we're staying at is the Arlington Suites in Virginia. All the rooms are prepped. The bonded couples will share a room and if they have kids, their kids will room with them. Darkstorm and Bumblebee have offered to let Raf stay with them. The rest of the mechs will share a room as will the femmes."

"Pit yeah!" Skybreak laughed, "That means me, Dreads, Bulk, Jackie, and Jack are sharing a room. We are gonna party!"

"Don't party too hard or you're gonna be tired when we do all the walking tomorrow… and no high grade!"

He pouted, "Aw, Skye, you're no fun."

"Well," Arcee sighed, "at least you're not sharing a room with two horror-movie junkies."

Miko smirked at Moonracer, "Hey, I looked at our channel list and we get this vampire show called The Strain."

"Sounds great!" This reply made Arcee groan.

"Hey! Let's get to DC already!"

Lennox smiled, "Ok…" He started up the groundbridge. "We're bridging into a room right off the Metro Subway station."

"Let's get this vacation started!" The group walked through the bridge into a room that was just big enough for all of them.

They walked out the door and had to stop; the station was packed. "Welcome to subway rush hour."

Flareup and Predaking grabbed their sons' hands to prevent from getting separated. The group pushed through the crowd, moving with the flow of traffic to where the trains were. Coming to the entrance the bots watched as the kids scanned their cards and walked through; they followed suit.

"We're taking the train to the Court House stop."

The group pushed their way onto one of the trains, forcefully. They stood in very close quarters to everyone on the train.

Darkstorm placed a hand on her abdomen and breathed deeply. "Miss," she looked up and saw a man looking at her.


He stood, "Would you like my seat?"

"Why thank you!" She sat down gratefully.

Bumblebee pushed his way to her, "Dawn, are you ok?"

"I'm fine Brian."

The man reached out his hand to Bee, "Hello, I'm James."

"Brian… Thank you for letting my wife sit down."

James smiled, "How many months?"


"You're wife, Dawn was it," he asked, "She's pregnant, right?" The couple nodded. "How many months?"

Darkstorm smiled, "Four…"

"Boy or girl?"

"A girl…"

"Well, congratulations," James smiled gently. "What stop are ya'll getting off at?"

Bee looked over at him, "Court House. What about you?"

"Rosslyn. I'm here on a business trip, what about you?"

"We're here with some friends and family for vacation." Darkstorm replied.

Next stop, Rosslyn

James huffed, "That was fast; well, it was nice meeting you."

"You as well," Darkstorm gave a kind grin, "and thank you for the seat."

The subway stopped and the man shook both their hands before leaving the train. "He was nice…"

Next stop, Court House

The Cybertronian group shoved their way off the train. Emusa stretched, "That was horribly cramped!"

"That we can agree on," Arcee nodded.

Miko chuckled, "Come on, guys, we have to walk to the hotel from here."


"Don't complain, Skybreak, it's not that far." The large group walked through the crowded tunnels up to street level.

Bulkhead smirked, "Fresh air! Now, how far is the hotel?"

"Right down the road."

"And where are you two headed?" Everyone turned and saw Fowler and Lennox walking away.

The special agent smiled back at them, "To get ya'll some dinner. You guys go ahead to the hotel and we'll meet you there."

The two headed for a black SUV as the others headed for the road. "It's just this way."

They walked down the sidewalk for about two minutes. "Are we really going to be walking a lot?"

"Yep. We'll take the subway for long distances but we'll be walking mostly. It won' be too bad, but you'll find out what sore feet feel like."

"Oh yea…"

Darksteel and Skylynx bounced around, looking around at every building and sight. "Hey!" Darksteel pointed, "Is that the hotel?"

"Yep, the Arlington Suites." Predaking had to grab his two sons by their shirt collars to keep them from rushing forward.

A quick walk forward and the group soon stood in the hotel lobby. Jack pulled out some cards. "Here are your room keys. Fowler will give us a call when they bring in dinner; we'll meet on the mezzanine floor. That's it, vacation has officially begun!"

