Please review, sorry it has been so long ! X

"Do you want me to get you anything?" Nick asked as he opened the door to Greg's bedroom slightly. He had been in there for an hour and Nick had wondered what was going through the guy's head. He had knocked on the door gently and Greg hadn't answered, so he opened it anyway and saw the CSI lying on his side, on top of his covers, his eyes open and just staring at the wall opposite him.

Greg shook his head slightly and Nick nodded, even though he didn't think Greg could see him. "You want to talk?" he asked and got the same answer. He sighed and opened the door a little more and went in, walking around the side of the bed Greg was facing. He bent down in front of him and spoke quietly, "Why don't you come and sit on the couch for a while? Come and sit with me."

Greg moved his eyes to look into his friend's and pushed himself up slowly. Nick smiled and held his hand out, helping Greg up as he stood himself. He signalled for Greg to go first and picked up the pills that were on Greg's bedside.

Once they were out of the bedroom, Greg went to sit down and Nick went into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water he found in Greg's refrigerator.

"Here, have a drink" he said as he passed it to Greg. He set it down in front of him on the table when Greg didn't take it and he saw Greg fiddling his hands together, "Do you need to take anything? Any pills?" Nick asked him before sitting down, putting the orange bottle from Greg's bedroom next to the water.

Greg kind of shook his head and shrugged slightly in answer to Nick's question and Nick leant forward, unscrewing the top of the bottle of water and passing it to his friend who took it with shaky hands. Nick didn't comment on it and just felt the sadness build inside of him at the state of his best friend. He took the pill bottle also and tipped one out, "Here, it won't hurt to take one" he said and dropped it in Greg's hand which he held out. He watched as he swallowed it with ease and put the bottle down between his legs on the couch.

"Do you want me to put the T.V. on?" Nick offered him, trying to find something to get his friend to focus on.

He stood without waiting for an answer and grabbed the remote control from the stand the T.V. was on and turned it on.

As soon as it turned on, it was on a music channel, some rock song playing that Nick had never heard of. He laughed and Greg turned to him questionably, "You still like this stuff huh?"

Greg turned back to the T.V. and nodded.

Nick smiled, "You used to spend hours in the lab with this stuff blasting out. Grissom would come in and turn it off, but you'd turn it back on as soon as he left" he laughed again, "You were crazy, man. Hyped up on all your coffee. You still have that?"

Greg frowned and shook his head, "I don't know what you're on about."

"Blue Hawaiian? I think you had the stuff imported or something" Nick explained. "It was the best coffee I've ever had, but you hardly shared it, the stuff was expensive."

Greg's lip curled slightly, "Oh yeah. I don't think I have any, if I do I haven't seen it."

Nick smiled, "I think we should order some, take some to the lab, you know, the guys will appreciate it."

Greg nodded at him, "Ok, where do we have to go to buy it though?" he asked, a slight shake in his voice.

"Online" Nick assured him, "We can order it online."

Greg nodded again and then turned back to the T.V.

"Do you want me to get you some ice for your face?" Nick asked him after a moment.

"No, it's ok" Greg told him quietly.

"Are you sure? It looks pretty nasty" Nick commented with a wince.

But Greg just shook his head.

Nick sighed quietly and turned back to the T.V. changing the channel to something watchable. And that's how they spent the rest of their day.

When Nick eventually went home, he got in his truck and made sure to drive off before he broke and tears leaked from his eyes.

Greg had changed so much, and as hard as he tried to not let it affect him, or how hard he tried to not let Greg know, it was torturing him to see his friend so lost. He knew he was being selfish but he wished Greg would remember what he was like before. He wished he remembered the music he used to blast in the lab, as well as the coffee he used to drink.

Greg just wasn't Greg anymore.

He wiped the tears from his face as he stopped at a red light and composed himself. He couldn't keep thinking of the past, he had to look forward, not just for himself but for Greg too. The poor guy had just had his life turned upside down by some heartless bastards who didn't even know him. He still couldn't imagine what his friend must be going through and he was worried about him. Not knowing what was going on in his head scared him. If he was in Greg's situation, he wasn't sure how much longer he would last. He wondered if he would have lasted this long or if he would have done something stupid a long time ago.

He shook his head and rubbed his hands over his face. He was exhausted. Mentally exhausted. There were just so many things he had to adjust to and it was taking its toll. But Nick knew it wasn't just him struggling to come to terms with things. The whole team had shown signs of being stressed out.

