Hey guys! I'm using today to update all my stories, however I've only competed one and it has taken me about 40 minutes, so I've got a long way to go...

Anyway on with the story :)

Eddie Prov:

I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the blush that crept over Fabian's face as Yacker mentioned doing his poem about Nina.

I slid down next to Yacker forcing her to move over slightly which made her started moaning about how much space I take up and that I had forced her to move, but I knew that she didn't actually care, she just likes to complain about everything.

Patricia Prov:

I felt Eddie slide in next to me and put his arm around me, even though I didn't mind it, he knew I didn't like pda (pubic display of affection) especially when I knew that Amber was near she always managed to know when any of the couples are showing affection and can capture it on her camera to put in her scrapbook.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw Fabian writing his poem about Nina, even though those two were so shy and hadn't truly expressed how they feel, everyone could tell that they were madly in love.

I find it weird how different the two relationships are: Eddie and I know where in love but not want to show it, where as Nina and Fabian are in love but don't know how to show it to each other and to the world.

Fabian Prov:

I found it really difficult to put into words how I felt about Nina. Everything about her makes me smile and I can't stop thinking about her, it's hard knowing that every time we find something her life is put into danger.

Kt Prov:

I had already discussed with Mara and Trudy about having a sleepover in the living room as it was the weekend. Trudy agreed but only because Victor was away for some conference this weekend, he says it's something to do with the running of the boarding house or the school, however everyone in Sibuna knew it had something to do with Egyptian treasure.

'Have we got everything for tonight?' Mara jolted me out of my thoughts.

'Umm.. I don't know checklist?'

'So we've got sleeping bags, films, snacks?'


'Yeah stuff to eat? Mara answered sarcastically

'We can go ask Trudy?'

Trudy was in the kitchen preparing dinner for everyone.

'Hello lovelies, what can I do for you?'

'We were just wondering if there was anything snack wise for tonight?'

'Well, I was going to go to the shops tomorrow but I suppose I can go tonight and sunday if I forget anything, do you want to come with me?'

'YES!' We both shouted.

~At the sleepover~

Patricia Prov:

'Okay truth or dare Patricia.' Jerome said.

'Dare.' I smirked.

'I dare you to... go into the attic and stay there for 10 minutes then bring something back down.'

Even though it scared me I was a sucker for dares and knew that they would never let me live it down if I didn't.

'Fine, someone set a timer.' Jerome looked shocked at first but got out his phone.

Up to the attic I go, I thought.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed remember to review/comment what you guys thought of the story :)