Darkstorm, Bumblebee, and Raf entered their hotel room. "You guys really outdid yourself with this vacation."

"Aw…" Raf blushed, "it was no trouble. We wanted you guys to have some fun."

"Well, this is wonderful. Thank you." Darkstorm sat on the bed. She looked up and saw her sparkmate reaching for the TV remote. "Don't you dare, Bee. Dinner is coming soon; we'll watch TV afterwards."

"Yes dear…"

The door to the room opened, letting the two younglings dash in. Darksteel and Skylynx leapt onto the bed. "The berths are so soft!"

"Stop jumping on them!"

"Yes carrier…" the two got off the beds.

Flareup looked around at the room. A small smile crossed her features when she saw the coffee maker; she may not have like too much of earth food but she did like coffee. "This doesn't look too bad."

"No it does not, I believe this will be quite enjoyable… our sons seem to be enjoying it already."

The younglings flopped back on the bed, burying their faces in the pillows. "SSSSSOOOOOOFFFFFFTTTTTTT"

Predaking and Flareup chuckled at the silliness of their sons.

Jack, Wheeljack, Bulkhead, Skybreak, and Dreadwing entered the large hotel room. "All right! Time for the mechs to PARTY!"

"Remember what Skye said," Dreadwing chided, "Don't party too hard."

Jack chuckled, "Don't worry, I came prepared. I knew who I was rooming with so I brought a whole collection of action and war movies for us to watch."

"Ok…" Wheeljack picked up a green, intricately designed box, "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring? That sounds interesting…"

"You guys would love that series. It would take us three nights to finish the series but ya'll will love it."

Bulkhead cheered, "Then let's get this party started!"

"Pit yea!"

Optimus held the door to their room open as Elita carried Rodimus inside; the sparkling slept contentedly in his carrier's arms.

"Oh, they didn't have to do this…" the femme smiled. Beside the double bed sat a crib for Rodimus. There was also a stroller and a bag for them to carry some stuff for the little mech.

"They really wanted to bless us with this vacation," Optimus smiled, "We will have to thank them for all this."

His sparkmate laid their son in the crib, smiling at his peaceful expression. "This truly is a blessing."

"No horror movies!" Arcee huffed as she entered the room.

"Aw," Moonracer sighed, "you're no fun."

"Yea," Miko agreed, "to quote The Nightmare Before Christmas, 'Life's no fun without a good scare'. Speaking of which, I brought that movie!"

"Woo hoo!"

The two-wheeler groaned, "Oh yea…"

Smokescreen opened the hotel door with a grin. "Our own little room… just the two of us."

"Oh stop it…" the brit rolled her eyes with a laugh as she entered.

"Why?" Her husband began tickling Skye. "Don't you like spending time with me…?"

"Stop!" Skye laughed, playfully pushed him.

He stopped, smiling widely, "Maybe we'll be able to spend some time, just the two of us."

"Oh don't worry. We set up a date night for all the couples. So, how does a romantic Italian dinner by moonlight sound?"

Planting a kiss on her lips, he grinned, "Anything with you sounds amazing!"

Knock Out sat on the bed, his sparkmate looking around the room.

"So, there's a bathroom, a little kitchen, and a small couch before the TV… not much is here."

"There doesn't have to be much," the medic smiled, taking off his sunglasses, "It's only for temporary stays anyway."

Sitting beside him, Emusa leaned on Knock Out. "I must say, it is nice to relax for a while… even though we have to use these slagging holoforms."

"It actually sounds like it'll be fun, despite the 'slagging holoforms' and we'll get to have an 'adventure' here on earth."

"An adventure is right… but, it does sound fun." She looked out their room window, the buildings spread out before them and, despite some of the group's blatant annoyance with human kind, this truly seemed like it would be an enjoyable vacation.

This isn't a fast-paced story but a fun one. This is a short chapter, but the fun will really start in the next one.

Day 2: Spaced Out China Town