Nick jumped as someone honked their horn behind him and snapped back into reality, setting off again and just thinking of the comfort of his bed.

He called around at Greg's again the next day after his shift. The others were all naturally concerned and he filled them in with the situation. A few of them had said they would call around but Nick told them Greg probably didn't want much company since he had hardly said two words to himself yesterday.

He smiled as Greg opened up his door with a small smile, "Hey man, how you doin'?" Nick asked him as he stepped inside, taking a look at the shiner around Greg's eye.

"Alright" Greg said to him with another smile as Nick sat down.

"Good, I bought you a few things, stock up your cupboards for a little while" he explained as he put the bags down on the table in front of him.

"Thanks" Greg said to him, sitting down at a chair by the couch Nick sat on.

Nick looked at him when he didn't say anything and then stood to take the bags into Greg's kitchen, and then unloading them. Once he returned to sit down again, Greg still didn't say anything and Nick could see he was deep in thought. He could also see the bags starting to develop under his eyes, even the one which was slightly swollen and discoloured.

"Did you get much sleep last night?" He asked him.

Greg looked at him, his eyes wide. "Yeah, I had a little bit."

Nick looked at him sceptically and Greg turned away from him, "What kept you up?" He asked him softly.

Greg looked up to him again and shook his head, "Just thinking about everything" he told him honestly.

Nick gave him a sad smile, "Yeah, things have gotta turn around soon thought right? Things are gonna' get better."

Greg offered him a sideways smile but Nick could see he was bothered somewhat. "Do you want to talk about anything?" He asked him.

Greg sighed and put his head back on his chair, "I just can't believe I hit that guy, you know? I just… I don't think I've ever hit anyone before."

Nick smirked, "I could kind of figure that out, you hardly made a mark on that guy" he joked. Greg smiled but Nick could tell he wasn't in the mood to laugh.

"You're not a bad guy for hitting him, you know that don't you?" Nick asked him. "I know you don't like to talk about it but you've been through a lot of shit. We didn't even know if you were gonna' make it. The doctors said you probably wouldn't. You're allowed to act a little out of character after everything."

"I still shouldn't have hit him though" Greg said, wiping his hand over his face and then through his hair.

"Well I can't really say that you should have, so you're right, but it's not going to happen again, so it's alright" Nick said to him.

Greg just shook his head gently and looked down at the floor.

"Why don't we go out somewhere, grab something to eat?" Nick suggested.

"I'm not bothered, just gonna' eat here" Greg told him.

"Mind if I join you?" Nick asked him.

Greg looked up to him and shook his head, "No."

Nick smiled and stood again, going into his kitchen. Greg stood also and followed him slowly, watching as his friend went in his refrigerator and pulled out a few things.

"You going to stand there or are you going to give me a hand?" Nick asked him with raised eyebrows, making Greg actually laugh a little bit. Nick laughed too, not helping himself. He hadn't expected Greg to laugh, physically laugh! He hadn't seemed to do an action so genuine in forever.

"You want burritos or hotdogs?" Nick asked as Greg came over to him.

Greg shrugged his shoulders, "What do you want?"

Nick copied him, "I don't know, man, you decide."

"Burritos then" Greg told him with a small smile.

"Burritos it is."

Nick didn't know what had happened, but Greg was more talkative over their dinner than he had been in a long time. Well not exactly talkative per say, but he said more than he had since the incident. He even joked with Nick a little bit.

Nick remembered when he first took Greg home, back to his place from the hospital.


"Ok, come on" Nick said as he held his arm out for his friend, holding the passenger side door open with his other.

Russell came around that side too, holding his own hand out.

Greg slowly turned to get out, moving his legs to the side of the seat and tentatively reaching his arms out to grab onto this boss and colleague.

Russell could feel the younger man shaking like crazy as he grasped his hand, holding onto it as if his life depended on it. He put his other hand on top of Greg's, offering him a little bit of extra support, "That's it, take your time, bud" he coaxed him as he slowly allowed himself to slide off of the seat and put some of his weight onto his friends as he found his balance.

"You alright?" Nick asked him as he slowly took a step forward.

Greg nodded a little and Nick slowly took another step, guiding Greg up the short path to his front door where Catherine was waiting, holding it open for them.

It took a little while but once they were inside, they didn't stop until they were in Nick's spare bedroom, where Greg was going to be staying.

They helped him sit on the bed and then Russell and the team put all of his belongings away for him. They had all wanted to help Greg move into Nick's place. Since they knew Greg wouldn't cope on his own, Nick immediately told them he would stay with him.

"We'll take your sweatshirt off and then you can get in bed" Nick told him, earning a small nod from Greg.

"Come on I'll help you" Nick said to him when Greg didn't move. He grabbed the bottom of Greg's jumper and gently pulled it up. Morgan came and did the same when Greg struggled to get his arm out because of his sluggish movement. He could manage to move around but it was going to take a lot more physical therapy before Greg was even half as competent as he was before the… incident.

Morgan smiled as they pulled it over his head, making his hair stand up at odd angles, "You've already got the bed head look" she commented, not getting a reaction from Greg. She knew she wouldn't, but she couldn't help but still hold some hope that Greg was just going to spring back to how he was before.

She smiled one last time before stroking Nick's arm as she went past him and left the bedroom. Now with just Nick and Greg, Nick held out his hand, "Stand up and then you can lie down and get some sleep" he told him as Greg pulled himself up, "It's alright, lean on me" Nick told him as Greg put his hand out to the bedside table to sturdy himself.

Once he was stood, Nick pulled back the covers and turned back to his friend, "Get in, buddy."

Greg sat back down again and then lay down, bringing his legs up onto the bed, with a little help from Nick. "You want anything before I go?" He asked him as he gently brought the covers up over his friend.

Greg shook his head slightly and gave him a little smile, "Thanks" he told him, "I know I haven't said it yet" he added quietly, "Thanks for… looking after me" Greg said to me with a shaky voice.

Nick nodded and gave him a quick smile, "You don't have to say it, man. You know I'd do anything for you, right? I'm here, whatever you need. Get some sleep alright?" He said to him with another smile and a friendly pat on his covered shoulder.

Nick quickly walked out of Greg's room, well his spare room, and shut the door before let out a deep breath and trying to hold in tears. He leaned his head back on the door and blinked quickly to try and stop the tears from creeping out.

"Hey Nick, we're just-" Sara stopped mid-sentence as she rounded the corner to see him turn around quickly and face the wall so that she couldn't see him.

She came up behind him and put her hand in his shoulder as she saw him smear a tear which fell from his eye, "He's going to be ok" she told him quietly and gave his shoulder a squeeze.

Nick nodded and sniffed as he composed himself before turning back around, "I know, I know he will, I'm just being stupid" he said to her as he let out a small laugh and looking down as he let out another sigh.

Sara smiled, "It's not being stupid, it's being human."

Nick looked up to her and smiled, "Yeah. Have the others gone?" He asked her, trying to recover from his little crack.

"No, we were wondering if you wanted to order take out? It'll be nice to spend some time together outside of the hospital" Sara said to him with a hopeful smile.

Nick grinned, "That sounds great."

End Flashback

Morgan waited outside Greg's place, leaning back to try and look through the window.

Nick had told her Greg had been a little more chatty than usual, so she decided she would go and see him when her shift finished. She'd pulled up outside and noticed all his blinds and drapes shut, which concerned her a little. He could have been asleep but she doubted that, and it was daylight out.

She knocked again when she didn't get an answer the first time. She stepped back from his porch and looked up, seeing his drape quickly close and Greg's head move back behind the wall.

Morgan frowned in concern and knocked again, "Greg! Are you alright?" She shouted, head to the door to listen for a response.

She knocked again and pulled out her cell, calling Greg. She put it to her ear and looked up to his window again before he picked up, "Greg? What's going on? Are you alright?" She asked him worried, "Why are all the blinds closed?"

She could hear shaky breathing on the other end and her concern only grew as she tried the door, only to find it locked, "Greg? What's wrong, let me in" she told him, trying to keep calm.

"They're going to do it again" he said quietly, his voice shaking.

Morgan wanted to cry at how vulnerable he sounded, but knew now wasn't the time. "Greg, they're not here, they can't do it again."

She heard him sniff and his breathing become hoarse, "Greg, come and let me in" she told him.

"Greg, come on, it's ok, it's just me" she told him as she made her way around the back and tried that door, surprisingly finding it unlocked.

"Greg, I'm coming in" she said to him, "I'm coming upstairs ok?" She told him and then hung up her call.

"Greg?" She called again when he didn't reply to her before she hung up, "Can I come in?" she asked when she reached the shut door.

Morgan waited a second before going in, seeing Greg sat on the edge of his bed, his breathing hitching.

She rushed over and sat next to him, "Hey calm down, calm down, it's ok."

Greg didn't look at her just stared down and Morgan could feel him shaking next to her. She looked around and saw a blanket draped over the back of a chair in his room and ran to grab it, bringing it over and placing it around Greg, "You're freezing" she commented as she felt his cheek with the back of her hand, pulling him into her and rubbing his arm to warm him.

"What brought this on, Greg?" She asked him once his breathing was a bit more regular. She was so excited to see him, talk to him, after what Nick had told her. The last thing she expected was this.

"There's was something on the T.V." Greg told her, "I can't remember."

She rubbed his back and put a friendly hand on his thigh, "Alright. Did you close all the blinds? All the drapes?" She asked him.

He nodded and still didn't look up at her, "It seems better like that, safer."

Morgan shook her head at a loss. It was pretty obvious something had scared him, reminded him of what had happened months ago, but she guessed she would never find out what caused him to have what she could only assume was a panic attack.

"How did you get in?" Greg asked her, pulling away from her hold.

"Your back door was unlocked" she told him and immediately he shook his head, "No it wasn't, I locked it."

Morgan frowned, "Maybe it didn't quite latch or something" she said to him, watching as he shook his head again, adamant he had locked it, "but it doesn't matter, I'm glad I got in."

Greg gave her a soft smile, "Why are you here?" he asked her quietly.

"Well Nick actually said you were doing a lot better yesterday when he saw you, so I thought we could hang out for a few hours, if you wanted to" she added.

Greg nodded, "Yeah, alright. You want to go downstairs?" He asked her with an awkward false laugh as he took the blanket from around him and folded it with shaky hands.

Morgan smiled at him and nodded, "Yeah, I'll meet you down there" she told him, giving him some time to properly compose himself.

He smiled at her before she turned around and left, then headed into his bathroom where he opened his bathroom cabinet and pulled out his antidepressants. He told himself he would try to stop taking them after what had happened with Nick not too long ago. Nick had told him he would end up like the last time he was on them and Greg believed him, no matter how he tried to think about it, there was always a worry in the back of his mind that things would go wrong if he used them.

But right now he needed to take one. Things were getting too much again. With shaky hands he tipped one out and popped it in his mouth, cupping his hands under his tap and bringing it to his mouth to wash it down.

He washed his face after and then grabbed for a towel, gently dabbing it on his face. He looked in the mirror and sighed deeply before turning to the door and going to sit with Morgan.

"Do you want a drink?" He asked as he came into his living room, seeing her sitting on his couch smiling at him.

"Yeah, whatever you got" she told him.

He nodded once and went to grab two beers out of his refrigerator, bringing them in and passing one to Morgan.

She raised her eyebrows, "You do realise it's like nine o'clock in the morning?" she asked him with a small smile.

He looked up to her and went to stand, "I'll fetch you something else."

"No" she told him quickly before he stood, "No, this is fine, besides I think I need it" she told him before taking a sip from the bottle.

"Was it a bad shift?" Greg asked her quietly, trying to make conversation.

Morgan smiled at his effort, "Yeah, just a tough case is all. A baby."

Greg nodded in understanding. He knew how Morgan got with cases that involved children. It made everyone hate the human responsible a little more than they would if it had been a fully grown adult.

"But we got the guy, so at least he's getting what he deserves" Morgan told him, filling the silence that was beginning to take over.

"Good" Greg said, "That's good."

"How are you? After what happened" Morgan asked him. "We've all been worried about you" she told him honestly, "How's your eye?"

Greg glanced up to her but then looked down, "It's fine. I shouldn't have been so stupid."

Morgan frowned at him, "You weren't stupid."

Greg laughed nervously, "I hit a guy for no reason."

"You hit him because of what's happened. Not because you're stupid, because you're not" she told him, making sure he believed her.

But Greg shook his head, "How many times can I use that as an excuse though?"

Morgan stared at him, "Greg, it's not an excuse. It's a reason. A valid one, don't ever think it isn't."

Greg didn't even answer her that time, just sat and took a drink of his beer.

Morgan didn't say anything either. They both sat in silence for a while until Morgan couldn't take it anymore and started telling him about stupid stories from work. She didn't know if he was listening but she carried on talking anyway. He occasionally would look up to her but that was the only sign he gave her that he realized she was still there, sat in his living room with him.

After she finished her beer and had talked about everything she could think of, Morgan decided to call it a night and told Greg she'd call around again soon, to which he just nodded.

Once she was outside, she made sure to listen to the back door locking before she walked off, then got in her car and went straight home, sat on her couch and had another beer.

Please review. X